Siria: 76 capi ISIS tra i mercenari turchi, anche i killer del ranger Kassig e dell’attivista Hevrin. Ucciso prete cristiano

Siria: 76 capi ISIS tra i mercenari turchi, anche i killer del ranger Kassig e dell’attivista Hevrin. Ucciso prete cristiano


Migliaia di miliziani Daesh prigionieri
rilasciati dalla Turchia ad ottobre
30 attacchi terroristici in 10 giorni a novembre

di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


C’era anche un ex capo dell’Isis nel commando killer che lo scorso 12 ottobre ha teso l’agguato e massacrato a fucilate la pacifista curda Hevrin Khalaf.

La donna era impegnata a creare un dialogo di pace tra Curdi, Musulmani Sciiti, Sunniti e Cristiani nel Rojava, nella Siria Nord-Orientale, dove potenze straniere come Usa, Uk e ora soprattutto Turchia stanno facendo di tutto per acuire le rivalità etniche e religiose e mantenere aperto il conflitto, assai lucroso per la Lobby internazionale delle Armi quanto per le compagnie petrolifere americane e turche che contrabbandano il petrolio della Valle dell’Eufrate.

Salim Turki El Enteri, noto col nome arabo di battaglia Abu Sadam Ansari

Nel video dell’assassinio l’intelligence curda che collabora con l’agenzia Hawar News (ANHA) ha infatti identificato Salim Turki El Enteri noto col nome di battaglia Abu Saddam Ansari (Ebu Sedam El Ensari in curdo), nativo di Palmira (Tadmor in arabo).

E’ il n. 55 di una lista di 76 miliziani veterani ed ex capi dello Stato Islamico che secondo l’inchiesta di ANHA hanno commesso crimini contro l’umanità a Homs, Hama, Sweida e Ghouta durante la guerra civile siriana.

Ma tra i nuovi mercenari della Turchia c’è al n. 62 anche Sufian Al-Qesm, il feroce jiahista della Bandiera Nera che partecipò al rapimento del ranger americano Peter Kassig e filmò la sua decapitazione: sebbene sia uno dei più ricercati soldati del Daesh oggi è tranquillamente nei ranghi dei gruppi jihadisti che combattono in Rojava coordinati, finanziati ed armati dall’esercito turco.



Questo potrebbe spiegare perché negli ultimi giorni sono avvenuti tre gravi attacchi terroristici: uno in Iraq e due in Siria, rivendicati dall’Isis più attivo che mai dopo l’aggressione turca nel Rojava. Uno di essi è stato un vero e proprio agguato contro tre religiosi della chiesa armena.

Inquietante il messaggio diffuso su Telegram dal Daesh per rivendicare l’attenato di domenica a Kirkuk nel quale sono rimasti feriti quattro militari italiani: «Otto elementi della coalizione crociata e de Peshmerga sono stati feriti con un dispositivo esplosivo improvvisato in Iraq che ha distrutto un veicolo a nord di Kufri, ferendo quattro membri dell’organizzazione internazionale dei crociati e quattro apostatiı».

Le esplosioni nella città di Qamishlo – clicca per il video

Nel pomeriggio di ieri, invece, a Qamishlo, vicino al confine con la Turchia, sono esplose tre autobombe uccidendo 7 persone e ferendone almeno 70 di cui alcune in modo grave. Le prime due sono stata fatte deflagrare in Wahid Street, vicnino all’hotel Soufaraa, l’ultima vicino alla chiesa Cattolica Caldea. Circa una trentina di negozi sono stati devastati dallo scoppio.

Mentre sulla strada tra Hasaka e Dei Ezzor è stata intercettata l’auto di due religiosi da un commando di jihadisti: sono stati ammazzati a colpi di kalashnikov il sacerdote Hanna Ibrahim Hovsep Petoyan, morto per le ferite, e suo padre Ibrahim Hanna Bido Abraham Petoyan, ucciso sul colpo, mentre il diacono che viaggiava con loro sarebbe rimasto solo ferito.

Il sacerdote armeno Hanna Ibrahim Hovsep Petoyan ucciso in un agguato rivendicato dall’ISIS

Solo alcune settimane i capi religiosi cristiani, musulmani ed ebrei della Turchia si erano riuniti nel monastero Siro Ortodosso di Deyrulzafaran, il “Monastero dello Zafferano”, situato nei pressi della città di Mardin, sull’altopiano turco di Tur Abdin, a pochi chilometri dal confine della Siria. Durante l’incontro avevano pregato per i soldati turchi e letto un messaggio di Erdogan.


Il Rojava Information Center nel diffondere il bolletino di guerra precisa che nei primi giorni di novembre sono già più di 30 gli attacchi rivendicati dallo Stato Islamico soltanto in Siria. Ma l’inchiesta del media curdo ANHA spiega anche i motivi di questa recrudescenza terroristica che pare altamente pianificata fin dalla presunta misteriosa morte del califfo Al Baghdadi.



Hawar News publica un dossier dettagliato con molte foto, nomi, cognomi e storie degli ex combattenti dello Stato Islamico (Daesh in arabo) che da Aleppo ed Azaz sono stati trasferiti in Turchia dove sono stati addestrati dall’Esercito Turco, alcuni sotto la diretta supervisione dell’intelligence di Ankara MIT (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı), hanno tolto le tute nere dell’ISIS per indossare le uniformi “pulite” di quei gruppi jihadisti che sebbene siano già noti per la loro ferocia nelle varie operazioni militari avviati da anni in Siria dal dittatore islamico Recep Tayyip Erdogan, presidente della Turchia, non sono ancora considerati terroristici dalla comunità internazionale.


