Ukrainegate: high danger for Trump, the Bidens and the Soros funds for Democratics

Ukrainegate: high danger for Trump, the Bidens and the Soros funds for Democratics


The impeachment about Kiev ties
may disclose the Pandora’s vase
and show the Biden’s son interests
in Us weapons support in Donbass war
A risk of damage also for Democratic PAC
planned by megadonor with $5 millions

___di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio ___

UkraineGate will be the mythical “Pandora’s vase” from which may be discovered the White House political corruptions in the last 12 years. May be a critical “impeach” not only for the president Donald Trump but much more for Joe Biden, may be a dangerous dare between two politicals in the running to the 2020 Presidential that can disturb also the projects of George Soros and his planned funding of Democratic Party candidate started with 5 milions of dollars. Because all three these very powerful and influential persons are totally involved in Ukraine plot and the civilian war in Donbass in wich died more than 10 thousands persons.

For understanding the risks of the Dem impeachment proposal against Trump announced yesterday by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) we must know very well the recent Ukrainian history and the ties with Us geopolitics. For this reasons we have to give much importance to the last claims of Trump.

The Us president Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyj

«Speaking to reporters on Monday after a meeting with Polish President Andzej Duda, Trump lashed out at what he said was politically slanted news coverage that ignores scandals in the Democratic Party. “They probably know that Joe Biden and his son are corrupt,” the president said. “But the fake news doesn’t want to report it, because they’re Democrats.” If a Republican ever did what Joe Biden did, if a Republican ever said what Joe Biden said, they’d be getting the electric chair right now”» report the network Russia Today.

Democrats accuse Trump of pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate 2020 candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter and his business dealings in the country, in a July phone call. Trump has promised to release a transcript of the call clearing him of wrongdoing, but Democrats have demanded that the full content of the whistleblower complaint that drew attention to the call in the first place.

In the last hours has been unsealed the transcription in which Trump, in page 4, says about Biden: «The other thing. There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lo of a people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden want around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can lock into it… It sound horrible to me».

The Ucrainian president Zelenskyj answers many sentences in wich tell: «The issue of the investigation of the case is actually to issue of making sure to restore the honesty. So we will take care and will work on the investigation of the case. On top of that. I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100 %».

Now will be the Us justice to value if in these words there are pressure or a simple request for further information about an hypothetical crime of a wealthy American who arrived in Ukraine due to his relationship with the vice president of President Barack Obama, as claimed by the Russia Today.

«Specifically, the US president asked about Crowdstrike, a contractor for the DNC that originated the claim that Russia hacked the party’s emails in June 2016. He asked about the DNC servers that Crowdstrike never allowed the US authorities to inspect, and a rumor they might be in possession of an oligarch in Ukraine – highlights RT – He also asked about the firing of a prosecutor and whether he was investigating a gas company that paid Vice President Joe Biden’s son $600,000 a year to sit on their board, simply on account of his last name and family connections. Biden himself boasted publicly, at an event in 2018, about threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine if the prosecutor wasn’t fired».



The complaint starts from an intelligence officer report about the threat to the homeland security for the plotting with a foreign country. But this is the first wrong view. Ukraine isn’t for White House a foreign nation, it isn’t an Us ally only: it’s a real american colony in wich happened, under conspiracy of Washington and New York known or occult directors, at first a policital influence and conspiracy, at second a real State coup with 87 murdered in Euromadian protests in the February 20, 2014, in the climax of Orange Revolution against the Ukrainian Russia-backed government’s choice to suspend the deal for joining with European Union.

In that day 70 civilians and 17 policemen was killed. The opposition leader of revolt accused the Police (without explained why 20 % of casualties were cops), the main sources blame some mercenary snipers in a planned para-military action, very similar to the one made by Cia agents against Caracas crowd on April 11, 2002 (19 deaths and 110 wounded) for destitution of Venezuela president Hugo Chavez (then restored for the mass insurrection of the population) and similar to the assassination of Us president John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Novembre 22, 1963.

The Euromadian massacre induced the Ukrainian president Victor Janukovic to escape. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia has information about the fact that far-right Ukrainian groups would coordinate sniper attacks in Kiev. The italian journalist Gian Micalessin, war reporter, interviewed three georgian mercenaries and obtained the admission of the plot.

After this Arseny Yatsenyuk, former president of Verchovna Rada (the Parliament) in 2007, was elected Prime Minister ad interim and in may the oligarch Petro Poroshenko, the most important financiary sponsor of Orange Revolt, became the new president of Ukraine. Under his Administration was intensified the war against the separatist Republic of Donetsk and Luhansk, in Donbass, the Government develope an important connection with Israel, in wich the differences of faith and ideology disappear.

How we explained in a very detailed report the far-righ militar Azov Battallion, joined to the National Guard of Ukraine but charged with war crimes from Amnesty International, is armed with Tavor assault rifle, in a business venture between the Israeli indutries IWI and the Ukrainian one Fort. In my memory is the first time that Zionist armed neo-Nazist group!!! But this isn’t the only suprise because Azov combact against the rebels in alleance with the muslim division Sheikh Mansur, a group of Cecenian radical islamists trained by Isis for wich has fighted in Syria.

