Si quæris miracula mors, error, calamitas, dæmon, lepra fugiunt, ægri surgunt sani…If you ask miracles death, error, calamities, demons, leprosy vanish, the sick return healthy … Saint Anthony of Padua

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


For centuries the civil humanity of Europe, the one forged in the image and likeness of God in the following of the Risen Jesus recognized by Christians, has faced epidemics and natural calamities with this powerful plea to the Franciscan Saint Anthony of Padua written by Blessed Giuliano from Speyer around 1235.

For many decades in the 1900s, the Swiss missionary doctor Adrien Sechehaye cured hundreds of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with the help of a simple natural root, the South African geranium (Pelargoniuum Sidoides), today also recommended by an Italian pulmonary luminary precisely to prevent CoVid-19 infections and integrate their therapies.

“An Herbal Drug may Help Prevent and Treat CoronaVirus”. Italian Pulmonologist on an old African Therapy Used in the Past vs TB

Then the atheist / deist Enlightenment began to deny the need for help from the revealed Almighty and, strengthened by new technologies, preached the only doctrine of Scientism, capable of giving immediate answers even to non-believers but uncertain about the consequences unpredictable in future decades.

Among all the sciences, medicine is perhaps the one that has remained the most uncertain and imperfect because it is much based on that empiricism which has never been the harbinger of absolute certainties for mathematics.

From the memorable epidemics of history, defeated with prayers and fasting as in the Gargano, where on 22 September 1656 the bishop Giovanni Alfonso Puccinelli received from the archangel San Michele on the mountain consecrated to him the “blessed stones” that defeated the terrible plague, we arrive to the “small” but frequent epidemics of the last twenty years in Third Millennium.

The sanctuary of S. Michele in the cave of Monte Sant’Angelo on Gargano (Foggia, Puglia, Italy)

Such contagions have now become so cyclical and localized as to appear the accidents / acts on the route of a bio-chemical war which the US Navy has been preparing since the mid-twentieth century (exclusive military document in the next reportages).

The latest pandemic, the one that the planet is still facing with daily war bulletins that have exceeded the global toll of 67 thousand dead, is certainly the most devastating after the Spanish of 1918-1920 brought to Europe by the Americans soldiers. But behind it, every day that passes, disturbing golden intrigues are discovered …

Gospa News has published hundreds of information and clues useful for identifying the new CoronaVirus as a bacteriological weapon in the 9 previous dossiers, summarized in report no. 10 which highlights the responsibilities of a Deep International State intending to fulfill the New World Order.


Now in this and the next investigations we will reveal the secrets and connections of other research on potentially lethal viruses that take us back to where it all began: in China, once again returned to the circle of suspects after the massacres in Italy, Spain, USA, The United Kingdom and Iran – nations with a strong sovereign orientation of the ruler or emerging political parties – which have far exceeded the count of 3340 Chinese victims by CoVid-19.

That’s why we start again following the finger pointed by the American biological weapons expert Francis Boyle against the province of Hubei: where the prototype of the “perfect weapon” for a biological war was created in that biosafety laboratory 4 around which many varied interests revolve that, as shown, they are not only Chinese but above all of the USA, of the Anglo-American Big Pharma and, as we will see immediately, even of Saudi Arabia.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

That’s why – like Veterans Today’s military intelligence experts – we believe that the very dangerous chimera supervirus, created by almond-eyed scientists but funded by the government agency USAID, the financial arm of the Central Intelligence Agency, is the “key” with which try to decipher the enigma of a huge fratricidal conspiracy perpetrated by an occult committee of freemasonry, politics, finance and military intelligence.

A Deep State well capable of annihilating human lives such as simple “collateral damage” as happened in the various revolutionary plots of the remote past (France, Russia) and the recent one (Georgia, Ukraine, Lebanon, Iraq) and even more to “sabotage” the geopolitics not only of the USA but also of other powerful states.


That’s why it seems sensible to call WUHAN-GATE this scandal made of intrigues among secret military laboratories grown like mushrooms in the civilian West, hidden scientific documents (but one very important recovered by us), at least three excellent deaths who knew too much about the epidemic, biological vial traffickers arrested in authoritative university centers, disconcerting relations between the supervirus funders and the next speculators on the gold vaccines against CoVid-19.

