UKRAINEGATE: an investigative “memo” accuses Joe Biden and John Kerry too. Reopened the inquiry

UKRAINEGATE: an investigative “memo” accuses Joe Biden and John Kerry too. Reopened the inquiry


An important prosecutor’s document shows
the ties of Democratic politicians with Burisma
In which was payed millions to Biden’s son and Archer
the brundler of Obama’s State Secretary.
For that their famous partner Heinz broke business

___di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio ___

Ukrainegate scandal isn’t like Watergate. That’s more more worse! Because involves three american presidents, many politicians that led the White House and Us administration, stranger oligarchs, international business lobbies, the Kiev coup and even the civil war in Donbass with more than 10 thousands casualties.

Ukraine is the only place in wich the regime-change plot triumphed with the criminal project of Deep International State’s puppets: planned by George W. Bush jr, realized by Barack Obama and inherited by Donald Trump, so for this reason is the less guilty. That’s a millenial colonization’s plan with a triple face: gains a military ally in the Russian border, takes control of a next likely European Union’s big country, steals the big energetic natural resources still to squeeze.

The first and the second part of plan, begun in 2007, hit the bull’s eye: now the Us Department of State and Nato center are important partner of strategic Kiev Security Forum organized by Arseniy Yatzenyuk, the former ukranian PM that took power with Obama’s blessing after the EuroMaidan coup as we highlighted in the prevoius report.

The third target of plan was in large part foiled for the heroic resistance of Donbass separatist republics (Donetsk and Lugansk) in wich there are the most important national gasfield and where the people is Russian spoken and backed. For this energetic attempt the oligarch and former intelligence political chief Mykola Zlochevsky created Burisma Holding, an oil an gas production company based in Limassol (Cyprus) since 2006 that obtained the license for exploration in Donbass when his same Zlochevsky owner was Ukranian Ecology Minister during the presidence of Viktor Yanukovych.

The authorities investigations involved the former VP Joe Biden, frontrunner for Democratic Party in the next presidential elections 2020, and the former State Secretary John Kerry, more than Trump, who is under request of impeachment by Democratic Deputies for a scandal that may become an opportunity to advantage him in the running for White House.

The allegations come now from Kiev where three different general prosecutors and much more an hot secret “memo” accuse of alleged “unlawful enrichment” the Dem politicians. In the last days, further, arrived the public annoucement that Ukraine will review 15 investigations, including those into a local company Burisma affiliated with Hunter Biden, former vice president’s son, and his business partner Devon Archer, the major bundler for Kerry.


The statement of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka, in office since 29 august after the resignation of Yury Vitaliyovych Lutsenko, comes amid a U.S. House impeachment inquiry into whether U.S. President Donald Trump pressured his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, into investigating the Bidens. Riaboshapka on October 4 said his office would review criminal investigations led by his predecessors, including the investigations into ex-President Viktor Yanukovych’s Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky and his gas company, Burisma.

«Currently we are reviewing the criminal cases that have been previously pursued by the Prosecutor General’s Office – Ryaboshapka added at a news briefing – The sphere you’re talking about features Zlochevsky and Kurchenko (the tycoon Serhiy, Yanukovych – ed) and other people and companies: there are about 15 such cases»-

The former Ukranian General Prosecutors Viktor Shokin

Several investigations into Burisma was opened yet in 2014, but no one ended in a trial because the General Prosecutor that made most important investigations, Viktor Stokin, was fired on March 2016 after that Biden threatened Poroshenko that he would withhold $1 Billion in U.S. allocated funds unless the Prosecutor General investigating his son. Than Lutsenko, the last one that didn’t find any charges against Biden but charged Zlochevsky for 1 billion (in HR value) of tax evasion by Burisma and the international laundering of $36 million. «Ironically, long before the presidential campaign in the U.S. kicked off, Lutsenko and ex-Ukrainian prosecutors general Viktor Shokin and Vitaly Yarema (in office before Shokin – ed) were accused of sabotaging cases against Zlochevsky. They denied the accusations» Kiev Post write recalling an important cronological detail.

Joe Biden and John Kerry in the White House with their president Barack Obama

«Ukrainian investigations into the activities of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter go back to at least early 2019, according to two Ukrainian prosecutors and a memo allegedly leaked from the General Prosecutor’s Office – reports the journalist Oleg Sukhov on the newspaper – Kostyantyn Kulik, told in May that the Prosecutor General’s Office had been investigating Joe Biden’s links to ex-Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky’s Burisma group, which paid Joe’s son, Hunter, at least $50,000 monthly for five years as an adviser. Kulik even said that the Prosecutor General’s Office had agreed with U.S. authorities, including Attorney General William Barr, to create a joint group for that purpose. The U.S. Department of Justice did not reply to a request for comment».

