199 Dead in Iran and Italy, almost 6thousands Infected- WHO: “ Covid19 Very High Global Risk. It isn’t a flu”

199 Dead in Iran and Italy, almost 6thousands Infected- WHO: “ Covid19 Very High Global Risk. It isn’t a flu”


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio



  • WORLD – 3.198 dead, 93.090 contagious – WHO report 44
  • CHINA – 2.984 dead, 80.422 infected – WHO report 44
  • ITALY – 107 dead, 2.706 infected – ANSA – real time
  • IRAN – 92 dead, 2.922 infected – PRESS TV – real time

«Technically, this is already a pandemic. The pandemic declaration is only a formal fact: when the international emergency started, the WHO activated the necessary tools to mobilize member states. If the WHO were to choose this path, on the basis of the data collected, absolutely nothing will change for citizens. But the WHO will ask the wealthy states for the money needed to control the virus in poor countries, which risk more “.

This was stated by epidemiologist Pierluigi Lopalco, professor of Hygiene and preventive medicine at the University of Pisa, highlighting the exponential growth of this virus which is arousing the strong concern of the World Health Organization especially in some countries. For this reason, WHO has for some days raised the global level of the risk of contagion from “high” to “very high”, until a few days ago so reported only in China, where the number of new cases of CoVid-19 (or Sars Covid -2) is decreasing.

«The number of cases in China continues to decline. Yesterday, China reported 206 cases of COVID-19 to WHO, the lowest since the 22nd of January. Only 8 cases were reported outside Hubei province yesterday. Outside China, a total of 8739 cases of COVID-19 have been reported to WHO from 61 countries, with 127 deaths» dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesussaid, World Health Organization’s general director said in a press-conference on march,2.

But it’s impossible to release a real update because in Italy and Iran dead and contagious raise again much more every hour: the thesis of the biogenetic weapon is becoming more concrete…

«In the last 24 hours there were almost 9 times more cases reported outside China than inside China. The epidemics in the Republic of Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan are our greatest concern. I would also like to inform you that a WHO team arrived in Iran this afternoon to deliver supplies and support the government in the response. A WHO staff member in our Iran country office has now tested positive for COVID-19. He has mild disease» WHO DG added.

«This virus is not influenza (flu – ed). We are in unchartered territory. We have never before seen a respiratory pathogen that is capable of community transmission, but which can also be contained with the right measures. If this was an influenza epidemic, we would have expected to see widespread community transmission across the globe by now, and efforts to slow it down or contain it would not be feasible. But containment of COVID-19 is feasible and must remain the top priority for all countries. With early, aggressive measures, countries can stop transmission and save lives» dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesussaid highlighted.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesussaid, WHO General Director

«We appreciate that people are debating whether this is a pandemic or not. We are monitoring the situation every moment of every day, and analyzing the data. I have said it before and I’ll say it again: WHO will not hesitate to describe this as a pandemic if that’s what the evidence suggests. But we need to see this in perspective. Of the 88,913 cases reported globally so far, 90% are in China, mostly in one province. Of the 8739 cases reported outside China, 81% are from four countries. Of the other 57 affected countries, 38 have reported 10 cases or less, 19 have reported only one cases, and a good number of countries have already contained the virus and have not reported in the last two weeks. More than 130 countries have not detected any cases yet».

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 2. Intel sources: «Spread by CIA with nano-Uav» as Cyber-DragonflEye. Alert in Iran and Italy

The vaccine and treatment to treat coronavirus may be available starting in late summer, early autumn, said American Vice President Mike Pence, who coordinates the US government’s response to the emergency that caused the former. two victims. Australia (as reported below) also reported that the vaccine has passed laboratory tests. Pence has made it known in the meantime that the United States will implement 100% of the checks on all direct flights arriving from Italy and South Korea in the next 12 hours.


