Thousand Erdogan’s ISIS Jihadists in Italy from Libya. Haftar Spokesman’s Warning on Turkish Migrant’s Traffic. Interpol on Alert

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
«There are about a thousand Syrians who fled via Zuwara and Sabratha towards Europe last week, using boats provided by a European country in support of the coast guard under al-Sarraj government, but they are now being exploited in illegal immigration».
The Libyan National Army spokesman, Major General Ahmed al-Mismari, has revealed «Turkey’s involvement in smuggling Syrian mercenaries from Libya towards Europe, specifically Italy». What he does not specify is that most of the extremist Islamic factions enlisted by Ankara are not only made up of anti-Assad rebels but above all of terrorist jihadists.
In a press conference held yesterday, Thursday 23 July, in Benghazi and reported with prominence by The Libyan Address Journal, Al-Mismari explained that «this route runs from the areas of Tripoli, Sabratha, and Zuwara, under militias of the Fayez al-Sarraj government allied to Turkey».
In Europe the news was reported with emphasis only by InsideOver, the online geopolitical insert of Il Giornale di Milano, in a broad report by colleague Giovanni Giacalone.
«A thousand mercenaries and jihad cutthroats transferred from the Turks to Libya to support the militias of Fayez al-Serraj would have infiltrated Europe and especially in Italy, sailing from the ports of Tripoli, Sabratha and Zuwara, all areas controlled by the GNA» writes InsideOver.
«According to Al Mismari’s statement, 483 “Syrians” fled to the Italian coast only on Tuesday, adding that the illegal immigrants would even have used the boats supplied to the GNA to control the coast. Europe thus risks finding hundreds of cutthroats with experience on the battlefield on its own territory, ferried with those same boats supplied by Brussels to the executive of al-Serraj “.
«Un migliaio di mercenari e tagliagole del jihad trasferiti dai turchi in Libia per sostenere le milizie di Fayez al-Serraj si sarebbero infiltrati in Europa e in particolar modo in Italia, salpando dai porti di Tripoli, Sabratha e Zuwara, tutte zone controllate dal Gna» scrive InsideOver.
ISIS Foreign Terrorist Fighters detected by Interpol in Mediterranean Sea
The revelations would have attracted the attention of Interpol officials in the Mediterranean area who, already in September 2019, thanks to the NETTUNO II operation, had identified suspected muslim terrorists who arrived in Italy by sea. In that case, however, the investigation was conducted mainly on scheduled ferries.
The words of the senior officer in the army of Marshal General Khalifa Haftar, commander of the troops who control Benghazi and Cyrenaica (Eastern Libya) in agreement with the government of Tobruk must be taken very seriously for multiple reasons.
They are credible although they are obviously oriented to denigrate the opposing front in the Libyan civil war, that is, President Al Serraj, at the helm of the Government of National Accord (GNA) supported not only by the Turkish sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan but also by the Emir of Qatar, occult Ankara’s financier in the enterprise by virtue of the common adhesion to the political-religious organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, and from their main ally in Europe: namely Italy.
A few weeks ago it was in fact the Italian ambassador in Tripoli, Giuseppe Buccino Grimaldi, former adviser to President Giorgio Napolitano at the time of the elimination of Muhammar Gaddafi and long diplomat in Qatar, to admit to the microphones of italian Radio24 that «the Turks played a role important »on behalf of NATO.
The latter, we explain, was in fact unable to officially intervene in a foreign country without a UN Security Council resolution that could never have passed due to the veto of Russia, Haftar’s ally.
From December 2019, the sending of the TNSA (Turkish Natioanl Siryan Army) mercenaries employed by Erdogan in the Rojava of North Eastern Syria against the Kurds and to defend the occupied territories such as Afrin, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), network of information based in Coventry, England, has begun to signal the departures on the boats bound for Italy of militants of the various Sunni extremist groups (such as the Turkish-Qatari Muslim Brotherhood and therefore antagonists of the Shiites supporters of the Syrian government of Bashar al Assad) .
About forty were reported in the first weeks, then 200 in March (despite the emergency from the Covid-19 pandemic) as reported by Gospa News, and finally another 400 on 29 June as reported by AskaNews.
In Italy and Europe 200 Migrant Jihadists from Libya. Egypt alerts UN Security Council
As long as SOHR reported the dead killed under the bombs of the legitimate Syrian government of Assad and its Russian allies, all the mainstream media reported with abundance the bulletins released thanks to the presence on the field of the White Helmets, the Syrian Civil Defense reported to the UN for terrorism from Moscow because believed to be an accomplice to the terrorists of Al Nusra, the rib of Al Qaeda in Syria, in turn implicated even in the false-flag chemical attack (of misdirection to accuse Assad) of Douma where some children were found killed by gas after being been tied …
After the Syrian rebels passed en masse under the aegis of Turkey through the Peace Spring operation of October 2019 with the invasion of Rojava and after the November 11th the commander of the White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, a former British military official and MI6 counterintelligence agent, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights from Coventry began to openly denounce the jihadist maneuvers that have become increasingly complex and structured thanks to the direction of MIT, the National Intelligence Organization of Ankara. But the mainstream media then began to ignore SOHR reports …
Thanks to multiple international media focused on Syria and Libya, Gospa News has revealed in multiple plots of Erdogan’s 007: from the release of ISIS terrorists from Turkish prisons to recruit them in the various rebel factions to the movement of the surviving leaders of the Islamic State and Al Qaeda within the TNSA militias. Saudi Arabia was the first to test the strategy of enlisting those sentenced to death for having guerrillas ready for anything, as revealed by top secret documents published on our site.
