Masonic Funds for Garibaldi’s Expedition, British Legion with Times’ Reporters & Mobsters Allied in Sicily

“You are Peter, and on this stone I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it”.
Jesus Christ from Matthew Gospel (16, 18)
di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
«The entire Garibaldi expedition was monitored by British Freemasonry, which had the historic goal of eliminating the temporal power of the Popes. The United States, despite which had diplomatic ties to the Vatican, also gave their support. The funding came from a fund of Scottish Presbyterians and was granted to him with the commitment not to stop in Naples, but to arrive in Rome to eliminate the Papal States».
The role of the Grand Lodge of England, established in 1717 in London by wealthy Protestants to defeat the Catholics in the struggle for the throne of Great Britain, was instrumental in the Expedition of the Thousand – actually over 20 thousand – with which the guerrilla Giuseppe Garibaldi gave the decisive blow to the unification of Italy by imploding the Christian Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Sicilians and Campanians regretted having betrayed the Bourbons to the Savoys when it was too late and the Savoy Kingdom responded to their brigandage for starvation with mass shootings …
It was not just any scholar who pronounced the sentences above in quotes but Aldo Mola, professor of contemporary history in Milan and historian of Freemasonry and the Italian Risorgimento. He supported with detailed facts the intent of the hooded people of the Ancient and Accepted Scozzeze Rite for the destruction of the Catholic Church and, more generally, of Christianity itself.
This grim project indeed materialized with the revolutions in France and Russia and with the carbon movements of the secret societies in Italy which, by drunking the “ox people” with the ideals of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, allowed Freemasonry to control the world within two centuries to the central banks of the Zionist financial allies and usurers. Becoming then the masters of the Weapons’ Lobby as of that of Big Pharma.
St. Pio’ Prophecy on Christians’ homelands, NWO Rockefeller’s Abortion law and Masons war
It was a farce unification, first of the Kingdom of Italy and then of the Italian Republic, still shattered today in incurable ethnic heritage of regionalisms from the Piedmontese transalpines to the Tyrolean in Trentino, from the Bourbon campani to the Sardinian Moorish, from the Venetian Byzantines to the Sicilian Berbers. In two centuries, a somewhat original Deep State has been conceived to contain the secessionist demands, avoiding contradictions and fragmentation, consisting of an amalgam between military powers, masonry and the mafia.
Those who trace this triple grip in which Italy’s freedom and democracy is suffocated by the infamous 1943 pact between the US Army, the Central Intelligence Agency (then OSS) and Lucky Luciano, the boss of both worlds, commits a big mistake. Because the landing of the Allies in Sicily did nothing but restore that occult rule of foreign soldiers, Masons and Mafia men made by the mercenary of the two worlds Giuseppe Garibaldi (Nizza 1807 – Caprera 1882).
In fact it was the beginning of those successes of the New World Order and of the so-called Deep State whose consequences we are still feeling today due to a pandemic from a suspected bio-weapon or a dangerous experiment that got out of hand, such as the SARS-Cov virus appears -2 after confirming the insertion of HIV into a last sensational French research.
If very little I had to research for this article on the general course of the Red Jacket, I must thank the meticulous and immense research work conducted by colleague Giovanni Greco, a doctor in Conservation of Cultural Heritage with a degree in industrial archeology, since 1998 editor in chief of the magazine on line “ – art, history, environment, politics and culture of the Land of the Two Seas – Cultural Fruition Services”.
Just to reward Giovanni Greco’s heroic reportages, I will report essential facts inviting the most passionate readers to read the whole saga on Garibaldi’s soldiers in the pay of the British Masons in the original version. In order to attract the attention of the most skeptical anti-revisionists on the Expedition of the Thousand, I begin with an impressive quote for the moral stature of those who made it.
«Before dealing with the mafia of the period from the unification of the Kingdom of Italy to the First World War and the advent of fascism, we must briefly, but necessarily premise that it as an association and with this denomination, before unification was not never existed in Sicily. The mafia was born and developed immediately after the unification of the Kingdom of Italy».