Pertanto i comandanti ISIS, come già emerso in un dossier del Rojava Information Center su 40 di loro trasferiti ad Afrin, hanno abbandonato la Bandiera Nera che li rendeva terroristi per vestire le uniformi del Syrian National Army (SNA), il nuovo nome del Fronte Nazionale di Liberazione costituito da Ankara dopo l’operazione Euphrate Shield (2016-2017) per la conquista fallita di Manbji e durante l’intervento riuscito Olive Branch (2018) per l’occupazione di Afrin, il cui controllo è stato affidato ai mercenari del gruppo Ahrar al Sharqyyia, una delle componenti principali del piano Peace Spring di invasione del Rojava scattato il 9 ottobre scorso.

La mappa del Rojava e, in rosa, la safe-zone dell’accordo tra Russia e Turchia

Ebbene il rapporto ANHA rivela che proprio la formazione di Ahrar Al Sharqyia è quella in cui è confluito il maggior numero di ex leader ISIS ora dispiegati a Serêkaniyê, Gre Spi e Suluk, sul fronte tra i curdi delle Forze Democratiche Siriane e l’armata mercenaria filo-turca del SNA che Erdogan, sostenuto dairadicali Sunniti-Salafiti, Fratelli Musulmani, definisce “ribelli mujahideen” per ispirare ad una propaganda di orgoglio etnico-religioso che sta trasformando questa Jihad nel genocidio dei Curdi.



Ma da un’inchiesta del network turco Nordic Monitor, con sede in Svezia, molto attento alle fonti d’intelligence, emerge un altro dato sconvolgente. Mentre il Governo di Ankara si vanta di aver arrestato nel nord-est della Siria, da quando ha iniziato l’invasione del Rojava, 287 miliziani dello Stato Islamico e proprio ieri ha comunicato le prime operazioni per il rimpatrio di una ventina di Foreign Terrorist Fighters, il media svedese in lingua turca e inglese svela che dal 2016 almeno 12mila combattenti della Bandiera Nera sono stati rilasciati sugli oltre 13mila arrestati in 4.536 operazioni durante le quali 1.018 jihadisti sono stati “neutralizzati” (uccisi o arresi), poiché soltanto 1.174 sono attualmente detenuti (+ 115 di Al Qaida) dei 4.517 arrestati.

La tabella diffusa dall’agenzia turca Anadolu

Le statistiche riportate da Nordic Monitor si riferiscono alla tabella dell’agenzia turca Anadolu ma in un lungo e dettagliato articolo vengono spiegate le molteplici discrepanze tra i numeri forniti dagli stessi ministri del Governo di Ankara soprattutto dal 2019, da quando la pubblicazione aggiornata dei dati sul sito ufficiale è stata misteriosamente interrotta. Mentre pochi mesi dopo è cominciata l’operazione Peace Spring nella quale l’esercito turco ed i gruppi mercenari jihadisti hanno bombardato alcune prigioni per far scappare i detenuti dello Stato Islamico.


« Tuttavia, il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ha annunciato il 10 ottobre 2019 che c’erano circa 5.500 membri dell’ISIS nelle carceri turche, di cui la metà erano stranieri.- scrive Nordic Monitor – 851 erano già in centri di rimpatrio, in attesa di essere espulsi, ha aggiunto Erdoğan. Se ciò è corretto, migliaia di prigionieri dell’ISIS devono essere stati rilasciati tra il 10 e il 24 ottobre».

Com’è possibile una gestione così “allegra” di presunti pericolosi terroristi? La strategia potrebbe essere spiegata da quanto accaduto negli anni scorsi in Arabia Saudita e rivelato da Gospa News attraverso la pubblicazione di un documento segreto dell’intelligence di Riad: il Regno Saudita, infatti, ha concesso a tuti i condannati a morte detenuti in attesa dell’esecuzione la possibilità di ottenere la libertà successivamente al loro impiego tra i gruppi di Al Qaida in Siria e nello Yemen. Non ci sarebbe da stupirsi, quindi, se la Turchia avesse fatto lo stesso promettendo compenso mercenario e liberazione, a fine conflitto, a tutti i prigionieri ISIS ritenuti affidabili.


Questo spiegherebbe molto chiaramente perché un così alto numero di veterani ed ex comandanti del distrutto Stato Islamico risulta ora arruolato all’interno National Syrian Army nei gruppi jihadisti di Ahrar Al Sharqyia, Sultan Murat Brigade, Al Hamza Division o nel Liwa 123 Ûle di cui è leader proprio Abu Saddam Ansari, uno degli assassini dell’attivista Hevrin Khalaf, segretario del Future Syria Party.




Tra loro viene evidenziato da ANHA anche il nome di Sufian Al-Qesm (n. 62), che partecipò al rapimento del ex ranger americano Peter Kassig. Se la vicenda di Hevrin è ben nota a tutti perché avenuta soltanto un mese fa quella di Kassig va ricordata perché aveva impressionato molto il mondo intero.

Nato il 19 febbraio 1988 a Indianapolis si laureò North Central High School e poi si arruolò nell’Us Army Ranger da cui ottenne il congedo permanente per malattia. Nel 2012 iniziò il suo attivismo in Siria e Libano con la ONG Special Emergency Response and Assistance (SERA), con cui presterà soccorso medico ai profughi siriani e libanesi.

