6,000 ISIS jihadists freed: killings in Syria and Iraq, but Turkey arrests Christian priest for terrorism!

di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
There is really something crazy or maliciously planned about the military actions that are happening in the Middle East on the border between Syria and Turkey. But there is also some surprising coincidences that makes the war scenario not only tragic but also grotesque and paradoxical.
At least 6,000 ISIS affiliates were freed in those areas between October and December, while a poor Syrian Orthodox Christian priest was arrested on Thursday by Turkish police forces for … terrorism!
In recent months, before and after the invasion of the Turkish army in Rojava, as the northeastern Syrian territories governed by the Autonomous Administration of the Kurds are called, Ankara has released from prison prisons thousands of prisoners imprisoned as militant terrorists or active supporters of the ISIS.
Some of the commanders and fiercest fighters, at least 76 according to a list of the Rojava Information Center, have been employed in other jihadist factions of the mercenaries used by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to invade Syria and snatch cities and villages from Kurds, Christians but also Syrian Islamic Shiites, in the Spring Peace operation started on 9 October 2019.
In a previous article, we reported rough calculations revealed by the Turkish-language Swedish newspaper Nordic Monitor, which specializes in the unsealing of intelligence sources in Ankara, according to which about 4 thousand Islamic State affiliates, half of which are dangerous Foreign Terrorist Fighters, are were released from Turkish prisons between 10 and 14 October probably for use in the Rojava war and recent military intervention in Libya.
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It would be a forced recruitment stratagem already reserved by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for those sentenced to death, who were given the opportunity to go to fight in Syria or Yemen, alongside the jihadists of Al Qaeda, instead of suffering the death sentence.
At the beginning of the year, however, the Autonomous Administration also inexplicably released 400 Isis affiliates from the prison camps where they were detained, in particular in Camp Hol, and where they were creating continuous insurrections to try to escape, also causing deaths and injured among the guards or other guests, refugees there only as simple displaced persons.
The information was given with a simple Twitter post from the Rojava Information Center (RIC) which in the meantime with the beginning of 2020 has stopped updating the war zones both in the WhatsApp group and on the official website. The latest news is in fact the “media coverage”, or the coverage of the communications disseminated by RIC, the Kurdish information center, relating to an article published last January 7 by the online newspaper Today in Italian.
«Dozens of affiliates of the Islamic State jihadist group have been released by the Kurdish authorities in Syria, after the mediation of tribal leaders: these releases occur after a request for” guarantees “made by the Syrian tribal leaders. This was announced by a spokesman for the Kurdish authorities, Kamal Akef. According to what has been learned in the last few weeks, over 2000 people have been freed».
Today reported it by developing in a short report on Syria the short Tweet in English of the Rojava Information Center which reported 400 prisoners released only from Camp Hol to return to their homes in Deir Ezzor.
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This initiative was announced several times by both the Kurdish administration and the Sirian Democratic Forces militias that represent it and defeated ISIS in Raqqa and Bagouz.
The army who defeated the Islamic State in 2019 had in detention about 12 thousand prisoners, of which at least 2 thousand foreign fighters, some of whom fled after the bombings of prisons by Turkish forces, others released in recent months due to the impossibility of manage them because of the demanding war front with the armed jihadist groups, used as mercenaries by Turkey to invade Rojava, and with the same Ankara0s troops.
It is not known at the moment how many remain in the most fortified Kurdish prisons, but for mere arithmetic approximations they should be at least 5-7 thousand.
After the withdrawal of the United States and the Sochi agreement, the SDF militias (mostly made up of YPG Kurds) withdrew from a part of Northeast Syria to make room for a “buffer” zone on the border with Turkey patrolled by the Moscow military police together with Turkish and Syrian patrols.
However, it is extremely significant that the liberation of the ISIS militants sent back to their homes in Deir Ezzor, a neuralgic province for the US-controlled oil wells in the Euphrates valley, a few days before the abandonment of the Hasaka base by American troops (reported by the Iranian agency FarsNews), folded in other areas of Syria and Iraq, in defense of the bases already subject to the missile attacks of the IRCG Revolutionary Guards of Iran in retaliation for the killing of General Qassem Soleimani, leader of the Pasdaran and Quds forces, the militia for overseas missions.
