Isis defeated in Syria but more dangerous in Europe:
273 muslim arrested in France in 2018, 40 in Italy.
Mistery about the detained in United Kingdom
Al Qaeda and migrant terrorists the big threats

___di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio ___

«In 2018, terrorism continued to constitute a major threat to security in EU Member States. Horrific attacks perpetrated by jihadists like those in Trèbes, Paris, Liège and Strasbourg killed a total of thirteen people and injured many more. In addition, one terrorist attack by a right-wing extremist in Italy and numerous arrests of suspected right-wing terrorists for attack-planning across the European Union (EU) indicate that extremists of diverging orientation increasingly consider violence as a justified means of confrontation. Terrorists not only aim to kill and maim but also to divide our societies and spread hatred. We need to remain vigilant if we are to protect our citizens and values in the face of attempts to use violence for political aims».

The executive director of Europol, Catherine De Bolle, former Belgian Police general commissioner

These words are writed by Catherine De Bolle, former general commissioner of the Belgian police and since 2018 executive director of Europol, in the dossier The Sat 2019, the annual Terrorism Situation and Trend Report elaborated by the all law enforcement agencies of the European Union. It has just been published by Europol and therefore has not yet been released by the international media. The most striking figure in the statistics is that of arrests: 1,056 suspected terrorists who ended up in handcuffs in 2018, 511 of whom were supporters of Jihad in the name of Allah.

The cover of the Europol 2019 dossier on 2018 – TO READ THE COMPLETE DOSSIER, send a request by email to:



In it emerge three substantial serious emergencies: ethnic-nationalist terrorism above all in Great Britain (Northern Ireland), which holds the record of 83 attacks (completed, failed or foiled by the policemen of various countries), that of jihadist inspiration particularly serious in France, where half of the 24 attacks (8 carried out and 16 attempted) by Islamic radicals were recorded, and finally that of left-wing extremists: 19 cases throughout Europe compared with only 1 of right-wing inspiration.

Terrorist attacks differentiated by nation and ideological matrix

Since, however, the political orientation of the European Union has always been socialist-democratic, the director of Europol focuses on the danger of ultra right-wing terrorists by completely omitting to deign to mention the one made by the left-wing with 19 attacks carried out in 2018 (10 in Italy only): in this year in the European Union the left extremists arrested were 34 and 44 on the right, confirming that the preventive action is much more concentrated towards the neo-Nazi groups rather than the heirs of the infamous communist italians Red Brigades, despite the very different number of attacks.



Arrests in different countries of the European Union

But the most serious alarm for Europe is represented by jihadists. If in the past year in the multi-ethnic France, emblem of freedom, equality and brotherhood, 273 suspects of Islamic terrorism were arrested, in the Netherlands 45 and in Germany 43, in Italy 40 Muslims were imprisoned for conspiracies aimed at successful attacks especially in French territory (10) and the Dutch and British ones (4) compared to only two in the German state and one in the Italian state.

An accurate analysis of the document also reveals the crude attempt to cover up the jihadist alarm in Great Britain: while in all other nations the number of radical Islamic terrorists is clearly evident, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, where the Sharia Courts are active and recognized since many years for the resolution of civil disputes in family problems, the intelligence and police services have preferred not to release the real data of those arrested on a Muslim basis.

Arrests differentiated by type in all EU countries except the United Kingdom, which did not reveal the number of jihadists who ended up in handcuffs

In the fight against terrorism “the United Kingdom has contributed with 273 arrests not disaggregated by type of terrorism and does not include 148 arrests carried out in Northern Ireland”, writes a note of the dossier The Sat which shows that London, administered by a Muslim mayor. didn’t want to specify the number of Jihad fanatics detained, despite the alarm from the NCA (National Crime Agency, the US homologated to the American FBI) ​for serial rapes against underage girls made by Muslim gangs in various counties, as reported by Gospa News months ago.



So the Europol report is already partly “distorted”, although the director De Bolle herself is the first to highlight the serious danger of the jihadist threat in the European Union which is increasingly benevolent due to the indiscriminate reception of African migrants despite their very such continent is the ferment and proliferation of radical Islam.

Countries and types of terrorist attacks planned, failed or completed

“Whereas in 2017 jihadists perpetrated ten terrorist attacks in the EU, we suffered seven jihadist terrorist attacks last year. At the same time, however, the number of disrupted jihadist terrorist plots increased substantially. The latter included attempts to produce and deploy chemical and biological substances, a fact which illustrates the level of intent and commitment of individuals, cells and networks to use terrorist tactics to harm the societies they live in – writes the Europol director, launching a new serious alarm – The level of the threat from terrorism, thus, has not diminished, despite the military defeat of IS earlier this year. If anything, the situation has become more complex. Within the jihadist milieu, multiple actors of diverging motivation and allegiance are plotting alone or conspiring with others; and right-wing extremists, in a bid to justify violence, prey on the perception of a threat from Islam, which some people readily fuel by interpreting terrorist propaganda and criminal behaviour as representative of a world religion.”.



