Terrifying VIDEO from GENOCIDE in Palestine! Barrage of Complaints vs Zionist Regime before International Courts Carlo Domenico Cristofori
Christian Clerics Serious Injured in Jerusalem after an alleged Zionist Attack with Nerve Gas Fabio G.C. Carisio
Over 70 Toddlers Aged 3 and 4 were Sent to notorious Tavistock TRANSGENDER Clinic before its Closing source selected by Gospa News
European Gas Prices surge due to Middle East Tensions and Attacks to Cargos in Suez Canal Gospa News editorial staff
VITAL! Integration of Pfizer Vaccines Toxic Spike inside Human DNA. Protein Fragments found in White Blood Cells by Italian Study Fabio G.C. Carisio
World Economic Forum FOBO Chilling Plan: 44% of Human Skills will Be Replaced by AI in Five Years source selected by Gospa News
“West Ultimatum to Belgrado vs Russia” with Attempted “Color revolution” in Serbia like in Ukraine source selected by Gospa News
Serious Inflammatory Muscular Disorders after mRNA Vaccines. Korean Study confirms Segalla and McCullough Alarms. On Heart Dangers too Fabio G.C. Carisio