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Only in the next few days will it be possible to know if these releases have a meaning in the war scenario between the government of Syria, the Kurdish Administration, which claims an autonomy like that of Iraqi Kurdistan that has never been politically recognized, the US occupation forces and the invaders of the Turkey who do not hesitate to use jihadists to conquer territories in the Middle East and Africa.
In the meantime the Turkish invasion has reinvigorated the Islamic State in Syria which in November alone made dozens of various attacks, including by car bomb, and last December in the southern province of Raqqa, according to RIC, killed a group of 14 men beheading them. The slaughter took place near Madin, in an area under the control of the Syrian Arama Army, the Damascus army, remarked the Tweet of the Rojava Center on January 5.
The risk of the Islamic State’s renaissance is also very high in Iraq where the US had brought various Daesh leaders freed in exchange for gold and where the Americans themselves announced the suspension of the fight against ISIS due to tensions with Iran.
On Sunday January 5, in fact, the Islamic State jihadists carried out an attack on the Iraqi army in the Daquq district, south of Kirkuk. According to reports from BasNews, the insurgents targeted the army near the village of Arabkoy in Daquq, killing three soldiers and injuring another. During the attack, the extremists also kidnapped an Iraqi soldier.
In the midst of these complex military strategy actions, the arrest of a Syrian priest in the Turkish town of Mardin becomes paradoxical.
It is both because he has been accused and is held for terrorism, as an alleged collaborationist of the PKK, the paramilitary organization of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party considered terrorist by Ankara, where however the Kurdish ethnicity is banned from the constitution since the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1922.
“Turkish state forces raided the Syrian rural neighborhoods of Eskihisar, Üçköy and Üçyol in the Nusaybin district of Mardin on Thursday. 10 people were taken into custody during the operation, including the priest Sefer Beliçe from the church of Saint Jacob, “reports the Kurdish online newspaper ANF.

Four of the detainees, priest Beliçe, Musa Taştekin, Haşo Dinç and Mehmet Başak were referred to the Mardin court yesterday, Friday 10 January, after having collected their statements to the counter-terrorism branch of the provincial command of Mardin.
The detainees were then reported to a local court for allegedly “helping and helping the PKK”. The priest was held in custody while the other three inmates were released on probation. Father Belice is the only priest of the ancient monastery named after Saint James Bishop of Nisibi (309-338), a complex of great archaeological importance for the foundations dating back to the IV century after Christ.
“According to the report, statements by an informant against the priest and written procedures of the Gendarmerie in support of the fact that” PKK members entered the monastery in 2018 “were presented by the prosecutor as evidence of the” crime “in question. However, lawyers were denied access to documents presented as evidence,” ANF continues.
The paradoxes of the story are manifold. Mardin is positioned on rocky buttresses at a height of 1083 meters s.l.m. who look at Syria: being a border town among its 86 thousand inhabitants, there are also many refugees of Syrian origin. Since 2014, the city has also been led by Mayor Februniye Akyol, the first and only female Christian mayor of Turkey.ia.
Not only. In the district of Mardin, on 20 October, qualified representatives of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities present in Turkey took part in an interreligious initiative hosted in the Syrian Orthodox Monastery of Deyrulzafaran, the “Saffron Monastery”, located on the plateau of Tur Abdin.
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The meeting had been requested by the religious to pray for Turkish soldiers after the start of the Peace Spring operation and a message from President Erdogan had been read during the event.
Now Ankara itself, which employs fierce jihadists as soldiers and has freed thousands of Islamic black flag terrorists. instead arrest a Christian priest because he would have helped some Kurds, guilty of being Kurds!
Despite these repeated and very serious elementary violations of human rights with the persecution of a population only for its ethnic group, Turkey is still a reference partner of the West, NATO and Russia … Great anti-racist hypocrisy!
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization
US assassinates Solomon-I, in Iraq, in a Quasi-Shia State, in the wee hours of the morning.
Y would a Iranian Gen – who is anti-Israel and America, fly from a Commercial/Military Airport in Iraq – when the US embassy was firebombed just a few days ago ? He would have known that all his e-signatures would be tracked by the Americans,second by second,and there would be no dearth of spies at the hangar,ATC,Airport who would ply the Americans with precise coordinates of the General’s flight patterns ?
