Dopo aver cliccato sull’articolo che vi interessa ed essere entrati nella Sezione in Inglese basta cliccare sulla Bandierina Inglese delle lingue (sotto il menù in alto a destra o in basso a sinistra) facendo scorrere la finestrella finché non appare la bandierina della lingua Italiana
Institute Pasteur’s Famous Biologist on Gain-of-function Research: “Lab Accidents Do Happens…”
Shock Warnings by Physicians inside the Florida Governor DeSantis’ Investigation on Adverse Events of the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines
WUHAN-GATES – 61. THE HUGE NWO PLOT TO CONTROL BRAINS: SARS-Cov-2 by Fauci, Graphene by Darpa-Obama, Vaccines by Gates-Biden-EU
US Scientists Found the Dangerous Ingredients of mRNA Vaccines which Might Cause Long-COVID
APOCALYPSE’s DROPS over US because of AntiChrist Biden! Tremendous Christmas Blizzard is Killing Many Americans after Devilish “Gifts” for Ukrainian War
BOMBSHELL ON PFIZER. Former Chief Scientific Adviser destroyed AntiCovid mRNA Vaccine Safety in Short Words
WUHAN-GATES – 59. “Dangerous SARS-2 & Omicron Lab Experiments without Risk Assessment. STOP Them!”. Alert by 5 US Senators. Russia blames the last Boston Research
Il 27 marzo 2019 Gospa News ha aperto il sotto-dominio in lingua inglese anche per la necessità di preparare gli articoli per la piattaforma americana Veterans Today con cui il direttore Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio collabora.
Da poco Carisio, intervistato di recente da Jeff Brown che è fondatore della Bioweapon Truth Commission e direttore del sito China Rising, è divenuto anche corrispondente del nuovo sito The Intel Drop fondato da Gordon Duff, marines reduce del Vietnam, ex ufficiale della CIA ed esperto mondiale di intelligence soprattutto in ambito militare.
L’inizio della guerra in Ucraina ha reso estremamente difficoltoso, per ragioni di tempo di traduzione e impaginazione, tradurre tutti gli articoli dall’Inglese in Italiano e viceversa. Pertanto soltanto le notizie più importanti compaiono nelle due lingue.
UKRAINE BIOLABS – 4. ARMI BATTERIOLOGICHE NWO. Intervista di Jeff Brown per China Rising a Fabio Carisio direttore di Gospa News
La sezione International di Gospa News è diventata così il contenitore di molti articoli selezionati sulle piattaforme più importanti di geopolitica e intelligence del mondo, che a volte vengono rielaborate all’interno di vere e proprie inchieste, altre volte vengono ripubblicate integralmente con brevi commenti da parte della redazione di Gospa News o del direttore.
Da oggi abbiamo deciso di inserire le principali notizie pubblicate solo in Inglese anche in questo spazio fisso sulla copertina di Gospa News in Italiano (dove le più recenti sono peraltro già presenti nella barra laterale poco visibile su smartphone e tablet). Sono state inserite in ordine di attualità ma anche di importanza.
Questo consentirà ai lettori anche di comprendere grazie a quali importanti fonti Gospa News seleziona le proprie notizie.
Inchiesta Esclusiva! SARS-COV-2 DA LABORATORIO & ISIS. L’inquietante Legame all’ombra di USA, CIA, UE e NATO. WuhanGates – video 3
Alcuni link inseriti sono relativi a inchieste tradotte in Italiano ma basate su fonti originali in lnglese che pertanto possono essere lette in lingua originale. Purtroppo alcuni articoli in Inglese hanno subito una revisione veloce e pertanto ci scusiamo in anticipo per eventuali errori sintattici o grammaticali soprattutto nei reportages più ampi e dettagliati.