In Libya 229 ISIS Fierce Leaders with 4700 Turkish-backed Jihadists. UN Investigates, Europe Sleeps
A dossier released by the Kurdish news agency Hawar News (ANHA) reported the names, surnames and photos of some of the 229 terrorists wanted worldwide brought from Turkey to fight in Libya alongside Al Sarraj’s GNA and against Haftar’s LNA.
The feared MIT counterintelligence had already been impeached by Hawar News with the publication of some documents concerning «the transfer of mercenaries from Syria to many European countries through Turkey».
The role of the 007 of Ankara, moreover, was precious to Italian intelligence for the release of the young cooperator Silvia Romano, kidnapped in Kenya by the Somali extremist terrorists of Al Shabaab and returned to Italy converted to Islam after a lavish ransom paid by Rome to this formation affiliated with Al Qaeda.
Kidnapped by Al Qaeda and Converted to Islam. Free with Help of Turkish Intel Jihadists’ Friend
In light of all these reminders, the revelations of General Al Mismari take on considerable importance and his warning takes on prophetic connotations. Indeed, Haftar’s right-hand man, as reported by Libyan Address Journal, has warned Europe against the escalation of illegal immigration across the Mediterranean, indicating that this migration may not be innocent, as there may be terrorist elements among them that cause unrest in the European continent.
Maxi-Bust in Italy for ISIS Kamikaze’s Drug-Pills. Business or Restocking for Jihadists?
The maxi-seizure of a load of amphetamines, the drug par excellence of the ISIS suicide bombers, which took place in the port of Salerno in recent days has also attracted particular attention among the intelligence experts of the American site Veterans Today for which I am honored to collaborate. Was it just a huge business or was it also a supply for dormant cells in Europe?
Al-Mismari added that «this file will remain open in light of chaos and in the presence of the Turkish invader, who wants the crisis to continue».
As is actually happening after the arrival of 2,500 ISIS militants from Tunisia in Libya and the go-ahead of the Egyptian parliament to President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi for an armed intervention by Egypt, an enemy of the Muslim Brotherhood considered a terrorist organization, in response to the appeal of the Government of Tobruk, in solidarity with General Haftar after various fruitless attempts at peace with Tripoli’s opponents.
Come sta effettivamente avvenendo dopo l’arrivo di 2.500 miliziani ISIS dalla Tunisia in Libia e il via libera del parlamento egiziano al presidente Abdel Fattah Al Sisi per un intervento armato dell’Egitto, nemico dei Fratelli Musulmani considerati organizzazione terrorista, in risposta all’appello del Governo di Tobruk, solidale con il generale Haftar dopo vari inutili tentativi di pace con gli avversari di Tripoli.
«The presence of mercenaries and jihadists transferred by air from the Turkish MIT to the Tripoli and Misrata area has already been widely documented and should not be surprising. Indeed, Erdogan has every interest in destabilizing Libya to get his hands on the country’s energy industry, as he is already doing. It is no coincidence that the GNA has now gone from an UN-supported executive to a puppet regime in Ankara and in the hands of militias of Islamists and traffickers» Giacalone wrote on InsideOver, echoing several of our previous articles.
Libya on the Edge of a Huge War for EU, Italy and Tobruk Faults & Weapons Lobby Will
«In relation to this, the recent visit of the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, to Tripoli to meet al-Serraj cannot fail to be discussed, especially following the press release issued by the GNA after the meeting, in which it is stated that» discussed the latest developments in Libya and a series of common issues, the most important of which is the security cooperation dossier, which in turn includes capacity building, the fight against illegal migration, trafficking in human beings human and smuggling”».
Al Qaeda’s Jihadists Treated in Italian Military Hospital in Libya. LNA Blames
«Is it possible to discuss security with those who open their country’s doors to jihad cutthroats to work alongside militias armed with Islamists, warlords and traffickers who control the GNA? Hard to believe it. As for the fight against illegal immigration from the southern route, the facts speak for themselves and in Lampedusa in about 48 hours approximately 800 irregular immigrants arrived» wrote the Italian reporter.
Impossible to believe it. We would like to add that, within the “Lobby Armi 4” dossier, we have analyzed the business connections between Turkey, Qatar, Italy and the United Kingdom. But above all, we have already collected the documents indicating an interconnection of this shameful business between the Muslim Brotherhood, Western and Zionist Freemasonry, and the secret services of various countries in the NATO area.
An attempt to stop the wave of migrants was made in 2017 by the then minister Marco Minnisti (Gentiloni government always supported by the Democratic Party which has been running in Italy since 2012). The Italian Republic paid 5 million euros to one of Sabrata’s local military rais dedicated to human trafficking to stop its activity.
Rome trusted Fitouri Al Dabbashi despite his relatives being arrested for infiltrating ISIS cells from Libya from Tunisia. The landings slowed down but did not cease. Al Dabbashi was later killed while fighting in Tripoli for the GNA in September 2019. Two months later Erdogan’s jihadists arrived and Italy bowed the mute head…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – original italian version
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