Policemen in the Strasbourgh streets after the mortal attack of the last december

The following is an overview of the completed jihadist terrorist attacks in 2018, four of which were claimed by the so-called Islamic State (IS).

On 23 March, a 26-year-old Moroccan male hijacked a car in Carcassonne (France), killing the passenger and wounding the driver. Later, he shot and wounded four police officers nearby military barracks, and attacked a supermarket in Trèbes, where he killed two civilians, injured several others and held the customers hostage. A lieutenant colonel of the French National Gendarmerie, Arnaud Beltrame, who exchanged himself for a hostage, was shot and stabbed by the perpetrator and died later from his injuries. The special task force of the French National Gendarmerie killed the attacker. IS claimed in an Amaq News release that he was ‘a soldier of IS’;

On 5 May, a man stabbed and seriously injured three people in The Hague (the Netherlands) before being shot and arrested by police. The authorities later assessed that he had a terrorist motive;

On 12 May, a 20-year-old French citizen of Chechen origin armed with a knife killed one person and injured several more in Paris (France), before being shot dead by police. IS claimed responsibility for the attack through Amaq News affirming that the attacker was ‘a soldier of IS’, and released a video of the attacker pledging allegiance to IS;

On 29 May, a 31-year-old man who was released from prison on parole the day before, stabbed two female police officers and took one of their guns in Liège (Belgium). He used the handgun to shoot and kill both officers and the passenger of a car, and to wound four other police officers when exiting the school building where he had briefly held a woman hostage. The attacker was killed by police, and the following day IS claimed responsibility for the attack through Amaq News. The perpetrator had converted to Islam and had been radicalised to violence while serving a sentence for drug offences;

On 31 August, a 19-year-old Afghan national who had applied for asylum in Germany stabbed and severely wounded two American tourists in the Amsterdam central railway station (the Netherlands), before being shot and arrested by police. The authorities later assessed that he had a terrorist motive;


On 11 December, a 29-year-old French national of Algerian descent armed with a gun and a knife killed five people and injured others in an attack near Strasbourg Christmas market (France). He was wounded by police before fleeing the scene. After a two-day search, the perpetrator was killed in Strasbourg and IS claimed that the perpetrator was an ‘IS soldier’ through an Amaq News statement on 13 December. Several people were arrested in connection with the attack, including the individual who allegedly supplied the attacker with a firearm;

On 31 December, a 25-year-old man of Somali origin armed with a kitchen knife stabbed and injured three people including a police officer at Victoria station in Manchester (UK). The attacker was arrested, and the authorities later assessed that he had a terrorist motive.



«Equality and freedom can only thrive where citizens can trust that they can exercise their rights and participate in public life without intimidation or fear of violence. Unfortunately, in a growing number of locations outside Europe, violence has become prevalent – adds Dr. De Bolle – In countries like Syria, Libya, Mali, Afghanistan, among others, terrorist groups have gained influence to an extent that they rival the state, whose authority in many cases has already been undermined by particularistic policies, weak structures and corruption. Citizens of these countries are exposed to existential threats to their lives and property based on their belonging to particular communities or adhering to particular practices or beliefs. The perpetuation of these crises has proven to have an impact on Europe, be it through the creation of new grievances or prejudice among different communities in Europe, discrediting international efforts at crisis resolution through diplomacy or providing space for destructive ideologies and terrorist networks to prosper».

More than an analysis of international investigative data, the introduction of Europol’s number one seems a treatise on globalist politics which, by omitting to mention Christian persecutions in the Muslim countries of the Asian Middle East and the African Sahel, instead signals an inevitable danger: «the increasing polarisation and the rise of extremist views is a concern for EU Member States. The public debate about sensitive phenomena like terrorism, therefore, must be based on facts before reaching conclusions» states the Europol director.

«I am proud to say that the EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TESAT) has provided verified facts on terrorism in Europe since 2006 – adds De Bolle – The report has been accepted as a benchmark in discussions about EU counterterrorism policies and academic studies. It is my privilege to hereby hand over the 2019 edition of the TE-SAT to the public. In doing so, I would like to thank the EU Member States and third parties for their contributions to the TE-SAT 2018. In addition, the work of the members of the Advisory Board, consisting of the ‘troika’ (Presidencies of the Council of the EU, namely Austria, Romania, and Finland); France; Spain; Eurojust; the EU Intelligence and Situation Centre (INTCEN) and the Office of the EUCounter-Terrorism Coordinator has been indispensable for the 2019 edition of the TE-SAT».

An analysis of the innumerable interesting aspects of the dossier would require an entire article. Therefore we focus only on the most significant innovations, deliberately ignoring the long part about the jihadist threat in Asia and Africa, already widely witnessed by multiple reports by Gospa News.




