Al Qaeda’s Jihadists Treated in Italian Military Hospital in Libya. LNA Blames

Al Qaeda’s Jihadists Treated in Italian Military Hospital in Libya. LNA Blames


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

There is news we never want to read. And even less having to write. But the perversions of the Italian geopolitical system managed more by NATO and the CIA than by puppet governments of the Democratic Party (in command since 2012 with a small one-year break between 2018 and 2019) has given rise to disconcerting aberrations that deserve to be told even if they have still official confirmations and they hurt my heart as an Italian patriot.

«6 Syrian terrorist mercenaries for Hayat Tahrir AlSham (AlNusra = AlQeada) are now being treated in the Italian military base in Misrata after being injured in Tripoli». More than a twitter it’s the detonator of a bomb of controversy because he calls into question the field hospital managed by Bersaglieri (riflemen) of Italian Army.


The black-berets soldiers of the 7th Regiment of Altamura (Puglia) are there with their contingent of doctors and equipment from the “Role 2” hospital, a health facility already used in Afghanistan and Iraq, designed for high-capacity surgery on war wounds, and are supported by a C-27J tactical transport aircraft of the 46th Air Force of Pisa for an eventual emergency evacuation. It is equipped with operating rooms, analysis laboratory, plaster and radiology room, all connected to each other with inflatable tents.

They have been operating a few kilometers from the capital and the airport since September 2016, since Rome decided to support, with a humanitarian and non-offensive operation, the Tripoli National Agreement Government (GNA) of President Fayez Al Serray, never elected but recognized by the UN and the European Union to administer Tripolitania. This one has to seek an increasingly difficult compromise with General Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA) who controls Cyrenaica and its capital Benghazi with the support of the parallel government of Tobruk.

The military hospital of the Italian Army in Misurata managed by the Bersaglieri

The presence of militants of radical Islam among the tents of the Italian military garrison was reported on Twitter by the same LNA and therefore the conditional is a must because its interest in discrediting GNA and its allies is evident. But so far the counterespionage of Marshal Haftar, in exile for many years in Virginia a few kilometers from the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, has been very efficient and precise.

A few days ago, Ahmed Mismari, general and spokesman of the Libyan National Army, in a video released by newspaper Corriere della Sera, had openly called into question the 7th Bersaglieri Regiment present with 300 soldiers.

«Italy needs to withdraw its military hospital from Misrata as soon as possible. We have evidence that that structure no longer has anything humanitarian about it, but it is a valuable aid for the Misrata militias fighting against our army» he said. Now here’s the Tweet with the face of two jihadists who would have been treated in the health facility.

Two of HTS jihadists who were allegedly treated at the Misrata military base according to MLNA Tweet

This really embarrassing news for Italy did not find attention in the world media focused on the gunfights that rage despite Ramadan and on the changing political scenario in which the general of Benghazi, after the fierce advance of the enemies, declared the interruption of every diplomatic dialogue and has proclaimed himself head of the whole country, in the reproach of the UN and Rome but also of his own allies of Russia and Egypt.

General Khalifa Haftar, commander of the LNA (Lybia National Army), after having lived in exile for years in the US

The military leader of Cyrenaica is preparing his own government, which should be called the Libyan Sovereignty Council, having gained control of over 90% of the Libyan territories, however only 60% of the population for the high density of the area of Tripoli in the hands of GNA who also regained the strategic cities of Sorman and Sabratha (close to the strategic oil platforms of Mellitah).

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That’s happened with the help of Turkish mercenaries as part of the “Storm of Peace” mission that mimicked that “Peace Spring” with which Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan invaded Syrian Rojava sowing blood and destruction even among Kurdish, Christian and Shiite civilians.

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«For the advance towards Sabratha, the Syrian Islamist militias, formed by those Turkish-backed fighters taken in recent months from the Syrian province of Idlib and transferred to Tripoli, would have played a decisive role» writes InsideOver, the NATO-backed geopolitical appendix of italian newspaper Il Giornale, deliberately ignoring the danger of the jihadists.


