Minneapolis: Protests for «Racist System»! If Cop convicted for Murder is a Black Muslim

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
«This case is about a black Muslim immigrant. They are worried about disappointing the white community. For that reason, justice was not served today».
This sentence was uttered by Ahmednur Abdirahman, 36, who was among the protesters lined up outside the Hennepin County Government Center (Minnesota) in defense of Mohamed Noor, a 33-year-old African-American police officer from the Minneapolis Police Department tried and sentenced to 12 and a half years for the killing of the 40 year old Australian Justine Ruszczyk, who already bore the surname Damond of the boyfriend she was about to marry.
The New York Times reported it on June 7, 2019 in an article that the American black community and its DEM supporters tried to forget quickly…
Well yes! Exactly one year ago in the city that is upsetting the United States of America (and not only) for the protests of Black Lives Matter and the far left Antifa guerrillas who help them to devastate the cities, a totally antipodic case occurred to that of today. A black Somali-born policeman ended up in handcuffs for shooting an uncensored and unarmed lady responsible only for frightening him with her sudden appearance behind the house where she herself lived.

What really happened in that dark alley is a secret that only Noor and his colleague on the patrol know. They intervened at Ms. Ruszczyk’s residence in response to her 911 call to report an alleged threat of sexual assault by a stranger who was wandering around there. Not even the process was able to clarify it with certainty. Both law enforcement workers wore cameras but neither had turned them on.
«The law does not allow lenience because someone is a good person» Hennepin County District Judge Kathryn Quaintance told Noor as she handed down the sentence next to the hall crowded with Protestants demanding justice. But in that case not for the victim Justine …
They did not know what justice asked for the killer agent in one of the paradoxes that unfortunately the “double weight” culture, taught by the left in the violent squares of the world, makes us meet every day also in Europe: when African migrants welcomed, cared for and maintained by the Italian Republic they destroy the hotels that host them because they don’t want spaghetti for lunch …
The death of Mrs. Damond therefore reminds us of two important things: the danger of the American police is a tragic reality but it is not only the daughter of the racism inherent in the human heart when it cultivates ethnic pride (white, yellow, black or Arab depending on the place) as those who demonstrate the brutal killing of George Floyd would like to believe.
The 46 arrested for a fake banknote was asphyxiated with a knee in the throat by the agent Derek Chauvin, in a gesture so cruel and absurd as to have induced us in the previous investigative reportage to consider him part of a terrible plot of the Deep State, very expert in throw gasoline on the fire of social tensions to drive the so-called regime change.
In this last case, the predestined target seems to be the nationalist president Donald Trump who does not like the globalist opponents, mostly Democrats but also radical Republicans GOP.
MINNEAPOLIS HELL with Soros’ Black Lives Matter & Antifa ISIS-Allies in NED-Deep State Plot vs Trump
The two murders cannot be compared in the least because Noor would have acted in his opinion for an instinctive reaction because the woman «could have had a weapon», so the defendant justified himself, found guilty by a popular third-party jury degree and manslaughter of second degree.
While the ruthless sheriff Chauvin, already under investigation for other episodes of violence, has revealed an apparent intention to kill in those 9 minutes over the dying arrested and in handcuffs, so Floyd’s lawyer would like the charge to become murder first degree while at the moment he is second (with a 40-year risk of punishment).
«How can I provide the court the impact of a lost future and what would have potentially been 30 or 40 years filled with love, with family, with joy, with laughter? I cannot, except to say: The day of July 15, 2017, was the last time I felt happiness, a sense of trust and that everything could be OK» declared during the trial Don Damond, fiancé of Justine, who was killed by a gunshot while going down the street in her pajamas after calling the police to rescue her from the alleged threat.