These sentences were pronounced by Judge Rocco Chinnici, the first magistrate to die killed by a car bomb on 29 July 1983 in Palermo, which I mentioned in a report along with another excellent report of an attack: the President of the United States Abraham Lincoln assassinated by a Freemason after the Northern Union defeated the Southern Confederates, among whom General Albert Pike stood out for cruelty, among the founders of the Ku Klux Klan but destined to become the “pope” of American Freemasonry when in 1859 he became Grand Master of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (which we will call for short RSSA later).
Pike was also the founder of Young America thanks to the inspiration-collaboration of the then terrorist, nowadays patriot, Giuseppe Mazzini, who had created Giovine Italia and Giovine Europa by starting the revolutionary movements in the old continent before taking refuge in London where he was accosted in the home of Ernest Nathan’s uncle and where he became close to the British Secretary of State, Henry John Temple, third viscount of Palmerston (1784-1865), and a prominent member of the Grand Lodge of England.
Nathan, it is important to remember, would later become Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, and Mayor of Rome capital (1907), partially stolen from the Papal States after the breach of Porta Pia with weapons and bloodshed.
Briefly clarified the context, we see the importance of some fateful dates. In 1859 Pike in North America became Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the South Circumscription RSSA (Charleston’s Mother Lodge then transferred to Washington). In 1860 Mazzini founded the Supreme Council of Palermo.
«On 11 May 1860 with the protection of the British ships Intrepid and H.M.S. Argus, Garibaldi lands in Marsala. And on the same day, Garibaldi’s note on recruitment is also interesting: “Francesco Crispi enlists anyone: thieves, murderers, and criminals of all sorts”» wrote Greco in the first of his two splendid reports (source 1 – link at bottom page).
«In the expedition of the Thousand, the role of English masonry was decisive, with a financing of three million francs and constant monitoring of the company. This was pointed by Scottish rite Freemasonry, of the Obedience of Piazza del Gesù, which in recent days recalled the birth in July 1807 of the Nice in a press conference and a conference in Naples, in the presence of the Grand Master Luigi Pruneti and the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, Pierre Lambicchi» can be read in the article which therefore quotes extensive passages from the lecture by the historian Aldo Mola.

«The funds of the British masonry – highlighted the historian of the Risorgimento – served to Garibaldi to buy precision rifles in Genoa, without which they could not have faced the Bourbon army, which was not the army of Pulcinella, but a well organized army. Without those rifles, Garibaldi would have ended up like Carlo Pisacane and the Bandiera brothers».
«Belonging to Freemasonry – Professor Mola said – guaranteed Garibaldi the support of the international press, especially the English one, who placed several correspondents at his side, helping to create the myth, and writers such as Alexandre Dumas, who they exalted the deeds. Not that he didn’t deserve it, but many other deserving ones didn’t have the same reputation».
«I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring… A conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many… Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong – essentially wrong – a seed of evil, which can never produce any good» wrote John Quincy Adams, VI President of the United States of America in his “Letters on Freemasonry”, 1833.
«There is a red thread that binds all the great crimes. A single political project …» echoed him a century later still the judge Rocco Chinnici following the slope of that New World Order of which a Canadian naval officer, the commodore William Guy Carr, revealed the plot in his famous book “Pawns in the Game (1956) where the correspondence between Pike and Mazzini finds ample space.
Beyond the intertwining of the directors, however, we see evidence that attests to the role of British Freemasonry in the expedition of the Thousand. The most striking is a letter of credit issued to Giuseppe Garibaldi by the National Bank of Scotland in 1860 and published in Greco’s second report on the subject which highlights the numerous passages that allowed the document issued by the Scottish National Bank of Edinburgh on 22 August 1860 to be deposited for payment at Glyn & Co. Banking House in London (source 2).

«In fact, besides this letter of credit from the fundraiser made in Scotland, there were many other public subscriptions for the collection of funds in support of Garibaldi, or rather, to support the invasion of the south – adds Greco – In Milan, already on January 24, 1860 Milanese merchants raised an offer of £ 70,226.85 for the purchase of rifles for shipping. But even Cavour had sent Garibaldi the sum of 20,000 Italian Lira before departure. While on May 9, 1860, three days after departure from Quarto, a telegram from the Reuter agency of Marseille broadcast by “The Glasgow Herald” communicated that Garibaldi was leaving and that before boarding “the hero of the two worlds” he had purchased three million francs in gold from the Banca San Giorgio in Genoa».