Cliccando sulla Bandierina Italiana in Basso a sinistra dopo essere entrati negli articoli della Sezione in Inglese
Buona lettura
No-Gender Santa Claus to Kill Child Jesus. Shady Masonic Conspiracy for LGBT Propaganda even in Christmas
IN MEMORY OF FIRST MARTYR SAINT STEPHEN. Main Reports on Christians Persecuted in the Contemporary World
Cleveland Clinic: “Higher Risk of COVID-19 Infection among Vaccinated”. Israeli Study on SARS-Breakthrough, Killer according to CDC Data
Putin bans all Oil Sales to ‘Price Cap’ States
500 Healthcare Workers Get $10 Million Settlement After Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandate
97 New Locations in 3 US States Contaminated With PFAS Chemicals From Fracking Waste
Ukrainians NeoNazi’s Chief Zelensky Armed by Biden for the StarWars: US Patriot vs Russian Missiles Sarmat & Zircon
Christian Martyrdom, American Empire and Zionist New World Order against Russia
Dangerous “Situation in Kosovo resembles Ukraine Donbass Crisis” before the Conflict. Russian Envoy said on RT
Christians Persecuted by NeoNazi Kiev Regime: Other Ukraine Security Service SBU’s Raids in Orthodox Churches
Eurofighter of the Italian Air Force Crashes, Pilot dies. Death “Announced” by US Air Force Medical Doctor on Vaccine Heart Attack Risk
US, Germany and Italy alongside Ukraine in opposing UN anti-Nazi Resolution
GREAT US! Musk’s Firm under Investigation for Animal Testing. None for Manmade SARS-Cov-2 or Dangerous mRNA Vaccines on Humans
Attorneys General release Transcript of Fauci’s deposition on the Covid Truth Censorship by Socials’ Giants & White House
QatarGate: Hurricane in the European Parliament: Arrested Greek VP & Former Italian MEP who was in the Shady “Soros List”
Western Sanctions on Russian Oil come into Force. No Selling to EU, Looming High Gasoline Price
The Study which Changed Covid Vaccines History. Pfizer mRNA Serum can Alter Human DNA. Entering in Cells through Liver
Green Pass forever and More Vaccines with Dangerous mRNA Technology: White House Impose Health Dictatorship with the G20 Bali Declaration
USAF is Now Ready for Atomic World War (AWW): Top Secret B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber for Nuke Weapons finally Revealed
WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declared China a “Role Model” a Week before the Mass Anti-Lockdown Protests Broke Out
Isis Leader Was Killed In Russian-Backed Syrian Security Operation. Debunked the US CentCom Statement
Mass Anti-lockdown Protests Break out in China: Arrests in the Videos. Fauci blames Xi’s Govt zero-Covid policy
Fauci Grilled Under Oath in Social Media Censorship Case. Depositions of White House, FBI Officials “on Hold”
“COVID: Logic, Reasoning and Scientific Evidence Disappeared with Fauci-Gates’ Dangerous Vaccines” US Retired Neurosurgeon on NIH PubMed
150 US Nuclear Weapons in Europe but Moscow Holds more Atomic Warheads in the World and the New Powerful Russian Sarmat ICBM
The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury: Sudden Death, Blood Cloths, Human Mad Cow and Autoimmune Diseases
Pentagon’s AeroGuard: the New UAS to “Catch in the Net” the Kamikaze Drones used in Ukraine War
The Mysterious Money Raising by “Aid to Ukraine”, the US Democratic Party and the Suspicious Collapse of the FTX Crypto
Ukrainian Lawmakers want to Ban Russian Orthodox Church. After SBU Security Service’s Raid in Monastery and 2019 Language Discrimination Law
An American Neo-Nazi who Fought within Azov Battalion Avowes the Crimes of his Ukrainian ‘colleagues’
100% of mRNA Jab Recipients Suffered Heart Injury. How to Treat Long Covid
Qatar Doesn’t Have Enough Genders to Host a World Cup… No Soccer without Sodomy! But FIFA Stopped One Love LGBT Armband…
48,817 DEAD and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
Ukrainian NeoNazi linked to Azov Battalion was Plotting Terrorist Attacks in Italy with Weapons sent to Kiev by NATO
British Medical Journal’s BOMB: “US FDA Hides Data on Serious Adverse Events after Covid Vaccines”
“Verdict on MH17 Plane Crash Politically Motivated”. Russia Foreign Ministry Stated
Worrying German Study on Covid-19 Vaccination Boosters: “Pfizer Bivalent caused more Serious Adverse Reactions than Monovalent one”
Istanbul Police: Female citizen of Syria linked to PKK Committed Terrorist Attack in Turkey. Kurds Denied Involvement
Russia Denies Striking Poland: “The Missile that Struck Przewodow was not Russian”. Confirmed by NATO
Western Shame! US, Uk & French Vote Against probe into Pentagon’s Biolabs in Ukraine during the UN Security Council
The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations
Myocarditis and Death After COVID Vaccines: Is the Risk Greater Than Public Health Officials Claim?