L’ex ranger americano Peter Kassig al momento del suo arrivo in Siria e poi prima della sua decapitazione

Ma ell’ottobre del 2013, vicino Deir el-Zor, viene rapito dagli estremisti dell’ISIS e, durante la prigionia, si coverte all’Islam prendendo il nomer di Abdul-Rahman Kassig, con un atto pubblicizzato come volontario sebbene avvenuto in cattività. Ma nemmeno quel gesto sarebbe bastato a salvargli la vita. Il 16 novembre 2014 lo Stato Islamico pubblica un video che ritrae “Jihadi John” e diverse sue vittime, tra cui Kassig. Sono incerti il luogo e la data di morte, ma si crede che sia stato decapitato il 16 novembre a Al-Raqqa. Sarebbe stato proprio Sufian Al-Qesm a partecipare al sequestro ed a girare il video della brutale esecuzione.

Ora questi spietati terroristi sarebbero tra quelli che il dittatore islamico Erdogan definisce “partigiani ribelli” come spiega ANHA: «L’agenzia di stampa Hawar ha ottenuto i nomi di circa 80 persone dai leader e dai membri dell’ISIS a cui lo stato turco ha cambiato i loro vestiti e li ha reclutati per condurre una guerra contro il nord e l’est della Siria».



Ecoo i loro nomi e le relative fazioni di appartenenza all’interno dei quali si sono rifatti un’onorabilità. Come risulta dalla United Nations Security Council Consolidated List, l’elenco internazionale dei terroristi e delle organizzazioni legate al terrorismo (aggiornato al 22 ottobre), sono soltanto quattro i gruppi dichiarati fuorilegge Ansar Al-Islam (identificativo QDe.098), il celebre: Al-Nusrah Front For The People Of The Levant oggi Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (QDe.137), Harakat Sham al Islam (QDe.149) Jaysh Khalid Ibn al Waleed (QDe.155),  e l’ormai sconosciuto The Army Of Emigrants And Supporters (QDe.148) , Jaysh Al-Muhajirin Wal-Ansar (Jamwa) confluito nello stesso HTS.


Come evidenziato nel precedente reportage sulle 42 bande militari appoggiate dalla Turchia, tra cui 21 armate dalla CIA coi missuili TOW, secondo l’elenco del think-thank SETA (Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research) vicino al partito governativo AKP, soltanto Ansar Al-Islam risulta terroristica per l’Onu. Ma, ovviamente, nella scheda della fondazione di Ankara sui gruppi appoggiati dai turchi non compariva Al Nusra, affiliazione siriana di Al Qaida, sebbene sia nota e comprovata da numerosi reportage la correlazione.

La spiegazione è molto semplice: come i terroristi cambiano alias molto in fretta, così i gruppi jihadisti mutano nome con frequenza, con maggiore rapidità di quella impiegata dalle Nazioni Unite per riconoscerne la matrice terroristica dopo le investigazioni Interpol sui loro crimini.

Ecco perché il dossier di ANHA assume oggi grande rilevanza. Dato che le informazioni su ogni terrorista riguardano essenzialmente luoghi e gruppi di addestramento ed operatività non riteniamo necessario fornire la traduzione in inglese (eventuali dioscrepanze tra i nomi sopracitati e quelli dell’elenco sono dovuti al fatto che in esso hanno la dizione curda).

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization





1 – Basil Mihemmed Eleli: Code name Telha

He was born in the Syrian city of Humus. He is 23 years old. He joined ISIS in 2013. In 2017 he joined the Turkey backed El Hamza Division in Aleppo. He is currently in Suluk.

2 – Basil Xesan al-Esurah: codenamed Abu Usame al Shami

He was born in 1993 in Damascus. In 2012 he joined El Nusra in Guta. He moved to Siwêdê in 2014 and joined ISIS. In 2016, he established the Emin Xarici Battalion on behalf of ISIS and became an Emir. In 2017 he went to Turkey. He joined the Al Hamza Division in the Efrin attack. He now fights in Gire Spi under Turkey’s command.

3 – Beşar Simid: Code name Ebu İslam El Qelemuni

He was born in 1994 in El Nebik, Damascus. He joined ISIS in 2014. He fought in Damascus, Temdur and Tenef. He went to Turkey with Ebu Eymen El Iraqi from İdlib. He participated in the Efrin attack as batallion commander with Turkey backed Ahrar al -Sharqiya. He is now in Serekaniye.

4 – Beshir El Emuri: Code Name Ebu Ehmed El Tedmuri

He was born in 1990. He joined ISIS in Humus in 2014. He went to Ezaz in 2017. He participated in the Efrin occupation with Sultan Murat Brigade. He is now in Serekaniye.

5 – Abdullah Ehmed Abdullah

Born in 1991 in Humus. He joined ISIS in 2014 and took part in the organization’s intelligence work. He carried out an attack against International Coalition’s airport. He escaped to Guta. His was involved in a lot of thefts and looting. He joined the El Hamza Division in 2016 passing through areas where Turkey controls. He is now in Serêkaniyê.

6 – Abdullah El shimeri: Code Name Ebu Telha El shimeri

He is 20 years old. He was born in El Sokhna village of Temdur. He joined Ahrar el Sharqiya, which is in Turkey’s control. He is now in Gire Spi.

7 – Abdullah Elzirir: Code Name Ebu Cehfer

He was born in 1991 in Humus. He joined El Nusra in 2012. He joined ISIS in Damascus in 2014. He fought in Damascus, Aleppo and Elbitir. He joined Turkey’s ranks in 2017 and receive military training. He established Liwa El İslam gang under the supervision of National Intelligence Service (MİT). He participated in the Efrin occupation with this group. He is now in Gire Spi.

