Turkish papers: 21 Erdogan’s jihadist militias supported by Cia, Pentagon and armed with TOW missiles

“Out of the 28 factions (in the Turkish mercenary force), 21 were previously supported by the United States, three of them via the Pentagon’s program to combat DAESH. Eighteen of these factions were supplied by the CIA via the MOM Operations Room in Turkey, a joint intelligence operation room of the ‘Friends of Syria’ to support the armed opposition. Fourteen factions of the 28 were also recipients of the U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank guided missiles”
That’s told the research paper published this October by the pro-government Turkish think-tank SETA, reported in a item by Max Blumenthal for GrayZone and by Syrian Arab News Agency.
It is very strange that an organization very close to President Recep Tayyib Erdogan spreads such a detailed dossier as a show of force, precisely in the days when all the eyes of the world are focused on the Islamic dictator and his Peace Spring operation with which he invaded the North-East of Syria, in the region called Rojava by the YPG militia autonomous Kurdish administration, the main military component and leader of the Syrian Deocratic Forces.
The synoptic table (below item) shows in great detail all the names of the armed mercenary groups allied to Turkey in his National Front for Liberation who are fighting to conquer the vast safe-zone desired by Ankara along its border. A military action judged however by the government of Damascus, Russia, China and other countries of the world a brutal aggression of a sovereign state that has already caused 235 deaths (including 22 children) and 677 wounded between Kurds, Syrians and Christians , according to the latest report published by the ANHA media regarding the Kurdish Red Crescent report.
The list shows that almost all the 42 military “gangs” supported by Turkey are Arabs (only one, Liwa Muntassir Billah is composed of Syrian and Kurd militiamen). Analyzing the names of the groups, it turns out that some are “double” or the previous and next names of the same group appear. The most important and well-known ones are all of Sunni and Salfite Islamic extraction like the Muslim Brothers who support the Turkish tyrant.
The graph shows above all the various “flagged” rumors regarding US funding through the CIA Mom operation or directly from the Pentagon, with the list of all the groups, considered terrorist by Syria, which benefited from the deadly TOW missiles.
In a previous report by Gospa News we have already detailed US State Department funding for the Syrian rebels in the regime-change conspiracy against President-elect Bashar Al Assad, a Shiite Alawite and therefore hated by the Sunnis, now all the details emerge from the dossier …
«New document confirms the collusion of the United States and the Turkish regime regarding the offensive on Syrian territory. Washington didn’t only give the green light to the offensive, but also placed its mercenaries and terrorists, whose crimes, for many years, were backed and covered by it, at the disposal of Turkey – has written Gh.A.Hassoun for Syrian Arab News Agency – Turkish “Sita” research Center unveiled, in a document, that most of the terrorist organizations united under the umbrella of Turkish aggression, were backed and funded by Washington and committed crimes under its directives».
«The document, released recently by the independent “the Grayzone” news website, showed that 21 terrorist groups, which joined Erdogan’s mercenaries, were backed by the US, either directly through the Pentagon, or through the CIA and the operating room affiliated to it in Turkey – adds Sana – According to the document, most of the terrorist organizations, circulated by Washington under the name of “moderate opposition” and armed and trained under the administration of former US President Barack Obama, moved to complete their crimes under the leadership of Erdogan through the current aggression on Syrian territory. The document clarified that the US hypocrisy and double standards policy, according to Washington existing interests, appeared in statements of US politicians and officials who condemned the Turkish aggression and the heinous crimes committed by Erdogan’s mercenaries, ignoring the fact that they themselves who created these mercenaries and backed them whether at the UN Security Council or at the United Nations as they continued to do so for more than eight years».

