update 8 a.m. (+1 GMT) 10-19-19

Erdogan’s war crimes: the truce broken by Turks with 18 dead. White phosphorus against children




update 10 a.m. (+1 GMT) 10-18-19

Sporadic clashes and artillery bombardments are underway along the border in northeastern Syria in the Ras al-Ain area, despite the agreement on the ceasefire agreed between the US and Turkey with the SDF militants to allow the Kurds to withdraw from the gigantic security zone wanted by Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Rojava 32 km deep from the Turkish border and 460 km long. An agreement that was not signed, however, by Syria, protected by Russia, which is not willing to cede its territories either to the Autonomous Administration of the Kurds or to Ankara as declared to Sputnik International by the spokesman of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad.

ROJAVA INFORMATION CENTER – (Kurdish administration)


First we express our respect to all our viewers. 00:11 It’s true, a ceasefire has been set up between the Turkish occupiers and our forces. It’s true, that this subject has been worked on for the last three days. As you know, the American president Trump has himself worked on this. He sent a letter to Erdogan, and finally the American vice-president went and met with them. We were part of this whole process, and we can say that we were connected to the American delegation which travelled to Turkey. The result were these negotiations, and just now, a ceasefire was announced. This is what I want to say, and what our people must know:

This ceasefire that has been created. This ceasefire and this agreement have been created for those regions where there is now war, that is, the region between Sere Kaniye and Gire Spi [Tel Abyad]. As you know, there has been bitter war for the past nine days. Many of our civilians lost their lives, and thousands of people have been driven out as refugees. The ceasefire is for this region, and we accept it in this sense. Whatever we can do as SDF to make this ceasefire work, we will do. America has led [brokered] this ceasefire, and is responsible for ensuring that it is carried out in the correct way. There are problems in this region. Demographic change must not be carried out. The people of this region must return to their own homes and land. The aims of the attackers must not be realised. Nothing has been discussed for the other regions. Our forces remain there. Maybe there will be discussions over these other regions in the future. This agreement is for that region.

What I want to say is that this ceasefire was the result of a heroic struggle by the soldiers of SDF, Kurds, Arabs, Assyrian Christians and others, carried out together. And the result of the support of all the forces in the world, of people and of states,  which all the forces of the world showed to the SDF Everybody, every state, apart from the client states of Turkey, apart from them all the states of the world created pressure on Turkey so this ceasefire could be set up. As a result of this great pressure, and the struggle of our people and our soldiers, this ceasefire was achieved. What comes to my mind is everybody that supported us, everybody that created pressure on Turkey to end its occupation and attacks, and all our people and especially our heroic soldiers who today in Sere Kaniye and other areas carry out a historic resistance. We thank and salute them. We can say that is the beginning. The Turkish occupation will not continue in the current way. As a result of a great resistance, it has been brought to a halt. Our people and political forces must, in its place, increase their unity and increase their struggle, particularly our Kurdish political forces who must overcome the differences between them, and create a great unity. So that the phase before us will be successful. Thankyou.

Latest Kurdish Red Crescent casualty report:

– 6 patients suffering suspicious burn wounds, cannot confirm use of chemical weapons at this time, working on this with international partners [some pictured in report]
– Syrian government has raised flag in some schools hosting IDPs, meaning international NGOs cannot work there
– 25 unaccompanied minors from Ayn Issa evacuated to Raqqa on 14 October
– Majority of IDPs from Ayn Issa camp moved to Mahmodly (new camp near Tabqa) on 15 October
– Documents names of 44 of civilian dead so far across just two hospitals, notes real tally is much higher, eg. only 6 of 11 certified civilian deaths in airstrike on convoy could be verified


The Syrian map with Rojava in yellow and the safe-zone suggested by Us and the one that Turkey would to conquist
update 1 a.m. (+1 GMT) 10-17-19

SUMMARY: There are three main news items from the news agencies SANA and Rojava Information Center. The first concerns air patrol flights conducted by aircraft of the armies of Russia and Syria that prevented access to Turkish aircraft in Rojava, the area controlled by the Kurdish SDF militias invaded by the Turkish armed forces in the Peace Spring operation to illegally create a buffer zone of 32 km deep and 460 km long on the border. The intervention of the powerful Russian henchmen demonstrates that Moscow is ready to do anything to defend the national sovereignty of the Damascus allies.

