Whithout result the Daesh leader hunting
launched by Hashid in desertic Iraqi border
after many intelligence sources hint
The perfect refuge is the Syrian Al Rukban camp
in the terrorists hands under american defense

di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione in Italiano

«The Hashd, which conducted a massive offensive on the border between Syria and Iraq for a week, is looking for the “American caliph” and the CIA super agent, Abu Bakr Baghdadi, a protagonist of Iraq’s dismemberment scenario for the benefit of the United States. The “Will to Defeat” operation aims to capture Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Daesh terrorist group, whose bloodshed is known to all. After their defeat in Iraq and Syria, the remaining takfiris (the jihadists considered heretics by other moderate Muslims – ed) under their control now operate through sleeper cells».

Al Baghdadi mistery (update). Pentagon’s farce: changes idea and releases an useless video. Disappeared a child body

The pro-Shiite site ParsToday wrote this in an article taken from the French geopolitical portal Réseau International in reference to the actions of the Popular Mobilization Forces (in Arabic: Hashd al-Shaabi), a coalition of paramilitary militias, mainly Shiite, born in context of the Iraqi civil war, in response to the appeal of 13 June 2014 of Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani to the jihad against the Islamic State, which a few days earlier had conquered the city of Mosul.

Hashid Shiite militias fighting alongside Iraqi regular army

The harsh reaction took place following the publication of an audio recording that would prove the complicity of US troops in the murder of Iraqi militias.The Iranian Fars network, instead, cites an authoritative source: «Al-Baghdadi together with a number of its Arab and foreign helpers is currently in Syria because it feels too endangered after several ISIL commanders were killed in the military operations of the Iraqi army on ISIL hiding places in western Iraq» the head of Iraqi intelligence Abu Ali al-Basri told to the Arabic-language daily al-Sabah on Monday, July 29.

The exact refuge of the Islamic State’s Caliph, which reappeared in a video in April right after the attacks in Sri Lanka coordinated by a himam trained in Syria, is still a mystery.

The Arabic-language news site al-Ma’aloumehm nentioned an intelligence source inside the command center of Hashd al-Shaabi, the Iraqi popular forces predominantly of Shia Muslim confession and therefore rivals of the ISIS Sunnis. The source reported that, according to the latest information, al-Baghdadi had taken refuge in a hidden tunnel in the region of al-Husayniyat in the northern part of the city of al-Ratbah in the western part of al-Anbar district.

«The source pointed out that, as US fighters have not bombed ISIL’s hideouts and tunnels in the region, US forces are probably aware of its presence in the desert areas of al-Ratbah» Fars always reports, indicating the Iraqi province on the border with Syria as the refuge of the ISIS leader.


But in the light of multiple reports on Daesh and on the movements of its jihadists, another hypothesis seems very likely. That is: Al Baghdadi may be hiding in a tunnel but not in the Iraqi desert but rather in the immense refugee camp of Al Rukban, under control of various groups considered terrorist by the governments of Damascus and Moscow. Among those terrorists the most powerful are the Magaweir al Thawra fighters, in english Commandos Revolutionaries, allies of the anti-Assad rebels of the FSA army (Free Syrian Army), who made their headquarters there under the protection of the US Army Al Tanf military base. «An intelligent hypothesis” is the comment of a foreign secret service official operating in a NATO force to which we have subjected the theory…

A panoramic image of the immense Syrian refugee camp of Al Rukban where about 45 thousand people are imprisoned

Al Rukban is an immense tent city: a crowd of 45 thousand inhabitants in one of the most strategic points of Syria because it is on the border with Iraq, where in Mosul Al Baghdadi founded the ISIS, and with Jordan, the main extra ally -Nato of the USA. Suffice it to say that since 2013, the United States had granted over $ 3.3 billion in aid over the past five years to the Jordanian intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Directorate (GID), with another $ 200 million committed to the crisis of Syrian refugees. The GID of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with a Sunni majority, is a close partner of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In 2014, due to concerns over Jordan’s fragile economy that was strained by the influx of Syrian refugees, President Obama announced that he would seek guarantees for a $ 1 billion loan in addition to the $ 1.25 billion Congress approved in 2013.

