WUHAN-GATES – 20. “Covid-19 Built in Wuhan Lab”. Chinese Virologist Protected by FBI said. But Forgets US Risky Experiments…

WUHAN-GATES – 20. “Covid-19 Built in Wuhan Lab”. Chinese Virologist Protected by FBI said. But Forgets US Risky Experiments…


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione Originale in Italiano

Glasses of a perfect scholar, little girl’s face like many Asians, eyes a bit lost in the void like someone who is trying to float in an ocean of conspiracies far greater than his thin person. Li-Meng Yan, the Chinese virologist who fled from China to the United States of America to tell her story about the Covid-19 pandemic is the perfect “whistleblower” to reveal a truth steeped in mysteries and omissions: so serious that it can seem like lies.

Especially when she does all this under the protection of the American Federal Bureau of Investigations that protects her as an undercover witness to investigate her revelations but at the same time grants her the luxury of giving interviews to the most important media in the world to support a peremptory statement. on the virus: “It comes from the Wuhan laboratory”.

Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan, now protected by the FBI in the US

Obviously, just as former British counterintelligence director Richard Dearlove, the first man of weight in world intelligence to claim that the new Coronavirus strain was made in the laboratory, puts all the blame on China by ignoring the fact that this type pathogen have been made experiments for the creation of superviruses SARS (of the type 2003) infected with HIV, the one that can trigger AIDS, already in 2004.

But above all it fails to say that they were first funded by the European Commission as revealed only by Gospa News so far, then by the American government agency USAID, the operational arm of the Central Intelligence Agency which supported the extremely dangerous researches in the Chapel Hill laboratories of North Carolina University, in the United States of America which now protect the Chinese MD.

With what certainty can the young virologist therefore affirm that Covid-19 comes from Wuhan?

WUHAN-GATES – 12. MI6 British Intelligence former Head: “SARS-2 Built in Bio-Lab”. Pics and Proofs of HIV Tests

But there is a sacred truth in what she says: the SARS-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus was created in the laboratory. The Chinese witness protected by the FBI supports him without a shadow of a doubt with reasons similar to those already reported by other scientists including the French professor, former head of department at the Pasteur Institute in Paris then in Shangai University, Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize for Medicine. The luminary of virology, however, has always publicly declared that Covid-19 was the result of “an affair between China and the US”.

WUHAN-GATES – 4. “Covid-19 manipulated, CHINA-US Hidden Affair”. Class-Action for Bio-Weapon in Texas

Miss Yan, however, also adds other things perhaps even more devastating for those who, like us, have been supporting and demonstrating, with lots of scientific studies, the far from natural origin of the Covid-19 pandemic since February.

The World Health Organization, even knowing how dangerous the virus could be, did not alert the world in time by declaring, in mid-January, that there was no certainty that it was transmissible from human to human.

Sputnik International, the network financed by Russia, is among the most accurate in the world in updating the bulletin of the infected and Covid victims on the planet: today it writes 924,538 deaths. In a world barely worthy of being at least human, this number would have been enough to ban the WHO as a criminal association and prosecute its leaders and officials for murder.

WUHAN-GATES – 9. THE PROOFS: HIV inserted in SARS chimeric virus in 2007. Thanks to Australian & EU Commission Funds

But since we live on that planet where poor Tanzania teaches the West a lesson by showing that the Coronavirus swabs are also positive on a goat and a papaya, as if they had been infected before using them (they were given by the founder of the Asian e-commerce Alibaba, enriched as much as possible thanks to the lockdown), none of this happens… And the young Chinese virologist appears like a comet star who for over a month has been trying to guide and enlighten humanity towards a truth that is difficult to hear especially for that West.

West, indeed, has built its economic and financial plans precisely in symbiosis with the Big Pharma of vaccines, controlled by the same shareholders of the weapons lobby.

WUHAN-GATES – 14. “Devil’s CoronaVirus: Western Plot Eliminated by GOD In Tanzania”. Christian President on BBC. His rival in Gates-EU Vaccine-Summit

“In 26 pages, full of graphs, tables and diagrams, Miss Li tried to deny the version released by the WHO and the Chinese government – reports InsideOver, the international investigations column of Il Giornale – the sequence of Sars-CoV-2 it is “suspiciously similar to that of a bat coronavirus discovered by the military laboratories of the Third Military Medical University of Chongqing and the Research Institute for Medicine of the Nanjing Command”.

Second: the receptor binding (RBM) within the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, which determines the host specificity of the virus, would “suspectly” resemble that of SARS-CoV from the 2003 outbreak. “The genomic evidence – it reads – suggests that RBM has been genetically manipulated”. According to the study by Chinese Li, Covid-19 would contain a furin cleavage site in its protein Spike, known to improve viral infectivity and cell trophism. “However, this cleavage site is completely absent in this particular class of naturally occurring coronaviruses,” the researchers pointed out.

Revelations very similar to those already written by Indian researchers, confirmed by Montagnier and deepened by Bricage as reported by Gospa News since last April in the indifference of almost all the mainstream and counter-information media, too focused on supporting the theory ” denier “against the virus which, in their opinion, would be an invention of a regime pumped by complacent newspapers. The 12 scientists just mentioned, however, also demonstrated the dangerous presence of HIV virus inserts in SARS-2.

Gospa News has produced with the latter 30 reports on the SARS-2 pathogen built in the laboratory as a Genetically Modified Organism. Therefore, on the one hand we praise the revelations of the Chinese biologist, on the other they make us smile for their superficiality and incompleteness.

