Donbass rebel and 3 russians charged for the Buk missile
But Moscow blame Kiev: «Evidences fabricate.
The rocket was in the hands of Ukraine Arm»
The UK intelligence former chief teach to youth
in the Open Ukraine foundation project pro-Western



Dutch prosecutors on Wednesday, 22 December 2021, demanded life sentences for four suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014, saying they caused “deep and irreversible suffering” to relatives of the 298 people killed.

Prosecutors said the four recklessly used a Russian missile to bring down the passenger jet, killing all 298 passengers and crew.

Public prosecutor Manon Ridderbeks made the sentence demand on the third day of a presentation of evidence supporting the indictment. The suspects are being tried in absentia.

“The downing of MH17 with a Buk missile brutally ended the lives of all 298 people on board. Incredibly deep and irreversible suffering has been caused to the next of kin,” Ridderbeks told the court.

Life sentences are rare in the Netherlands, where the sentence means the convicted person spending the rest of their life in prison.But Ridderbeks said it was necessary for the MH17 downing because of the extreme nature of the crime and to act as a deterrent.

“It must send an unequivocal international message that aviation deserves the greatest possible protection and that gross acts of violence against it will be punished severely,” she said.

Prosecutors accuse Russians Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinskiy and Igor Pulatov as well as Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko, who were separatist rebels fighting Ukrainian government forces in 2014, of forming a team that aimed to bring down Ukrainian planes using a missile system trucked in from a Russian military base.

Prosecutor Thijs Berger told judges earlier on Wednesday that it’s legally irrelevant that the suspects wanted to shoot down military and not civilian aircraft.“Legally speaking they were ordinary citizens, they were not allowed to commit any violence,” he said.

The trial is being held in the Netherlands at a high-security courtroom near Schiphol Airport because nearly 200 of those on board were Dutch citizens. Victims came from a total of 16 different nations.

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Wednesday’s sentence demands came amid soaring tensions between Moscow and the West over a Russian troop buildup near Ukraine that has drawn fears of an invasion. Russia has denied plans to attack its neighbour.

Defence lawyers for Pulatov, who is the only suspect who is represented in court, will make their presentation to judges in March. Verdicts aren’t expected until September next year at the earliest.

Prosecutors had spent the previous two days explaining in meticulous detail the indictment and evidence backing it up to the panel of judges.

Prosecutors plotted in detail the route they say the Buk missile took to and from the launch site in an agricultural field near the village of Pervomaiskyi, using witnesses, social media posts, photos and video and intercepted phone calls and mobile phone location data.

They also discussed the forensic evidence gathered from the wreckage and bodies of victims that were recovered from eastern Ukraine and returned to the Netherlands for examination. Earlier in the trial, judges visited a hangar on a Dutch military airbase where the wreckage is stored to view the mangled fragments.

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The prosecutors concluded that the plane was shot down by a Buk missile belonging to the Russian 53rd Anti Aircraft Missile Brigade that was driven to the launch location “by orders of and under the guidance of the suspects.”

The prosecutors also cited taped conversations between Dubinski and Kharchenko discussing shooting down what they initially thought was a Ukrainian warplane.

Prosecutors argue that Girkin and Dubinskiy were senior separatist rebels while Pulatov and Kharchenko were their direct subordinates.

“Together they are responsible for the deployment of the Buk telar used to shoot down flight MH17,” prosecutors said in a written summary of their arguments. (Source EuroNews)


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Only a few days to go until the 39th anniversary of one of the most serious Italian aviation massacres: the disaster of the DC9 Itavia crashed on Ustica after being shot down by a missile. State lies promoted by generals of the Military Areonatics ended up on trial (and acquitted only by prescription of the offense of disturbance in the investigations) covered the incident making impossible to ascertain the responsibilities.

The killing took place on June 27, 1980 on the heads of the commanders of the Sixth Fleet of the US Navy stationed in Naples and of the Nas, the Naval Air Force of Sigonella, in an area of ​​complete control of the skies and sea by the forces NATO. But every foreign official of the Atlantic Pact claimed that he had seen nothing …

The devasted nacelle of Dc 9 Itavia fall down near Ustica island in june 27 1980, hiting by a missile

This reminder was needed to understand how the accusations of conspiracy on the massacre of the Boeing 777 of flight MH17 Malaysian Airlines, shot down on 17 July 2014 in Eastern Ukraine with 298 deaths, launched from Moscow against Kiev can be founded.