For about two years, after the ISIS’s defeat in 2016, Damascus and Moscow have been denouncing the inhuman conditions of life in the Al Rukban camp, where dozens of children die today due to lack of food and medical care. Both Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin, through Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov, have repeatedly called for the release of Syrian refugees for a project to come back to their freed villages, but this happens only with the dropper because the US, and even more the militias of the terrorist brigades allied with the FSA, seems to use the refugees like hostages to justify the American presence of the Al Tanf base.

The 55 square kilometer desert area controlled by the US military base of Al Tanf in southern Syria on the border with Iraq

The Assad Government, through the UN spokesman, has in fact repeatedly denounced the illegitimacy of the American contingent in Syria which has no justification on the part of the United Nations but is based on the project of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, inspired by NATO which it entered officially in 2019, the year in which this international military training and intervention force in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Nigeria (against Boko Haram) came to bring together 80 countries among which Uk, France and Italy are one of the most active.

The paradox is that the US makes war on ISIS but this one, since 2014 has been a historic ally of the FSA. The Free Syrian Army is now leaded by the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) already facing Al Nusra (Syrian branch of Al Qaeda) in the province of Idlib, the last stronghold jihadists supported and armed with rocket launchers, missiles and other heavy ammunition by another NATO country: Turkey, rival to the SDF Kurds. Al Rukban, like the still larger refugee camp of Al Hol in the north-east of Syria, is also a place of refuge for many of the Islamic State’s mutations after the fall of Bagouz, the last city controlled by Islamic extremists of the black flag. Not only.

According to international intelligence sources in contact with  intelligence international sources of the Veterans Today website, in Al Rukban was trained the Christchurch killer Brenton Tarrant, considered a contractor of the Mossad, the ruthless 007s of Israel. Mossad, according to Iraqi parliamentarian Hassan Salman, is operating in Iraq under US protection: «The US embassy in Baghdad has turned into a center for Israeli terrorists of Mossad and ISIS (Daesh)» said the political al-Sumariya site in Iraqi Arabic language.

In this jumble of contradictions and underground plots, that’s why Al Rukban could be the safest place for Al Baghdadi to take refuge, hidden in a tunnel and free to move among the refugees thanks to the civering by loyal bodyguards Isis, by FSA allied terrorist militians, sworn enemies of Assad, and finally by the approximately 200 men of the US Army of the Combined Join Task Force headed by the Central Command, probably increased after sending a reinforcement of 1000 soldiers in the Middle East due to the escalation of the crisis between Washington and Washington Tehran in the Strait of Hormutz.




«One might assert that accusing Israel of training agents to infiltrate Arab organizations is “anti-Semitic” with this exception, they admit that not only do they do it all the time, but that this is a primary Mossad purpose – wrote Gordon Duff, former marines, intelligence consultant and senior editor of american military intelligence website Veterans Today – Israeli operatives fill the ranks of Hamas and Hezbollah, ISIS and al Qaeda. In some cases dozens have been executed but, as had come to the surface in 2014, one stood out above the rest, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi or as he had been exposed, Shimon Elliot»

The metamorphosis of Shimon Elliot in Al Baghdadi and important American friends

«Veterans Today broke the story on August 4, 2014, based on French reports and an alleged confirmation by Edward Snowden that Baghdadi was the British born son of Jewish parents, trained from early life in a well known Mossad program to place sleeper agents within key Arab nations – reads on VT – In this case, Shimon Elliott became “al Baghdadi” in Iraq under a fake identity and was laundered through an American prison to be the actor commanding the long proven fake “Islamic State” that appeared from nowhere fighting the battles of Israel and America’s neocon right». As evidenced by a secret document revealed by Gospa News …


It isn’t the first time that the United States of America has an ambiguous and suspicious attitude in the management of the ISIS caliph. A circumstance that supports the thesis that the Islamic State itself was born for a specific American project of destabilization of the Middle East as reported by multiple authoritative sources on the so-called “academy” of jihadists in a prison in the Umm Qasr locality, a town in the Basra governorate, where some Islamic fundamentalists from Saddam Hussein’s army were brought, following the 2004 US torture scandal over Iraqi detainees in Abu Ghraib.