US Midterm: Defeats for Biden, Voting System and Trump “Political Suicide”: Threatened the GOP Rival DeSantis (Winner in Florida) for 2024 Presidential Challenge
Why I’m Voting Republican for the First Time Ever: Dems are now Warmongers, Censors, and Corporate shills
Halloween Massacre in the Satan’s Night. The “Prophecy”of the Italian Exorcist on “the Devil’s Rights”
FREEMASONRY & VATICAN – 1. From the Alta Vendita Plot to the Pecorelli’s List with Notable Cardinals Inside
Judge Gives Over 1,000 Georgia Voters Extra Time to Mail in Absentee Ballots
THIS IS A HEARTH After PFIZER Covid Vaccines! Fatal Strange Blood Clots revealed by the Autopsy of Japanese Researchers
UK Royal Navy Blamed by Russian Ministry of Defense for Nord Stream Sabotage and Drone Attack on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea
THE HUGE & SHADY ZUCKERBERG PLOT: Facebook has Ex-CIA Agents Censoring You
CDC Pushed for COVID-19 Boosters Without Clinical Trials: Disturbing Emails: “Pfizer Recommends It and I Trust in their Guidance”
Former Goldman Sachs’ Man appointed as UK PM to Clean the “Truss Mistakes” against King Charles’ Great Reset
Nordic Monitor: “ISIS Opened Office in Turkey to target EU and Russia”. HTS Terrorist with Bank Account despite Arrest Warrant. Kamikaze Woman Freed
95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director
Japanese Prime Minister Orders Investigation into Religious Sect After Accusations of Connections to the Ruling Party
Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, FBI Top Official Be Deposed in Big Tech Censorship Case on the Covid-19 Info
ABC investigative Journalist has been Missing since an FBI Raid: Six Months Ago for Alleged Classified Info
WUHAN-GATES – 57. New Manmade Lethal SARS-Cov-2 as BioWeapon. Fauci Behind “Madmen Scientists” of a Very Dangerous Experiment on Omicron
European Prosecutors (EPPO) investigating EU Vaccine Deal after Chat between Von der Leyen and Pfizer’s CEO. And Gates’ NGO Lobbying
Xi Jinping re-elected as General Secretary of Communist Party of China. Among Dreams, Contradictions and Threats
NATO Member States set to hold Nuclear Deterrence Drills starting Next Week
As US and EU make the Global Economy Scream, Provincializing Euro-America in the Asian 21st Century
UK, Truss Loses the Challenge against Great Reset. PM “Forced to Resign” by Charles III’s NWO due to Her Counter-Poverty Plan
WUHAN-GATES – 56. Deep Investigation on “Moderna’s Artificial human gene like SARS-Cov-2”. Huge Plot EU, China, US Darpa & Fauci
200 US Marines deployed to “Nuclear” Aviano Air Base in Italy for Integrate Training with the F/A-18 Hornets alongside the F-16 Fighting Falcons
Serious Clues of NATO-Kiev Attacks. UK Plot on Crimean Bridge. 8 Arrests by FSB. Mysterious Leak in an Oil Pipeline. Drone Killer Found near Nord Stream
Gates’ GMO Mosquitoes as “Flying Syringes” to Vaccinate All! Test in Seattle with Human Guinea-Pigs after Italian Study
OPEC Oil Production Cut Reopens U.S. Rift with Saudi Leader. The Soufan Center Warning
Egypt Outraged by Death of Child Hit on Head Multiple Times by Teacher with a Wooden Stick
COVID: THE HUGE LIE! During EU Hearing Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission
Putin confirmed Launching Massive Strikes on Ukrainian Energy, Military Infrastructure after the Crimean Bridge Explosion
“Servizi segreti ucraini dietro l’attacco terroristico al ponte di Crimea” Putin e NYT incolpano l’intelligence di Kiev
di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Due diverse fonti, Putin e il New York Times, incolpano l’intelligence di Kiev per l’attentato esplosivo al ponte di Crimea.