TUTTI UNITI CON L’ESERCITO DI ASSAD: Ma la guerra siriana dipende solo dai Su-57 di Putin

In a week, from the beginning of the attack on Wednesday 9 October, the Turks, despite military superiority over the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), have conquered about 1,200 square km against the 13,800 that are in their targets. The agreement between SDF and the SAA armed forces of Bashar Al Assad defined on Sunday allowed a further prompt counteroffensive

The second news concerns the entry of the Syrian army in the city of Kobane. The third, currently the result of unconfirmed rumors, refers to the use of deadly (mortar) phosphorus white bullets in the city partly occupied by Rai Al Ain’s Turkey, that type of internationally forbidden ammunition create very serious burns to those who come into contact with white powder causing injuries that are often lethal.

ROJAVA INFORMATION CENTER – (Kurdish administration)

SAA in Manbij: they left after a few photo ops in the city center, there are no Russians or regime in either city at the present time. However SAA and SDF (Manbij Military Council) are in positions together on the frontlines outside the city

The situation in camp ain issa has not developed further today.  But today in the city if ain issa itself there have been clashes between SDF and Syrian army and Turkish-proxy forces

Turkish artillery shelling has started again near Derik (Ain Diwar village). This marks first Turkish engagement along Derik-Qamishlo line since the regime-SDF agreement was reached. They have engaged alongside SDF outside Manbij and also between Ain Issa and Til Temir. They have not moved north to engage in Sere Kaniye for example.

They are talking about white phosphorus but we can’t confirm this. they are talking about ras-al-ain.

Local journalist in Ayn Issa updates:

–    There is heavy fighting around Ayn Issa and Tel Abyad countryside
–    This has been going on for three days and especially intense since the regime arrived
–    Regime are playing an active role but the frontline troops are SDF
–    Turkey is aiming to cut the road between Celebya and Ain Issa to entirely isolate Ain Issa from Kobane
–    Up to 50 civilians have been wounded in the fighting, and one killed
–    Yesterday night until today early in the morning, heavy clashes around Ain Issa camp between SDF/SAA and Turkish forces, finally the Turkish forces were repelled
–    Russian and Syrian planes are in the air, they don’t strike the Turkish forces but since their arrival there has been no Turkish air presence in the region

–    Regime forces arrived in Kobane this evening
–    They divided into two forces, one going to Shexler on the banks of the Euphrates facing Jarabalus (held by Turkey and its proxies), the other moving up to the border with Turkey itself
–    Reaffirms that civil administration remains with the Autonomous Administration and that SAA has no right to remain in city of Kobane
–     “We want a federal, decentralised system. In such a system, protection of the border is the work of the center, that is the Syrian Government, and not us.”

–    Shahin Najid Ali of Kobane legislative council

Document produced by Kurdish Red Crescent detailing the Ahrar-al-Sharqiya field executions, summarises available evidence. Since this was released video has emerged appearing to show the two health workers plus Ms. Khalef’s bodyguards alive in Ahrar-al-Sharqiya captivity. Document produced by Kurdish Red Crescent detailing the Ahrar-al-Sharqiya field executions, summarises available evidence. Since this was released video has emerged appearing to show the two health workers plus Ms. Khalef’s bodyguards alive in Ahrar-al-Sharqiya captivity.