In recent weeks, in fact, LNA has identified 229 Muslim extremists wanted for terrorism according to the UN list but sent from Ankara to Libya in support of Al Serray’s army besieged in the offensive launched by opponents of Cyrenaica last April. The Kurdish media Hawar News reported, particularly attentive to news regarding Turkish military operations.

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Since on that list there are ex ISIS fighters as well as Al Qaeda and also the use of mercenaries in conflicts is prohibited by international conventions (although everyone uses them) the UN has launched an investigation, aimed at investigating also alleged illegal supplies of weapons left from Istanbul (trhough Ostend Belgian airport as revealed in preview by Gospa News) to arrive at Misrata airport, despite the embargo on Libya imposed for the civil war.

Since the start of the offensive, nearly 1,700 people have died, around 17,000 have been injured, while over 200,000 have been forced to flee their homes to become internally displaced people.

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HTS is the faction of Sunni jihadists who control the last rebel stronghold in Idlib province in northern Syria. It was financed, armed and protected by Turkey also with the use of the 007 of the MIT of Ankara, known for having managed the movements of Foreign Fighters ISIS between Europe and Syria and vice versa, and only recently is it in crisis of relations with the troops of Erdogan because he signed the truce for Idlib with Russian President Vladimir Putin (and Iran) on 5 March.

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The Hayat Tahir Al Sham group has incorporated the formation of the Al Nusra Front, Syrian rib of Al Qaeda, also to use that “camouflage” tactic that allows Islamic extremists to hide in a new faction not yet registered on the UN list of organizations terrorists and therefore to be able to obtain financial support from foreign powers for a certain period without violating international laws.

But even HTS was later declared an outlaw for terrorism with the United Nations code QDe.137 a few months after his seizure of power in Idlib in 2018. That is why it is useless to look for official confirmations of the reception of Hayat militants in the Bersaglieri hospital. of Misrata.



But if we believe that the news is reliable, it is above all for the international relations that have consolidated between Italy and Turkey, even following Erdogan’s decision to send the fierce and dangerous jihadist mercenaries to Libya, a country gravitating in the orbit of Rome for the platform of Eni hydrocarbon extraction which in 2018 started production of 10 new offshore wells in Bahr Essalam.

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From these plants the gas is sent through the Sabratha platform to the Mellitah ground treatment plant where it is collected, compressed for the Libyan network . From there also starts the Green Stream gas pipeline (built in the agreement between Silvio Berlusconi and Muhammar Gaddafi) which sinks into the Mediterranean Sea and reaches up to Gela, in Sicily. (read more).

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tried, without success, to bring Haftar and Al Serray towards peace by meeting Erdogan, regardless of the fact that he was targeted by world blame for the shipment of Islamic mercenaries and the military operation in Libya, supported – only politically – by NATO which Ankara adheres to. Pecunia non olet… Even less gas!

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But this is part of a larger project concerning the financial alliance in the Weapon’s Lobby between Rome and Qatar, piloted by the political and religious entity of the Muslim Brotherhood (an organization considered terrorist in Egypt) which controls the APK party of the government of Ankara, as detailed in a previous report.

Finally, it should be remembered that it would not be the first time that the HTS terrorist group has found itself in contact with Italy. Last May after a delicate and very confidential collaboration between the Italian intelligence of AISE and AISI (external and internal security agencies) and that of other countries, probably Turkish MIT and American CIA, which has managed over the years the supply of weapons to the rebels jihadists as proven by a SETA dossier published by Gospa News, Alessandro Sandrini from Brescia was freed and held hostage by the terrorists of Hayat Tahir Al Sham.

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By virtue of these close relations between Italy and Turkey, favored by the NATO military alliance of which they are part, but also by the business of both in the defense market with the Emirate of Doha, Rome and Brussels have been pretending not to see the dramatic circumstance denounced by the Libyan National Army but also by Egypt, its ally, who sent an official letter to the UN Security Council to report the danger of mercenary jihadists in Tripoli, and from Russia.