For this joined investigation Lutsenko has been accused of trying to curry favor with Trump by commenting on the Bidens’ activities in Ukraine, despite he did’nt find any proof of wrongdoing. Instead may have a great importance the “LeshchenkoLeaks”.



Serhiy Leshchenko was a leading political journalist who wrote widely on corruption and became an MP. In May 2016, he published information from a so-called “black ledger” that showed under-the-table payments from the pro-Russian former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych’s regime to various figures including Trump’s former 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort. This led to resignation from the campaign of Manafort, later imprisoned in the Manhattan Correctional Center in New York a few weeks before the mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein.

The journalist and lawmaker Serhiy Leshchenko

Leshchenko first revealed the memo’s existence on May 13 (2019) during a briefing outside the Kiev Administrative Court of Appeals, that was scheduled to consider his appeal against a previous ruling by the lower Administrative District Court in the lawsuit against him and Artem Sytnyk, the head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, upheld in December 2018 by Petro Poroshenko Bloc lawmaker Boryslav Rozenblat.

He said that the memo had been submitted by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko’s team to Donald Trump’s team and the journalists of an his new website. Instead Lutsenko’s spokeswoman Larysa Sargan denied that the memo had been submitted to the american president’s staff, but she didn’t denied the memo’s existence. The document states that, in March 2014, «through the available lobbying channels, M.V. Zlochevsky offered John Kerry and Joe Biden a share in the distribution of profits of the holding company Burisma Group in exchange for lobbying activities and political support». The memo also claims that Devon Archer became a member of Burisma’s board of directors at a suggestion of the the former Secretary of State Kerry

«Biden established indirect control over the most economically attractive Ukrainian gas and oil producing assets, which led to the receipt of unlawful benefits in especially large amounts by the American state official – the leaked memo reads – In this case, he used his influence on the Ukrainian state leadership and on the law enforcement agency under his control – the NABU (the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine) – in order to make the above-mentioned bodies commit illegal actions».

We have to recall that the police reform, partly hostile to the regime change because it is loyal to the deposed president Yanukovych, was made possible by a US $ 15 million US Department of Justice grant used to fund a training program for 100 Ukrainian police instructors, who then trained new police forces throughout Ukraine, obviously pro-American. Further, as written in the previous report, «former Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine four times after the Russian invasion of Crimea. During his trip in December 2015, Biden announced an additional $ 190 million in US aid to help Ukraine implement its reform and anti-corruption programs» refers a reliable source.

The Leshchenko memo about Burisma

«The memo also claims that Biden prevented Ukrainian law enforcement agencies from prosecuting allies of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition politicians and businesspeople. It goes on to claim that, “while personally receiving income for lobbying from the operational activities of Burisma Group through Rosemont Seneca Partners, Biden deliberately concealed their location” to avoid paying local and federal taxes» tells the Ukranian journalist Sukhov publishing the full document but didn’t guarantee the reliability.

The newspaper report that Leshchenko doubt on the veracity of the claims about Biden and Kerry. He said he believed the memo to be part of what he alleged was a disinformation campaign by Lutsenko: «Lutsenko seeks to use Ukraine as a bargaining chip in the battle between the Democrats and the Republicans in the U.S. They have created a conspiracy theory that made us hostages to one person’s desire to keep his job».



May be. But the memo details about Biden’s son and Archer ties are confirmed from many verified evidences recalled by many media about Burisma and Zlochevsky that fled his country in late-2014 as Ukrainian prosecutors launched investigations into his time in public office as well as his private businesses. Around the same time, the U.K. Serious Fraud Office froze $23 million in a London account that was linked to Zlochevsky. But the accounts were unfrozen in early 2015 due to Ukrainian prosecutors’ failure to provide assistance in the case. In the same year the Prosecutor General’s Office ordered a freeze on the assets of Burisma and other firms controlled by Zlochevsky as part of an embezzlement case. But later courts unfroze them.

«In a March interview with The Hill news site, Lutsenko claimed Joe Biden had pressured Ukraine to sack then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in order to halt the investigation into Burisma in 2016. In April, Lutsenko also hinted that the Prosecutor General’s Office was investigating Hunter Biden – write Kiev Post – According to The Hill, U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received more than $166,000 a month from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Joe Biden was leading U.S. policy towards Ukraine for U.S. President Barack Obama. The Ukrainian prosecutors’ official file for the Burisma probe cited by The Hill shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money».