Precisely because all our investigations were based on scientific research published on specialized medical websites, we missed the first interview conducted by Fox News with Li-Meng Yan on July 11th. It took other media to get the embarrassing story to reach the Daily Mail and the New York Times, as well as Loose Woman who, by focusing on the pride of an all-female heroine, managed to break through the hearts of journalists from all over the world, although, as we shall see, in a different way.

“The esteemed doctor, specializing in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health – wrote VISIONTIMES about a month ago, as reported by the Italian website I Nuovi Vespri which made one of the most complete reports – she told how she lived on her skin attempts by the Chinese government to hide the true facts about the epidemic. A few days after his interview aired, according to Reuters, Xi Jinping’s office called Fox News four times to try to stop the broadcast threatening “serious consequences” if they proceeded.”

“Dr. Li-Meng – we always read in the article on VISIONTIMES – had to flee quickly before the Beijing authorities could capture her to prevent her from revealing her findings. In a secret place, she told Fox News: “The reason I came to the United States is to deliver the message of the truth about Covid-19.” The doctor knows that she will never be able to return home and that she will never see her friends or family again and that, if she told her story in China, she would be among the “[mysteriously] missing people or would have been killed. “.

After her interview, the Chinese government is deleting information about her, destroying her reputation, because her testimony contradicts what the state media and all CCP leaders try stubbornly to deny: covering up important information at the highest levels. government on the transmission of the virus as early as the end of 2019.

WUHAN-GATES – 8. “SARS-2: Virus GMO built with HIV”. Bio-engineer, ex NATO Lecturer, destroyed Natural Origin Theory

Then it many launched the tremendous thrust by destroying the thesis that the virus originated in the Wuhan market, declaring that it is nothing more than a “smoke screen”, specifying that the virus is not natural but “manmade”.

Many media have reported excerpts from his interviews. However, many have focused only on the very serious errors of the World Health Organization, carefully avoiding talking about the virus created in the laboratory as claimed by Montagnier, but also by the Indian researchers to whom the study of the virologist France Nobel Prize for Medicine referred, and above all by his colleague and compatriot Pierre Bricage, whose research has so far only been reported by Gospa News although he is an expert in molecular genetics and was head of the Biological Engineering Department at the University of Pau (Pyrénées Atlantiques) and also a consultant to NATO.

WUHAN-GATES – 11. HIV INSIDE SARS-2: Dangerous Experiments, Scientists Dead & Spies’ Ring in Canada, China and US

“The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint,” said virologist Li-Meng Yan according to the Daily Mail. “And based on that you can identify these things. I’m going to use [this] test to tell people why it came from the lab in China, why they did it. Anyone, even if you have no knowledge of biology, will be able to read it, check it, identify it and verify it yourself».

It seems to read what Professor Bricage has already written about this virus too similar to the human genetic makeup to derive from a random mutation in nature.

The precious FBI informant, who is investigating his revelations, however, is not the only Chinese to tell half-truths. Shi Zhengli, 55, was the director of the infectious disease center at the Wuhan virology laboratory, but no news from him has been heard for a few weeks. It seems to have vanished into thin air and does not seem to have arrived in the US like her lucky colleague.

There are those who believe that Shi Zhengli has been ‘silenced’ by the central government of Beijing and those who believe that she has taken refuge in Europe, presumably in France, and is ready to spread sensational documents on the outcome of her studies, has recently wrote the Italian newspaper Il Mattino of Naples.

WUHAN-GATES 19 – SARS-2 Bio-Weapon to Vaccinate All against AIDS. Bill Gates supports Vaccines & Gay Pride. Military Tests on HIV-Coronavirus

«All these theories, however, have been denied by the American researcher Jonna Mazet, who for years has worked in Wuhan and with Shi Zhengli. “I spoke to her recently, she ruled out that Sars-CoV-2 could have left the laboratory because the samples do not match” – the words of the University of California virologist in an interview last week – “Zhengli is absolutely certain of never having identified this virus before the epidemic, the genetic sequence shows that the virus is of natural origin and Covid-19 is yet another zoonotic disease, to which we expose ourselves if we continue to invade the wild habitats that host species carriers of diseases with which we have never interacted before ”». More lies.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

Also Professor Bricage in his research, published with at least three updates between March and May, claims that the SARS-2 virus strain was isolated in 2013 but registered only in 2019. Precisely for this reason, according to him, it was called Covid-19 . In order not to facilitate virology experts in connecting with that SARS sample built in the laboratory and infected with HIV, in all likelihood to launch a world vaccine against AIDS.

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

In this endless international plot, only the probable instigators remain to be discovered: our investigations have led us to exponents of the Chinese and American Deep State that we will soon reveal.

Unscrupulous criminals who deliberately created a virus to kill many lives and terrorize all others in order to impose a New World Order, as hypothesized by one of the protagonists of the Coronavirus pandemic exercise held in News York in October 2019, thanks to the funding of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the most important partner of the Big Pharma vaccines and the global immunization plan launched by former US President Barack Obama.

Exclusive. US NAVY BIO-WARFARE Started in 1952! Disturbing Video Declassified by Pentagon

Finally, it remains to be seen whether the FBI will and will be able to go all the way into its investigation to find out the whole truth… Even at the cost of investigating his compatriots from the CIA and the Pentagon who have been playing with bacteriological weapons for decades.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

no reproduction without authorization – Versione Originale in Italiano





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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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