With the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria “the number of European Foreign Terrorist Fighters traveling or trying to travel to conflict zones was very low” but the goal of jihadist networks is now in the EU: «the members of the states have been directed towards the realization of activities in the European Union».

the number and type of terrorist attacks (foiled or carried out) in recent years

«In 2018, all fatalities from terrorism were the result of jihadist attacks: 13 people lost their lives. In addition, 46 people were injured in jihadist attacks. This is a considerable decrease compared to 2017, when ten attacks killed 62 people». It highlights the summary of the dossier, noting that in the EU member states there were as many as 16 plots foiled and 7 completed: «a fact that indicates both the continuing high terrorist activity but illustrates the effectiveness of anti-terrorism efforts».

All jihadist terrorist attacks were committed by people who acted alone to strike symbols of authority but often “the author’s motive and connection with other radicalized individuals or groups remained unclear.” Firearms and knives were the tools used denoting a “diminished sophistication in the preparation and execution of terrorist attacks” that led to “fewer victims”.



But “there has also been an increase in the use of pyrotechnic mixtures to produce improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in jihadist plots. Three terrorist plots with the use of CBRN materials (chemical, biological, radioactive or nuclear) ». After the ISIS defeat in Syria, also eliminated by the Baghouz stronghold by the Kurdish militias SDF, there has been a decline in affiliates outside the European Union but this should not create too much optimism. Europol believes it is “likely to be replaced by increased al-Qaeda efforts to reclaim power and influence in the area. Al-Qaeda’s strategy relied on building alliances with local tribes while exploiting political grievances at local and international level, including in Europe”.


Events as the massacre in the mosques of Christchurch in New Zealand, hatched by the native Brenton Tarrant, of Israeli origin and trained by Isis and Mossad as reported by Gospa News, rather than the Easter massacres in the Christian churches of Sri Lanka, designed from an imam instructed by ISIS in Syria, they represent ideal phenomena to create that strategy of terror capable of proliferating extremism and justifying radical Islam and its antagonists.




“The military defeat of the IS in Iraq and Syria has had a significant impact on the numerical functionality of the group” and “the narrative coherence has been compromised by the inability to unify internally its ideological positions. However, IS has managed to maintain an online presence largely thanks to unofficial networks of supporters and press. Both IS and al-Qaeda have continued to search for new carriers online for their propaganda “. But if the use of technological platforms and open source has advanced as a means of encrypted communication tools, the group’s IT attack capabilities have remained rudimentary.

A terrorist with an ISIS flag

Otherwise the danger of radical proselytism remains high: “There is an ongoing risk that individuals with criminal backgrounds, including imprisoned current ones, are vulnerable to indoctrination and could engage in terrorism”. While the number of so-called Foreign Terrorist Fighters, the European fighters in the Middle East, has drastically fallen: “Rather than attempting the journey in the conflict zone, the focus of the jihadist networks of the EU Member States has been directed towards carrying out activities in the European Union, both online and offline”.

The number of individuals returning to the EU has remained very low: hundreds of European citizens remain in detention in Iraq and Syria. All the men and some women prepare themselves for having received training for weapons, even gaining combat experience.

“While children are essentially victims, there are concerns among EU members that they may have been exposed to indoctrination and training in former IS territories, and this could pose a potential threat in the future. The abuse of migration flows by terrorists to enter the EU does not seem to be systematic “. But even though Europol’s dossier is not yet finally accepted, this emergency also represents a dramatic certainty.




How the alarm for ethnic-nationalist terrorist threats is confirmed. If in 2018, no terrorist attack was attributed to Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (PKK, Kurdistan Workers’ Party), confirming that the threat was such in response to Kurdish persecution in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Turkey, where the party HDP entered Parliament for the first time in 2018, tensions remain high in Northern Ireland and Spain for separatist parties.

Terrorist attacks by various matrices (foiled and successful) and arrests in 2018 in Europe

“In 2018, the Dissident Republican (DR) groups continued to represent a significant security threat to Northern Ireland – reports Europol – The threat is mainly represented by the New Irish Republican Army (NIRA), the Irish Republican Continuity Army (CIRA), Arm na Poblachta (ANP, Army of the Republic) and Óglaigh na hÉireann (ONH, Warriors of Ireland) which are divided into two factions”. The attacks almost always target the British police and have been conducted with molotov cocktails, explosives and firearms by invidives linked to organized crime.

In Spain, however, the terrorist threat last year remained very contained after the Eta Euskadi ta Askatasuna (Basque Fatherland and Liberty) suspended the attacks since 2009 announcing the dismantling of the network in May 2018. The only episodes of violence, with attacks on public communication or transport infrastructures, took place by a few extremists of this organization merged into the Ernai group, connected to the far left Basque parties. But they did not cause serious damage or casualties.

Just the extreme left-wing, as mentioned at the beginning, remains one of the most active terrorist components in Europe although the reminiscences of the Nazi period induce the politics and the police to highlight the concerns for the right-wing threat. This is nothing but the consequence of the usual propaganda of mainstream media largely supported by democratic area publishers such as the Gedi group in Italy, owned by the holding company of Carlo De Benedetti, number one subscribed of the italian Democratic Party.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization


THE SAT 2019 – for request original full dossier send email:





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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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