An eloquent image of the open-air prison of Camp Bucca

«In the summer of 2004, a young jihadist in chains and chains was brought slowly by his jailers to the Camp Bucca prison in southern Iraq. He was nervous when two American soldiers led him through three illuminated buildings and then a maze of wire corridors, in an open courtyard, where men with close-set looks, wearing brightly colored prison uniforms, retreated cautiously, looking at him» he wrote The newspaper Guardian in 2014.

The jihadist, who uses the war name Abu Ahmed, entered Camp Bucca as a young man a decade ago, and is become a senior official within the Islamic State (ISIS), after having risen in rank with many of the men who they served him in prison: a desert fortress that would shape the legacy of the American presence in Iraq.

«The other prisoners did not take long to cheer him up, Abu Ahmed recalled. They were also terrified of Bucca, but soon realized that away from their worst fears, the prison operated by the United States offered an extraordinary opportunity. “We could never have all gathered like this in Baghdad, or anywhere else,” he told me – report the journalist Martin Chulov, correspondent for the British network – “It would have been incredibly dangerous. Here, we were not only safe, but we were just a few hundred meters from the entire al-Qaeda leadership “- says – It was at Camp Bucca that Abu Ahmed first met Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Emir of ISIS who is now often described as the most dangerous terrorist leader in the world. From the beginning, Abu Ahmed said, others in the field seemed to undergo him. “Even then, it was Abu Bakr. But none of us knew he would ever become a leader “».

Islamic extremists imprisoned inside Camp Bucca

We leave the story of one of the future Daesh commanders to analyze that of the caliph self-proclamation. «When Baghdadi, 33, arrived in Bucca, the anti-US insurgency led by the Sunnis was taking hold across central and western Iraq. An invasion that had been sold as a war of liberation had become a striking occupation. Iraqi Sunnis, deprived of the overthrow of their patron, Saddam Hussein, were fighting against US forces and starting to turn their weapons against the authors of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the Shiite majority in the country» wrote The Guardian.

«The small militant group that Baghdadi was the leader of one of the dozens that emerged from a large Sunni insurgency – many of whom would soon gather under the banner of al-Qaida in Iraq, and then in the Islamic State of Iraq. These were the forerunners of the colossus now simply known as the Islamic State, which, under the command of Baghdad, invaded much of the west and center of the country and eastern Syria – highlights Chulov – but at the time of his stay in Bucca , the Baghdadi group was little known, and was a much less significant figure than the notional leader of the insurgency, the ruthless Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who represented the sum of all the fears for many in Iraq, Europe and the United States».

«Baghdadi, however, had a unique way of distinguishing itself from other aspiring leaders in Bucca and out in the wild roads of Iraq: a pedigree that allowed them to claim direct lineage with the prophet Muhammad – specifies the Guardian – He also earned a PhD in Islamic studies at the Islamic University of Baghdad, and he would draw on both of them to legitimize his unprecedented claim to join the caliph of the Islamic world in July 2014, which realized a sense of destiny evident in the prison yard a decade earlier». Other sources have instead reported the special permits enjoyed by the leader to move between the 24 sections of the prison camp, which is absolutely forbidden to other prisoners.



«According to Abu Ahmed and two other men who had been imprisoned in Bucca in 2004, the Americans saw him as a repairer able to resolve controversial disputes between competing factions and keep the field quiet – the British newspaper reports – “But over time, whenever there was a problem in the camp, it was at the center of it” Abu Ahmed recalled. “He wanted to be the head of the prison, looking back on the past, he was using a policy of conquest and division to get what he wanted, which was status. And it worked”. In December 2004, Baghdadi was considered by his jailers no longer dangerous and his release was authorized».