At a conference in Moscow at the State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry via videoconference, Sergej Viktorovič Lavrov, according to Russian news agency Sputnik, said: «We will strive to find ways to free [Libya] from the deep crisis that it overwhelmed this country after NATO forces blatantly violated the Security Council resolution and bombed Libya in 2011. They demolished this country for a selfish and restricted goal of overthrowing the regime of Muammar Gaddafi».


The Kremlin politician (reconfirmed in his office by President Vladimir Putin during the change of government) called the Mediterranean nation a no-man’s land for terrorists, for the passage and smuggling of weapons and drugs to the south, as well as for the development of other criminal activities, on the one hand, and for the trafficking of illegal immigrants who pour through these same lands to the north to travel to Europe, on the other.

Even the Foreign Minister of France, the only NATO allied country of Haftar, Jean Yves Le Drian, in a speech to the UN National Assembly reported the «Foreign interference, the active use of foreign fighters, and repeated violations of the United Nations arms embargo on Libya have further deteriorated the situation in the North African country».

While the European Union in a debate in the Civil Liberties Committee with representatives from the Commission, Frontex, UNHCR, the Council of Europe and NGOs, the majority of MEPs insisted that Libya is not a “safe country” for the disembarkation of the people they were rescued at sea and asked that cooperation with the Libyan Coast Guard stop.


«The Libyan Coast Guard is a free gang of militias implicated in human rights abuses and accused of working together with human traffickers. The training of Italy and the EU has led to an increase in asylum seekers and migrants intercepted at sea and withdrawn to Libya, where they face indefinite detention and serious abuse» writes the media Al Marsad recalling a certainty proven by various unscrupulous strategies of the Government of Rome.

In 2017 the then Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti (Gentiloni PD Government) paid 5 million euros to one of the raisers of the local underworld clans (later killed in Triboli while fighting for GNA) to stop the flow of migrants although he was suspected of favor the illegal immigration of ISIS cells from Tunisia as some of his relatives arrested for this.

Abdel Moneim El-Gahhawy, affiliated to Ansar Al-Sharia in Tweet di MLNA

As evidence of the presence among the mercenaries of Ankara of multiple jihadist criminals, the official Twitter profile of the Haftar army publishes daily the photo of some of them who died in battle. “The famous terrorist Abdel Moneim El-Gahhawy, affiliated with Ansar Al-Sharia, was killed while fighting in the ranks of the multinational GNA militias in Tripoli” is one of the last tweets of MLNA.

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Instead, they had been an investigation by the Rojava Information Center, the research and communication body of the autonomous administration of Kurds in Northeast Syria, and one published by Hawar News thanks to a Kurdish intelligence dossier revealed the names of many ISIS leaders and fighters who fled Deir Ezzor then became militants of the Sultan Murad brigade, one of the ones that sent most mercenaries to Libya and who was recently hit by the terrible attack in Afrin. which would also have killed 6 militants along with 36 civilians including 11 children.

Erano state invece un’inchiesta del Rojava Information Center, l’ente di ricerca e comunicazione dell’amministrazione autonoma dei Curdi nel Nord-Est della Siria, ed una pubblicata da Hawar News grazie a un dossier dell’intelligence curda ha rivelare i nomi di molti capi e combattenti dell’ISIS fuggiti da Deir Ezzor poi diventati miliziani della brigata Sultan Murad, una di quelle che ha inviato più mercenari in Libia e che è stata di recente colpita dal tremendo attentato avvenuto ad Afrin. che avrebbe ucciso anche 6 miliziani insieme a 36 civili tra cui 11 bambini.

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All this proves without a shadow of a doubt the serious implications of the factions of the jihadist mercenaries of Turkey which are not composed of simple Syrian anti-Assad rebels but by Foreign Terrorists Fighters from Tunisia and other African countries and, above all, by ex-state fighters Islamic and Al Qaeda like HTS, now treated in an Italian hospital according to the staggering revelation of Haftar’s intelligence.

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The news, which must however be verified by the competent bodies, adds to the concern about the arrival of about 200 jihadists who have reached Italy from Libya to enter Europe and secure a future after the conflict, or infiltrate the communities Muslim as some ISIS militiamen did with the help of Turkey’s MIT intelligence in 2016 according to exclusive documents published by Gospa News.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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