SANA – SYRIAN ARAB NEW AGENCY (government media)

Hasaka -Turkish aggression forces targeted on Wednesday Qasr Deib village to the north of Malikyah with a number of shells. SANA reporter in Hasaka said that Erdogan terrorist groups shot fire at families of Rihanyah village in the southern countryside of Ras al-Ayn, injuring three women. Meanwhile, the illegitimate US-coalition destroyed base of Kharab Ishq in Aleppo north-eastern countryside after its withdrawal from the base. (Mazen)

Aleppo, Hasaka – SANA reporter in Aleppo said that units of the Syrian Arab army entered Ayn al-Arab in the farthest north-eastern countryside of Aleppo. Meanwhile, the families welcomed the army. Earlier, units of Army expanded their deployment in villages and towns of Tal Tamer in Hasaka north-western countryside as part of their duties in defending the Homeland against the Turkish aggression and its mercenary terrorists. SANA reporter said that the army units entered several new villages in Tal Tamer town , and expanded deployment at a distance of 15 km in the villages of al-Arbae’en, Lylan, al-Ameriyah, al-Tawilah reaching to al-Ahras and al-Manajir northwest of the town. The reporter added that the army units are continuing their deployment in the remaining villages and towns in Tal Tamer, about 40km northwest of Hasaka city.

update 10 p.m. (+1 GMT) 10-15-19

SANA – SYRIAN ARAB NEW AGENCY (government media)

Aleppo – Syrian Arab Army units completed their deployment in the city of Manbej and its surroundings in Aleppo province’s northeastern countryside, where they were welcomed by the locals. SANA’s correspondent said locals gathered in the city center, carrying Syrian flags and cheering for the army which came to defend the city and its people from the Turkish aggression, but militants from QSD (SDF) opened fire on the locals to disperse them. Later, units of the army entered the villages of al-Aghibish, Lylan and Tawilah in the north-western countryside of Tal Tamer town in Hasaka north countryside. SANA reporter said that families of the three villages expressed joy over the coming of the army to protect them and defend the Homeland against the Turkish regime troops and their tools of terrorists. (Hazem Sabbagh/Mazen)

Hasaka, Raqqa -Two civilians were martyred due to targeting their car by the Turkish forces in Abu Surra village north of Ayn Issa in Raqqa northern countryside, SANA reporter said. The reporter added that the Turkish occupation forces burned the houses of a number of citizens after stealing them in the villages of Tal Tamr and Ras al-Ayn in the northern countryside of Hasaka. The reporter pointed out that the US occupation forces moved 250 women of wives of foreign terrorists of Daesh from al-Houl camp to al-Shaddadi illegal base. (Gh.A.Hassoun)

ROJAVA INFORMATION CENTER – (Kurdish administration)

Local journalist on Khereb Eshk situation: “Two hours ago, 6 turkish military vehicles came into the villages near the Coalition base. There were SDF forces there as well. Because these Turkish vehicles look like American vehicles, no-one thought they were Turkish. Because they weren’t flying flags. The SDF forces engaged with the vehicles, and the Americans didn’t do anything, just fled by helicopter. Because the Turks were close to their place. The SDF fought back and destroyed 2 vehicles of theirs and the raid was fought off.”

– IDPs have been fleeing Til Temir today, where there have been drones overhead and clashes in nearby villages
– All international NGOs have left the city, including ICRC Doctors without Borders and Mercy Corps [though some of these have relocated elsewhere in NE Syria]
– Families are sleeping on floor of schools without blankets or mattresses
– Lack of food, especially bread, maternal milk, drinking water and hygiene stations
– The city oven cannot feed the refugee influx, so village ovens are being used to distribute bread to the schools
– Villages to the north of Til Temir toward Sere Kaniye and to the west toward Ayn Issa along the M4 road remain in Turkish control. Some villages have been won back


update 10 a.m. (+1 GMT) 10-15-19


The death toll of civilians is becoming more and more dramatic with as many as 41 deaths caused by the bombing of the Turkish army by the killings of pro-Turkish terrorist groups. Rojava Information Center told and confirmed that 2 journalist are died and 8 injuried, all Syrian, in the Turkish shelling of the civilian convoy.

The number of “neutralized terrorists” (ie killed, injured or captured) since the beginning of the Turkish military operation in the north-east of Syria has risen to 595. This was announced by the Defense of Ankara, updating the previous figure of 560 released last night referring to the Kurdish SDF-YPG soldiers who freed Syria from ISIS but are considered (perhaps precisely for this reason) a terrorist organization by the Turks. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had stated yesterday that at least 500 of these fighters were killed.


