Exclusive. US NAVY BIO-WARFARE Started in 1952! Disturbing Video Declassified by Pentagon

Exclusive. US NAVY BIO-WARFARE Started in 1952! Disturbing Video Declassified by Pentagon



«Biological and chemical sprays are invisible, but for purposes this film depicts them as being visible»

That’s the subtitle in a disturbing video which had been produced by US Navy in far 1952, in the years of Korean War (1950-1953). The file 428.MN.9170A resulted declassified on NND 64044 act by Executive Order 13526 signed by president Barack Obama on December, 29, 2009, for the 50 years rule.

«This film will first show what the Navy is planning for the offensive employement of biological and chemical warfare. Biological and chemical warfare have two principal objectives to reduce the enemy’s production of food by destroying his crops and his food producing farm animals and to incapacitate the enemy’s armed forces and that portion of his human population that directly supports them.The Navy is preparing to accomplish these objectives with both biological and chemical agents».

The clip has a perfect Hollywood style for a threatening propaganda in the midts of international Cold War. As that time was important show muscles as now is important to exibit an politically correct and diplomatic friendly “conflitc for defending democracy and freedom” (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Venezuela killed people’s relatives know very well).

WUHAN-GATES – 8. “SARS-2: Virus GMO built with HIV”. Bio-engineer, ex NATO Lecturer, destroyed Natural Origin Theory

«The Department of Defense has assigned primary responsibility to the chemical Corps US Army on basic research in biological and chemical agents and for their production in the quantitatives needed by the joint services» told the voice-over.

The video is very interesting to understand the bio-warfare program in the Us Army. Infact it isn’t only a coincidence that, according to the Biological Weapons Convention 2015 report released by Us Government to UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs) in Geneva, many of strategical Pentagon’s labs are managed by the Navy.

WUHAN-GATES – 7. Bio-Weapons Dossier. Pentagon & Fauci 28 Us Labs’ Secrets. Dangerous Tests with CoronaVirus

In the previous report Wuhangate – 7, about the supect connections with Wuhan Insitute of Virology, USAID agency CIA-backed, Homeland Security and Defense Departments on SARS-CoV-2 misterious pandemic, we have seen that many bio-defense researches are carry on by Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) in Fort Detrick, Frederick (Maryland), Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C. and Naval Surface Warfare Center-Dahlgren Division (CBR) Defense Laboratory in Dahlgren (Virginia).

In the year 2015 alone, during the Barack Obama administration, the Stars and Stripes Government financed with $ 824 million the studies on biological weapons to 28 BLS level 2.3 or 4 laboratories operating nationwide. Without considering unknown funding for the other 25 labs around the world.

Further we have to remember the Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) in many foreign country as in Italy, in the Naval Air Station of Sigonella, the most important base of Central Intelligence Agency in Mediterranean Sea.

In the year 2015 alone, during the Barack Obama administration, the Stars and Stripes Government financed with $ 824 million the studies on biological weapons to 28 BLS level 2.3 or 4 laboratories operating nationwide. Without considering unknown funding for the other 25 labs around the world.

WUHAN-GATES – 50. The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

Now the programs of bio-defense are top secrets, after the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). That is a legally binding treaty that outlaws biological arms. After being discussed and negotiated in the United Nations’ disarmament forum starting in 1969, the BWC opened for signature on April 10, 1972, and entered into force on March 26, 1975.

It currently has 183 states-parties, including Palestine, and four signatories (Egypt, Haiti, Somalia, Syria, and Tanzania). Ten states have neither signed nor ratified the BWC (Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Israel, Kiribati, Micronesia, Namibia, South Sudan and Tuvalu).

UKRAINE BIOLABS – 6. DTRA DOSSIER on Bacteriological Weapons and Russia-US Deal. Putin Betrayed by Obama & Pentagon in Kiev and Tbilisi

In the far 1952, instead, the Biological Warfare was an important tool of propaganda inside the US Army as highlighted the worth video discovered and published on YouTube by Gospa News thanks the hint of a reader Mark L..

«The Navy therefore is primarily concerned with delivery of these agents to the areas ordered for contamination and the dispersion of the agents is such form and concentration as to accomplish the desidered objectives where can the Navy attack. As long a the Navy commands the seas it can deliver a biological or chemical attack anywhere on three-quarters of the Earth’s surface that’s covered by water and it’s carrier-based aircraft can strike hundreds of miles inland from any coastline and attack a large portion of an enemy’s population, shipping and industrial centers».

«The Navy can deliver and disperse these agents in three ways front the air from the surface and from below the surface. Navy delivery and dispersion of the agent started with tests made in 1950 a rather crude spraying system was installed on mine layer which in september of that year secretly cruised of California and sprayed some 50 gallons of biological simulant along track two to five miles offshore».

«Within an hour the had been carried ashore by the wind. Sampling tests indicated that about 48 square miles of heavily populated area were contaminated: had an infectious agente been used in the spray there might have been 210 thousands casualties. That experiments succesful the southeast coast of the United States was selected for a larger scale test…».

As a lot of time has passed since then: today the US Army like many other NATO armies can also use other much more sophisticated almost invisible dispersion tools such as the nano-drone Black Hornet, a tiny 10 cm UAV-helicopter normally used for surveillance but perfectly capable of carrying microscopic biological or viral loads.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 2. Intel sources: «Spread by CIA with nano-Uav» as Cyber-DragonflEye. Alert in Iran and Italy

But the most futuristic prototype is the disconcerting Cyber-Dragonfly called CyberEye which has a similar function because it is also used as a spy. That’s a real and live insect remotely controlled with flashes of light thanks to a genetic modification that made it more sensitive and to a receptor inserted in the spinal cord. Science fiction? Not even a little … The first CIA project dates back to 1970 and the US intelligence agency is suspected by foreigner counter-intelligence sources of using these nano-drones to spread actual pandemic virus.

Gospa News Editorial Staff
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