Surely after the US embassy bombing the Good General would have been told by his team to exit Iraq ? Could a general be so careless or foolish – that he would think that he could exit from a designated airport,after the US embassy escapade – and with another designated terrorist (designed by USA) – with makes it a double prime target – and with no collateral baggage ? In ISIS days – he was fighting with the Americans – and those days are over.
Persian Shia’ism is not a suicide cult – it appears to be one – but it is not.So the general was misled into complacency and entrapped by some , in the Iraqi state, to take that flight – and the US embassy firebombing might also have been a false flag operation as the US troops shot no one – id.est., no firebomber was killed.But the sons of Xerxes and Cyrus cannot be so naive and foolish.The General would not have boarded that plane unless he was secured by the Russians and Tehran.2000 years ago, the Jews inserted a fake verse into the Old Testament and Talmud – to state that Cyrus was the messiah- and showed it to Cyrus – who like a fool, believed it, and rebuilt the Temple !The General had read the Torah,Talmud,Hebrew Bible and the History of the Jews and the Nassara
CNN portrays the killing as a “Trump rash reaction” – but it is not.Ultimately,the USA will go to war with Iran – as the Americans do not trust the Persian Shias – on the N-Bomb,and the Persians do not trust the Jews or the Nassara. Soleimani was just the catalyst to push the Persians into the N- Suspension, and go full N-throttle – which is what the Persians have done – and which is what the Americans wanted.
Iraqi govtt will kick out the US troops and the US troops will not leave – as that is what the Americans (and Kurds,Nassara,Sunnis) really want.To be precise, the Kurds,Suniis do not want the Yankii to leave – but that they be asked to leave – so that their mortal fears of living under Persian Shias is brought to the fore – for a partition of the Iraqi state
What the Americans want is to trifurcate Iraq – which will happen inevitably post Soleimani – and which is what the Persians also seek,although the Persians would like to Shia-ise the whole of Iraq.Persian security interests are preserved by destabilising and burning Iraq to create a “sea of fire” between them and the US/Israel and satellite Hezbollahs all over the Gulf,especially encircling the Saudis (The Soleimani Doctrine).But now,they will be happy with a trifurcation
After trifurcating Itaq the Persians will export their franchise and the brand to all Shia regions in GCC and Africa (where the USA has lesser troops and even lesser interest).Even the EU/PRC will be pleased – and this will look like an amicable solution (already crafted) – after creating a well planned disaster (assassinating Soleimani)
There was no inpending attack by Soleimani – just lies and deception of the American state.There are many heads of Terror Groups in the Gulf who can be killed, with or w/o collateral impact – but they are never taken out – not even by Israel or ISIS (Israel Secret Intel Service).The Americans chose a Persian Shia,when the whole Sunni world hates Persia and the Persia Shian, and killed him in a Quasi Shia State – and so there is no empathy or support for the Persians – even after the assassination – not even from Russia and PRC.
Obviously,the Russians,PRC,EU would have known – and they did not tip off the Persians and the Americans shot off 4 Hell Fire’s – and THERE WAS NO COLLATERAL PRESENCE AT THE AIRPORT AT THAT TIME. A marked man would travel in the presence of ample collateral baggage – like the Hamas and Hezb, do in Gaza – to provoke Collateral damage,and then the Christian empathy,by Amanpour on CNN
The Persians have launched a muffled attack at a site which it knows, hosts no Americans, using missiles which have the capacity to hit US barracks,and knowing that the site hosts Iraqis – where the Iranians had ample intel and time to affix missile coordinates for the terminal descent – and they did not.The Persians used BM with intent,SO THAT THE AMERICANS could track their launch and loading and set up – AND THE AMERICANS did NOT TAKE OUT THE LAUNCHERS AND SILOS – before take off.
Not only that,the American ADS did not intercept the missiles – via BMD or Interceptor aircrafts. They say that they believed that the Persians would NOT hit the US Army barracks ! Is this love or a dream ? Or a Happy ending – Bangkok style ? Not 1 Iraqi killed ! The BM flew over LONG Distances – to give enough time for the Yankii to triangulate the possible targets – and still the Yankii did not shoot it down !What is GOING ON HERE ! We have a Hollywood movie here !