Il ponte lungo 19 km che collega la Crimea a Krasnodar è stato colpito da una massiccia esplosione sabato mattina, provocando la morte di tre persone, il crollo di parte del tratto stradale in mare e l’incendio delle petroliere sul tratto ferroviario adiacente. Funzionari ucraini hanno accennato alla responsabilità di Kiev per l’incidente terroristico in una serie di post su Twitter.
L’attacco al ponte di Crimea è stato ordinato, ordito ed eseguito dai servizi speciali dell’Ucraina, ha indicato il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.
“Questo è stato un attacco terroristico volto a distruggere le infrastrutture civili russe strategiche”, ha detto Putin, parlando in un incontro con il capo del comitato investigativo russo Alexander Bastrykin domenica sera.
“Ukrainian Secret Service behind Terror Attack to Crimean Bridge” Putin and NYT Blame Kiev’s Intelligence
Ma la stessa accusa è arrivata dal famoso quotidiano americano New York Times…
«Un alto funzionario ucraino ha confermato i rapporti russi secondo cui l’Ucraina sarebbe dietro l’attacco. Il funzionario, parlando in condizione di anonimato a causa del divieto governativo di discutere dell’esplosione, ha aggiunto che i servizi di intelligence ucraini avevano orchestrato l’esplosione, utilizzando una bomba caricata su un camion che stava attraversando il ponte» hanno scritto poche ore fa i giornalisti Michael Schwirtz e Andrew E. Kramer.
Nobel Peace Prize 2022 to Kiev NGO Created by Soros & US for Ukrainian Coup. Funded also by EU Commission which Bought Arms for Zelensky
“General Armageddon” to lead Russian Forces in Ukraine after Crimean Bridge Blast
Inflammatory Nanoparticles of mRNA Vaccine Change the Immune System (in Sons too). Warning by a Thomas Jefferson University Study
Crimean Bridge reopens after Truck-Bomb Blown Up (video & updates): 3 Deaths. Ukrainian Officials: “This is Just the Beginning”
Ex-advisor to Pentagon Chief suggests US, UK might be behind Nord Streams Sabotage
Rain of American Armaments on Ukraine. Huge Arsenal donated to Kiev by the Pentagon for US War against Russia
Asia’s new ‘Donors’: the Paris Club and Dollar Debt Colonialism. Wither Reform of the International Development Architecture?
Donbass Republics and other Ukrainian Regions Voted to Join Russia. SBU Accused 16 Individuals of Collaboration for Organizing Referendums
Nord Stream Sabotage will Make Rich US with LNG Gas. The Suspicious Warning by CIA
VON DER LEYEN AWARDED BY GATES! For €300 Million Donated by EU to His Gavi NGO for Vaccines of Big Pharma Funded by Him
WUHAN-GATES – 55. BILL III, Virus & Vaccines Emperor, Lobbied US-EU Govts with $8.3 Million Through His NGOs
King Charles III Proclamation in Violation of UN Resolution: Royal Legacy to Protestants in Discrimination of Catholics, Jews or Muslims
The CIA’s Promotion of the Great Reset through Worldwide Media since Operation Mockingbird
UKRAINE BIOLABS – 8. Russia Presents Evidence of US Military-Biological Activity to Geneva Convention
WUHAN-GATES – 53. From PLANDEMIC by Manmade SARS-Cov-2 to Remote Controlled Brain Communication by Darpa
Western Media continues to Ignore how Ukraine is Using NATO Weapons to Kill innocent Civilians in the Donbass
West’s Anti-Russia Policies, Partial Mobilization & Referendums in Ukraine: Key Points of Putin’s Address
The Mystery on the Zelensky Photo with Guard Sporting Nazi Insignia which has Disappeared
OSCE Workers Sentenced for High Treason in Donbass after Spying for Ukraine
Ukraine: Dangerous Deceit on the Nuclear Plant. UN’s Agency IAEA Hid the Kiev’s Bombing on Zaporozhye
Shmitah: The Year of Jewish Disasters. Energy Crisis is the New 9/11. Conspired as the First One!
