American mother in Italy: “My daughter bombed with psychiatric drugs and forced to abort by Italian State”

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
“Through me you go to the sore city, through me you go into eternal pain, trough me you go among the lost people .. Leave all hope you come in”
(Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, Hell – III Song)
Almost seven hundred years have passed since 1321 when on the banks of the Arno the supreme Tuscan poet entered a mystical-allegorical journey into hellish wastelands. But nothing better than his poems can describe what is happening today in Florence, as in other italian cities and in many other places around the whole world, where sometimes Psychiatry can seem to have become into the terrible “Dite”, a city inhabited by malicious masters of deception.
In this earthly misery the Divine Justice is far away: the locked up human beings are not the wicked ones, but those whom one of the most debatable sciences of mankind’s history, defines them as psychic patients like Yaska, a fragile young woman, banned for schizophrenia and intolerance to a powerful antipsychotic named Clozapine, then “bombed” with this same psychiatric drug and finally induced by the law to a compulsory interruption of pregnancy even though she and her mother are Christian believers!
Sadly, all this is happening in that Region of Tuscany, which has become infamous for abuses against children in the Il Forteto community, of which no social-health apparatus has been aware for years of covert political coverage as denounced in an exclusive interview by parliamentarian Stefano Mugnai, deputy leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies.
Her dramatic story was told to us by her fifty-year-old mother Jeanette Fraga, born in the USA (Boonton, New Jersey) and still american citizen, graduating in Pedagogy in Florence after studying Quito, Ecuador, where she lived for a long time with her parents before arriving in Italy, getting married and having three children.
Gospa News decides to publish it prominently after reading the papers of the Mental Adult Health Department – USL Toscana Centro – containing serious and obvious scientific contradictions in a judicial battle that sees on one side the protector and the tutelary judge of the girl, now 29 years old, and on the other, her mother, brother and younger sister united to try to get the joint out of the hell in which she was “segregated and forced to abort” as her mother points out.
«She lives in a state of submission where his voice is not heared to and continuously threatened to be hospitalized as it happened in November 2018 for 31 days and last March, for” checks “and forced abortion, for about 65 days without being able to take any walks and with very limited visits – Mrs. Fraga denounced it in an email to the Florence Ombudsman’s official Vittorio Gasparrini – last May 7 – which has been involved, so far without any success, as it happens with the Guarantor of Private Persons of Freedom – This morning when I met my daughter, she was very pale and scared and with strong tremors. She asked me to take her back home and told me about her physical and mental illness. Unfortunately, she is in custody of a legal guardian who has allowed her doctors to prescribe her a harmful therapy as written in her medical file. She told me she felt “splashed”. Her cell phone has been removed. My daughter’s life is in grave danger. Nurses bring her the therapy twice a day but she doesn’t even know what they are really giving her».
«In despite of another failure, and proceeding with the identical mechanism of ‘discharge’ of frustration already occured in 2015, once again today we intend to make the family members pay for the price of the inadequacy of the psychiatric service» the lawyer Michele Capano wrote in one of the multiple claims relating to Yaska’s health conditions, rejected by the Tutelary Judge of the Court of Florence who on March 4 decreed the interruption of a pregnancy in contrast with the will of the girl, her boyfriend – who had even gave her an engagement ring – , and family members.
Precisely because of this dramatic affair the girl’s mother also launched a desperate appeal with a petition on
It is evident that the case will be destined to raise far more ethical questions of the clinical and judicial history of a young woman who began to accuse disorders suddenly during adolescence and ended up being handcuffed and induced to the TSO (Compulsory Health Treatment) because of the neighbors’ complaints of her occasional screamings in this social housing building…
«Until the age of 16 (2006) Yaska is considered a normal girl: she attends the conservatory (violin and piano) and a ballet school. She underwent her first admission to Psychiatry on 11-11-06 at the Policlinico Umberto I (Rome) – in this way her mother recounts the beginning of the nightmare – Among the possible causes of her sudden illness: a “suspicious” beverage, for which she had reported the fact to the Police, l vaccines besides the obligatory ones of the medical suggestion of the time – considering that the family travelled regularly in Ecuador -. For the first three years – or so – in Rome Yaska shows “improvements”. Her diagnosis is of schizophrenia, but only later on her heavy metals accumulation will be discovered – we have carried out a mineralogram – but her doctors don’t want to know about it and neither want to make any further studies on this topic “although this can be a suspected cause of autism in children» Jeanette reports.