The businessman Devon Archer (far left) during a golf challenger with his friend Bidens Joe and Hunter (two at right)

For understanding all the business ties we have to analyse the Devon Archer professional history. He’s wealthy investor and Democratic campaign bundler with long ties to the family of Secretary of State John Kerry. He was the college roommate of Christopher Heinz, Kerry’s stepson, and also served as co-chair of the national finance committee for Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. According to a 2004 profile in the New York Observer:

«You could call Mr. Archer a “baby bundler,” a well-connected macher-in-training who has spent every free moment of the last two years tapping friends, family, business partners and even Republicans for contributions to the Kerry cause – wrote the Federalist yet in 2014 – Ever since the Massachusetts Senator announced his candidacy in 2003, the dimple-cheeked Mr. Archer has dedicated himself to hosting cocktail parties at old-boy hideaways like the University Club and the Links Club, attending weekly finance-committee pow-wows and dialing, dialing, dialing for dollars».

Thanks to friendship with Heinz family Arper became the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Rosemont Capital, LLC (Heinz Family office in New York), member of the investment committee of Rosemont Solebury Capital Management, executive director of Rosemont Reality as well as a General Partner in Rosemont Seneca Partners in Washington DC, where worked with his partner Biden and Christopher Heinz.

The three friends established a series of related LLCs anchored to Rosemont Capital, the alternative investment fund of the Heinz family fortune. The fund grew quickly. According to an email revealed as part of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation, Rosemont described themselves as “a $2.4 billion private equity firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz,” with Devon Archer as “Managing Partner”.

On April 18, 2014 Biden’s son, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors of Burisma, in which Archer entered several months before (seems yet in 2013). Then Rosemont Seneca Partners, was receiving regular payments “usually more than $166,000 a month” from Burisma. The payments ran from the spring of 2014 through the fall of 2015 and reportedly totaled more than $3 million. The bank records show that, on most months when Burisma money flowed, two wire transfers of $83,333.33 each were sent to the Rosemont Seneca–connected account on the same day. The same Rosemont Seneca–linked account typically then paid Hunter Biden one or more payments ranging from $ 5,000 to $25,000 each. The General Prosecutor Office investigated about $50,000 for month payed to Biden’s son. This means that around $116.000 were for Rosemont Seneca Partners but nothing for Heinz…



«Chris Heinz was involved in Rosemont Capital. Through Rosemont Capital, Mr. Heinz owned a minority interest in Rosemont Seneca Partners until 2015» said infact Heinz’s spokesperson Chris Bastardi. «Neither Mr. Heinz, nor any business in which he had an interest, was involved in Burisma». Not only. Many newspaper reported that Christopher has broken his friendship with Archer.

«Heinz’s decision to end his business relationship with both Biden and Archer was said to be due to concerns about corruption in Ukraine and appearances – reported The Daily Mail – Heinz’s spokesperson told the newspaper that ‘the lack of judgment in this matter was a major catalyst for Mr. Heinz ending his business relationships with Mr. Archer and Mr. Biden’».

The Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky with Hunter Biden

In the 2018 Archer left the Burisma board after his big problems with justice. «Robert Kuzhami, Attorney for the United States, Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, announced that John Galanis, a/k/a “Yanni,” Devon Archer, and Bevan Cooney were each convicted today of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and securities fraud, following a five and half week trial before U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams» wrote the Manhattan Federal Court in the sentence on June, 28 for the fraudulent issuance and sale of more than $60 Million of tribal bonds of Native americans.

But a few months later U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams in Manhattan ruled that the evidence at the trial earlier had not shown that the man, Devon Archer, knew that the bond issue was fraudulent, or that he received any personal benefit from it. Abrams said she was “left with an unwavering concern that Archer is innocent of the crimes charged.” In april 2019, when the raised the storm on Burisma affair Hunter Biden too left the company. That isn’t enough to stop the general prosecutor decided to examine in depht all the ties between the young american businessman, theri parents and the infamous oligarch.

«I have had no role whatsoever in relation to any investigation of Burisma, or any of its officers – Hunter Biden said on May 1 – I explicitly limited my role to focus on corporate governance best practices to facilitate Burisma’s desire to expand globally. According Kiev Post Joe Biden denied on May 13 that Hunter Biden had asked him for a favor in Ukraine while serving on Burisma’s board. «We never once discussed it when he was there – Biden told the Associated Press – There’s not a single bit of evidence that’s been shown in any reporting that’s been done that he ever talked about it with me or asked any government official for a favor». Very strange that a father didn’t talk with son about his very important job in the country in which the Us Government support a civilian war in an area very rich of energetic resoruces

So, the impeachment inquiry launched on September 24 in the House of Representatives against Trump for a whistleblower complaint alleging that Trump had pressured the Ukranian president Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden over his work in Ukraine during a phone conversation on July 25, hours after hourse, appears as a perfect trap for the former VP. In the Us seems that this scandal divided the people in three part: Biden or Trump supporters and others very disinterested. In the world the attention is focused much more about the Burismagate than the Ukrainegate! In the next report we will discover another  essential document and the role of american and international intelligence officers… As the Burisma owner Zlochevsky, vice secretary of Ukranian National Security in the two years (2012-2014) in wich exploded the EuroMaidan coup.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization










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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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