US Grain Lobby against Poorest Countries. Cereal Exported from Ukraine didn’t Reach People who Need it. UN Commissioner Said
US Study: “COVID Vaccine Mandates for College Students are Unethical, 98 Times Worse Than Virus”
Toxic, Metallic Compounds Found in All COVID Vaccine Samples Analyzed by German Scientists
One Hundred Employees of the Royal House to Be Fired. First Action of King Charles III smelling of Great Reset
“EU has Run Out of Energy” Orban warns Europeans. After Hungary’s New Gas Deal with Russia
Criminal FDA and CDC Ignore Law and Approve New COVID Vaccine Boosters with ZERO Testing on Humans: On Mice Only
Can the US Legally and Politically Deny the Access to UN to the Russian Delegation without committing an Infringement?
Queen Elizabeth II Death for Charles III King: British Imperialism from the NWO of Big Pharma & Weapons Lobby to WEF’s Great Reset
WUHAN-GATES – 54. Too Many Secrets on Manmade SARS between Chinese Biolab & Daszak’s NGO of NY funded by Fauci-Gates. NIH stops the Grant
UK Police preparing for the Risk of Civil Unrest this Winter amid a Cost of Living and Energy Crisis
Orban Leads the Rebellion on EU sanctions against Russia. Hungary Gains from new Deal with Gazprom. Visa Ban’s Agree Failed
WEF (Schwab): ‘Solid, Rational Reasons’ to Implant Microchips in Kids. World Economic Forum’s Scientist Wrote
Bombay High Court Issues Notice To Bill Gates Over Plea On Vaccine Death
THE ZIONIST DENIAL OF HISTORY: Israel is Banning Schools from Using Maps that Show its pre-1967 borders
IMF Bailout of BlackRock amid Adani Greenwash. Indian Ocean Region Economic Nightmare after Argentina one
Dugina Assassination: Russian FSB Identified the Suspect Ukrainian BombMaker (video)
Rock Singer’s Fatal Brain Injury caused by AstraZeneca Vaccine, Inquest Concludes. His Fiancée is the First Person Compensed in UK
Dugin Blames Nazi Ukrainian Regime for Killing of his Daughter. FSB shows the Evidences of this Premeditated Attack
“People without Basic Needs in Winter due to Energy Prices”. Alarm by London’s Mayor and British Medical Journal
“Russian Soldiers Poisoned in Ukraine with Chemical Weapons Prohibited”. Lethal Botulinum Brought by US to Mariupol in 2021
Mysterious Suicide of a SBU Ukrainian Regional Security Chief
“West can End Fighting in Ukraine Tomorrow”. Roger Waters, Pink Floyd co-founder, told RT
Attack with Car Bomb to “Putin’s Ideologist” Dugin: the Daughter Darya Killed. Police: “Premeditated” (update)
US CDC Hid Data on Vaccines’ Spike Protein Dangerous Persistence in Body. Disruptive Discover by Biologist Jessica Rose
Red Flags of Cold War in the Indian Ocean: From IS-claimed Easter Attacks to Yuan Wang-5 China Spy Ship
Fukushima Nightmare in the US! Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant: assessing the Seismic Risks of Extended Operation
WUHAN-GATES – 52. Getting an HIV Vaccine: “May be the Real Goal behind SARS-Cov-2 Manmade”
Pelosi’s Pivot as Cold War and Colonialism rebound in the Indian Ocean amid Greenwash
WUHAN-GATES – 51. “SARS 2003 and 2019 American Bioweapons”. Russian Genomic and Biological Experts said
American Shame in Syria: US Persecutes Population with the Sanctions but Steals 66,000 Oil Barrels Every Day
UKRAINE’s SUICIDAL WAR! 45,000 Tons of NATO Ammunition Destroyed. Hundreds of Nationalists and Foreign Fighters Killed
Covid Jabs INCREASE Risk of Infection According to New England Journal of Medicine
Mysterious Detaining of Khashoggi’s Lawyer in UAE. “Opaque Legal System Close to Saudi Kingdom”
Shot at the U.S. dollar! Russia and China Officially Announce A “New Global Reserve Currency”.
