CRIMES - MAFIA GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY HISTORY Italy United States - Canada Cosa Nostra’s Mobster who Killed judge Falcone and Dissolved a Child in Acid Now Freed among Protests Fabio G.C. Carisio 10 Giugno 2021 1
Digital Dictatorship GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy Minors - Gender - Pedophilia United States - Canada Porn Artificial Intelligence on Facebook Threatens also Children. An Italian IT’s Genius Revealed This Fabio G.C. Carisio 8 Giugno 2021 0
CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy United States - Canada Covid, Italy’s Govt approved Mandatory Vaccines for Health Operators. Italians become first Worldwide Guinea-Pigs for Gates’ Social Experiments Fabio G.C. Carisio 31 Maggio 2021 0
COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES Europe - European Union HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy Russia United States - Canada In Italy and EU Vaccines also for Kids. But from US Kennedy Alerts: “3 Teens Dead after Pfizer. Athlete with Serious Adverse Events” Fabio G.C. Carisio 29 Maggio 2021 5
China - Asia - Oceania CRIMES - MAFIA Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy United States - Canada WUHAN-GATES - SARSCov2 by Biolabs Covid: More than 500 Complaints on alleged Italian State’s Massacre due to the Ignored Therapies Fabio G.C. Carisio 28 Maggio 2021 4
Africa CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Another Priest Killed in Africa where ongoing Christians’ Massacre. Appeal by Aid to the Church in Need to Italian Parliament Fabio G.C. Carisio 22 Maggio 2021 0
CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy United Kingdom United States - Canada WUHAN-GATES - SARSCov2 by Biolabs Vaccines: In Rome the Summit of Global Lies! EU & Italy inside the Gates-Big Pharma’s Shady Affairs with Biden Fabio G.C. Carisio 22 Maggio 2021 2
COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES CRIMES - MAFIA HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy United States - Canada Italy-US Trafficking in Killer-Opioids (as ones of J&J Sentence) thanks to Medical Prescriptions for Dead People. Arrests in Sicily Fabio G.C. Carisio 21 Maggio 2021 2
GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Israel Middle East Syria United States - Canada WAR ZONES After 64 Kids Killed to “Destroy Hamas” Netanyahu agreed to Accept Egyptian initiative for Bilateral Cease-Fire: but “at a later date” Fabio G.C. Carisio 20 Maggio 2021 0
Africa CRIMES - MAFIA GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Italy United States - Canada Former Italian PM’s Family Under Trial for Fiscal Fraud! Even due to Many $Millions arrived by New York’s Unicef… Fabio G.C. Carisio 20 Maggio 2021 0