For over ten years security policies in the country, ravaged by the Donbass civil war, have been influenced by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in a strategy of separating the nation from its natural vocation to Mother Russia.

Now that the pro-Western regime-change is well-established, the Atlantic Alliance could not afford the discredit resulting from any responsibility in the disaster on the part of the Ukrainian government army, supported with military aid directly from the United States of America. And therefore the investigations have come to smoky conclusions that, according to the Kremlin, are the subject of a red herring

The nacelle of the Boeing 777 Malaysian Airlines rebuilt in a hangar

NATO interference took and takes place even more today through some cultural-political foundations partnered with the Open Society and the International Renaissance of George Soros, thanks also to the collaboration of a former British minister already responsible for intelligence in the United Kingdom who was among the promoters of the war in Libya, Syria and supporter of sanctions against Russia for the annexation of Crimea.

On the tragedy weigh the shadows of a disturbing false-flag misleading similar to that in the investigation into the death of the Italian photojournalist Andrea Rocchelli, killed May 24, 2014 in the Donbass together with the Russian interpreter Andrei Mironov, for which he is charged in a trial before at the Court of Assizes of Pavia a soldier of the Ukrainian National Guard, Vitality Markiv.

Despite unequivocal video evidence on the explosion of mortar shells against the two photographers and French colleague William Roguelon, who survived the serious wounds and witness in the courtroom, the military Markiv who was on the spot continues to blame the pro-Russian separatists.

Andrea Rocchelli, the Italian photojournalist who died in the Donbass for a mortar shell

If in the case of the Malaysian Airlines massacre there is no objective evidence, the Kiev government’s silences weigh on the dramatic death of the Italian reporter, who failed to provide clear investigative answers to the Italian judiciary, so much that the Rocchelli family lawyers, Emanuele Tambuscio and Alessandra Ballerini, have obtained the summon in the judgment of the Ukrainian State through the ambassador in Rome, “as a civil responsible” of the murder for the violation of the obligations of the parties in conflict and the duties towards the civilians.

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Moreover, as highlighted by the latest Gospa News report on the Lobby of Weapons, there are disturbing ties between the nationalists of the Azov Battalion, a far-right paramilitary formation but a member of the Ukrainian National Guard, the Israeli manufacturer of IWI weapons and the USA where Israel Weapons Industries collaborates with the Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY) in national security degree courses with a lot of seminars in Tel Aviv.


Clarified the behind-the-scenes in which the shooting of the Boeing of the flight MH17 Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur occurred, we analyze in detail the diplomatic-judicial clash in progress and the reasons why it seems likely the reconstruction of Moscow that rejects the outcome of the investigation of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) led by representatives of the Netherlands, a NATO nation such as Belgium, present in the commission together with members from Australia, Malaysia and Ukraine.

The JIT, operating under the Europol treaties, indicted four people, three of Russian nationality and one of Ukrainian nationality, for murder on Wednesday for the unspecified role they had in killing the Malaysia Airlines Boeing, and issued the corresponding mandates of arrest.

The three Russians involved – all with a background in Russian security services such as FSB or GRU – are Igor Girkin, Serghei Dubinsky and Oleg Pulatov while the Ukrainian is Leonid Kharchenko. Girkin (codename: Strelkov) at the time was the defense minister of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk (DPR), Dubinsky (aka Khmury) was the head of the DPR’s intelligence services while Pulatov (Gyurza / Khalif) second the accusations would have played a key role in securing the BUK missile which then shot down the scheduled jet. Kharchenko instead is a separatist who was at the head of a military unit in the Donetsk region.

The press conference of the spokesperson of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which shows the four suspects Igor Girkin, Oleg Pulatov, Sergey Dubinsky, Leonid Kharchenko. EPA / ROBIN VAN LONKHUIJSEN

Russia has deplored as “absolutely groundless” the accusations made by the international investigation according to which unidentified members of the rebel forces in eastern Ukraine would have used a Buk ground-to-air missile supplied by the Russian army. The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the allegations were not supported by reliable evidence and followed a line of argument “not entirely consistent”.

The motive is missing in particular. What interest could the pro-Russian separatists have to attract the suspicions of the international community about such a terrible massacre?