«At the end of 2008, the family returns to Florence. Yaska was discreetly. However, the pharmacological treatments are doubled and also her discomfort increases. She suffers numerous hospitalizations at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital in Florence, but her conditions do not improve, on the contrary – recalls Ms. Fraga who asked if her friend from Harvard University could be heard as a medical consultant without obtaining the permit – After the failure of the Florentine psychiatry in ensuring treatments that allow an acceptable quality of life, on 2012, she is treated by private specialists who face the side effects of excessive therapies given to Yaska during these last years. She makes some progress but has two hospitalizations in 2014 where she is bombarded with drugs in such a way to devastate her again: she is unrecognizable and, if before she had only problems of psychosis / hallucinations, at this point, a sudden aggression is added».
On March 2015, one of the doctors who follows her, certifies that the situation had significantly improved thanks to a monotherapy. «But due to the noise caused in her moments of crisis, also due to the intolerance of the condominiums towards her and with false accusations against me, Florentine psychiatry takes her away from home».
It is the beginning of true hell …
«On August 4, 2015, the police, nurses and doctors arrive for an ASO that turns into TSO within 5 minutes. Yaska and I had just returned from a pleasant walk, but the presence of all these people makes her nervous. A puncture is made and with handcuffs they take her away in an ambulance. She will never return home. That same day a support administrator is appointed who becomes a guardian in 2016 when Yaska is forbidden in a moment of abstinence – her mother always remembers – On August 25 she underwent a long physical restraint of about 18 hours. After six months in hospital, she was definitely included in a Florentine psychiatric facility. She has a remarkable recovery and remains stable for two years, a period in which I and the other family members had the right to visit her for 3 hours daily. We take long walks. Yaska Improves her communication skills. The relationships with the people of the community and staff are good. She does not undergo any hospitalization until the end of October 2018».

But the family’s daily struggle to ensure the girl the best care moves from medical studies to courthouses and tensions between her mother, guardian and psychiatrists become inflamed when Yaska’s conditions begin to plummet for invasive drug therapies.
The first report of the lawyer Michele Capano dates back to March 16, 2018 in which it is highlighted that the girl was allowed to smoke – something she did not do before – to drink alcohol during the holidays, despite being on therapy with psychotropic drugs, but above all these operators’ errors is “the dosage of tranquilizers without a medical prescription (in particular benzodiazepina)”.
Not only. «At this point, physical aspects of this worrying situation start to become evident: her increase in weight which is practically doubled compared to her arrival in the structure; her menstrual cycle now becomes scarce and sometimes completely blocked for long periods; strong signs of acne on her face » the lawyer writes again, urging to avoid «discrepancies between the prescribed therapy and the actually one administered to the girl».
Once again in November 2015 the girl was admitted for “treatment-resistant schizophrenia (history of intolerance to clozapine)” in the Department of Adult Mental Health of the Santa Maria Nuova hospital of Florence and then discharged and brought back to the psychiatric facility.
But even the same specialist of the USL Toscana Centro who is treating the girl still remembers on March 2, 2018 “that it wasn’t possible to include Clozapine in her therapy, because of the severity symptoms, due to her adverse side effects recorded in hospitalizations”.
According to investigations and studies done by her mother on pharmacogenesis, the subject of authoritative publications on the international scientific website PubMed Central (PMC, link at the bottom of article), in fact, says that the lack of an enzyme causes an individual of not being able to metabolize this drug (Yaska’s case). But as we will further see, this drug will be incredibly reused in the following months …

«Yaska is inserted in a community where she lives in “loneliness” (her words) because she is kept far from her beloved ones and with excessive restrictions in addition to the few cures that are given to her. In this way, she can only see her boyfriend – a 10 year story – for only once in a week (for one hour in community in front of the structure’s staff), she is obliged to participate in both weekday and weekend to the their programs (since about four years) without allowing her to have a minimum of decision-making power, adds Jeanette – her cell phone is taken away from her whenever they want to. Even if she tells the tutelary judge (April 2019) of her will of changing psychiatrist, about the fact of not being well in that community and of wanting to live with her family, nothing changes. In about four years they have only taken her to the general practitioner only twice – on my request – even in the face of injuries like fevers, hair loss, eye problems, overweight, physical pain, swollen feet and legs, facial acne, bad blood circulation, breathlessness and muscle spasms».

In the midst of this hell there is one person who, in addition to the family members, is a point of reference for her: Yaska’s boyfriend. She met him in a therapeutic community. He is 11 years older, and is also on medication but has a stable job and a regular driving license. He demonstrated some time ago to be interested in marrying her and to take the big step. On August 12, the day of Yaska’s 28th birthday, he gives her an engagement ring, as the young woman’s mother recalls.
But as Mrs. Fraga recounts, a few weeks later – in September – the tutelary judge reduces the visiting hours of the family members, after having reduced those of her fiancé, as her permits of going out. After a short time, the girl is hospitalized from October 28 to the end of November 2018.
At the same time when her brother had asked to be appointed as guardian in order to replace the one decreed by the Court but this application is immediately rejected and the hearing for the appeal to the Court of the Courts is set in 10 months ahead. Family members adapt to the decisions of the Palace of Justice and try to show the girl all their affection that is often the best medicine in cases of mental disorders. In March 1 is the big day for everyone: the day in which Yaska has has a violin essay at the Il Trillo School of Florence. But the girl will never get there and will soon be forced to abortion…
As her brother said, in a complaint lodged to the Florence police station the day after, Yaska had phoned her mother to tell her that the doctors “were taking her to the hospital against her own will to do a blood test for some analysis and that she was very scared because everything happened suddenly and without any warning. «I went to the facility and they were taking my sister to the hospital: she was still holding her violin».
Although she was in a quiet mood and ready for the musical essay she was so fond of, Yaska is taken to the hospital… The outcome of the investigations will later on tell us the reason of so much haste: the girl was pregnant.
Two days later, the USL Tuscany Center’s specialist who treats her declares – in a writing – things in stark contrast to the story told by the family: «Friday 1/3/2019 we admitted the patient in SPDC due to an exacerbation of the psychopathological situation and because of the need to carry out hospitalization checks».
A really weird situation for a young musician waiting for her little concert where the closest relatives were eager to listen and applaud her! In the clinical report the doctor indicates the discovery of her pregnancy that had been at first denied by Yaska as well as her sexual relations, then she would have referred to a character from her hallucinatory world. But it’s clear that an interdict will never deny illustrious psychiatrists. Anyway, it’s in the following lines of the same document that the brutal truth will emerge…