A virus later renamed by scientists SARS-2 (Cov) for its relationship with the 2003 SARS epidemic, acronym for Acute Respiratory Severe Syndrome (Serious in English).


“Follow the money and you will find Cosa Nostra” is the maxim become legendary of the judge Giovanni Falcone, killed by the Corleone mafia with an explosive mix of military mines while traveling by car with the men of his escort on May 22, 1992 in Capaci (Sicily).

He was killed mainly because, from the Pizza Connection investigation onwards, he investigated together with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the affairs of the White Collars heirs of the American Crime Union in relation to the torpid relations between politicians, entrepreneurs, mobsters and Masons in Italy. Precisely for this reason, the FBI erected a bust in its headquarters in Quantico, Virginia, in honor of the Italian magistrate martyr of the fight against organized crime.


Judging by the repeated sentences of condemnation and compensation for damages imposed on various Big Pharma for serious and dangerous crimes committed in the delicate market of medicines, I believe that the time would be ripe to endow the justice of the aggravating circumstance of the association for criminal offenses of pharmaceutical nature…

If not was that the speculators in this sector are, as demonstrated by the previous report 3 of Gospa News, the same as the Weapon’s Lobby, who have an international license to kill sanctioned by officially democratic nations.

Around the Big Pharma, international research bodies have been born. With the excuse of finding new effective vaccines for the good of humanity they conduct “dual use” studies aimed at that “gain of function” which in the field of biological weapons has the same purpose of the so-called “enrichment” of uranium in nuclear warheads for missiles.

BSL 4 biosafety labs of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China

The SHC014 supervirus, defined as chimeric because it does not exist in nature but created with biochemical engineering, was developed by scientists in the Bsl 4 laboratories of the Wuhan Institute of Virology managed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and in Bsl 3 of Chapell Hill in North Carolina University.

Barack Obama’s administration financed the research through the government agency USAID (Us Aid International Development, used in Syria by the CIA to finance anti-Assad rebels) and had allowed it to continue through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) despite the White House moratorium against dual use experiments: the results of which for legitimate scientific purposes can then pose a biological threat to public health and / or national security.

Pandemic Bio-Weapon – 9. Supervirus Created by US during Obama’s Govt: 89 CoVid Strains in CIA’s Top Secret Tests

«The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations1. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system2, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone» is explained in the abstract of the research published in Nature Medicine.

«The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike (…) replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis» noted the study called “Generation of infected VAR clones similar to bat SAR; Laboratory Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Planning ID G: 12279” highlighting the severity of the infection in guinea pigs..

«Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations».

This research warned in 2015 of an “impending” danger but was forcibly created in the laboratory with biogenetic engineering by Crispr-Cas9, the DNA “overlock” kit with which another Chinese scientist, in October 2018, gave birth to the twins with alteration of the genes arousing the indignation of the world bioethics committees.


The study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the USAID-EPT-PREDICT synergy funded by EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a global nonprofit organization for environmental health «dedicated to protecting wildlife and public health from emergence of diseases» based in New York which, to protect the “luckiest” animals, financially supports the “slaughter” of laboratory guinea pigs…

As highlighted in the previous report 9, various scientists took care to sanction that between the SHC014 obtained from SARS-1 and the COVID-19 of the current SARS-2 there are relationships but numerous nucleid differences, although in both the “deadly killer” is the “S” Spike protein, abnormally modeled also in the new CoronaVirus according to Chinese researchers.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 2. Intel sources: «Spread by CIA with nano-Uav» as Cyber-DragonflEye. Alert in Iran and Italy

However, this does not exclude that that prototype could later be “reshaped” as a bacteriological weapon in one of the many military laboratories in the world, considering that only the USA has 25 research centers in the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, only abroad. In this hypothesis, the presumption of extraneousness of the first researchers is peaceful, but suspicious coincidences and intrigues are starting to be too many.


In report 9 we saw that the two American universities Columbia and John Hopkins are among the partners of the EHA financier in New York

with whom the former Obama CIA deputy director Avril Haines collaborates, protagonist of the CoronaVirus pandemic exercise in October 2019 organized by the John Hopkins Center thanks to funding from the Bll & Melinda Gates Foundation after the prophecies of Microsoft’s tycoon on a lethal pandemic.