From the dossier results that all the 42 rebels’ groups are supported by Turkey and only 21 by Ankara only, 13 of them has been founded in 2016 for the operation Euphrates Shield (in bold type): 20th Brigade, 5th Regiment, Ahrar al Sham, Ahrar al Sharqiyyah, Fawc al Mustafa, Jaysh al Ahfed, Jaysh al Ahrar, Jaysh al Sharqiyyah, Liwa al Hurriyah, Liwa al Shimal, Liwa al Shimal al Maghaweer, Liwa al Vatkas, Liwa Samarkand, Liwa Sultan Mehned Fatih, Liwa Sultan Osman, Liwa Sultan Suleyman Shah, Liwa Suquour al Shinal, Rijal al Harb, Shahada al Islam Darayya, Suqour al Sham, Tuwwar al Jazira.
The other was supported by Us funding too. According the paper the Cia’s operation MOM supported: 1st Coastal Division, 1st Infantery Division, 9th Brigade, Central Division, Faylaq al Sham, Firqa 23, Firka Sultan Murad, Jabath Samiyah, Jaysh Al Islam, Jaysh al Nasr, Jaysh al Nukhba, Jaysh al Thani, Liwa al Fatik, Liwa Muntassir Billah, Liwa Salam. The Pentagon (Defense Department) helped directly only 3: 5th Brigade, Firka Muattasim, Firka Hamza,
In recent weeks Gospa News had discovered and published a declassified document of the CIA that referred to the regime-change plan in Syria that had existed at least since 1983 when President Hazis Al Assad, father of Bashar, was president.
Further 15 of the obtained the TOW missiles: 1st Coastal Division, 1st Infantery Division, 2nd Coastal Division, 9th Brigade, Central Division, Fayòaq al Sham, Firqa 23, Firqa Shimal, Firqa Sultan Murad, Free Idlib Army, Jabath Samiyah, Jaysh al Nasr, Jaysh al Thani, Liwa Salam, Shahada al Islam Darayya.
Even if they never foughted with Isis as: 1st Infantery Division, Central Division, Jaysh al Thani, 20th Brigade, Fawc al Mustafa, Jaysh al Ahrar, Jaysh al Sharqiyyah, Jaysh al Nasr, Free Idlib Army, Firqa 23, Liwa Sultan Osman.
«Footage showing members of Turkey’s mercenary “national army” executing Kurdish captives as they led the Turkish invasion of northern Syria touched off a national outrage, provoking US government officials, pundits and major politicians to rage against their brutality – has written Max Blumenthal – In the Washington Post, a US official condemned the militias as a “crazy and unreliable.” Another official called them “thugs and bandits and pirates that should be wiped off the face of the earth.” Meanwhile, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the scene as a “sickening horror,” blaming President Donald Trump exclusively for the atrocitie».
«But the fighters involved in the atrocities in northern Syria were not just random tribesmen assembled into an ad hoc army. In fact, many were former members of the Free Syrian Army, the force once armed by the CIA and Pentagon and branded as “moderate rebels.” This disturbing context was conveniently omitted from the breathless denunciations of US officials and Western pundits» reads on GrayZone investigative item.
Blumenthal further recalled that in 2012 when Clinton was Secretary of State, «she junketed to Istanbul to rally support for those very same militias during a “Friends of Syria” conference convened by Erdogan» and «she later remarked,“The hard men with the guns are going to be the more likely actors in any political transition than those on the outside just talking. And therefore we needed to figure out how we could support them on the ground, better equip them…”»

One of those “hard men” is Salim Idriss, today the “Defense Minister” of Syria’s non-existent “provisional government” and de facto leader of the mercenary forces dispatched by Turkey into northern Syria, according GrayZone that remebers further: «When the later Sen. John McCain made his notorious surprise visit to the Turkish-Syrian border in May 2013, hoping to inspire a US military intervention, he was warmly welcomed by Idriss, the then-leader of the US-backed Free Syrian Army».
In last May the investigative website GrayZone published the item of Ben Norton about the TOW missiles arrived in the hands of Al-Qaeda factions in Idlib, Turkish-backed. The BGM-71 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided), irst produced in 1970, is one of the most widely used anti-tank guided missiles. It can be found in a wide variety of manually carried and vehicle-mounted forms, as well as widespread use on helicopters. Originally designed by Hughes Aircraft in the 1960s, the weapon is currently produced by Raytheon.
«A US government official also said that Washington “greenlighted” the use of devastating anti-tank TOW missiles by Turkey-backed Islamist rebels in Syria – wrote Norton – Reuters reported on May 25 that Turkey has ramped up its weapons supplies to the al-Qaeda-linked militants that occupy Idlib. The Turkish military has also sent a convoy to a military base in rebel-held territory north of the Syrian city Hama. Turkish-backed rebels posted videos on social media showing militants firing Grad rockets at Syrian army positions near Hama».
«Ankara is sending these American-made heavy weapons to sectarian Sunni Islamist rebels from a coalition that calls itself the National Liberation Front. This alliance, which was founded in May 2018 and which purports to be “moderate,” claims to be part of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), and often fights embedded directly within the Turkish army – reported GrayZone – This “moderate” FSA coalition is led by commanders from the Salafi-jihadist militias Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Ahrar. It also includes former al-Qaeda ally Nour al-Din al-Zenki, which is notorious for beheading pro-government fighters, and which was directly armed by the CIA».
For better undertandig who are those ties we have to recall the profile and history of the most important jihadist gang.
Jaysh al Thani (Army of Islam)
It was known in 2011–2013 as Liwa al-Islam and since 2013 to present as Jaysh al-Islam). According many different sources on 7 April 2016, the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo was shelled with mortars that may have contained chemical agents.
On 8 April, a spokesman for the rebel group said that “weapons not authorized for use in these types of confrontations” had been used against Kurdish militia and civilians in Aleppo. He stated that “One of our commanders has unlawfully used a type of weapon that is not included in our list”. He did not specify what substances were used but, according to Kurdish Red Crescent, the symptoms were consistent with the use of chlorine gas or other agents. Welat Memo, a physician with the Kurdish Red Crescent, said that the people affected are “vomiting and having difficulty in breathing”.
Spokesperson for the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) said that Jaysh al-Islam’s “statement came after many conclusive evidences and reports of chemical gas being used in shelling Aleppo’s Sheikh Maqsoud district”. He also said that the group has attacked the Kurdish neighborhood of Aleppo with “forbidden weapons” many times since the war’s start. Jaysh al-Islam subsequently clarified that it was referring to “modified Grad rockets,” not chemical weapons.
Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a speech in Aspen, Colorado on 28 June 2016, mentioned Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham as “subgroups” of “the terrorists” ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra. US Obama administration officials disapproved this mention and told The Washington Post, who speculated that Kerry’s comment may have been accidental, that it was inaccurate and could harm U.S. government efforts to convince the Russian and the Syrian governments not to attack Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham. The US State Department in July 2016 confirmed that the US administration’s policy with regard to Jaysh al-Islam had not changed: Jaysh was and is not a UN-designated terrorist group, is opposed to ISIL, and is not allied to Nusra.
Jaysh al-Ahrar (Army of the Free) and Hts ties
It is an armed Salafi rebel group in northwestern Syria that originated as a clique composed of 16 units in Ahrar al-Sham that opposed involvement in Operation Euphrates Shield. Most members of the group joined Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in January 2017. The founding leader of Jaysh al-Ahrar, Hashim al-Shaykh (“Abu Jaber”) was appointed as the head of HTS. Jaysh al-Ahrar left HTS in September 2017, and have since then closely cooperated with both HTS and Ahrar al-Sham, as well as other rebel groups in the area.