In this evil trick loose his life even a young italian reporter, Andrea Rocchelli, killed by mortar granade together a russian collegue. For this murder in july an noncommisioned officer of Ukrainian Guard was convicted at 24 years of jail by the Italian Assise Court’s of Pavia.



In the midle of this disturbing ties emerged the role of Biden family. On March 12, the president Barack Obama met the new Ukrainian PM Arseny Yatsenyuk, a pupil of George Soros (we explain later why) in the White House’s Oval Room.

Arseny Yatsenyuk with US President Barack Obama in the Oval Room of the White House on March 12, 2014

A month later, on April 18, 2014, Hunter Biden, son of vicepresident, became legal advisor for Burisma Board. Four days later his father Joe made an official trip in Kiew and invoked a new politicy of the country in energetic and gas, for freeing by Russian dependence. That was an important issue because Burisma remains the only one energetic company with national license of natural gas extraction in Donbass, after the withdraw of Shell group for the civilian war’s consequences. The extraction’s fields in the Dnieper-Donets basins (Donbass) represent 90% of Ukraine’s entire gas resources.

The Dnieper-Donetsk shale basin in Donbass

On May 12, 2014, Hunter Biden enter oficially in the Burisma board together the other american Devon Archer, his partner in Rosemont Seneca Partners investiment company, and Alan Apter (non-esecutive chairman), a Wall Street former Merrill Lynch investment banker. Burisma was founded in 2002 in Limassol (Cipro) bye Mykola Zločevs’kyj, former deputy secretary of Homeland Security and Defense Council between 2012 and 2014: the exactly period of Orange Revolution and State coup. Only a coincidence?

In May 2019, Ukraine’s top prosecutor at the time said the younger Biden — a former board member for a gas company in Ukraine — was not investigated. “Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws — at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing,” Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s then-prosecutor general, told Bloomberg News. Lutsenko, who resigned in August, said a corruption investigation into leaders of Ukrainian gas companies concerned a potential money-laundering transaction that had occurred before Hunter Biden joined the board.

Anyway, Biden then obtains a great contract as director too: 50.000 $/month. Two years later the Ukraine national prosecutor Viktor Shorkin filed a corruption investigation against the board members of Burisma, Hunter Biden included. On March 2016 vice president Joe Biden threatened to hold back a 1 billion $ US loan to Ukraine if they did not fire Shorkin. It worked. National prosecutor Viktor Shorkin was fired and the investigation against Burisma and Hunter Biden ended.

So was evident the conflitc of the interests between the Biden’s son role in Burisma and the Us policy developed by Obama with a flood of financial help to Ukraine, in part announced by the his vice-president himself. The main part of that for support the war in Donbass where there are the Burisma gas interests.



According an detailed report by Razom for Ukraine (1, that mentioned many eminent sources) «in December 2014, Congress passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, which gave the U.S. government the authority to spend $350 million on defensive weapons for Ukraine. Many Obama administration officials — among them Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe Philip Breedlove, and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland — had advocated for President Obama to send Ukraine the authorized weapons. They argued that increasing Ukraine’s military capabilities would both send a strong signal and raise costs for possible Russian escalation. Numerous members of Congress from both parties have also pushed the administration to arm Ukraine».

The training of Ukrainian Army by Us militars

«The Obama administration provided economic and technical support for many facets of Ukraine’s reform process – adds Razom – Aside from the debate over lethal aid, the U.S. has provided $1.3 billion for security, reform, and technical assistance since the beginning of the Revolution. Security support makes up $600 million of this aid, providing body armor, vehicles, night and thermal vision devices, medical equipment, heavy engineering equipment, radios, patrol boats, rations, tents, and counter-mortar radars».

Another help comes further to take over some of the responsibilities of Ukraine’s notoriously corrupt “militsia”. The police reform initiative was made possible by a $15 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to fund a training program for 100 Ukrainian police instructors, who then went on to train new police forces throughout Ukraine.

«In the 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill, Congress appropriated an additional $300 million to the U.S. Department of Defense to provide aid to Ukraine for 2016. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 (signed in December 2015) provides $658 million to the State Department for bilateral economic assistance, international security assistance, multilateral assistance, and export and investment assistance to Ukraine. In response to Russian aggression, the Obama administration had also requested $3.4 billion for military spending in Europe next year, more than quadrupling the current funding of $789 million» reports Razom for Ukraine.

Other financial supports was released, since 2014, by USAID and the State Department $135 million in humanitarian aid, including food, medical supplies, shelter, and logistics assistance. We have to recall that Hunter Biden sit also in the Board of US World Food Program UN agency.

But above all the «Former Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine four times since the Russian invasion of Crimea. During his trip in December 2015, Biden announced an additional $190 million in U.S. support to help Ukraine implement its programs for reform and fighting corruption».

The former Us vice-president Joe Biden (r) beside the son Hunter, Board member of Burisma Holdings

Those are the things that we know about the triangle Biden Family-Us money-Ukraine. Those are the reasons because Trump display self-confidence: «Speaking to reporters at the UN General Assembly in New York, Trump said that impeachment would be “a positive for me,” adding “we will win the election.”».