«With the present we want to highlight the serious risks for the physical and mental health of the mother connected to the continuation of the pregnancy – reads the medical certificate – In addition to the complex psychopathological picture we point out that the patient undergoes for years to psycho-pharmacological treatments based on mood stabilizers and neuroleptics (last therapy based on Carbolithium, Clozapine, Aripiprazole). The clinical condition of the patient and the same exposure of the product of conception, in the first trimester gravidarum, to drugs with the potential teratogenic effect, are such as to recommend the memory to a therapeutic interruption of the pregnancy».
It matters little if Yaska, in a moment of serenity and tranquility surrounded by the affection of her family and boyfriend, clearly reiterates the fact of wanting to keep her child… Even in front the specialists: «At the interview Yaska’s mother was not present, in that occasion she was quiet and at all agitated or upset. In the presence of her family members ( brother and sister) as well as of the doctors and guardian, Yaska declares her will to continue with her pregnancy» writes the family lawyer Gianpaolo Polverino in the petition for the removal of the girl from the Community and a new Medical-Legal Advice with an expert of part named by the family “To verify the practicability for Yaska of the continuation of the pregnancy and the effective consent to the continuation of the same, both to establish the therapeutic regime to be agreed compatible with the pregnancy».

But the merciless law, must continue its course and the “product of conception”, by now not even defined embryo or fetus by the new scientific literature, is eliminated with blows of stamped papers for urgent reporting by the same doctor who one year earlier considered Clozapine not administrable to the girl but then admits its use also confirming that the psychotropic drugs given to her could cause malformations to the conceived one: therefore better to eliminate the proof of possible invasive and intolerable pharmacological therapies for the young one.
The legal guardian on March 4 (2019) presents the request for abortion, in March 11 the psychiatrist reaffirms the contents of March 4, on March 14 the lawyers petition for the CTU is immediately rejected by the Tutelary Judge of the Court of Florence on March 25 with the following motivation: «The request for a CTU for a medical-legal participatory must be rejected as health records are also present in the records, also coming from medical specialists of the public structure and, if the tutelary judge, following the examination of this documentation, should it be deemed necessary to supplement it with the appointment of an office consultant, no form of participation is contemplated by the appointment of a part consultant».
This legal rigor appears to be disconcerting in the face of a pregnancy! But the young woman is 6 weeks pregnant and therefore it is necessary to hurry …
«Communication between Yaska and her carrying group is misleading. For example, the day of the abortion, they tell her that there was no child , only afterwards, she realizes about the deception and that she had lost the baby she wanted so badly to keep. On April 9 (2019), without her family’s knowledge of what was about to happen, she was transferred to another hospital with an excuse and her pregnancy was interrupted – her mother added – We discovered it from the judge’s notification at 9.00 pm, fait accompli. I don’t even know where the little fetus ended up: I am a believer in Christ and therefore I wanted to do at least one funeral for this fragile human being that had been just killed! In July 2019 we were informed by Yaska that a spiral had been inserted in her – again -without her knowledge during a gynecological check-up. In October there is a new hospitalization with a judge’s decree, her cell phone is seized and all visits from relatives and friends are interrupted. Before we could only see her behind the door of a corridor, now I can only call her once a day».
Is it all over? Non at all! Jeanette Fraga, too worried about the administration of Clozapine and other heavy psychotropic drugs given to her daughter, had not only been reported in the meantime for ill-treatment (an accusation from which she was acquitted on June 13 by the Court of Florence) but also for instigating sexual abuse because, according to the guardians, she would have been the one to induce the daughter’s boyfriend to have relations with the girl.
Result? Even the boy, in drug treatment, who was first removed from the possible visiting hours, then put under investigation. Obviously, at this point, all this scared him enough to make him distance from his girlfriend.
Now the family is increasingly getting more isolated in the fight against the perverse system of Italian’s justice that for six months has been holding even the small Ylenia of only 9 under heavy psychiatric drugs in the tragic story narrated some days ago to Gospa News by her mother Sabrina Soster of Latina.
In this way, because Yaska’s loneliness increases she can finally become really crazy! For the lavish earnings of psychiatric drug manufacturers and psychiatrists who like to prescribe their use..
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
english version by J.F.
no reproduction without authorization
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