Here is the money of the English Masonry with which the revolutionary veteran of the mercenary guerrilla enterprises in Urugay purchased the rifles for the expedition. But this was not the only decisive English support for the success of the Garibaldi mission.
«In 1860 with the ingenious excuse of a nice “Excursion in the South” volunteers were invited to invade the south. In fact at the offices at No. 8 on Salisbury Street, London one could apply to the “Garibaldi Commission” to participate in the “Excursion to Sicily and Naples to visit Southern Italy and help the” Cause of Garibaldi and Italy» Salento journalist recalls in a third article (source 3).

It refers to the so-called British Legion, a military corps of British and Scottish volunteers, who were called “Garibaldi Excursionists” to avoid problems of diplomatic appearances. The funding for sending the legion to Italy came from the “Garibaldi Special Fund”, born after the establishment in 1859 of the “Garibaldi Fund” to raise funds for the cause for Italian unification, which was very much felt in England (especially in an anti-French function) and also supported at a popular level, also due to the presence of numerous Italian political refugees, who held conferences and founded Italian-English associations to help the cause of Italian independence.
It should not be forgotten that at international level the frictions between Great Britain and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies concerning the so-called Sulfur Question (1838-1840) had not yet completely subsided when London, led by the aforementioned Secretary of State Temple, threatened a retaliation against Naples and the monarchy of Ferdinand II who had tried to free himself from a commercial exclusivity for the supply of the product of the Sicilian sulphates to the British Empire by entering into a more advantageous agreement with France. Just when the colonial British needed sulfur for the gunpowder to exterminate the native Indians in the Far West of North America … Those tensions were greased when French soldiers intervened in 1948 in aid of the Papal States and brought down the brief experience of the Roman Republic, politically led by Mazzini and militarily by Garibaldi, who had forced Pope Pius IX to take refuge in Gaeta after the assassination attempt to the jurist Pellegrino Rossi appointed minister of the interior and police by the Vatican in a failed attempt to mediate with the liberal coup leaders.
As that time, as in the Middle East and Ukraine today, Anglo-Saxon subversive cunning also relied on the media. And as today with George Soros even then a magic infiltrate wedged …
Nandor Eber (1825-1885) of Ashkenazi descent and Hungarian but naturalized English, patriot for the freedom of Hungary from the Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, insurrectional attempts failed, he had taken refuge with other compatriots in Italy fighting for his freedom and creating, together with Colonel Istvan Turr, the “Hungarian Legion” who fought under the orders of Garibaldi in many of his enterprises.
«In 1860 we find him credited as an English correspondent of the “Times” in Palermo and thanks to information acquired in this capacity, he is able to provide Garibaldi, who arrived in view of Palermo, with the exact location of the Bourbon troops defending the city» wrote Giovanni Zannini in his blog InformaStoria (source 4)
This facilitated his conquest and as a reward for the precious collaboration Garibaldi immediately appointed him colonel brigadier entrusting him with the command of the 15th division – which included the Hungarian Legion – which crossed the center of the island passing through Caltanisetta and Castrogiovanni, and then reached the July 25, 1860 Catania, now abandoned by the Bourbons.
«Another protagonist of this singular military-journalistic Risorgimento strand was Antonio Gallenga (1810-1895) born in Parma, son of a Piedmontese officer of the Napoleonic army. In the United States he taught Italian in New York and Boston, in England he held the chair of Italian at Queen’s College in London and Nova Scotia, taught Eton, held courses on Dante in Manchester, in Italy taught in Florence, lectured and he wrote a book» also reported Zannini

Gallenga «as a journalist worked for the Times which eventually used him as an envoy abroad. Politically troubled, in anti-monarchist youth, he had planned to assassinate King Charles Albert with the cry of “Long live Italy, and die!”: But the regicide had failed because the attacker had failed to procure the weapon to put him in act. But the behavior of Vittorio Emanuele II in favor of the Unification of Italy made him change his mind, he became enthusiastic supporter enough to participate in the Garibaldi expedition to Sicily».