8 – Abdullah Mohamad Eliweid: Code Name Ebu Seyef Elhalabi

He was born in 1989, in Aleppo. He joined ISIS in Aleppo in 2015. He posted photographs of him using an Dotchka from his Twitter account in 2016. He went to İdlib and then to Turkey in 2017. He received military training in El Hamza Division under the supervision of Turkish Armed Forces. He is now in Gire Spi.

9 – Abdullah Mohamad El-İnizi: Code Name Ebu Mohamad El Cezrawi

He was born in Saudi Arabia, Riyad. He is 27 years old. He joined ISIS in 2015 from Turkey. He fought in Reqa and Humus. He fought in Minbic with Usud El-Ednani Batallion. He joined Ahrar al Sharqiya, controlled by Turkey. He is now in Gire Spi.

10 – Ebdilrehman Mihêmid: Code Name Qesure El Dêri

He was born in Dêrazor in 1992. He joined El Nusra in 2012 in Dêrazor. He fought in Dêrazor, Dera and Hama. He posted his photographs from his social media account as El Nusra Emir. He joined Ahrar al -Sharqiya in 2016 which is in Turkey’s control. He is now in Gire Spi.

11 – Code name Ebu Fisel El Nihemi

He was born in Temdur in 1990. He joined ISIS in Humus in 2014. He used ISIS heavy weapons and provided military training. He went to Idlib and fought with Feyleq Al-Sham. He left here with 20 gangs and joined the Sultan Murat Brigade. Now in Serêkaniyê.

12 Code name –Ebu Omer El Hatim

He is 32 years old born in Reqa. Joined ISIS in 2015.He went to Ezaz from Aleppo in 2017 . He attacked Serekaniye with Ahrar el Sharqiya in Turkey’s ranks. He is now in Serekaniye.

13 – Ebu Sileman El Minbij

He is 34 years old and was born in Minbij. He joined ISIS in Reqqa in 2015. He joined Ahrar el Sharqiya in 2017 in Ezaz. He attacked Gire Spi in Turkey’s ranks. He is now in Gire Spi.

14 – Code name Ebu Wefa El Tunisi   

He is 35 years old and was born in Tunisia. He joined ISIS in 2014 from Turkey. He was the Şer- i Emir of ISIS in Reqqa. He was sent to Derazor with the same mission. He trained the new gang members about sharia as well as providing military training. He joined Ahrar al Sharqiya in 2017 in Ezaz. He provided training to a paramilitary group under the code name Ebu Wefa. He is now in Serekaniye.

15 – Edehem Feteh El shikerji

Born in 1999 in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2013. He fought in Soxne, Temdur and Derazor. He went to Bab and Ezaz in 2017. He fought with Turkey backed gangs in Aleppo. He is now in Serekaniye.

16 – Ehmad El-Eli El-jasim El-Omer: Code Name Ebu İselam El-shami

He is 28 years old. He was born in El Kesrat. He joined ISIS in 2015 ,in Reqa. He used heavy weapons. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in 2017. He is now in Gire Spi.

17 – Ehmed Elhamid: Code Name Ebu Furat Elhimsi

He was born in 1994 in the city of Temdur in Syria. He joined ISIS in 2015. He was responsible of mines. He went to Ezaz in 2017 and joined El Hamza Division.

18 -Ehmed Xalid El-Rehmun: Code Name Ebu Mariya El-Ensari

He was born in 1993 in Damascus. In 2013, he joined the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Within the framework of the US-train-equip program in Turkey he recieved military training. He left FSA in 2014 and joined ISIS. He went to İdlib in 2016 and joined El Hamza Division controlled by Turkey. He recieved weapons training from Mistefa El- Lobnani. He is now in Gire Spi.

19 – Eli Hesen Taha: Code Name Ebu Dewle Harun

He is 27 years old. He was born in Derazor. he joined ISIS in 2015 in Şedade. He was responsible from Howitzers. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Ezaz in 2017. He is now in Serekaniye.

20 – Erwa Eshed Eldihêfis: Code Name Ebu Semir Elhimsi

He was born in Elxinéfis, Humus. He fought in Humus, Siweda and Tanaf. He came to Turkey in 2017. He fought in Turkey ranks in Sultan Murat Brigade in Bab. He then joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya and joined the occupation in Serekaniye.

21 – Fayiz Elebid Elkerim: Code Name Ebu Fatime Elreqawi

He is 23 years old. He was born in Reqa and joined ISIS in 2014. He was responsible for armament. He participated in the Efrin occupation with El Hamza Division, controlled by Turkey. He is now in Serekaniye.

22 – Fedi Qoseyi Sultan: Code Name Ebu Tirab Elşami

He is 23. He was born in Damascus and joined ISIS in 2015. He fought in Reqa, Humus and Derazor. He joined Turkey backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya in 2017. He is now in Gire Spi.

23 – Fehid Selum El-İdlibi: Code Name Ebu Eli Hewaciz.

He is 27, born in İdlib. He joined ISIS in 2014, in Reqa. He joined Turkey backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya in 2017 and participated in the attacks of National Syrian Army. He is now in Gire Spi.

24 – Fehid Xelef El-Eli El-Seyid: Code Name Seyif El-İslam.