“He was highly respected by the US military,” said Abu Ahmed. “And in the meantime, a new strategy, which was driving, was rising under the nose, and that of building the Islamic State. If there were no American prison in Iraq, there would be no IS now. Bucca was a factory. He built us all. He built our ideology”. The interviewee tells of how the contact details and phone numbers were written in the boxers rubber bands to contact them once they were released.

According to Hisham al-Hashimi, an analyst in Baghdad, the Iraqi government estimates that 17 of the 25 most important Islamic state leaders who led the war in Iraq and Syria spent time in prisons in the United States between 2004 and 2011. Some have been transferred from US custody to Iraqi prisons, where a series of assaults in recent years have allowed many senior leaders to flee and rejoin the ranks of the insurgents.

Al Baghdadi during his speech at the great mosque at Nuri in Mosul, 29 June 2014, when he announced the birth of Isis

How well it reconstructs Il Fatto Quotidiano Al Baghdadi was released after only 10 months of incarceration since his arrest on 4 February 2004. The reason is made clear in the American documentation: the future leader of the Islamic State was imprisoned as a “civil prisoner” despite the International intelligence was already aware of its dangerousness because «he had already joined, five years earlier, an extremist fringe linked to the Muslim Brotherhood led by Muhammad Hardan, a member of the movement and former mujahidin who had fought against the Soviet invasion of the Afghanistan in the 80s» writes the Italian journal. In 2000, according to William McCants of the Brookings Institution in his The Believer, the future Caliph “was already ready to fight” and in 2003 he will be among the founders of Jaysh Ahl al-Sunna wa-l-Jamaah, an Islamist group that fought against American troops in central and northern Iraq.

In the Camp Bucca prison, as mentioned, Baghdadi becomes a reference point for both prisoners and the Americans who controlled them. «This image of leader and the profound knowledge of Koranic texts and acting, the basis of all his university studies, allowed him to win the trust of many former Baathists, convert them and convince them to join the jihad. All under the eyes of the American military. When al-Baghdadi leaves the detention camp, in December 2004 according to the documents released, he will do so as a normal Iraqi citizen and not as a terrorist, as instead happened in early December to his ex-wife, Saja al Dulaimi, released by the Lebanese government as part of an exchange of prisoners with the jihadists of Jabhat al-Nusra».



«Coming out of Camp Bucca with his group, he joins al-Qaeda’s struggle in Iraq, at the time commanded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Only in 2012, after the death of the founder and his successor, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Baghdadi becomes the new head of what has become the Islamic State of Iraq and Levante (Isil) – adds Il Fatto Quotidano – Already from a year, however, the jihadist of Samarra is engaged in Syria alongside al-Nusra in the battle against the Assad regime. And it is precisely in those years, as Seymour Hersh reveals in his inquiry The Red Line and the Rat Line, that the second meeting between al-Baghdadi and the United States takes place».

In 2012, the investigative journalist reported citing sources at the top of US intelligence and security services, in areas controlled by the rebels, including those of Isis and Jabhat al-Nusra, the arms of the former army of the fallen Libyan president arrived, Muhammar Gaddafi, military supplies and millions of dollars. The operation was financed by the Gulf monarchies like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, but the Turkish secret services, the British MI6 and, indeed, the CIA, organized what Hersh renamed the Rat Line.

ISIS Islamic fighters in Iraq

According to the declassified Pentagon documents released by Judicial Watch in May 2015, the Department of Defense was fully aware of the risks facing the United States by supplying Syrian rebels with weapons. In the files we read that the US Defense had foreseen the possible formation of a “declared or not declared Salafite principality in eastern Syria. This is exactly what the opposition support forces want to isolate the Syrian regime, considered a strategic point of Shiite expansion in the area (Iraq and Iran)”. But the prediction, which will then be ignored by the American administration favoring the birth and expansion of the self-proclaimed Caliphate, also adds that “Isi (Islamic State of Iraq, ed) could also declare the birth of an Islamic State thanks to its union with other terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria”.

