Several Weeks behind Bars: Harsh Penalties mulled for those Resisting Compulsory Vaccination in Austria

VERSIONE IN ITALIANO by Russia Today People repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria after immunization becomes compulsory there might…

3 anni ago

Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments

by The Defender A top critical care physician who filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk General Hospital over its ban…

3 anni ago

150 Scientists and Employees Out of Work after Gov’t Energy Lab refuses to Recognize Religious Exemptions to COVID Shots

On the cover the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee (US), operated by UT-Battelle Introduction by Gospa News Editorial…

3 anni ago

Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome Dramatically Increases after mRNA Covid Injections, a new Study finds

by The Daily Exposè Last week, the Cardiology Advisor reported that according to a study presented at the American Heart…

3 anni ago

Scholars explain Mysterious Disappearance of Delta variant in Japan

On the cover a Covid-19 ward in Yokohama, Japan by Russia Today Japan’s fifth wave of Covid-19 has virtually disappeared so…

3 anni ago

Dr McCullough Sues Medical Journal for Refusing to Publish Study Highlighting Risks of Covid-19 Vaccine in Children

Dr Peter McCullough, one of the top Covd-19 experts, is suing Elsevier, an information analysis company, for refusing to publish…

3 anni ago