He was born in Gire Spi in 1998. He joined ISIS in 2015 in Reqa.He joined Turkey back El Hamza Division and participated in the Serekaniye attack with this gang. He is now in Serekaniye.

25 – Fehid Xelef Nercis: Code Name Ebu Xewle Mudadat

He is 23. He was born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2014. He fought in Reqa and Derazor. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Suluk.

26 – Ferec Ehmed Elseyid: Code Name Ebu Ebas Elêraqi

He was born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2014. He fought in Derazor and Reqa. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Serekaniye.

27 – Hemid Elwan Elhesin: Code Name Ebu Selha Tew

He is 23. Born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in Haseke in 2014. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Gire Spi.

28 – Hesen Xelif El-Omer: Code Name: Ebu Omer El-Faruq.

He is 19, born in Reqa. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Serekaniye.

29 – Hesen Xilêf Elhesuni: Code Name Ebu Ebdelah Xerite

He is 37, he was born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2015 in Derazor. He first joined Ahrar al-Sharqiya in 2017 and then participated in El Hamza Division. He participated in the Gire Spi attack of Turkey. He is now in Gire Spi.

30 – Husam El-İdlibi: Code Name Ebu Mohamad Elemni

He is 37, born in İdlib, joined ISIS in Reqa in 2014. He joined the paramilitary groups in Turkey’s control. He participated in the Gire Spi attack with Ahrar al-Sharqiya. He is now in Gire Spi.

31- Huzeyifa Sehid: Code Name Ebu Zêd

He was born in Reqa. he joined ISIS in 2015 in Reqa. He then joined Sultan Murat Brigade and now he is with Ahrar al Sharqiya in Gire Spi.

32- Macid El Xalid (Hec Macid): Code Name Heci Ebu Omer El Ensari

He was born in Humus in 1983. He was with Lİwa El Heq at the beginning of the Syrian Civil War. He joined ISIS in 2014. He was in the Hama organization and its military Emir. He contacted Turkey and went to İdlib with his group. He was the military command of El Hamza Division and he was in Turkey’s ranks during the attacks against SDF. He is now in Serekaniye.

33- Mesna Xelil El Hesen: Code Name Ebu Aişe El Tibni

He is 25, his mother’s name is Xedica. He joined ISIS in 2013, at the El Tibni district of Derazor. He was in charge of a military group in the Suxna district. He fled to Rai, Aleppo and joined Usud al Sharqiya. Now in Gire Spi.

34-Mohamad Asim El Sebra: Code Name Ebu El Hari El Ensari

He was born in 1996. He joined ISIS in 2014 in Humus. . In Damascus, he worked in the technical field under the command of Abu Mohamad. In early 2017, he joined the FSA and recieved mlitary training from American soldiers. Then he was assigned to Ezaz and 3 months later he joined the Al Hamza Division. He took part in the occupation of Efrin, now in Gire Spi.

35-Mohamad Besam Misto

He was born in 1995, in İdlib. Mother’s name is Nura. He joined El Nusra in İdlib, Cisur in 2015.He joined the Al Hamza Division in 2017 and is now in Siluk with Al Hamza Division

36- Mohamad Ehmed Siwês: Code Name Ebu Ehmed El Humusi

He was born in 1995 in Humus. He joined ISIS in Damascus in 2015. He took part in Bitir-Tenef and Tedmur attacks. Then he joined the Ahrar al- Sharqiya and recieved military training in Turkey. He participated in the Efrin and Shehba attacks. He is now in Gire Spi.

37- Mohamad Elbedireh: Code Name Ebu Cilêbib

He was born in 1994 in Humus. In 2015, he joined ISIS in Humus and took part in the Shahar-Teyfur and Jezra attacks. In 2017, he went to Ezaz via an external security unit called Beşair. He joined the Al Hamza Division in 2018 and took part in the attacks in Şehba. Now in Serêkaniyê. There is a photo showing Mohamad taking place in ISIS. Another photo shows that he is now in the Sultan Murat Brigade.

38- Mohamad El Hemdan: Code Name Decane El Iraqi

He was born in 1980 in Iraq. In 2003, he moved to Syria and settled in Humus. He is one of the founders of ISIS. He was a military Emir in Sehra province and took part in the clashes in Humus, Damascus and Hama. In 2017, he moved from Hama to Idlib and founded the Siqur Elbadiyê Battalion of Sultan Murat. Most members of the group were ISIS members. He joined the Efrin attack with this group, now in Girê Spi.

39-Mohamad Enes El-Êbêd: Code Name Enes Elherbi

He was born in 1995 in Humus. He joined ISIS in Humus in 2015 and took part in the attacks of Tedmur, Tenef region, Heqil El Shahir. In 2016 he was appointed to Emin Xarigi (external security). Then he joined the Sultan Murat Brigade. He received military training in Turkey. He joined Ahrar al-Sharqiya. He took part in the attacks of Efrin and Til Rifat. Now in Gire Spi.

40- Mohamad Omer El Berxesh Code Name Ebu Xalid Eyash

He is 23. He was born in Derazor, Eyash. His mother’s name is Zehra. He joined ISIS in Derazor, El Tıbni in 2014. He was responsible from the heavy weapons. He went to Minbic and fleed to Ezaz in 2016. He joined Ahrar El Sharqiya and now he is in Gire Spi with them.

