CRIMES - MAFIA GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy United States - Canada Italian Former PM under Investigations for Black Funds. His relatives for $ Millions from US Foundations controlled by Obama-men Fabio G.C. Carisio 7 Novembre 2020 0
CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy United States - Canada US ELECTIONS. Mistakes, Mysteries and Civil War’s Nightmare. NYT contests FOX data. AntiTrump Rioters arrested in Manhattan and Portland Fabio G.C. Carisio 4 Novembre 2020 3
CRIMES - MAFIA Europe - European Union JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Turkey Armed Attack in Vienna: 4 deaths. The claim of ISIS Jihadists. New Lethal blitz after Turkish assault in a church Fabio G.C. Carisio 3 Novembre 2020 0
COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Italy United States - Canada WUHAN-GATES - SARSCov2 by Biolabs WUHAN-GATES – 22. Former CIA Pandemic’s Prophet in Biden’s Team. To manage for NWO Military Intel, AI, Big Tech and Trading in EU Fabio G.C. Carisio 31 Ottobre 2020 5
Africa CRIMES - MAFIA Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM So France and Italy Helped Jihadists. Notre Dame Slaughterer arrived in Lampedusa with Migrant’s Boats Fabio G.C. Carisio 29 Ottobre 2020 2
China - Asia - Oceania JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East United States - Canada WAR ZONES FBI Most Wanted Al Qaeda commander Killed by Afghan Security Forces Fabio G.C. Carisio 25 Ottobre 2020 2
COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy Riots in Naples for Covid-19 Curfew and Looming Lockdown in Italy. Call to Security & Military Briefings Fabio G.C. Carisio 24 Ottobre 2020 2
COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy United States - Canada Italy-US Academic Virologist: “Stop to Pandemic’s Terrorism. Covid-19 less Lethal. Risks of False Positives detection with Swabs” Fabio G.C. Carisio 24 Ottobre 2020 5
COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES Europe - European Union Italy United Kingdom United States - Canada WUHAN-GATES - SARSCov2 by Biolabs Joao’s Mystery: AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine’s Volunteer died at 28yo in Brazil Fabio G.C. Carisio 22 Ottobre 2020 5
CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO COVID-19, BIG-PHARMA & VACCINES Europe - European Union Italy United States - Canada Medical Doctors VS Pandemist Terrorists – 1. “SARS-2 may be Treated, Unjustified Alarms”. Asyntomatics not Infects Fabio G.C. Carisio 20 Ottobre 2020 0