He had arrived in Messina aboard the “Washington” steamship sent by the “Times” to replace Eber. «And since Antonio Gallenga also knew about war, weapons and soldiers for having put his hands in Milan and Mantua in 1848, Garibaldi also appointed Colonel and entrusted him, together with another English colonel, John Whitehead Peard, the command of a column of English volunteers with the task of preceding him, after the passage of the Strait of Messina, in the ascent march of the peninsula». Zannini’s reference is to the famous British Legion.
Next to the voluntary infiltrators, however, the Royal Navy fleet also moved. To support it is Garibaldi himself in his memoirs in reference to the warships Argus and Intrepid, coming from Palermo, who entered the port of Marsala about three hours before the appearance of the Piedmontese woods left by Quarto.
«The presence of the two English war woods influenced somewhat the determination of the commanders of the enemy woods, naturally impatient to electrocute us, and this gave time to complete our landing. The noble flag of Albione contributed, once again, to saving the shedding of human blood; and I, darling of these Lords of the Oceans, was their protégé for the hundredth time».
Finally, a decisive role was played by the bands of local “picciotti (little mobsters)” commanded by Antonino Giovanni Francesco Currau, known with the name of Giovanni Corrao, who went down in history as a patriot and revolutionary but also as the first alleged mafia mentioned in the official chronicles.
In 1848 he abandoned his job to take part in the Sicilian revolution, during which he distinguished himself for courage and skill; with the return of the Bourbons, after several years of detention, he was forced to abandon Sicily and wander around Europe; eager to have Southern Italy annexed by the Savoy, in 1860 he returned to Sicily with his fellow citizen Rosolino Pilo, preparing the ground for Garibaldi’s enterprise.
The two left Genoa on board the viareggina tartana Madonna del Soccorso and landed in Messina on the night between 9 and 10 April 1860. Then they went to Palermo to organize a thousand volunteers who met in Carini with the Bourbon troops.
With the landing of the Thousand on May 14 in Marsala he first led a diversionary maneuver in which Pilo fell in combat, then, on May 27, he attacked Palermo on the opposite side from that of the Garibaldi troops. Thanks to this he was appointed by Garibaldi first colonel of the southern army and then general to command the Sicilian Brigade.
He entered the Royal Army but left him in 1862 to follow Garibaldi again in the conquest of Rome, a dream that dissolved with the Aspromonte Day. Returning to Sicily, after having been arrested several times by local authorities for alleged involvement in some criminal actions, he was mysteriously murdered in 1863 on the outskirts of Palermo.

In 1865 the Prefect of Palermo Filippo Antonio Gualtiero wrote the first official document in which the term “maffia” was mentioned in reference to Corrao.
«It was moreover known to the undersigned that these relations [between the Garibaldi party and the mafia] were held for the first time by the well-known general Corrao, and then for some time he was aware that he, without the Action Party doubting it, had passed to the services of the Bourbon party. On the death of this succeeded such a Vincenzo Badia wax smith, who had been his first instrument, and it was also known to the writer that he had followed the traces of his rash master and now he had placed himself at the service of the Bourbons».
Leonardo Sciascia, Sicilian poet and writer, in one of his studies published in 1972 on illustrated history, carefully reconstructs the origin of the term mafia. He also takes up the theory relating to the introduction of the word in the island, traced back to the unification of the Kingdom of Italy, expressed by Charles Heckethorn (Charles W. Heckethorn, Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, London, G. Redway, 1897 ), who focuses on Mazzini’s secret mission to Sicily which took place in 1860 the year before the unification of Italy. When he founded the Supreme Masonic Council of the Accepted Ancient Scottish Rite in Palermo.
This theory, later taken up by the economist and sociologist Giuseppe Palomba, states that the term “MAFIA” would be nothing more than an acronym for the words: “Mazzini Autorizza Furti Incendi Avvelenamenti/Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires, Poisonings».