The numbers State by State China: 2,870 victims and China and 79 thousand positives mainly in the province of Hubei Hong Kong: 94 cases and two deaths Macau: 10 cases South Korea: 3,736 cases, 21 deaths Italy: 1,128 positive, 29 victims. Japan: 951 cases, including those of the Diamond Princess, and 12 dead Iran: 54 dead and 978 infected. Singapore: 102 positive. France: over 100 cases and two deaths Germany: 66 positive. United States: 70 positive and one dead Spain: 46 cases Kuwait: 45 cases Thailand: 42 positive and one victim. Taiwan: 39 cases, one death. Bahrain: 38 cases. Malaysia: 29 positive. Australia: 22 cases and one victim. United Kingdom: 35 positive and one victim. United Arab Emirates: 21 positive. Canada: 20 cases. Vietnam: 16. Norway: 15. Iraq: 19 positive. Sweden: 13 cases. Switzerland: 10. Greece: 7. Lebanon: 7. Netherlands: 7 positive. Croatia: 7. Oman: 6 cases. Austria: 5 cases Israel: 5 positive Russia: 5 positive. Mexico: 4 Pakistan: 4 positive. Finland: 3 cases. India: 3 cases Philippines: 3 positive. Romania: 3. Czech Republic: 3. Brazil: 2. Denmark: 2. Algeria: 1. Afghanistan: 1. Armenia 1. Azerbaijan: 1. Belarus: 1. Belgium: 2. Cambodia: 1. Ecuador: 1. Egypt: 1 case. Estonia: 1. Iceland: 1. Ireland: 1. Lithuania: 1. Monaco: 1. Nepal : 1. New Zealand: 1. Nigeria: 1. North Macedonia: 1. Qatar: 1. San Marino: 1. Sri Lanka: 1. Dominican Republic: 1. RAI News source

There is notihing to comment on the new dramatic numbers: we have only to remember a disturbing and authoritative prophecy.

The Center for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) of the University of Cambridge in an August report highlighted the dangers of technology in the war field because «a bio-weapon could be built to target a specific ethnic group based on its genomic profile »Defining this eventuality« extremely harmful and potentially unstoppable».


Iranian’s vice president for women and family affairs, Masoumeh Ebtekar, has contracted the coronavirus. Three high-ranking officials, including Iran’s deputy health minister, were already known to be infected. “Ms. Ebtekar showed signs of infection with coronavirus and was tested. The results came back positive,” IRNA quoted a spokesperson for the vice president as saying.
Iranian’s vice president for women and family affairs, Masoumeh Ebtekar

Earlier in the day, the head of the parliamentary security and foreign relations commission Mojtaba Zonnour said he had also tested positive for the virus. Iran is enduring a large coronavirus outbreak; 26 people have died from the disease, while over 245 cases have been confirmed, according to Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour.

Iran’s Deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi has tested positive for coronavirus, Iranian state media has reported. Harirchi has been at the forefront of the country’s response to the outbreak.

A spokesperson for Iran’s health ministry confirmed in a television interview on Tuesday that Harirchi has been infected and is under quarantine.

Iranian Health deputy minister Iraj Harirchi Covid-19 positive

Schools have been closed across much of the country for the last two days and five of Iran’s seven neighbors have closed their borders with the Islamic Republic.

Clashes broke out between protesters and security forces at the weekend, over Tehran’s handling of the country’s outbreak, local media reported. Infected are raised at 139 persons, according official source. But there are suspicions that the number is more higher…


The governor of Lombardy has chosen to put himself in voluntary quarantine after one of his collaborators has tested positive. The governor of Lombardy Attilio Fontana in voluntary quarantine after a collaborator of his staff resulted positive at CoronaVirus.

Governor of Lombardy Attilio Fontana in voluntary quarantine

Then the commissioner for the emergency on coronavirus drew a picture of the global situation in our country.

Meanwhile, especially in Lombardy, supermarkets have been stormed out of fear of quarantine and the shelves of fresh foodstuffs are starting to be almost empty in numerous stores.



UPDATE 24 FEBRUARY 2020 – hour 12 am

CoronaVirus catastrophe appears more and more like a military attack studied in detail (by the CIA according to our intelligence sources as highlighted in the survey published Sunday 23 February).

In Italy there was the fourth victim in Bergamo and the fifth in Albettone (Vicenza), a 60 year old farmer. In fact, the pandemic hit first of all China, the uncomfortable economic rival of the USA, with almost 80 thousand infected and over 2300 dead: useless to write the exact number because it grows every half hour. Morbidity has been so devastating in the Wuhan outbreak area that there have been thousands of SARS-CoV-2 victims despite the low mortality rate of 2%.

CoronaVirus – 1. “E’ BIO-ARMA”. Esperto USA accusa la Cina ma il Pentagono ha 25 Laboratori Segreti per “Attacchi Etnici”

While, if the data on the infected in Iran are real and not intentionally contained by the authorities to avoid panic, the mortality index in the country of the Shiites, bitter enemy of the White House allied with the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is even equal to 20% and in a few days from the presence of the virus it has already killed 8 people, or perhaps more since the IRNA (Islamic Republic National Agency) also releases updates with the dropper.

Iran’s revenge starts from Qom. Thanks to Fordow’s nuclear bunker plant

The main outbreak is in Qom, the site of the most important Shiite mosque and the most powerful military nuclear power plant, where 7 infected were registered on Sunday, another 4 in Tehran, 2 in Gilan, 1 in Markazi and another in Tonekabon. The data released by the Iranian Ministry of Health are however to be taken with the benefit of inventory as it could be an extremely provisional and partial budget. The mortality of 8 people out of 43 infected is in fact equal to about 20%: or almost ten times that found in China, settled around 3%, and that of other countries such as Italy at 2% (3 out of 150).

Iranian President Hassan Rohuani signing the decree establishing the special Sars-CoV-2 emergency committee

Iranian President Hassan Rohuani has signed the decree to re-establish a Special National Committee for the health emergency. In Italy, on the other hand, the Civil Protection Crisis Unit has already been working for days in close collaboration with the Prime Minister, which is increasingly placing restrictions on the movement of people and places of mass attendance in various Regions.


Finally, we come to Italy where CoronaVirus killed 5 people and brought the number of infected and hospitalized patients to 219: 167 cases in Lombardy, 27 in Veneto, 18 in Emilia-Romagna, 4 in Piedmont, 3 in Lazio.

The Milan Cathedral has been closed and the historic Carnival of Venice has been interrupted. In 72 hours, the infected thus far exceeded those of Japan (yesterday 135), affected by the epidemic since the end of January. Now Italy is the third country in the world for dead (after China and Iran) and also for contagious.

And it has already ascertained a third of the infected of South Corea (603), the country most affected by proximity to China and North Korea, the other enemy of the United States, that first opened to accuse the Pentagon of having used a biochemical weapon, such as he then did the Chinese Communist Party (see previous post).

If the increasingly well-founded thesis of the biogenetic weapon is accepted, the motives for a chemical attack can be identified in three factors. Firstly, a warning to the first European country that signed the Silk Road trade agreement with Beijing, secondly, the restarted dialogues between Italy and Iran on Artificial Intelligence, taken up by that “baby-genius” of Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the height of tensions between Tehran and Washington (lol)…

Finally this pandemic is a powerful signal to the vast NO-VAX community that contested the Lorenzin law (2017) on the 10 mandatory vaccines of the experimental health plan wanted by the American administration of President Barack Obama, within the 40 countries participating in the Global Health Security Agenda, and implemented by the Italian health and pharmaceutical institutions in collaboration with the Anglo-American multinational Glaxho Smith Kline.

As highlighted in the first report about CoronaVirus, Just GSK is now helping the University of Queensland to develop the vaccine on behalf of the British Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

Australia, a member of the FIVE EYES international intelligence committee (with the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand) has just announced that it has already found the vaccine but that it will now obviously need to be tested first.


Could a solution for scientists be to use seriously ill Italians, at high risk of death, as guinea pigs, as mortality is becoming threatening and morbidity is growing unstoppably and exponentially?

There are many ways to impose geopolitical-military colonialism: the pharmaceutical one is certainly the most sneaky, cowardly and horrifying …

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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