Today we reveal that Big Pharma Johnson & Johnson is known as one of the main partners of EcoHealth Alliance, known for multiple scandals with judicial implications.

The American pharmaceutical giant was sentenced in October by a Pennsylvania jury to pay $ 8 billion in damages for not reporting that a drug could cause breasts to swell in men, but an Oklahoma judge in August had sentenced him to pay $ 572 million to the state for the multinational’s role in the opiates crisis which, according to US authorities, resulted in 400,000 overdose deaths from 1999 to 2017. Only in Oklahoma, according to state attorneys, about 6,000 died from overdose from sedatives and painkillers.

While in July 2018 a jury in St. Louis sentenced Johnson & Johnson to pay about $ 4.7 billion in compensatory and punitive damages to the women who had sued for the asbestos present in its talcum powder and believed by numerous experts listened to during the process responsible for their ovarian cancer.

The corporate overview of Big Pharma Johnson & Johnson

Let’s make it clear that J&J, supported by the same American investment funds as the Weapon’s Lobby, among which the National Bank of Norway stands out, was not among the direct financiers of the research for the supervirus but is only among the supporters of EHA who financed it. So what is suspect in connection with the current pandemic? It is soon said…

«The U.S. government has cut deals with Johnson & Johnson and Moderna Inc and said it is in talks with at least two other companies to expand manufacturing capacity within the United States for vaccines to prevent the new coronavirus even before safe and effective ones become available» LeaderPost reported several days ago together with many other media.

When J&J announced a $ 1 billion deal with the United States government to create enough production capacity to produce over 1 billion doses of a vaccine, its shareholdings increased by more than 7%. We will see in an upcoming report an incredible speculation started on some European stock exchanges in relation to another company interested in drugs against SARS-2.

Johnson & Johnson had started research as early as January 2020. Janssen research teams, in partnership with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, part of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, had built and tested several vaccine “candidates” using Janssen AdVac technology waiting to know the new coronavirus sequence (COVID-19). Now he has chosen a “candidate” but he will not start testing it in people until September.


J&J effort will be funded in part by approximately $ 420 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) government agency.


BARDA itself informed Reuters that it also plans to spend an undefined amount to increase the production of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate from Moderna Inc (MRNA) which in March launched the first tests of its mRNA-1273 vaccine on human volunteers. healthy.

As already highlighted in report n. 6, not only is Moderna a company that has grown steeply thanks to the support of the “pandemic prophet” Bill Gates and his international body Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) who supported it to develop a vaccine against COVID-19.

But it is also subsidized by DARPA, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the Pentagon agency that studies new potential weapons with the bacteriological testing laboratories opened by the world from the USA through private companies coordinated by the DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency), an another Department of Defense agency capable of processing viruses for different ethnic genotypes through biochemical engineering of genome editing.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 6. Prophecy on Pandemic and NWO by Obama-Biden CIA’s Queen

Another American company, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (INO), has also just announced that it has started testing its Ino-4800 vaccine on the first 40 healthy human guinea pigs, after which it will proceed to the sick ones to check for any effects. unwanted on both categories.

Also the researches of this company have been supported by CEPI Gates-backed such as that of the University of Queensland, Australia, combined in its project with the notorious GlaxoKlineSmith in which the interests of the tycoon of Microsoft Corporation appear consistent and in which the curious role of the Saudi.


Dr Keith Chappell, chief researcher at the University of Queensland, said in an interview with Australian media that a vaccine could be ready for human tests by mid-year


«In our best-case scenario, we aim to have a material ready for dosing humans in 16 weeks. We have shown great success with a number of viruses and we have people and systems in place to be able to move very quickly» he has declared. The innovative process allows you to develop a vaccine without using a live form of the virus, thus ensuring a much faster multiplication of doses.

«We take that DNA sequence and produce a protein that’s the same as what’s on the surface of the live virus» it is integrated with an adjuvant: an immunological agent that helps create a stronger immune response.

Just the experience of GSK, leader in vaccines but also in adjuvants, is fundamental for the success of the research supported by the Australian government with 3 million dollars.