«The most important statement concerning the establishment of the organization was published on 16 July 2014 in the Gulf Daily News, based in Bahrain – writes the Veterans Today correspondent from Istanbul Abdullah Manaz – According to this news agent Edward Snowden of the US national security agency said that Daesh was founded by Israel, the United Kingdom, US intelligence agencies and trained by them. According to Snowden, this secret operation he called “The Hornet’s Nest” called for the gathering and liquidation of all radical Islamists in the world in one position. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was trained by the Mossad in the military, theological and oral fields”».

That context is well explains by an international military intelligence consultant and marines veteran of Vietnam, Gordon Duff, the senior editor of the US geopolitical site Veterans Today Gordon Duff who carry out a conference on the “terror unions” in Damascus in 2015, thanks to direct intervention by the Syrian Minister of Justice, Najm Hamad al Ahmad, to win the boycott attempts. Fors this meeting the former escaped an attempt at poisoning and conspiracy to put a kilo of heroin in his room, thwarted by VT editor Mike Harris.



«Currently, Syria is sacked by Kurds supported by the United States who have seized thousands of square miles of oil and gas fields, fertile agricultural land and billions of dollars of industrial and commercial resources – wrote Gordon Duff in a recent article – Before, Syria had been openly plundered by Turkish organized crime, which I examined in detail with the Syrian government; not only infinite antiquities sold in London and New York, but entire factories, machine tools, copper pipes of schools: all that could be eradicated from areas under the control of ISIS and al Qaeda or the presumed free Syrian army was stolen».

Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff

«Used tankers were bought wholesale in the United States and loaded on transport in the port of Houston, shipped to Turkey and, from there, passed through Iraq and Syria to steal oil (…) using the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, looting the oil field Iraqi Kirkuk, the largest in the world, up to $ 0.5 trillion of oil during and after the US occupation of Iraq, mainly by Exxon and British Petroleum, aided by corrupt US officials. I met with Iraqi officials while representing the United Nations, including on this issue, during this time from my office in Erbil. Everything was known» added the senior editor of Veterans Today, pointing out that the theft of oil in Syria that began in 2012 would not have existed without the precedent established by the United States and Great Britain in Iraq from 2005 onwards.

«The problem is that when this oil was stolen from Iraq, the only road system that would have delivered it to the refineries and the world market, an endless stream of thousands of trucks, was through the city of Erbil itself, the capital of the Kurdish regional government, then in Mosul held by ISIS; and from there, to the north, beyond a Turkish-owned region within Iraq and directly into Turkey itself – Duff points out, then launching his accusations – ISIS, the powerful Turkish organizations and the Krg government in Iraq were completely implicated with their massive theft of resources, taking hold with the tacit approval of the US and British military».



«This obviously means that the entire “coalition” effort against ISIS was false – false then, and now false. ISIS was funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, openly aided by the Israeli air force and facilitated by many governments: Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Jordan, Bahrain and many more – reports Veterans Today – Why? Our hypothesis shows the long collaboration between multi-generational organized crime and governments, some controlled, other associates, which stage terrorism and organize wars as a background for criminal activities».

«This is not politics, it is organized crime – a mafia that operates within the Kurdish region, which works in concert with the Turkish mafia, which has long collaborated with what is called the “Kosher Nostra” – the “oligarchs” who govern much of the world organized crime by the Trump Towers in New York, the City of London, where they own banks, the Ukraine and the whole world – adds Duff – The Baghdad government, with US money flowing into the major Sunni politicians remained divided and defenseless. I met security officials in Baghdad in January 2014 to discuss the threat of ISIS. Many with whom I spoke assured me that ISIS was easy to use and control. Months later, most of those I spoke to had been beheaded».