Muna Abdirahman came wearing a t-shirt that said “wrong complexion for blue protection.” She said she was glad Ruszczyk, who was white, got justice and accountability that no other Minnesota victim received.
«Members of the Muslim community came to the Hennepin courthouse Friday holding signs that expressed their frustration with the case. They say Noor was scapegoated and that he wasn’t given the same protections as other police officers» reported an article on Minnesota Public Radio News (source of a part of this news together with that of the New York Times).
«Nationally, only three other police officers have been convicted of murder for an on-duty death, said Phil Stinson, a criminologist at Bowling Green State University in Ohio who’s tracked the data since 2005. The average sentence for those murder convictions is 12 1/2 years in prison — the same as Noor’s sentence» added MPR News.
The only times police officers who were convicted in an on-duty death have received no prison time were for manslaughter cases where the officer shot someone and the bullet ricochet killed someone else, according to Stinson.
«Since 2005, 104 police officers were charged in on-duty killings nationwide. And of those, 36 have been convicted of a crime» Stinson added, so it’s a small sample of cases to begin. He said the sentences for those cases ranged from no incarceration on the low end to 40 years in prison on the high end».
Jason Van Dyke, who was convicted of murder for shooting Laquan McDonald in Chicago was sentenced to about seven years. In Colorado, James Ashby received a 16-year sentence for killing Jack Jacquez after a confrontation in 2014.Roy Oliver, of Texas, was the officer who shot 15-year-old Jordan Edwards as he rode in a car after a party. He was sentenced to 15 years.
The crucial issue was well represented by Thomas Plunkett, one of the lawyers of the policeman convicted of the killing of the 40-year-old Australian: «A prison sentence only punishes Mr. Noor for a culture that he didn’t create and, by all accounts, a culture that he would have liked to see change himself. What really caused this (tragedy) is the fear that continues to permeate our society. The police are afraid of the people, the people are afraid of the police».
Here is the crux of the problem that hides behind two very different murders in Minneapolis. This is why it is reductive, misleading and does not help the cause to adjust the system to shout racism against African Americans especially after a member of their community has been President of the United States for two terms (Barack Obama).
ERGASTOLO ALLO SQUARTATORE DI PAMELA: resta l’ombra della mafia nera
Attacking all American white cops as suspects of racism is itself a racist mentality. A prejudicial, paroxysmal and Manichean vision of humanity that by analogy could then legitimize to imagine all illegal African potential rapists like the one who abused the 18 year old Roman Pamela Mastropietro then killing her and dividing her into 24 pieces to hide the remains or those who raped 16 year old virgin Desirèe Mariottini took turns drugging her to death.
The same extreme judgment could lead us to suspect all young Nigerian migrants in Europe as criminals of the increasingly dangerous Black Mafia, all Libyans of the tribal clans as traffickers of men, all Sicilians as exponents of Cosa Nostra, all Sinti as thieves, all Latin Americans as drug traffickers and all African Americans as violent, given that statistics unfortunately attribute to this social group 50% of the crimes committed in North America despite being only 13% of the population.
Such a prejudiced mentality could therefore lead us to believe that all Masons are racist Satanists like Albert Pike, historian Grand Master of the Supreme Council of the Accepted Scottish Rite, founder of the Ku Klux Klan and southerner general who can still boast a statue in the USA or finally that all Australians of Israeli origin with military training and a passion for weapons could be massacres like Brenton Tarrant in the mosques of Christchurch…
It is instead true, as evidenced by an investigation reported in the previous article, that the murder by a policeman represents the sixth cause of death in the US but it is also estimated that about 10% of the weapons for private use in circulation in the world are right in the 50 states with stars and stripes
So here is the other crucial issue: too many weapons legitimize the risks of major gunfights and, therefore, a Far West in which police officers cannot be excessively guilty in front of an armed criminal; in order to avoid that Washington, New York, Chicago and San Francisco also follow the sad example of Rome, Turin, Milan, Naples and Palermo where a persecutory spiral has already been triggered against the police for which it is now very risky to use the weapon of ordinance even in situations of danger and self-defense.
The looting of the metropolitan boutiques, the car and public buildings on fire that took place during some of the Black Lives Matter riots ridden by professional Antifa guerrillas implicated with the ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists (as discovered by the FBI and unveiled in the previous report) they can only raise the level of social conflict.
MINNEAPOLIS HELL with Soros’ Black Lives Matter & Antifa ISIS-Allies in NED-Deep State Plot vs Trump
But in the US as in other parts of the West the clash is not between blacks and whites, confined to fringes of extremists of both races fortunately minority in many countries of the earth, but it is between authentic non-violent and violent clockwork, between citizens of the world that still a little believe in justice as opposed to revolutionary fanatics of arid goodism but enemies of concrete goodness capable of transforming themselves “ad libitum” into aggressive vandals experts in paramilitary techniques to perpetrate, on the inspiration of sinister political forces, social revenge in the streets as happened in the Jacobin Terror Regime during the French Revolution.
The rioters are unfortunately fomented and supported by the Deep State of the shareholders of the Weapons’ Lobby who have the strong interest in transforming the whole of North America into a gigantic Bronx: where tranquility can reign only in the happy islands of Manhattan protected by private contractors.
These same vulture financiers also speculate on pharmaceutical companies and on the dual-use vaccine-bacteriological weapon experiments that, according to already 15 scientists, a former British intelligence chief, a former Iranian president and a Sri Lankan cardinal, created in the laboratory the SARS-CoV-2 of the recent and devastating pandemic.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – original italian version