Among the neutralized objectives for the Turkish dictatorship supported by the Sunni extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood there is also Hevrin Khalaf, the general secretary of the Future Syria Party, a human rights and women’s activist, an ally of the Kurds and barbarously ambushed and killed with a rifle by mercenary jihadists protected and armed by Erdogan.

SANA – SYRIAN ARAB NEW AGENCY (government media)


The Syrian Arab Army arrived yesterday in Al Tabqa, near Raqqa, greeted with joy by Rojava’s people

Raqqa – Units of the army entered on Monday evening Manbij city in Aleppo north-eastern countryside. Earlier, the Syrian Arab Army entered a large number of villages and towns in the southern, southwestern and northern countryside of Raqqa, al-Tabqa city and its countryside and al-Tabqa military airport, SANA reporter said. Units of the army also entered Tal Tamr town in the  northwestern Hasaka to face the Turkish aggression amid the welcome of people.

The reporter added that upon arrival of the army units to Ayn Issa in Raqqa northern countryside, people gathered at the town entrance to welcome them. The Syrian national flag was hoisted over a number of state institutions, including schools in the cities of Hasaka and Qamishli.

Hasaka – The Turkish regime forces have continued their aggression on Syrian territory for the 6th consecutive day.

The Turkish forces on Monday launched an artillery offensive on al-Darbasiyah town and al-Qurmania village in Hasaka countryside, SANA reporter said. The reporter mentioned that about 150 troops from the US occupation forces and foreign forces left Syrian territory from the illegal Rhaiba airport in al-Malikiyah countryside to Iraq. (Gh.A.Hassoun)

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, said that the Turkish aggression in the Syrian territories forced almost 160 thousand citizens to leave the house.

“The Turkish aggression in the Syrian territories has led to the displacement of 160,000 people,” Guterres said in a statement Monday, calling for “an immediate reduction in the escalation” and allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid without obstacles. He expressed deep concern over the escalation of the situation in northern Syria, fearing the escape of terrorists from the Daesh organization.


ROJAVA INFORMATION CENTER – (Kurdish administration)


Military source in Celebe: There are clashes in Ayn Issa, the Syrian regime has crossed to where the clashes are taking place and is engaging, Turkish-backed groups have cut the road from Celebe to Ayn Issa. On no-fly zone, official says;

– Will be clear in next 24 hours

– Turkish air activity and strikes continued overnight

– America dragging their heels and refusing to leave

– Autonomous Administration have requested them to leave to clear the way for Russians to take control of airspace

– If airspace is controlled, they are confident of being able to remove Turkish-backed forces from all territory they control in Syria

7:15 PM “Syrian Army forces are in the city. Inside of the camp there was at one time a big chaos and heavy fights, without weapons (they don’t have any), but with fists and stones, it was really a big chaos. Apart from this there are Turkish proxy forces outside on one side of the city, that’s dangerous, they have tanks and other equipment. The road to Ain Issa is controlled by SDF, but because the Turkish proxy forces are close, nobody can come, because they hit them with their tanks.” – local journalist inside Ain Issa

Here is the report from the Kurdish Red Crescent for the 9th-14th. Showing that the number of casualties that the KRC has dealt with is: 165 seriously injured civilians and 41 killed civilians

Local journalist in Kobane says regime columns still parked outside the city: “The situation in Kobane was stable today. Around midday planes took off three times.  All the people here were saying the regime was coming, but there were 7 American vehicles on the from Kobane to Manbij. The regime are on the road in that direction, they are stopped there and haven’t arrived to Kobane.

Kobane previously suffered a lot at the hands of the regime. Nonetheless,  the regime are preferable to Turkey and their jihadi factions. At least they won’t kill us, they won’t cut off our heads. 1.000. This is what the people think. Neither are good, but Bashar is better than Erdogan. Now, the situation is stable in Kobane: I’m now in Kobane, and there’s no activity. But of course the people are scared that the jihadis will suddenly arrive here and slaughter them.”

The attacks’ map published by INSIDE OVER – a specialistic media about war and geopolitics – click here for reading more items





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