The reference to the so-called “Deep International State” is evident: a mix between the high finances of the Zionist banks, the arms lobby, Freemasonry, driven and corrupt politicians, secret services and the crime’s underworld as an armed wing for dirty jobs…



General David Petraeus, commander of the CentCom Us Army in the Middle East and then director of the CIA during the presidency of Barack Obama

«Initially, members of the Al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) are Syrians who left to fight in Iraq after the fall of Baghdad in 2003. They return to Syria to participate in the planned operation against the Republic that will be postponed definitively to July 2012. For two years – until 2005 – they benefited from the help of Syria that made them circulate freely thinking of fighting the American invader – the French journalist Thierry Meyssan writes in his book Sous nos Yeux – However , it became clear when General David Petraeus (commander of the Central Command Us Army in the Middle East until 2011 and then CIA director until 2012 – ed) came to Iraq that their real function was to fight the Shiite Iraqis for the joy of the occupants. In April 2013, the Islamic Emirate of Iraq, from which they come, is reactivated under the name of the Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Members of the Al-Nusra Front, who have carved out a large role in Syria, refuse to return to their parent compan ».

It should be remembered that the US is a historic ally of Sunni Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia (Wahabis), Qatar, Oman and Bahrain where they have the strategic bases for controlling the Persian Gulf.

«In May 2013, a US Zionist association, the Syrian Emergency Task Force, organized Senator McCain’s journey into occupied Syria. There he meets various criminals including Mohammad Nour, spokesman for the katiba (brigade) Northern Storm (Al Qaeda), who had kidnapped and arrested 11 Lebanese Shiite pilgrims in Azaz. A photograph transmitted by his press service shows him in a great discussion with the leaders of the Free Syrian Army, some of which also carry the banner of the Al-Nosra Front» adds in the chapter of the book reported by Réseau International.

«A doubt arises on the identity of one of them. I will write later that this is the future caliph of Daesh that the senator’s secretary formally denies – highlights Meyssan – The secretariat will say that my hypothesis is absurd, since Daesh has threatened the senator several times. Shortly thereafter, John McCain declares on television, without fear of contradicting himself, to know the leaders of Daesh personally and to “be in constant contact with them”. If the senator has no illusions about the Islamists, he shows that he has learned the lessons of Vietnam and the support against the “Bachar regime” for strategic necessity. Therefore, before the beginning of the events in Syria, he organized the supply of arms from Lebanon and chose the village of Ersal as a future base of operations. During this trip to jihadist Syria, evaluate the conditions for the future operation of Daesh».

The photo of a meeting between Al Baghdadi and John McCain published in the book of the French journalist Thierry Meyssan.

«In December 2013, Turkish police and the Turkish judiciary ruled that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan secretly received al-Qaeda’s banker Yasin Al-Qadi for several years – adds the french writer – The photographs show that he came several times by private plane and was greeted after the surveillance cameras at the airport were cut off. Al-Qadi was once (and probably still is) a personal friend of former US vice president Dick Cheney. He was removed from the UN wanted list on 5 October 2012 and by the US Treasury Department on 26 November 2014, but he had come to Erdogan much longer. He acknowledged that he was responsible for funding the Arab legion Bin Laden in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1991-1995) and funding from president Alija Izetbegovic. According to the FBI, it also played a central role in financing attacks against US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (1998). Also according to the FBI, it would have owned the computer company Ptech (now Go Agile), suspected of having a role in international terrorism».




American and Israeli-made weapons and ammunition abandoned by jihadists and discovered by the Syrian army

The list of dangerous relations between American politicians and jihad leaders could continue for a long time. We limit ourselves to mentioning some salient passages. «In January 2014, the United States begins a vast development program for a jihadist organization whose name is not communicated. Three training camps were established in Sanliurfa, Osmaniye and Karaman in Turkey. The weapons arrive massively at ISIL causing the envy of Al-Nusra. For several months, both groups are fighting a ruthless war. France and Turkey, which did not immediately understand what is being prepared, initially send ammunition to Al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) to seize ISIL’s loot – in particular the tons of gold stolen by Al Baghdadi officials in the Bank Mosul power plant – Saudi Arabia claims ISIL leadership and reports that it is now led by Prince Abdul Rahman Al-Faisal (brother of the Saudi ambassador to the United States and the Saudi Foreign Minister)».

February the 18th. also according to the writer Thierry Meyssan, the White House tries to fix things by convening a summit of the heads of the secret services of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and Turkey in which the Saudi prince Mohammed Ben Nayef is designated as supervisor of the jihadists.

