Collapsed the roof in the Paris cathedral, monument Unesco
Where was announcend the Third Crusade. Presidente Macron upset.
It’s the second church on blaze in the capital in a month only

___di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio ___


From Russia Today: Fire has destroyed two thirds of the roof of the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, yet the French firefighters remain cautiously optimistic that they may have managed to save its two towers from collapsing. “We can consider that the two towers of Notre-Dame are saved,” commander of the Brigade of firefighters in Paris, Jean-Claude Gallet, told reporters.

From BBC correspondent: It is impossible to overstate how shocking it is to watch such an enduring embodiment of our country burn.
Locals are not famous for their sunny disposition, but few can walk along the banks of the Seine in the central part of the capital without feeling their spirits rise at the majestic bulk of Notre-Dame.
It is one of the few sights sure to make a Parisian feel good about living there. Paris prosecutor opens investigation

Further to its earlier announcement, the office says it is investigating “accidental destruction by fire”.


“The worst was avoided, but the battle is not completely won – said President Emmanuel Macron, who returned late at night in front of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in flames – Thanks to the courage of the firemen, the facade and the structures have not collapsed” .


The roof of the central nave completely collapsed. One of the typical spiers that gave the marked Gothic imprint collapsed in turn. It is not just a fire that developed in the late afternoon in one of the symbols of Christianity in Europe and the whole world. Also celebrated by the imposing musical staged and performed by Riccardo Cocciante (written by Luc Plamondon by the eponymous novel by Victor Hugo). It is a real devastation that is gutting the cathedral of Notre Dame with all its treasures.

The aerial photo show the big damnage inside the church

The firemen have confirmed that the fire is “probably” linked to the ongoing renovation work and would perhaps have started from scaffolding. But everyone’s thoughts return to tomorrow March 17 when the door of the Church of Saint Sulpice was entirely burned by arson, following the warnings of Islamic extremists after the strege in the mosques of Christchurch in New Zealand. No one claimed that act and at the moment there are no elements that lead us to believe that an attack was concealed behind the stake at the base; but the suspicion has flashed in the minds of many and is already insinuating itself on the social networks. “Notre-Dame de Paris in flames – this is the tweet of Emmanuel Macron -. Emotion of a whole nation. Thought for all Catholics and for all the French. Like all our compatriots, tonight I am sad to see this part of us burn ”. Notre-Dame de Paris en proie aux flammes. Émotion de toute une nation. Pensée pour tous les catholiques et pour tous les Français. Comme tous nos compatriotes, je suis triste ce soir de voir brûler cette part de nous ”.

Notre Dame Tower

Fire has spread to the left rectangular tower of the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral, which has been ravaged by a massive blaze. Smoke is seen billowing from the left rectangular tower of the cathedral, prompting fears that the blaze has actually spread to the few parts of the 12th-century building left untouched by the fire. The firefighters, who are still struggling to contain the fire, said they are reluctant to call in aerial support, such as firefighting helicopters. A massive haul of water, poured on the ancient structure, might collapse the entire building. Live news here.

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady (in French: Cathédrale métropolitaine Notre-Dame; in Latin: Ecclesia Cathedralis Nostrae Dominae, also known as Notre-Dame Cathedral or more simply Notre-Dame, is the main Catholic place of worship in Paris, cathedral of the archdiocese of Paris, whose metropolitan archbishop is also primate of France.The cathedral, located in the eastern part of the Île de la Cité, in the heart of the French capital, in the square of the same name, represents one of the most famous Gothic buildings in the world and it is one of the most visited monuments in Paris.According to the French law on the separation of State and Church of 1905, the building is owned by the French State, like all the other cathedrals built by the Kingdom of France, and its use is assigned to the Catholic Church The cathedral, a minor basilica from 27 February 1805, is a historical monument of France since 1862 and a World Heritage Site. UNESCO since 1991.

Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris

On 12 October 1160 the theologian Maurice de Sully became bishop of Paris. He immediately promoted the construction of a new and wider cathedral, resulting in that of Santo Stefano in ruins and the church of Nostra Signora insufficient for the growing population: the city, in fact, besides having become with Philip I capital of the kingdom of France , it was also an important economic and cultural center. The two churches of Santo Stefano and Our Lady were demolished and the first stone was laid in the presence of Pope Alexander III, who stayed in Paris from 24 March to 25 April 1163, under the reign of Louis VII the Younger.

The new building was built in Gothic style, which had already established itself in France with the construction of the basilica of Saint-Denis (1136 –13th century) and the cathedrals of Sens (1135–1534), of Noyon (1145–1235) and of Laon (1155–1235). The church would have had a plan similar to that of the cathedral of Santo Stefano, with five naves without side chapels except for three radial chapels. The project was not limited only to the new church, but also extended to the surrounding area: in fact, it provided for the opening of a large square in front of the cathedral reachable by a new wider road to facilitate the access of the faithful, as well as the reconstruction of the bishop’s palace. The construction of the cathedral was carried out in two phases: by 1250 the building was completed, while until the middle of the 14th century there was a series of interventions on both the internal and external structure, up to the current appearance. The construction of the building was financed both by the Church and by the crown of France and many citizens worked on the building site, lending their work as blacksmiths, masons and carpenters. The construction of the new cathedral began under the supervision of Bishop Maurice de Sully from the choir. The structure, with five naves and a double ambulatory around the apse, was completed in 1182; on May 19 of the same year, Henri de Château-Marçay, papal legate of Pope Lucius III, consecrated the high altar, and in 1185, during the first celebration inside the cathedral, the patriarch of Jerusalem Heraclius of Caesarea summoned the Third Crusade.


Here are some of the treasures that may be at risk in the blaze:


The big “Mays” of Notre-Dame de Paris – Large-scale paintings that were commissioned almost every year by the Parisian Goldsmiths’ Society between 1630 to 1707 to be offered each May 1 at the cathedral in honour of the Virgin Mary. The Visitation, by Jean Jouvenet – A masterpiece of the 18th century depicting the Virgin Mary raising her eyes to heaven, near her cousin Elizabeth, bowed before her, who is in the sixth month of the conception of John the Baptist. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Fountain of Wisdom, by Antoine Nicolas – Estimated to have been completed in 1648, the artwork depicts Saint Thomas Aquinas sitting on a pedestal dressed in the garments of the Dominican order, to which he belonged.

Stained glass

The rose windows – Notre Dame’s north, south and west rose windows are described on the cathedral’s website as “one of the greatest masterpieces of Christianity”. The south rose window was built in 1260, about 10 years after the north rose window was constructed.


Notre Dame’s exterior features a collection of sculptures known as “grotesques”, stone creatures intended to protect the church from malevolent spirits.


The Great organ – With five keyboards and nearly 8,000 pipes, Notre Dame’s great organ is probably the most famous musical instrument of its kind in the world. It is believed to have been constructed some time in the 13th century, according to the cathedral’s website. The Choir organ – An instrument of 2,000 pipes that is believed to have been constructed in the 19th century.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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