41-Mihemed Mihêdîn El-Erendes, Code name: Ebu El Rîm

He is from Homs and has joined to Free Syrian Army (FSA) in 2013. He was trained by US in Jordan. He has stolen weapons from US before he escaped and joined to DAESH in 2014. He became commander of DAESH in Damascus and tasked as external security in 2016. He was tranined by Turkish Army in Idlib before he joined to Hamza Division. He has joined to incursion towards Afrin and Til Rifat under the Hamza Division. He is now in Gire Spi and responsible for the mines.

42 – Mihemed Xidir Elelwanî, Code Name: Ebu İslam El Ensari

He is from Deyrzor and 35 year-old. His mother’s name is Sûhad. He has joined to DAESH in El Cedîd Igêdat a district of Deyrzor in 2013. He was tasked as commander responsible for ammo in Deyrzor. After he stayed one year in Deyrzor, he was tasked in same position in Kesret Cimha a district of Raqqa. He escaped to Aleppo in 2017 and joined to Ahrar Al Sharqiya. He was part of the group during attacking to Serekaniye in Turkish incursion.

43 – Mihya El Hemdûş, Code name: Ebû Nûr

Being 25 year-old and from Aleppo he has joined to DAESH in Tebqa Airport in 2014. He has joined to attacks toward Kiweris Military Airbase in Idlib. He escaped to Ezaz in 2017 and joined Ahrar Al Sham. He is in Gire Spi right now.

44 – Mistefa Mihemed El Cayir, Code name: Ebû Yasir El Şamî

He is from Sifira District in Aleppo and his mother’s name is Seher. He joined to DAESH in Raqqa in 2014. He was tasked in El Xêr a district of Deyrzor and became responsible for Homs city. He escaped to Al Rai in 2017 and joined to Ahrar Al Sharqiya. He is in Gire Spi now. A picture of Mistefa Mihemed El Cayir shows he was member of DAESH

45- Mûnîr Xelîl

He was born in 1997 in Damascus and joined to DAESH in 2015. He was part of Damascus, Teyfur airbases and Guta attacks. He was sent to Hama and withdrew to Idlib after his group was surrounded. He has joined to Al Hemzat Group in Idlib. He is in Gire Spi. A picture of Mûnîr Xelîl as member of DAESH. A picture of Mûnîr Xelîl shows he is part of gangs supported by Turkish State

46 – Musa Hemed El Musa, Code name: Ebû Ferec Bekesiye

He was born in Eyash district of Deyrzor city. His mother’s name is Fuziya. 27 year old El Musa joined to DAESH in El Tibni district of Deyrzor city in 2014. He escaped to Al Rai in 2016 and joined to Ahrar Al Sharqiya. He is in Gire Spi. Picture of Mûsa Hemed El Musa

47: Musa Hesen, Code name: Ebû Ayîşe

He was born in Eyaş a district of Deyrzor. Her mother’s name is Fitêm. 27 year-old Hesen joined to DAİŞ in Tibni a district of Deyrzor in 2014. He was responsible of 23 MT type weapons. He escaped to Al Rai with 40 others DAESH members. He joined to Ahrar Al Sharkiya and has been in military government. He is in Serekaniye

48- Mûsa Mihemed El Niklawî, Code name: Fatme El Qenas

35 year-old El Niklawi was born in El Teyane a district of Deyrzor. He joined to DAESH in Şedade district of Heseke city in 2014. He was part of Tilbeha attacks in Raqqa. He escaped to Al Rai and joined to Ahrar Al Sharqiya as assassin in 2017. He is now in Gire Spi. A picture shows Mûsa Mihemed El Niklawî as member of DAESH

49 – Qeyîs Mihemed El Şêx, Code name: Ebû Mihemed El Tebqawî.

He was born in 1995 in Tebqa as member of Al Nasir Tribe. His mother’s name is El Şêx. He joined to Al Nusra in 2013 under the command of Ebû Îsa El Cebha. He was part of the attack towards Serekaniye in 2013 and wounded in Tele Helef village. He was sent to Hama in 2016 before he went to Idlib as security of Ebu Mihemed the commander of Şerhiye. He joined to Ahrar Al Sham 2017. He is now in Gire Spi. A picture of Qeyîs Mihemed El Şêx as a member of Al Nusra Front

50 – Qûseyî Sehîd Elezîz, Code name: Ebû Sehîd El Humsî

He was born in Xinêfis district of Homs city in 1991. He was a member of Ebû Ayid group in Lîwa Elheq backed by FSA. He joined Daesh in 2014 and took part in the clashes in Damascus, Homs and Hama. In 2017, he went to Idlib from Tedmur along with several Daesh members with the help of Turkish authorities. He got military training by Turks and went to Bab. He also joined the attacks on Efrîn. He made connection between El Hamza Division and Daesh members in Tedmur Desert and provided security for them to enter Jarabulus and he formed his own battalion. His battalion’s 150 members stay in area between Sherdan and Elaliye districts of Serêkaniyê. Qûseyî is now in Elaliye. A photo of Qûseyî Sehîd Elezîz as a member of DAESH and a photo of him as member of groups backed by Turkish state.

51- Rehed Hisên Elwekah, Code name: Ebû Basil Elşamî

He is 22 years old and he was born in Tibni district of Derazor. His mother’s name is Fitêm. He joined Daesh in 2015 and he took place in an Xîlafet army in Raqa. Then he was sent to Homs and he joined the attacks on Palmyra. In 2017, he fled to Rai and joined Ahrar El Şarqiya there. He is now in Girê Spî. A photo of Rehed Hisên Elwekah.

