Navalny is Working for Cia: Kremlin makes Explosive Allegation after Fake-Poisoning

“Probably, it is not the patient [Navalny] who works for the Western special services, but that the Western intelligence services who work with him – this would be more correct [to say],” Dmitry Peskov explained. “I can even be specific: these days, specialists from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States of America are working with him.”
“This isn’t the first time he’s been given different instructions,” the spokesman continued. “The instructions given to the patient are obvious. We have seen such patterns of behavior on more than one occasion.”
The bombshell allegation comes just hours after Navalny claimed Putin was behind his alleged poisoning in August. He told Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine that he had “no other explanation for what happened.”
Peskov took umbrage at the activist’s comments alleging Putin’s involvement in the incident, dismissing them as“baseless” and “insulting.” He told reporters “we believe that such accusations against the Russian president are absolutely unfounded and unacceptable.”
Navalny, Deep State Agent in Russia, in Novichok Berlin-Warsaw Plot Revealed by Belarusian Intel
German officials alleged, last month, that Navalny had been targeted with a nerve agent from the ‘Novichok’ family.“We want to investigate the case of the Berlin patient [Navalny] and establish the cause of what happened,” Peskov explained, expressing doubt about the veracity of the German analysis. “For this, we need to get information from those who found traces of poisoning.”
The Kremlin has previously complained that Berlin has been uncooperative in providing evidence that the Moscow protest leader had indeed been attacked with Novichok.
UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE’S PLOT AGAINST TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties
Peskov also commented on Navalny’s intention to return to Russia, as expressed to Der Spiegel, observing that he saw no heroism in his declaration. “Any citizen of Russia can return to his homeland at any time,” the spokesman outlined. “Treatment can take place in our country, in fact, almost all people avail of this. Lives are saved in our country, and the life of this patient was also saved in Russia.” This refers to when Navalny had initially been hospitalized in Siberia
Alexei Navalny was in a coma from August 20 to September 7, after falling ill during a flight to Moscow from Tomsk. First, he was hospitalized in Omsk, after an emergency landing, before being transported to Berlin’s Charité clinic days later. After making a speedy recovery (taking into account the alleged lethality of Novichok), the anti-corruption activist was discharged last week.
Navalny gets sick on a flight to Moscow. That means he says he is not feeling well. And is immediately carted off to Germany. He is a Russian citizen. Are ALL people who feel unwell on an internal flight in Russia carted off to Germany. Why Germany. Something about ‘virus research’ ?? No visa ?! Just carted off without informing anybody in the Russian authority. Did he change planes. or was it the same plane in which he got sick. A true context of this affair is lacking. Did a plane come from Germany, in stealth mode, just pick him up and transfer him to Germany. Did the Russians know what is going on. Even a CiA agent must be required to follow some protocols of decorum to be adhered to when crossing international borders. Did President Putin know what was going on. Did Navalny, like Quan Guido, think he was that important that the ruling authority must fear his presence. Was Navalny given special training by the CiA. Even people not in line with President Putin would not have Navalny as President of Russia. The deep state can do better with the use of more imagination. They must choose someone who looks like Brezhnev. George Soros has lost his touch. And what is this about Germany “sanctioning ” Russia. Germany wants cheap Russian oil and gas and the logic seems inverted. Russia could ask Germany’s Merkel to take a walk. And what about the half finished pipe line which Trump does not like, paid for by Germany and Russia. What is Germany peddling in the middle of all this ?? Merkel cannot make her own population wear a Mask! And it is interfering in Russian affairs. And recently in the affairs of Belarus. Poor Merkel. Rothschild’s unwilling slave. So stupidly obvious ?!