Instead, in the logic of a propaganda of discredit of the Donbass rebels, the Ukrainian government of Kiev could have had every interest to blame them for a serious “war accident”: perhaps caused by a mistake of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft, maybe wanted in that strategy of terror promoted by the CIA that led Georgian mercenary snipers to shoot at the crowd in the Euromaidan square with 77 deaths and 500 woundered on February 20, 2014 to justify international indignation and the subsequent political coup backed by the United States of America.

A stragist conspiracy analogous to that plotted against the demonstrators in Caracas in 2002 after which the president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was induced to resign and was arrested by the Americans for three days, before being reinstated for the insurrection of the population in his favor.


«The JIT continues to ignore the information provided by Moscow – notes the Russia Today network – This includes the declassification of military data on the Buk missile, the publication of radar data and an experiment conducted to show the exact effect the bullet has on the cabin of piloting an airplane».

The site of the disaster with the Boeing section of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17

«From the first day after the tragedy, Russia was interested in establishing the truth and cooperating with the investigations» the Kremlin said, noting that while Russia was given a secondary role in the investigation, Kiev enjoyed full membership by having its actual representatives in the Joint Investigation Team.

This, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, has allowed Ukraine to «manifacture evidence» and not to assume any responsibility for not having closed its airspace. The decision to keep the airspace open was criticized by the 2015 report of the Dutch Safety Board (which led the technical part of the probe to the accident). «In such circumstances, we have legitimate questions about the work of the JIT – adds Moscow – This underlines our previous concerns about the partial investigation process».

In this regard it was the same RT media that reported the investigation of two Dutch journalists who raised doubts about the completeness of the inquiry after finding remains of the plane at the site of the disaster even after the JIT team inspections.


The knot of the investigation is all in the Buk missile: Russia claims that it was in the hands of the Ukrainian army, the Joint Investigation Team that it returned to the Moscow army.

«Speaking with journalists, General Nikolay Parshin showed the documentary track of the Buk missile. According to the documents, some of which were declassified for the presentation, it was produced in a military facility in Dolgoprudny in the Moscow region in 1986 – reported Russia Today in an article dated 17 September 2018 highlighting the images with the serial number 8868720 on the engine and rocket nozzle – The missile was shipped from the plant on December 29, 1986 and delivered to military unit 20152 located in present-day Ukraine. It is now called the 223th Air Defense Regiment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to the report. The unit participated in the crackdown on Kiev rebels in eastern Ukraine in June 2014, the general said».

The serial number of the BUk missile that killed the Boeing of flight MH17

«The evidence denies the accusations of Ukraine and of some other parties, according to which a missile fired by a launcher, secretly delivered by Russia, was responsible for the killing of MH17» having supported the report of the Ministry of Defense communicating that all the material had been sent to Dutch investigators. The JIT investigations, however, would refute this version by stating, without providing any proof, that the missile would return to Russia for maintenance.

One of the points on which the accusations of the JIT are based also comes from an ambiguous video released by the English group Bellingcat, at the center of various controversies precisely for the realization of fake journalistic inquiries, to support the thesis of the delivery of the Buk launcher from Russia. The Ministry of Defense showed a video to show that the video was manipulated to place the images of the launcher in a background that was not in the original.

In addition, there are also interceptions by Ukrainian officials «who are discussing, in 2016, the risk of flying through limited airspace over Ukraine. In a flurry of complaints a sentence says that unless the restrictions are met, “we will make f *** k on another Malaysian boeing” ».

These numerous suspicious circumstances are not such as to be able to accuse Ukraine, or any of its extreme-right nationalists armed with mortar and missile launchers, of a direct responsibility in the accident but they are certainly sufficient to prove the existence of a plot to mislead investigations and ascertainment of the truth in connection with the ever closer interference by NATO over the security policies of Kiev.



Open Ukraine is a foundation established by the former prime minister of Kiev, the economist and lawyer Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who played a fundamental role in the propaganda of the orange revolution of Euromaidan Square and in the subsequent coup against the President of the Republic Viktor Janukovic, forced to flee the February 22, 2014 for its pro-Russian policy.