«Why the Kingdom of Italy from the beginning chose quiet living, coexistence, cohabitation with the Camorra and the Mafia – which are nothing more than groups of men who organize themselves and decide to act against the laws using violence to obtain power and wealth – while instead fighting the brigands until their final defeat? ” is the question that the historian Enzo Ciconte asks himself in the book: “The great slaughter. History of the war on banditry ”, Laterza (source 5).
«It is a precise choice: the state fights the brigands until their destruction while for the mafia phenomenon it takes the opposite path of tolerance and coexistence whose effects will continue to the present day. The choice is made to satisfy the wishes of the great southern landowner who does not accept to meet the demands of the farmers to have at least a slice of land from the immense expanses of state-owned land usurped by deceitful gentlemen. These were the lands requested, while there were no claims over those of the aristocracy whose legitimate possession was not questioned».
«But the great fear drew both worried that the properties of the usurpers were undermined and the other properties were also targeted. The consequence was that all peasant demands were rejected. And this fueled the great social brigandage that pushed most of the peasants who, having occupied the lands, feared to end up in prison» notes Ciconte.
The consequences were tremendous culminating in the Pica law. «It was presented as an “exceptional and temporary means of defense” and, by the left-wing parliamentary opposition, assessed and fought as a violation of art. 71 of the Statute of the Kingdom because the citizen “was diverted from his natural judges” to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Military Courts and to the procedures of the Military Criminal Code» instead writes Giovanni Pecora in a detailed blog (source 6) on the phenomenon in which he quotes the eloquent memory of a priest and patriot as Vincenzo Padula.
«Brigandage is a great evil, but its repression is greater evil. The time that hunts for brigands is a real Easter for officers, civilians and military personnel; and the immorality of the means, in order for that hunt to be governed by necessity, has corrupted and ugly. The families of the brigands and the more distant relatives are arrested; and the mothers, the brides, the sisters and their daughters, serve to satisfy the libido, now of those who command, now of those who carry out those arrests».
The consequences are terrible and inhuman. The law Pica 1409/1863, between shootings, deaths in combat and arrests, eliminated from countries and campaigns about 14,000 brigands or alleged such, always specifies Pecora in his article. The regulatory complex protracted until December 1865 resulted in 12,000 arrested and deported, while 2,218 were convicted. In 1865 alone, 55 were sentenced to death, 83 to life-long forced labor, 576 to time-forced labor and 306 to ordinary imprisonment.
Thus was born the perverse intertwining between the mafia, later supported also by rebel picciotti in search of protection, and the authorities with powers so exceptional that they do not have to answer anyone for their criminal abuse. To none other than those men of honor who were chosen by the local potentates to take the place of the judges. All of this was temporarily swept away by the arrival of the Duce Benito Mussolini who sent the nicknamed “Iron’s Prefect” Cesare Mori to hunt down the mafia, having around 500 families of Cosa Nostra flee to the United States where they joined the Union of Crime, but also banned secret societies thus interrupting the hidden relations between Masonic gangs and lodges.
This cut off the Anglo-Saxon colonialists who came to terms with the famous underworld boss Lucky Luciano, aka Salvatore Lucania born in Lercara Friddi in 1897, in order to return to Sicily, land without too many losses and have an already consolidated network of power.
It was also created with the help of Vito Genovese, the other mafia godfather from whom the namesake family of New York takes its name, believed to be one of the founders of the heroin distribution network in the USA but became the official interpreter of AMGOT, the provisional Anglo-American government of Palermo which controlled the region from 1943 to the Liberation of Italy in 1945.
It was precisely this allied administrative body that decreed the beginning of Bernardo Mattarella’s political career, paving the way for his son Sergio, who has become today President of the Italian Republic.
Many are the Sicilian intrigues narrated in previous reports. Today we want to remember only one striking episode such as the killing of the Carabinieri general Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa appointed Prefect of Palermo in 1982 to fight the mafia. He died there on 3 September in an ambush of the Cosa Nostra together with his wife Emanuela Setti Carraro.