«At the beginning of May, Abdelhakim Belhaj, former al-Qaida ruler, military governor of Tripoli in Libya and founder of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) went to Paris to inform the French government of US-jihadist plans and put an end to to the war that France leads to ISIL. It is received at the Quai d’Orsay. From 27 May to 1 June, several jihadist leaders are invited to consultations in Amman (Jordan)».

According to an extract from the minutes of the meeting chaired by the CIA in Amman, prepared by the Turkish intelligence service (document published by the Kurdish newspaper “Özgür Gündem” of 6 July 2014), «Sunni fighters will be grouped under the ISIL banner. They will receive Ukrainian weapons in large numbers and means of transport. They will take control of a vast area between Syria and Iraq, mainly from the desert, and will proclaim an independent state there. Their mission is both to cut the Beirut-Damascus-Baghdad-Tehran road and to break the Franco-British borders of Syria and Iraq».

US former President Barack Obama visited the West Point Military Academy

At the same time, at the West Point Military Academy, President Barack Obama announces the resumption of the “war on terror” and the allocation of an annual budget of $ 5 billion. The White House will later declare that this program foresees, among other things, the formation of 5,400 “moderate rebels” a year destined to reinvigorate the ranks of anti-Assad rebels, financed with a first US State Department budget already during the administration of George Bush jr in 2006 as reported The Guardian.

It was Caitlin Johnstone for the SoutFront media that reconstructed one of the many connections between self-styled revolutionaries and jihadists: «Formed in 2013, Jaysh al-Izza was one of the first groups of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in northern Syria to benefit from state support United through the CIA “Timber Sycamore” train and equipment program, which had been approved by US President Barack Obama at the time – Southfront reports in the aforementioned article. The group received a lot of weapons from the United States including Grad rockets as well as anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) Fagot and TOW. Jaysh al-Izza received this support with the claim of being a “moderate group” led by a well-known deserter from the Syrian Arab army (SAA), al-Saleh. However, the group’s proceedings were not in line with these statements. Since his formation, Jaysh al-Izza has been deeply attached to the al-Qaeda branch in Syria, the Al-Nusra Front. The group became one of al-Nusra’s main allies when it changed its name to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in 2017».

Abdel Baset Sarout in a 2012 video with the black flag of ISIS

It was in this militia that the former Syrian footballer Abdel Baset al-Sarout died, having become the leader of the protest against Assad but the protagonist of videos and interviews in which he flaunted the Isis black flag and incited the Qaedists and jihadists of Daesh to join in the fight against Christians and Shiites.

During the long war in Syria, both President Barack Obama (September 13, 2014) and his successor Donald Trump (May 21, 2017) reacted to the ISIS massacres, the first by massacring terrorists with the bombing of the carpet. US Air Force on Kobane, the second announcing the fight against Islamic terrorism and the withdrawal of US troops from Syria (November 2018), then denied in practice a few months later by sending new troops to the Middle East and new military supplies to the Saudi Arabia in the fight against Shiite Houtis in Yemen, conducted with the support of Al Qaeda militias.

But the reprisals were concentrated against the ISIS militiamen, considered “cannon fodder” devoted to sacrifice in the name of Jihad and Allah, by their own commanders who were freed from prisons and taken by the US army to secret locations , as evidenced by various international Gospa News reportages.




«The CIA confirms that 120,000 fighters from the Sunni tribes of Al-Anbar will join ISIL as soon as they arrive and give them heavy weapons that the Pentagon will bring to the site, officially for the Iraqi army. Masrour “Jomaa” Barzani, head of the intelligence services of the Iraqi Kurdistan regional government, will be able to annex the disputed territories of Kirkuk when ISIL annexes Al-Anbar» the French journalist Meyssan adds, mentioning precisely that highly strategic Iraqi province where it would be identified the presence of Al Baghdadi, on the border of Syria and not far from the Al Rukban refugee camp, located within the vast desert area of about 55 square kilometers controlled by the American military base of Al Tanf.