52- Rehid Îsa El Berxeş, code name: Ebû Zêneb

He was born in Eyash district of Derazor and he is now 34 years old. In 2013, he joined Daesh in El Tibnî district of Derazor city. He is responsible for the death of many civilians. He joined the attacks on Kobanê. In 2017, he fled to El Rai. He joined Ahrar El Şarqiya there. He is now in Girê Spî. Here is a photo of Rehid Îsa El Berxeş.

53- Rıdvan El Humusi, Code name: Ebûlharis

He was born in Elbukemal district of Derazor and he is now 28 years old. He joined Daesh in 2013. He became headperson of Hisbê, and then he was sent to Homs. He stayed in Homs for 7 months, and then he returned to Raqa and become the headperson of Zekat. He fled to Ezaz, he joined the Sultan Murad Division in 2017. Now, he is providing sharia training in Serêkaniyê. Here is a photo of Rıdvan El Humusi.

54 – Rıfat İbrahim Elikil, Code name: Ebu Rebih El Ensari

He was born in Damascus in 1990. He joined Riyad El Salihin Division in Homs city in 2014 and he was responsible for heavy weapons. He went to Idlib and joined El Hamza Division. He joined attacks on Efrin and Til Rifat cities in 2018. Now he is in Girê Spî. A photo of Rifat İbrahim Elikil as a member of Daesh. A photo of him as a member of the Sultan Murad Division.

55 – Salim Turki El Enteri, Code name: Ebu Sedam El Ensari

He was born in Tedmur, he is a member of El Emur tribe. He joined Daesh in Badiya district in 2014. He was a military commander in Badiya and he joined the attacks on Tedmur and Tenef. In 2017, he joined Ahrar El Sharqiya group and joined the attacks on Efrîn and Til Rifat. Now he is in Serekaniye as a member of Liwa 123 Ûle group. He is one of the people in footage shows Future Party of Syria Secretary General Hevrîn Xelef was killed. A photo of Salim Turki El Enteri as member of Daesh. A photo of him as member of Turkey-backed groups.

56 – Samir Elî El Rawî, Code name: Ebulharis El Iraqi

He was born in Reqa city of Iraq and he is now 23 years old. He joined Deash in 2013. He went to Raqa city of Syria. He was responsible for making explosives in Kesrat village of Raqa city. In 2017, he fled to Ezaz and joined Ahrar El Şarqiya. He is now in Girê Spî.

57- Samir El Nasir Elanî, Code name: Xebab El Iraqî

He was born in Iraq and he is now 30 years old. He joined Daesh in 2013 and he was a military commander in Sahra. In 2015, he was a military commander in Hesekê, and then he was responsible for ammunition in Raqa. After a while later, he fled to Ezaz and joined Ahrar Al Shaqiya there. He is now in Girê Spî.

58 – Samir Mihemed El Bağdadi, Code name: Ebu Bekir Tehsînet

He is 32 years old and from El Chelebiye region of Derazor. In 2014, he joined Daesh in Shedade region of Hesekê city. He stayed both in Derazor and Raqa. He fled to Ezaz in 2017 and joined El Hamza Division. Now he is in Serêkaniyê. A photo of Samir Mihemed El Bağdadi.

59 – Sehid Huzeyifi, Code name: Ebu Ebdela El Cezrawi

He is 37 years old and from Saudi Arabia. He studied sharia law in Saudi Arabia. He went to Syria from Turkey. He joined Daesh in Raqa city in 2015. He played his role as sharia judge (qadi) in Shedade district of Hesekê. He went to Shimtia region of Derazor in 2016 as sharia judge and he stayed there for 7 months. He fled to Ezaz in 2017 and joined Ahrar Al Shariya. He is now in Serekaniye. He decide to execute the prisoners as he did during Daesh period.

60 – Semih Foed Yazilci, Code name: Ebu Welid Eldêrî

He was born in Derazor city of Syria and he is now 21 years old. He joined Daesh in Raqa city in 2015. He joined the clashes took place in Raqa. He fled to Rai in 2017 and joined Ahrar Al Sharqiya. He is now in Gire Spi. A photo of Semih Foed Yazilci as a member of Daesh.

61 – Samîr El-Xalîd El-Ebd El-Omer, Code name: Ebu Sileman El Ensarî

He is 22 years old and from Raqa. He joined Daesh in Sef Al Dewla district of Raqa city in 2015. He joined the clashes took place in countryside of Raqa and then he went to Derazor. He joined the attacks on Panorama along with a 40-person group. He fled to Ezaz in 2017 and joined Sultan Murad Division. He joined the invasion in Siluk and he uses artillery.

62- Sofyan El Qişhim, Code name: Ebu Sofyan El Nihêmî

He was born in Tedmur in 1985. He joined Daesh in 2013. He is one of founder of Daesh in Syria. He is known as a military head in Damascus. He took part in the attacks in Tedmur, Homs, Hama and Tenef regions. He is responsible for abducting and killing of people of the Druze and Ismaili in Hama, As-Suwayda and Selamiya. He released the video showed Peter Kassig, an American aid worker, is beheading on Youtube. He is known as one of the most wanted Daesh members. He went to Idlib along with 150-person group and joined Liwa Al Sheda group. He is coordinating the attacks on Serêkaniyê. A photo of Sofyan El Qişhim as member of Daesh. A photo of him showing he takes place in Turkey-backed groups and a photo of a person abducted by order of him.

63 – Şerîf Elî Esbiro:

He was born in Idlib in 1987. He joined Al Nusra in Idlib in 2014. He served as senior officer in the region. In 2017, he went to Ezaz and he joined Ahrar al-Shaqiya controlled by Turkish state. He joined the attacks in Efrin. He joined the invasion attacks on Gire Spi on 9th October along with FSA-backed groups. He is now in Suluk.