And has added that a full transcript of his recent call with the Ukrainian president is to be released. Otherwise some on Twitter even suggested that Trump might release an “edited” transcript of the call instead of the real one. The Us president also denied that his own decision to withhold $400 million in aid to Ukraine had anything to do with Biden.

For the 2019 fiscal year, lawmakers allocated $250 million in security aid to Ukraine, including money for weapons, training, equipment and intelligence support. Specifically, Congress set aside $50 million for weaponry. That White House will uncrease to $400.


The Impeachment act announced by Democratic Party will be started but wil be improbable end off because Dem have enough deputies to vote his beginning in the Camera but not enough to substain the procedure in Senate if they will not support by some Republicans, as appear very unlikely.

This formal action could be a slime’s machine in the Presidential Campaign not only for Trump but for Biden too. Because the actual president, in a last blood fight, may unseals other important secrets informations about the ties between Hunter Biden, Burisma and the Us funds for Donbass war.

In this situation the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, that before has done a deal with the Russian president Vladimir Putin for prisoners exchange and later has announced an intesification of war against Donbass separatists backed by Moscow, will decide if taking advantage of this hard dare choosing a candidate to support or remaining neutral.

Who cannot remain neutral is the financier George Soros, according what has wroten Maggie Severns for on July, 31, 2019.

The financier George Soros

«Democratic megadonor George Soros is creating a super PAC, called Democracy PAC, to serve as a hub for his 2020 election spending. Soros has so far put $5.1 million into the PAC, according to paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday. His $5.1 million contribution was the single biggest check any megadonor has cut so far during the 2020 election cycle – said Severns (2) – Soros’ move to open the new PAC hints that the billionaire financier may be poised to spend heavily in the 2020 elections. The $5.1 million that Soros put in the PAC more than doubles the $2.1 million he had donated to political causes at this point in the 2016 elections. He would eventually give more than $20 million to Democratic politics during the 2016 race, making him one of the party’s biggest individual donors. Other members of the Soros family might also contribute to Democracy PAC, a person familiar with the group said. Alexander Soros, George Soros’ son, has in recent years taken on a growing role as a Democratic megadonor himself».

The UkraineGate isn’t a very good scandal for Soros. He has stayed neutral and said in a rare 2018 interview about politics with The Washington Post that he does not plan to become involved in the primaries “because they will divide the Democratic Party.”



But new investigations about Ukrainian ties may be disclose the Open Society Foundation’s important role had in the country. In 2007, infact, Arseny Yatsenyuk, when was Foreign Minister before becoming Parliament President (2007-2008) and PM (2014-2016), founded the Open Ukraine, a foundation that in name remember the Soros one.

Among the partners of the Ukrainian Open also the NATO Research Center and the US State Department

In the same year he organized the first edition of Kyiv Security Forum (KSF), an important annual convention in wich was depeveloped the partnership between Ukraine politicals and Us Dem. At first was substained by Renaissance International, an branch of Open Society Foundation in Kiev and other 3 town in the country. During the years the KSF become a dynamic think-tank supported by Viktor Pinchuk Foundation, Clinton Global Iniziative, Aspen Institute. In the following years the strategic conference was funded also by Nato Information and Documentation Center and directly by US Department of State.


So, an invetigations about UkraineGate means to open the armoir of skeletons that organized the regime-change in Kiev and to disclose the truth about the bloody State Coup on February, 2014. That’s an history in wich are more involved Democratic leader as Biden than Republicans politicals. An history that can highlight the anti-Russian conspiracy, very hard to stick to the president Trump alleged for many year in the Russia-Gate. Impeachement for UkraineGate may be soap bubble for Republican candidate…

«For those unaware, Trump’s presidency has been bad news for the US, we have been gutted around the world, isolated, our military weakened, debt levels soaring, Israel crumbling, Saudi Arabia crumbling, NATO “dead,” with new losses racked up on Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea and the list keeps growing – write properly Gordon Duff in his geopolitical analysis on Veterans Today – Behind it all is Pence and behind him, a less than visible power base that tried to put Mitt Romney in office. This is the “old right,” made up of Freemasons, the drug cartels and the same plotters that killed John and Bobby, the defenders of the Federal Reserve and the Schiff, Warburg, Rothschild empire that put America into two world wars and created, then destroyed the Soviet Union».

In front of Trump there’s the old-left, made up of Freemasons, the same plotters that killed John and Bobby, the defenders of the Federal Reserve and the Rothschild empire that put America into two world wars and created, then destroyed the Soviet Union. That supported the Zionist bankers to become owners of the world and first investitors in the Weapon’s Lobby (as we show in a dossier).

Deep International State has his puppets in the right, in the left and in the center too. DIP is the Banco in the gambling geopolitics. DIP will always win as long as the people will not learn the history of last three century. As long as, many and many person will not begin to hate the cronyism: the cronyism full expressed in the Hunter Biden’s carreer in Burisma, forward 10thousands deaths for Donbass gas.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
divieto di riproduzione senza autorizzazione







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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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