“Monkeypox Outbreaks Connected to mRNA Covid Vaccines”. Israeli Physician-Scientist Injured by Pfizer said
Biden to Send Another Billion Dollars to Ukrainian Regime and Oligarchs to Prop Up War Machine
Russian Supreme Court designates Azov Nationalist Battalion as Terrorist Organization
Without Support Archie is Dead! Holy See: ‘Humanity Defeated when Life decided by a Court’
Ukraine war: UN chief Guterres slams Oil and Gas firms’ ‘Grotesque Greed’
European Medicines Agency says Novavax COVID Shot must Carry Heart Side-Effect Warning
After Many Scandals NHS to close Tavistock Child Gender Identity Clinic
Al Qaeda Leader Killed In US Drone Strike, Biden Says
Kiev’s Forces Shelled a Detention Center in Donbass because “the Nazi began to Testify on War Crimes”. 53 Azov POWs Killed
76,253 Dead Recorded in Europe and US Following COVID Vaccines. 4,358 Fetal Deaths: Pfizer Hid Disturbing Data on Pregnant Women Risks
Neurological Long Covid as SARS-2 Bio-Weapon! “27 Millions Infected without Smell and Taste for Months”. Analysis & Therapies by BMJ
WEAPONS LOBBY – 7. NATO-GATES International Military Intrigue in Turin. To Develop AI and Aerospace Technologies In DIANA Project
“Israeli Attacks on Syria would never been Done without Western Support and UN Silence”. Damasco’s Ambassador said
Biden’s Grants of up to $500,000 to “Promote Atheism Worldwide”: Republicans against US Funding for Asian and Muslim Countries
2 Dead and 12 injured in Attack on New Orthodox Church Saint Sophia in Syria
The Elephant in the Room: Geopolitics and the ‘Great Reset’ in Sri Lanka to Benefit QUAD-NATO’s Corporates
Implementing a New World Order: Politics do Not Rule the World, Corporations, Financial Institutions and Bankers do
Italian Judge Borsellino Assassination: 30 Years of Mafia Injustice through Misdirections inside the Masonic State
CDC Directs Kids To Secretive Online Chat Space To Explore Sex Change Operations, ‘Having Mulitiple Genders,’ The Occult
Former Pfizer Exec said Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional to Exert Control Over Society
Pfizer Crimes against our Children: Cardiac Arrest of Two Month Old Baby an Hour after Experimental Vaccine
US Drone Strike Kills Leader of ISIS In Syria
The Risks of US Military Assistance to Ukraine. Disturbing Alert by NATO’s Media Partner Defense One
Neverending WAR CRIMES in Syria under NATO’s Shield! Israeli and US Airstrikes. Turkish Persecution on Rojava Population
G7 Countries Have a Plan to Counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Soufan Center Analysis
“US protecting Israel in Journalist Killing Case”. Easier to believe Palestine Official than Washington DOS
Official Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the Europe and US
Bill Gates Farmland Purchase Comes Under Investigation by North Dakota AG
Strategic Alliances. Ukraine and Moldova towards EU. Iran and Argentina alongside BRICS
CEDSL Group of Academics and Activists Demands Debt Cancellation to Save Sri Lanka
“Roe’s Abortion Ruling has fallen”. 13 US states are already protecting the Unborn
Leonardo DRS CEO: Acquiring Israeli firm RADA part of ‘integrated sensing’ strategy by Italian Corporation
U.S.-Saudi Relations Reset Despite MBS International Crimes and 9/11 Heavy Suspicions
WEAPONS LOBBY – 6. Third World War Warnings! UK, Nato, US & Zelensky threaten Russia and China