Among the partners of the Ukrainian Open also the NATO Research Center and the US State Department

Today Open Ukraine can boast of exceptional partners among which The US State Department, the Center for Documentation and Born Research, and International Renaissance, the Ukrainian arm, with 4 branches, of the New York Open Society of the Hungarian-American magnate George Soros. Added to this is the foundation of the oligarch and politician Viktor Pinchuk, who collaborates directly with Soros’s New York NGO and the Clinton Global Initiative foundation.

Partners of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation of the oligarch and former Ukrainian parliamentarian who supports the Kiev Security Forum

The Open Ukraine has among its mission the Kiev Security Forum, now in its 12th edition with the convention of 11-12 April 2019, and inaugurated in 2007 when Arseniy Yatsenyuk was Ukraine’s foreign minister and president of the Verkhovna Rada , the parliament of Kiev. Also thanks to the international influence of Open Ukraine, supported by Soros, Yatsenyuk managed to become premier from 2014 to 2016, and to found the Narodnij Front, the Popular Front, which welcomed some members of the national defense battalions into the military Council of the party.

Former premier Arsenij Yatsenyuk in hospital visiting wounded fighters from Donbass government battalions, 1-9-2014

This political alignment allowed the rapid political rise of Arsen Avakov, Minister of the Interior from 2014 to today, despite allegations of office abuse that in 2012 had led to his arrest in the Frosinone prison. He was released for parliamentary immunity obtained from the subsequent elections and today is responsible for the Ukrainian National Guard, which also includes the ultranationalists of the Battalion of Azov, accused by Amnesty International of heinous war crimes.

In this context, the former premier Yatsenyuk stepped away from active politics to emulate his mentor Soros, and thus remain behind the scenes of every international maneuver thanks to the collaboration with NATO, the US State Department but also prominent personalities of the world intelligence.

Arsenij Yatsenyuk with US President Barack Obama in the Oval Room of the White House on March 12, 2014

«The Kyiv Security Forum this year has garnered a record number of participants: over 1,000. Among them are senior Ukrainian state officials, Ukrainian state and state officials and diplomats and representatives of community experts from over 20 countries – founder Yatsenyuk said at the end of the summit – We will win this fight, we will have to follow our path and our path is democratic, effective, professional and pro-Western».

UkraineGate: Islamic Reporter funded by Obama-Biden and Soros in 2014 Coup, later at the Top of Weapons’ industry

When it came to getting serious, Mustafa Masi Nayyem (Ukrainian: Мустафа Найєм, Pashto: مصطفی نعیم), the Afghan-Ukrainian journalist who was the first to incite people on Facebook to take to the streets for the Orange Revolution in November 2013, came into action. Reporter Nayyem’s TV was financed by George Soros and some Western Embassies of NATO countries in Kiev. After the coup and calm waters, in 2019, he became deputy director of the most important Ukrainian arms industry.


As the Open Ukraine website clearly highlights on June 5, 2019, some young Ukrainians eager to explore national security issues in Kiev had an exceptional speaker: one of the great heads of intelligence in the United Kingdom and an important strategist in NATO policies, Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind.

He is a long-time British politician, born on 21 June 1946 in Edinburgh where he became a deputy in the Conservatories, and held various roles as a minister with Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major, including positions as Secretary of State for Scotland (1986-1990), Secretary of Defense (1992 -1995) and Secretary of Foreign Affairs (1995-1997).

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former head of British intelligence, during a conference organized by Open Ukraine

The Majesty’s 007 mastermind conference could take place thanks to the Open World youth project supported by the Open Ukraine foundation which has also been organizing the Security Forum for Ukrainian children for 7 years. Rifkind, a descendant of a family of displaced Lithuanian Jews in Scotland to escape the Russian Progroms, was re-elected to the British Parliament in the seat of Kensington and was therefore chosen on 6 July 2010 as President of the Committee for Intelligence and Security (ISC) by Prime Minister, David Cameron.

He take the function until 2015 than he remains only an Isc member. In January 2015 he was appointed by the OSCE as a member of his group of eminent personalities on European security. In December 2015 he became Visiting Professor at King’s College London in their Department of War Studies.


As president of ISC Rifkind has designed the transformation of the Committee’s powers to ensure effective supervision of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. He persuaded the government to introduce legislation that would allow the ISC, for the first time, to be able to request intelligence agencies to supply any highly classified material required. Rifkind was in favor of NATO’s military intervention in Libya and was among those who supported the need to supply arms to the Libyan rebels, said The Times.