What is the Shia thinking here ? What is to stop the USA to take out more Iranian Generals and leaders outside of Iran and then as the US polls get close,the Mossad and CIA will have the same car/bike bonbs INSIDE IRAN to kill Iranian N-Scientists and leaders and then provoke a Tehrir square ?
The whole story stinks and if it ends with the Persian missile strike – it will stink even more.Odds are there will be more strikes by the Persians and US will make 1 strike (at least) on Persian soil – to further aggravate the Persians into the N-Bomb – and then disaster will come when either side hits civilians by plan or strategy
A few days ago,the Iranian media mentioned the US blowing up of a Iranian Airliner long ago.Coincidentally,a NATO nation – Article 5 nation – had its commercial aircraft blown up in Tehran- with no survivors – at take off time – with all tanks full,Ukraine is a nation that Trump and the USA have sworn to protect.
Just providence of coincidence and incidence.No one is reporting on the passenger list – surely there be would no Shias on the plane.Now it seems that the Persians shot down the plane via ADS at Tehran.They say that they thought it was a Cruise missile (low altitude missile!).More lies .The Cruise missile would cross the land border of Iran and so would be detected 4-500 kilometers away – flying at Mach 4 to 8.A plane at take off stage would be at sub Mach 1 ( a sitting duck).
The Hindoo vermin also shot down their own military chopper using their own ADS in the heat of the Pakistani air strike on Indian soil.The Persians think that the Hindoos are their strategic partners – to stand till death ? What is wrong with the Persians ? There is a stink in the Ukranian story. The Iranians COULD NOT HAVE believed that it was a Cruise – unless some one hacked into their ADS or EW units – or there was no manual override in the ADS.And of course the Iranians are embarrassed to admit it,PERHAPS.The Americans and Israelis and possibly the French,have in the past infected the Iranian nuclear plants with a virus – so they can do anything. Hacking into missile coordinates,Jamming GBR/ABR and Aircraft radars,Tripping Power Grids, Accidental discharge of missiles and Nukes,Meltdowns in Nuke reactors .. it is endless.The Persian way is asymmetric and saturaion by air and land – the persian evolution and innovation.
The place to hit is Goa – Plenty of high rise buildings and a RPG will be enough to take down a plane at take off and landing and it is a military
airport – so the plane may crash into a Fuel or Ammo dump.Inshallah !
The Nassara do not understand 1 simple thing.For the Persians and also the Sunnis,the path to salvation and evolution, as per Shia Theology and Philosophy – goes via the Bed of Armageddon – as that is when the Mehdi will return
As an aside, the Hindoos sent a terror-spy to Pakistan, via Iran, on the cover of a port project.The spy was busted in Pakistan.Hindoo History and Persian History shows that whenever, the Persians support the Hindoos or Indians – some disaster occurs.Soleimani supported the Indian Terror-Spy.
The wisdom of the “children of Cyrus,Darius and Xerxes”,encapsulates the “transcendence of Human thought”, the “Deuterosis of the Dindoo”, as under:
A “Persian dictionary”,titled “Lughet-e-Kishwari”,published in Lucknow in 1964,gives the meaning of the word Hindu as “chore [thief], dakoo [dacoit], raahzan [waylayer], and ghulam [slave].
Evidently the Gates of Hell are ajar.In essence,the world is overpopulated.If The Indians and South East Asians (besides Thai women) were to disappear,the Garden of Eden would return.Then there are Arabs,who allow Hindoos in their nation and let them build temples in Arab nations and extol Hindoo Gods – such vermin should also die.dindooohindoo
And then there are Muslims – who will not answer 1 simple question – Was Soleimani a Mujahid and now a Shaheed.Soleimani- the Persian,named after Solomon-the son of David-David the messiah of Israel.
Solomon bore the Curse of Allah on the Jews – as per the Hebrew Bible – id.est the Jews are cursed by Allah,due to the sins of Solomon.
Y did the Russians and Tehran not protect Soleimani ? They allowed him to be killed .
Very long comment, but anyway abudant of many, many interesting riflections.
Gospa News director
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio