HONG KONG: US-CANVAS MOLOTOV’ PACIFISTS: campus and subway burning, man set on fire, lawmaker stabbed

HONG KONG: US-CANVAS MOLOTOV’ PACIFISTS: campus and subway burning, man set on fire, lawmaker stabbed


di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

«The one who sows the good seed is the Son of man. The field is the world. The good seed is the children of the kingdom; the tares are the children of the devil, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil».
Gospel of Matthew, 13, 24-30

Hong Kong is burning as the West sleeps. During the night the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong was struck with fires as some subway stations where the rioters, behind the burning barricades, rejected the police for a long time during the night.

In the preceding hours an antagonist of the protester was sprinkled with flammable liquid and wrapped by the fire from which it would have escaped by a miracle (but there are no confirmations), while a lawmaker supporter of the government of Beijing (Beijing) was stabbed, fortunately so not serious. These are the manifest expressions of a protest that by now has nothing to do with peace. although yet it has already achieved the initial purpose of the withdrawal of the extradition law from the former British colony in China.

«The authorities admit that the city devastated by the riots is hanging by a thread» writes Russia Today. Molotov cocktails, fireworks, javelins, catapults, bars, helmets, gas masks and even knives took the place of the umbrellas that gave the name to the protest of autumn 2014. They were used to shelter from the tear gas launched by the police coordinated by the activists of the movement “Occupy central with love and peace”, but a cleverly designed icon appeared as many of them were all purposely yellow.

Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow, arrested and then released in April for their role as fomenters of street riots and former organizers of the 2014 Umbrella Revolution

It is more than anything else to show the connections with the protest of a time that was firmly in the hands of the then adolescent and now 22-year-old Joshua Wong, the skinny puppet of a much bigger and more powerful theatrical performance that, passing through the occult  director CANVAS, as today as that time. Officially it is the Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategy, in fact it represents a control room created by the CIA in the Balkans and supported by various US agencies to ignite the fuse of regime-change around the world, with the occasional help of allies Israeli Zionists and Sunni Muslims in the Middle East.

The sure proof that behind this new attempt at revolution in Hong Kong there is precisely Canvas, with headquarters in Belgrade but operational offices in the middle of the world, it still does not exist for a simple reason: the experienced founders and directors of the Slobodan Djinovic organization and Srdja Popovic, who became famous for Otpor’s clenched fist and the coup in Ukraine that triggered the civil war in the Donbass with thousands of deaths, take the merits of an action only when it succeeds or when it serves as a flag. But there are very obvious traces.

In a previous report we explained how the recent protests in Lebanon and Iraq are connected with Canvas and intertwine with Arab-American experts such as Elie Khoury, protagonist of the Cedar Revolution and today CEO of the media holding Omnicom Group Mena leader of the most important holding of American communication in the Arabian peninsula, revealing that the two Serbian agit-props by profession have also revealed their commitment in Syria and Venezuela for their lying mission of exporting democracy.

In un precedente reportage abbiamo spiegato come le recenti proteste in Libano ed Iraq siano collegate con Canvas

e s’intreccino con esperti arabo-americani come Elie Khoury, protagonista della Rivoluzione dei Cedri ed oggi Ceo della holding mediatica Omnicom Group Mena leader della più importante holding di comunicazione americana nella penisola araba, svelando che i due serbi agit-prop di professione hanno palesato l’impegno anche in Siria e Venezuela per la loro bugiarda missione di esportazione della democrazia.

Libano-Iraq: i capi religiosi cristiani benedicono i golpe CANVAS di USA-CIA, Sionisti e Sunniti

According to the Gospel predicate by Jesus Christ, not by chance mentioned at the beginning of this article, are the diabolical sowers of tares that spread the seeds of discord in more naive souls than they do, blowing on their ideals to the point of transforming them into gas incediate, insufflando hatred towards the enemy.

And so, where they can, the antiviolents prepare the ground and then give way to the militias of organized guerrillas, such as Isis, Al Qaida, and other jihadist groups now armed and protected by the invasion of Syria in Turkey, where they cannot try to inflame the protest to the point of provoking the inevitable reaction of the police and the army.

Siria: 76 capi ISIS tra i mercenari turchi, anche i killer del ranger Kassig e dell’attivista Hevrin. Ucciso prete cristiano

The rioters in the streets of Hong Kong held by “pacifists”

This is exactly what is happening in Hong Kong and that during the night has seen a very serious escalation reported only carefully by the Russia Today network to highlight that the pacifists have now given way to the violent by profession. The emaciated students who protested with umbrellas to protect themselves from tear gas and water cannons in 2014 grew up today and learned to use molotovs to set fire to and play with flammable materials.

Just like their Venezuelan peers in the Guarimbas of Caracas where some citizens and policemen who were on the side of President-elect Nicolas Maduro and not the one wanted by the White House, Juan Guaidò, were burned alive.

Man burned to Ma On Shan and student barricades on the university campus – click to see the tragic video

In the corridor of a school the same epilogue was risked. The incident occurred on Monday afternoon at Ma On Shan, while the masked rioters stormed the city, according to the Global Times quoted by RT. The conditions of man are not known but from the disturbing video it seems to be guessed that he would have been saved.

In fact, we see a demonstrator who throws some flammable liquid into his face and then sets it on fire. The victim escapes with flames on his head and on the side of the corridors you see something burning, perhaps his shirt thrown, and in the end it seems to see the figure of the same man while he is being rescued. But the injuries to the face will certainly not be mild.

While the lawyer and politician Junius Ho, former president of the Law Society of Hong Kong and president of the Rural Committee of Tuen Mun, now a member of the Pro-Beijing Committee, got away with minor injuries. As can be seen in another video, he was ambushed with flowers.

The symbol of student pacifist demonstrations in the 1970s – “put flowers in your guns” – was taken up as a “non-violent” weapon by Canvas which in each color revolution patented the drama of beautiful girls who offered flowers to policemen and soldiers deployed in opposition to square marches.

This time a young man tried to sell sunflowers to the MP, but when he took the floral bunch he pulled a knife from the bag with which he stabbed him so much that he needed hospitalization where he would not be in danger.

Junius Ho MP stabbed in the street – click on the image to watch the video

A few hours later, during the night, the incendiary hell broke out on the campus of the CUHK university and in many subway stations. But exactly as it happened in March 2019, when Gospa News found itself to be one of the few media in Europe to give news of sabotages to the electricity grid and government attacks in Venezuela, even on Hong Kong only news that they like is filtered on the Western media.

The Italian press agency that boasts of being among the top five in the world is emblematic “The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, which reached the third day in a row, have half-paralyzed the city, creating heavy transport problems. The MTR, the manager of the metro, has suspended the East Rail and Kwun Tong lines, and the services are in fits and starts in other areas. The police returned to the Chinese University to evacuate 80 Chinese students, finding many Molotov cocktails. Parliament suspended work due to the brawl that broke out between the pan-democratic and pro-Beijing fronts. Schools closed for security reasons. The liaison office, the Hong Kong-based Liaison Office of China, denounced that the former colony “is slipping into the abyss of terrorism”.

The reconstruction of Russia Today is completely different:: «Videos and photos posted to social media show the rioters fortifying their position with barricades and setting “huge” fires on the campus. Classes were unsurprisingly canceled at CUHK and other universities around the city, some of which also played host to clashes between the demonstrators – still dubbed ‘pro-democracy activists’ in the media despite the increasing levels of violence on display – and police. On at least one campus, rioters stole sporting equipment including javelins and shot puts and weaponized them».

No explanation of ANSA, invee, on the fact that the underground is closed for the arson attacks of protesters just like the University. No image of fire to preserve the innocence of Chinese students desirous only of democracy but, as ample proof of photographic documentation, perfectly assisted by the head of the US Consulate General in Hong Kong Julie Eadeh.

A meeting in recent weeks at the US Consulate in Hong Kong, which was attended by activist Joshua Wong, convicted of hooliganism for the 2014 protests, and the chief official of the American delegation Julie Eadeh

The mainstream propaganda has clear orders about the positions to be held. Canvas, on the other hand, maintains a low profile: it advertises the possibility of financing Chinese democratic organizations through the purchase of the book Kong Tsung-Gan has published its book “Umbrella: A Political Tale from Hong Kong” released last year and commemorates the dead protester … falling from a garage!

The book on the Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution sold by Canvas to finance “democratic” organizations

«This Friday, vigils were held in remembrance of the Hong Kong protestor who died during a demonstration. Twenty-two year old Alex Chow fell off a parking garage during a police raid of protests, leading many to think he was trying to get away from tear gas. The death of the student has caused outrage and further heightened tensions in Hong Kong – wrote Canvas on weekly report – On Thursday, students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong staged a march before the university’s graduation this week, expressing discontent with China’s refusal to meet the five demands of protestors. Wearing masks and chanting “Five demands, not one less”, the students echoed the sentiments of the continuous demonstrations in Hong Kong. Though the protestors were nonviolent, a mainland Chinese student met the demonstrators with a knife whilst singing the Chinese national anthem. Though the Chinese student was removed by university security, the interaction provided a look into the tension between Hong Kongers and mainland Chinese people».

Whoever is in the least geopolitical expert knows very well to whom this tension can be attributed. He knows very well that the western media are all at the window, with feathers sharp as wolf fangs, waiting for the first policeman to kill a student sent to the slaughterhouse for sinister economic and political interests of the so-called Deep International State of which a former CIA director has recently publicly admitted power.

UKRAINEGATE, COMPLOTTO DEEP STATE CONTRO TRUMP: tra i due informatori CIA spunta anche Renzi

«CANVAS disseminates its knowledge through a variety of media, including workshops, books, DVDs and specialized courses. Members regularly teach and present an academic version of their Core Curriculum, and hold workshops on strategy and organization of nonviolent struggle at variety of educational institutions worldwide, including at Harvard (Kennedy School Of Law), the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (TUFTS, Boston, MA), Johns Hopkins (SAIS), Columbia University, Rutgers (NJ), Colorado College (CO), and Georgetown University (DC)» wrote the organization itself disclosing the strategic US links.

Canvas & company with their fake non-violence are making even the communist Chinese government that holds the annual record of death sentences seem moderate and even-tempered. They are turning the true heroes of a peaceful student protest buried in the silence of all the powerful internationals in the tomb: that of the Tienanmen Square of June 4, 1989. It is certainly not with the Molotovs that one can fight against a totalitarian regime because they only serve to produce worst one: Libya docet.

Canvas & company con la loro finta non-violenza stanno facendo sembrare moderato ed equibrato persino il governo della Cina comunista che detiene il record annuale di condanne a morte. Stanno facendo rivoltare nella tomba i veri eroi di una pacifica protesta studentesca sepolta nel silenzio di tutte le potente internazionali: quella della piazza Tienanmen del 4 giugno 1989. Non è certo con le molotov che si può lottare contro un regime totalitario perchè servono solo a produrne uno peggiore: Libia docet.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization





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Fabio G.C. Carisio