Isis Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi caliph during his April video message – CLICK ON THE IMAGE to see the video

«Wherever the group will be defeated, it will be followed by new and better fighters. The black flag of the IS will continue to fly until all the infidels will be subordinated» said the Daesh caliph in his video message last April. According to comments made on Pravda.Ru by Alexey Bychkov, director of the Russian Institute of International Relations “Cooperation”, that 18-minute speech had two purposes: «it reminds the soldiers and supporters of the IS that Al-Baghdadi is alive and he is fighting against his enemies» and «it is necessary to justify the intervention of the United States of America in the affairs of other states».


Just as in the past the black flag jihadists can be the occult weapons of the triple Zionist-Sunnite-Masonic alliance in an escalation of tensions between the US and Iran. But they can also be the useful element to provoke them by sowing violence on various fronts to silence interviews and press releases and to make people talk only about bombs and missiles, a pedestal of the economy of the Israel-Arabia-NATO pyramid on which the cusp stands out of the Zionist-Masonic high finance of the New World Order. Today, more than ever, the geopolitical priority is to stop Iran governed by an Islamic Shiite theocracy that for centuries has been hated by the Sunni Muslim Wahabite orientation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Tehran’s fault is not only to follow a different religious confession or to be Russia’s ally and partner in oil projects in the Persian Gulf (as highlighted in a previous report) but above all to be able to become the fulcrum of the new Middle Eastern dialect of the Shiites, victorious in Syria thanks to the Alawites of the Ba’th party of Bashar Al Assad and increasingly strong in Iraq, also due to the inevitable reaction to the massacres carried out by the Sunni militiamen of Al Qaeda first and of the Isis of the caliph Al Baghdadi then.

Iraqi parliamentarian Hassan Salem in an interview with Press TV, after accusing the US embassy in Baghdad of becoming a center of Mossad action and ISIS terrorists for espionage and conspiracy planning, has previously suggested that US forces in the military base of Ain al-Assad they are protecting the leader of Daesh Ibrahim al-Samarrai, aka Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in the western desert of the Iraqi province of Anbar.


«Al-Baghdadi is using the Anbar desert as a safe haven, while US forces provide it with all means of support from their station at the military base of Ain al-Assad in the province of Anbar» but the close hunt started by the Iraqi militias Hashid still remained without success legitimate the hypothesis that it can be hidden among the refugees of Al Rukban, the only unapproachable place for the Syrian army and the Iraqi one, from where to pilot new terrorist attacks on a worldwide scale as shown by the last alarm launched by the UN last statement and the dossier Europol The Sat about counter-terrorism.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio


  1. What’s up?

    I found this article very interesting…please read!

    Do you remember the blockbuster hit film The Matrix that was released in 1999? You may not know this, but it has deep spiritual implications concerning the times we are living in and Bible prophecy.

    It tells a story of how these “agents” are trying to turn us into machines. We are closer then ever before for this to become a reality when they cause us to receive an implantable microchip in our body during a time when physical money will be no more.

    You may have seen on NBC news concerning the implantable RFID microchip that some people are getting put in their hand to make purchases, but did you know this microchip matches perfectly with prophecy in the Bible?

    “He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name…

    You also may have heard of the legendary number “666” that people have been speculating for possibly thousands of years on what it actually means. This article shares something I haven’t seen before, and I don’t think there could be any better explanation for what it means to calculate 666. This is no hoax. Very fascinating stuff!

    …Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666″ (Revelation 13:16-18 NKJV).

    To see all the details showing why the Bible foretold of all these things, check out this article!


    GOD is sending out His end time warning:

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).

    Seek Jesus while He may be found…God bless!

  2. I always wondered why Gordon Duff was always slandering Edward Snowden; now I sort of see, other than obviously, VT, is pretty much of the same mix as all the rest of the subterfuge that this article is pretty much all about. Really, really, very sad, all of these sort of ignorant games that people play until death onto them, do they depart us. Obviously, the loss of your species would be of no great loss, either to yourselves or anyone else. Rest in Peace.

    1. All infos of this article are detailed. many of these are in perfect harmony with some of Snowden’s revelations about US conspiracies. I therefore don’t understand who the “you” refers to.

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