Among the most significant partners of Big Pharma Glaxo, shareholded by the investors of the Weapons Lobby as highlighted in report 3, there are also Muslims. The British multinational has in fact established Glaxo Saudi Arabia in 1992 together with Banaja KSA Holding.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

«Healthcare is one of several sectors the kingdom wants to reform under its 2030 plan to diversify the economy away from a reliance on oil under plans instigated by Mohammed bin Salman, its crown prince».

Times reported it in 2017 giving news of the large bet carried out by GSK which had increased its share in the Arabian Peninsula branch from 49% to 75% after the arrival of the new CEO Emma Walmsley, non-executive director also in the Microsoft Corporation as discovered by Gospa News.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 3. GSK Golden Vaccine’s Ring with Bill Gates, Pentagon and Zionist’s BlackRock

The Saudis are among the few governments to have so far gained from the pandemic thanks to their conventional oil which has put out of the market the shale one of American production, subject to such extraction costs as to be advantageous only if crude oil costs more than $ 50 a barrel.

But the role of Riad in epidemiological research has also been significant in other areas. Among the partners of the NGO EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) of New York that funded the search for the dangerous chimeric supervirus SHC014 there is also King Saudi University, the first public university of the kingdom, founded back in 1957 by King Saud bin Abdulaziz right in the capital and provided with a prestigious College of Pharmacy.


Not only. The Saudi Kingdom, today worried about the risk that the SARS-2 epidemic could affect 200 thousand people as happened in the US, was one of the first supporters of the vaccine VPDs (vaccine-preventable diseases) Immunization Action Package launched in 2014 by Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), partnership between 67 nations of the world to accelerate specific plans of the World Health Organization. That epidemiological prevention plan had chosen Italy as a pilot country in a synergy between the Democrats of the Barack Obama government in Washington and that of Matteo Renzi in Rome which materialized with the Lorenzin Decree on the 10 mandatory vaccines for school attendance (6 more than before) approved in 2017 by the Italian parliament.

But already a year earlier GlaxoSmithKline had bet on the project, as if it were certain of its approval and to receive the assignment for the supply of vaccine doses, doubling the laboratories especially in Tuscany, the historic red-left region governed by the Dem where in May, if pandemic permitts, elections are scheduled for the renewal of the regional administration.

CoronaVirus – 1. “IT’S BIO-WEAPON”. Us Expert blames China but forgets 25 Pentagon’s Secret Labs for “Ethnic Attacks”

As highlighted above, 2017 was also the year in which GSK reinvested in Saudi Arabia part of its annual turnover of 28 billion dollars which subsequently increased in Europe, and in the vaccines sector in particular, by 21% (1.2 million dollars between 2018 and 2019) also thanks to the Global Health Security Agenda immunization plan.

So here is an extremely swirling but even a little suspicious business pinwheel given the multiple connections between Saudis, GSK and the latter’s research for the US Pentagon highlighted in reports 1 and number 3. But also for another sensational coincidence …

A third country subsidized the GHSA international vaccine project: the Republic of South Korea.

The Immunization plan of the Global Health Security Agenda

The South Korean nation was one of the first to be reached by the pandemic in January but in the final budget it recorded 10,284 infections from CoVid-19 and only 186 died against the 15,889 deceased in Italy (WHO data report 77 of 6 April ), where the Decree on the 10 compulsory vaccines for children aroused protests from pediatricians, concerned above all by the hexavalent (six in one fell swoop for children aged 1-2 years), and the spontaneous NO-VAX committees.

In Rome, GSK was in fact well known for the implication of its conglomerate SmithKline in a story of bribes that resulted in the conviction of the former Minister of Health Francesco De Lorenzo who instituted the mandatory vaccine for Hepatitis B.

SARS-2: for defending “Bilderberg’s Fake News” Italian Govt Blames Russia wich Helps It

That’s enough for this first episode of WUHAN-GATE. In the next one we will talk about the unknown sample of CoronaVirus found in the lungs of a Saudi patient on which a scientist who died mysteriously …

Hoping that Jesus Christ and Saint Anthony of Padua have protected us until then from the biological weapon CoVid-19 and from the conventional ones: to which has now been added that of the state censorship wanted by the Italian Democratic Party, well look at that vaccines’ fans…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction  without authorization












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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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