Italian Heroes against ConoraVirus: Roberto medician martyr. Martina nurse in Hospital’s Trench

Italian Heroes against ConoraVirus: Roberto medician martyr. Martina nurse in Hospital’s Trench


We stay
As in autumn
On the trees
The leaves
(Giuseppe Ungaretti – Soldati – luglio 1918)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

The poem of the hermetic poet par excellence seems to us to be the most appropriate epitaph for Roberto, a doctor and an Alpine militar veteran. Roberto Stella, president of the Order of doctors of the Province of Varese and general practitioner in Busto Arisizio (Varese), died the other night, at the age of 67, at the Como hospital, where he was hospitalized for respiratory failure after contracting the Coronavirus.

From what we learn before being infected, he had no particular pathologies and therefore his death is attributable exclusively to the lethality of the pandemic …

The news was confirmed by the mayor of Busto Arsizio, Emanuele Antonelli. “I want to express my condolences for the death of Roberto Stella, a doctor and a point of reference for Italian health care”. So the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.

To its tragic story I decided to add that of struggle and hope of a professional nurse from a Intesive Therapy hospital’s department who entrusted her story to the social media which immediately became viral.

We are also well aware that at this moment there would be thousands, perhaps millions of similar stories to tell about the Italian heroes who, in health and safety, are fighting against the CoronaVirus. But as it is not materially possible to report them all, we have chosen these stories to represent them.


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Fabio G.C. Carisio