Murder-Suicides by Pilots Are Vexing Airlines as Deaths Mount
FDA Votes YES on Moderna Shots for Kids 6-17yo. Despite the Risk-Benefit Analysis Hides ‘Bad Data’
Nigeria Attack Raises Questions about Expansion of Terrorist Threat
2,200 Elite, Including Big Pharma CEO, Top Doctors, Movie Stars, Caught Buying FAKE Vax Certificates in Spain
IntelBrief: Turkey (alongside NATO & US) has Long Been an Important Support Base for Islamic State
VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 1. Dangerous & Mysterious Nanoparticles inside mRNA Serum. “Toxicology NOT Thoroughly Investigated” Pfizer Wrote
Orban saves the Patriarch of Moscow from the LGBT Lobby’s Revenge. Hungary stops EU sanctions on Kirill who Blamed Kiev due to Gay Pride
“Western Weapons could end up in Criminals Hands”. Interpol issues Ukrainian Warning
From Fatima to Ukraine. The Useless Lesson of Peace by Pope Wojtyla to Christians who want Weapons and War
500,000 Germans Severely Injured by COVID-19 Vaccines, Survey by Top Hospital Shows. For 20% the Symptoms Persist.
WAR-GAMES Escalation in Ukraine. Himars Rockets from US. Akatsiya Howitzers from Russia in Belarus. New Risks for Kiev?
WUHAN-GATES – 50. The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta
Canada Ordered 500,000 Smallpox Vaccines Just Weeks Before Monkeypox Outbreak
Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post-WWII Bought and Paid for by the CIA. From SS Galician to Azov Neo-Nazis
Two Weeks of Bullets and Death in America: at least 40 Killed. Biden Cries on HIS Weapons Lobby
Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs in the Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’ by NTI. Where DTRA Expert & CIA Officer Work
Italian Judge (FBI’s Friend) Killed by Mafia with the CIA Help? Intel shadows on the Mattarellas: Untouchables, Powerful Sicilian Statesmen
CSIS Canadian Intelligence and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes
Worse than Ukraine! In Yemen “Catastrophic” Hunger due to Saudi War: 400,000 Toddlers at “Risk of Death”
Russian Envoy to UN Says Nationalists in Ukraine Using Civilians as Human Shields
Press Review: Energy Ban to Harm globe and is it Time to Drain Human Rights Industry Swamp
UKRAINE BIOLABS – 6. DTRA DOSSIER on Bacteriological Weapons and Russia-US Deal. Putin Betrayed by Obama & Pentagon in Kiev and Tbilisi
Mariupol Freed from the Zelensky’s Nazis Satanists. Putin conquers the Military Target and Shows the True Face of the Kiev Partisans (video)
Nine prominent Saudi Judges Arrested, Accused of ‘High Treason’ in MBS-attributed Purge
British Presidency “Censored” Russia on Bucha Issue: Refused UN Security Council Meeting
WEAPONS LOBBY – 5. NWO’s Warfare Plan against Russia and Counter-Information. CEPA Project from Washington with NATO-EU & Defense Corporations
Shanghai Lockdown into Context: China Sees SARS-Cov-2 as a Bioweapon. The Whole Story
Read the Fine Print: Russia’s Nuclear Weapon Use Policy
Biden Extends two-year COVID ‘National Emergency’ Beyond March 1. To Sell Pfizer Vaccines…
Scandal on Vaccines for Children: GSK (Pfizer Partner) Funded with $18thousand a Member of CDC who Approved the Jabs since 5yo
“US Military-Industrial Complex Wants War in Ukraine” Gabbard told. As the Nightmare of CEPA’s Plan
The Fabian Society, Eugenics and the Historic Forces Behind Today’s Systemic Breakdown
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