64 – Tariq Ebdilezîz Eldêrî, Code name: Ebû Omer Eldêrî

He is 27 years old and from Derazor. He joined Daesh in Shedade city in 2015. He fought in Raqa. In 2016, he fled to Ezaz from Aleppo. He joined the invasion attacks of Turkish state along with Ahrar al-Sharqiya groups. He was the commander of groups attacking Girê Spî. He is now in Suluk.

65 – Tariq Qasim Eldêrî, Code name: El Hemşerî

He is 27 years old and from Derazor. He joined Daesh in Raqa in 2016. He organized many bomb attacks in the region. He went to Ezaz from Aleppo in 2017. He joined the invasion attacks of Turkish state on NE Syria along with Ahrar al-Sharqiya groups. He is now in Girê Spî.

66 – Xelef El-Hac Omer, Code name: Ebû Ebdelah Xerîta

He was born in Dêrazor. He joined Daesh in Dêrazor in 2014. In 2016, he went to Aleppo and joined Turkey-backed groups. He was one of the people attacked Gire Spi along with Ahrar al-Sharqiya group. He is now in Suluk.

67 – Xalid El-Hecacî El-Hezai, Code name:Ebû Fêsel El-Ensarî

He was born in Homs in 1990. He joined Daesh in 2014. He fought at El Teyfûr airport. In 2017, he first went to Idlib and then to Turkey. He was trained by Turkish soldiers. He took part in attacks in Efrin. He took part in invasion attacks in Serekaniye along with the Sultan Murad Division. His photos were used by press outlets. He is now in Serekaniye.

68 – Xelef Hîlal Elebid Elomer, Code name: Ebû Omer Mehdan

He is 37 years old and from Derazor. He joined Daesh in 2015. He used the DShK 1938 and other heavy weapons. He fought in Raqa and Kobane. He fled to Aleppo in 2017. His photos showing his participation to the invasion of Giri Spi along with Ahrar al-Sharqiya groups and Turkish state were reflected in the press. He is now in Girê Spî.

69 – Xesan Elî El Kurdî

He is 27 years old and from Hasakah city of Syria. He joined Daesh in Shedade in 2015. The date of his quit from Daesh is unknown. Lastly, his photos showing his participation to Turkish state’s invasion attacks in Serekaniye along with Ahrar al-Sharqiya groups were reflected in the press. He is now in Serêkaniye.

70 – Xetab Elî El-Mislawî, Code name: Ebû Xetab Elêraqî

He was born in Iraq. He joined Daesh in 2014. He fought in Hasakah , Derazor and Tabqa cities. He fled to Aleppo in 2017 after Raqa city was liberated from Daesh by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). He joined Turkey-backed groups. He is now in Serekaniye.

71 – Xetab Mihemd El-Xidir

He is 24 years old and from Aleppo. He joined Daesh in Tepqa city in 2015. He knows how to use howitzer and mortar very well. He fled to Aleppo in 2017. He attacked Giri Spi along with Turkish state and Ahrar al-Sharqiya groups. He is now in Girê Spî.

72 – Xezwan El-Şimerî El-Ebed, Code name: Ebû Merwan Şerhî

He is 30 years old and from Damascus capital of Syria. He joined Daesh in Raqa city in 2014. He fought in Mosul, Dêrazor and Raqa. In 2017, he went to Ezaz and joined Ahrar al-Sharqiya group controlled by Turkish state. He took part in the attacks in Girê Spî and he is now considered to be in the city center.

73 – Yehiya, Code name: Ebû Zekriya Elensarî

He was born in Homs in 1994. He joined Daesh in 2014. He fought in Hama and Aleppo. He went to Turkey from there. He was trained by Turkish state. He joined the invasion of Efrin under the name of Al-Hamza Division. He is now in Gire Spi along with Turkey-backed groups. There are his photos with Daesh members and Turkish soldiers.

74 – Yehiya Ewad Elcerad, Code name: Ebû Mihemed Elhimsî.

He was born in Homs in 1992. He joined Daesh in Hama city in 2014. He fought in Damascus, Hama and Homs cities. He went to Turkey along with 15 people in 2017. He was trained by Turkish soldiers. He joined the invasion of Efrin. He was a member of groups attacked Serekaniye on 9th October. He is now in Serêkaniye. There are his photos while he was a member of Daesh.

75 – Yehqûb Eldêxim, Code name: Ebû Elwês

He was born in Idlib in 1992. In 2014, he joined Al-Nusra in Idlib. In 2018, he went to Jarabulus and joined Ahrar al-Sharqiya. He joined the invasion attacks in Gire Spi along with Turkish state.He is now in Girê Spî. There are his photos while he was member of Al Nusra and Ahrar al-Sharqiya.

76 – Zwêbir Ebdilfetah Elhc Ebid

He was born in Tebqa city in 1995. He joined Al Nusra in 2013 and he was among the groups’ members attacked Serêkaniye city. Then, he went to Ezaz city and he joined the invasion attacks in Efrin along with Ahrar al-Sham group members. On October 9, he was among Turkey-backed groups’ members attacked Girê Spî. He is now in Girê Spî city.


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Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Un pensiero su “Siria: 76 capi ISIS tra i mercenari turchi, anche i killer del ranger Kassig e dell’attivista Hevrin. Ucciso prete cristiano

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