The order to kill him would have come from the Freemason MP Francesco Cosentino, who died before the Sicilian magistrates made his name before the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission in relation to the Mafia-Freemasonry plots. This serves to bring us back to the red thread mentioned at the beginning…
«The killing of Judge Chinnici was wanted by the cousins Ignazio and Nino Salvo and ordered by the mafia dome, for the investigations that the magistrate conducted on the links between the mafia and political-economic sanctuaries» wrote the anti-mafia prosecutors in Palermo.
But what were the political and economic sanctuaries to which the magistrates refer? Some time after his death from cancer, which prevented him from facing the maxi-trial, it was discovered that Nino Salvo was enrolled in the universal Masonry of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. And not in any lodge but in the “Supreme Council of Italy” in via Roma in Palermo, the same one that a hundred years earlier had given the 33rd degree to Giuseppe Mazzini first and then to Giuseppe Garibaldi …
«In the First Italian Masonic Constituent (Turin, 26 December 1861 – 1 January 1862), in which Grand Master Constantine Nigra was elected, Giuseppe Garibaldi was acclaimed First Free Mason of Italy and rewarded with a solid gold medal, having by a the inscription “Italian Masonic Constitution” on the other side and on the other the dedication to the “First Free Mason of Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi”. The mason Candido Augusto Vecchi (in Ascoli born) handed it to him in Varignano where Garibaldi was imprisoned after the events of Aspromonte» reads the site of the Grand Orient of Italy (source 7).

On 11 March 1862 the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite sitting in Palermo conferred on Giuseppe Garibaldi all Scottish grades, from the 4th to the 33rd and appointed him President of the Supreme Council with the title of Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander and Grand Master. Assignment that he accepted on the 20th day of the same month. On the following 3 July, Garibaldi made his son Menotti and the entire staff become confreres: it appears in the Palermo Loggia “The Regenerators of 12 January 1848 to 1860 Garibaldini”.
Giuseppe Garibaldi had already joined the hooded row in 1844 in the “Asil de la Vertud” Lodge in Montevideo (according to others in the Rio Grande del Sud), a “spurious” lodge, an emanation of Brazilian Freemasonry and not recognized by the great world Communions. In the same year, on August 18, he was regularized in the “Amis de la Patrie” lodge in Montevideo to obey the Grand Orient of France, in the register number of the lodge he was assigned the number 50. He also attended the lodge “Tompkins n ° 471” in Stapleton (New York).
In much more recent times, in March 2019, the Italian and foreign Scottish Brothers RSSA met specifically in Trento to discuss “conspiracy” and make a mockery of the memory of the First International Anti-Masonic Congress held in that city in 1896 and in which Pope Leo XIII also participated, author of the encyclical Humanum Genus with which on 20 April 1984 he had burst freemasonry. The confreres of the RSAA met to mock the theories of historical conspiracies perhaps forgetting a terrible historical analogy…
There is indeed that disturbing red thread that links British masonry to the Sicily of the mafia. They are the dead killed for the protection of the drug trade. In 1840 Lord Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Mazzini’s friend and sponsor of the Expedition of the Thousand, with a fleet of 40 ships undertook the Opium War against China which was pursuing the English merchants accused of smuggling the precious narcotic (source 8).
After two years and many deaths, the British Empire had the upper hand and obtained the signing of a Peace Treaty according to which the English merchants remained under the exclusive jurisdiction of their consuls. This allowed opiate smuggling to continue with impunity …
In 1979, the FBI also initiated the Pizza Connection operation to help Sicilian judge Giovanni Falcone to dismantle drug trafficking between New York and Palermo. Falcone was later killed with his wife Francesca Morvillo and three men of his escort in a bomb attack with military explosives while he was on the highway near Capaci on 23 May 1992.
If all this could have happened, we must certainly also thank Garibaldi and the British Freemasonry who financed it to make Italy an Anglo-Saxon colony first, then an US-NATO one. Where now business speculation in the weapons market could also be started with dangerous allies such as the Muslim Brotherhood, obviously partners of that Rothschild family that allowed the Illuminati of Bavaria hunted by justice to join the masonry and get away with it.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – original italian version
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