Abu Khalid al-Suri, a “top al-Qaeda leader”, co-founded Ahrar al-Sham and was until the time of his February 2014 death, by an ISIS suicide car bomb attack, helping to lead Ahrar al-Sham which allowed Ayman Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, to influence the rebel group’s actions despite the group officially having no affiliation with al-Qaeda. In 2015, Ahrar al-Sham, “whose late leader fought alongside Osama bin Laden,” again denied having any links to al-Qaeda and in May 2016, the U.S., Britain, France, and Ukraine blocked a Russian proposal to the United Nations to blacklist Ahrar al-Sham as a terrorist group.

The group was openly allied with its longterm partner al-Nusra Front and carried out joint operations with the group, and was in talks with it about a possible merger in mid-2016. Pro-government media reported that Ahrar al-Sham rejected the 2016 September 12 U.S.- and Russian-brokered Syrian ceasefire, citing the ceasefire’s exclusion of certain Syrian rebel groups and declared solidarity with the al-Nusra Front, which was one of the groups excluded from this ceasefire.
Jaysh al-Ahrar fought alongside other rebel groups, including HTS, Ahrar al-Sham, Free Idlib Army, Army of Victory, Army of Glory, Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, and Jund al-Malahim against the Syrian Army’s Northwestern Syria campaign (October 2017–February 2018), which resulted in a rebel defeat.
In February 2018, during fighting between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Syrian Liberation Front, a coalition of Ahrar al-Sham and the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, Jaysh al-Ahrar released a statement urging the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria to not get involved in the fighting on the side of HTS, and for HTS’ leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani to submit to the authority of a Sharia court in order to mediate the conflict.
On 1 August 2018, the group, along with the Ahrar al-Sham-led Syrian Liberation Front, Suqour al-Sham Brigades, and the Damascus Gathering joined the National Front for Liberation. Walid al-Mushayil (“Abu Hashim”), artillery commander of Jaysh al-Ahrar, was appointed the NFL’s second deputy commander.

Many TOW missiles was discovered by Syrian Arab Army in the weapons storages leaved by jihadist in Hama’s area. The Middle East media Almasdar News on March 3, 2017, reported the use of this anti-tank rockets in Idlib.
«The jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham were once again filmed using US-manufactured anti-tank missiles against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) during their military operations in west Aleppo on Friday. Video footage from west Aleppo showed Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham members firing a US-manufactured TOW missile towards the Syrian Arab Army’s positions in the Al-Zahra Association Quarter, scoring a direct hit on the government forces».
Jaysh al-Nasr (Army of Victory)

Western financial support for Jaysh al-Nasr largely ended in October 2017. On 9 February 2018, the 111th Regiment and the Salvation Front left Jaysh al-Nasr. The Falcons of al-Ghab, led by Major Muhammad Mansour, became the only significant faction left in the group. Turkey continues to provide financial and military support for Jaysh al-Nasr and other rebel groups in the region. In exchange for continued support, Turkey requested these rebel groups to participate in the Turkish military operation in Afrin, which Jaysh al-Nasr did beginning on 16 February. On the same day, Jaysh al-Nasr appointed 3 new leaders. In May 2018, along with 10 other rebel groups in northwestern Syria, the Army of Victory formed the National Front for Liberation, which was officially announced on 28 May. Maj. Muhammad Mansour, commander of Jaysh al-Nasr, was appointed chief of staff of the formation.
An exuastive footage on youtube shows the TOW destructive launch in a video with the Jaysh al-Nasr flag that operated in Afrin together the most savage jihadist faction Ahrar al Sharqiyyah, that led the Turkish operation Olive Branch and in the last day killed the young activist and politician Hefrin Khalaf. Jihadists, so, may thanks Cia, Obama, Trump and Us Pentagon at least as much as Erdogan!
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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