But the same “baronet” was also the director of British counter-espionage in two crucial questions precisely in the international clash between the Atlantic Pact and Russia: Syria and Ukraine. He was among those who called for an intervention against the Damascus government in response to the use of chemical weapons.

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Rifkind, writing in The Guardian, accused the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of “doing all this because they think they can get away with staying in power”, and then argued that Britain, against the vast international consensus against the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, “had no choice but to take military action with or without a United Nations mandate”.

So it was: without any resolution by the UN Security Council, rained down over the Syria many missiles from the NATO Coalition leaded by Us, France and England, leaving hundreds of corpses among the civilian population.

The accusation of using Damascus chemical weapons, however, wasn’t never proven. At least in the last Douma massacre of April 2018 it would have been a false-flag attack organized by the Al Nusra terrorists in complicity with the operators of the Syria Civil Defense, the White Helmets constituted and trained by a former British military secret agent. This hypothesis put forward by two professors from the United Kingdom based on the dossier of an engineer and already the subject of a report by Gospa News.

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In March 2014, during an interview with CBC Radio News, Rifkind challenged the Russian annexation of Crimea by Ukraine, stating that this risked destabilizing the entire area and European politics in general. In his opinion, the Ukrainian forces had shown “considerable restraint” against Russian “humiliation”, and had turned their military disadvantage into a substantial “moral advantage”. While declaring “concrete economic sanctions” as the best response to the situation in Crimea, it nevertheless defined “pathetic” Western implementation, claiming that the measures concerned only 23 individuals and was the reason why Russia seemed not to be intimidated by the sanctioning threat .

For his criticism of Russian action in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine, Rifkind was included in a list of top European political figures and former ministers banned from visiting Russia. The British politician responded by saying that if there had to be such a list he was proud to be there. Today, thanks to Open Ukraine, he teaches the youth of Kiev the strategies of international security, obviously with a very strong Russophobic matrix.


That’s the dominant mainstream in Ukraine today. Here is the spirit with which Kiev collaborated with the Joint Investigation Team in investigating the MH17 Malaysian Airlines flight. Among the members, in addition to the Ukrainians and the Malays, there were also those of Australia, whose Asis secret services can participate in the meetings of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) in London as part of the 007 international collaboration in USA, Canada , New Zealand and Australia.

NATO headquarters in Brussels

The JIC is an inter-agency body responsible for intelligence assessment, security service coordination, GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) and United Kingdom Defense Intelligence, and is subject to supervision by the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), already chaired by Rifkind himself.

In the special JIT commission on the plane crash there is also the component of Belgium that hosts NATO’s headquarters in its capital Brussels. It was precisely in Belgium that Barbora Maronkova worked, from March 1, 2017, before becoming the director of the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Ukraine: the entity that has the task of guiding the country of the former Soviet Union into the Atlantic Pact.

Barbora Maronkova, director of the NATO Documentation and Research Center in Ukraine

Maronkova, graduated in Economics in Bratislava and with a master’s degree in the UK, joined NATO in 2006, as coordinator of the Public Diplomacy Division at the Brussels headquarters where she designed, planned and carried out communication campaigns in a certain number of member states of the Atlantic Alliance. Before joining NATO, in 2003 he founded and directed a Slovak NGO Center for European and North Atlantic affairs to contribute to the public and academic debate on Slovakia’s accession to the EU and NATO.

«In Ukraine, we are trying to dispel the main myths about NATO and reveal its essence – Mronkova told the 12th Kiev Security Forum organized by Open Ukraine in which he has been a protagonist every year since 2017 – We need to clarify the main key concepts: all decisions are taken by consensus and there is no one in Brussels with a magic wand that makes transformations magical».

In recent days NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg commented on the outcome of the investigation into the downed plane in Ukraine: «I welcome today’s announcement from the Joint Investigation Team that four suspects will be prosecuted for crimes in connection with the ‘abatement of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in July 2014. This is an important milestone in efforts to uncover truth and ensure that justice is done for the killing of 298 people from 17 countries».

A milestone that for Russia is instead a tombstone on the truth: still hidden amid so many “evidence fabricated by Kiev”, inestigative assumptions, hidden persuasions and a great underground work of international intelligence. Those nearly 300 dead in 2014 were useful to mainstream media to blame pro-Russian rebels.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio