Is a conspiracy theorist excessively devoted to the sane Cartesian concept of the “cogito ergo sum” (I doubt so I exist) more dangerous for humanity or a pandemist who is fiercely certain of possessing absolute truth even in the face of the dark unknown?
To be more blunt: some citizen denying a mysterious virus – as much as schizophrenic – can do more damage to a nation than, violating “Nazi-Communist” laws, does not wear a mask in a park or many politicians tangled up with the Big Pharma who have proven themselves unable to deal with a health emergency to the point of ignoring effective therapies for months to listen only to the cryptic sirens of the World Health Organization?
Starting from this report, therefore, we will make a dossier on an army of doctors from all over the world who, obscured by the mainstream terrorist media, from Italy to Belgium, passing through France and the USA, shout out only one thing: “Now Covid-19 can be treated without too much difficulty, so it is no longer lethal as in recent months, so the health emergency and restrictions seriously harm the health of citizens as much as of nations”.
We will see in the various articles the detailed appeals launched and signed so far by over 12 thousand doctors and scientists starting from the public declarations of the Italian ones. But let’s start with a confirmation that comes directly from the experts recruited by the Italian State.
«That there has been an acceleration of cases is undeniable but I would not say that there is an exponential growth. We need to look at the numbers with alertness but not panic». This was stated by Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Health Council during the broadcast “Half an hour more” on Rai3, public Italian State’s TV channel, last October 19.
Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Health Council
«Only a third of the cases yesterday were symptomatic, while in February we all identified symptomatic subjects. The numbers in intensive care, 700 hospitalized, are not even remotely comparable to the peak of 4000 cases» added Locatelli who is a member of the National Scientific Technical Committee for the Covid-19 emergency.
Circulation affects the entire European continent, «but Italy has a number of positive cases compared to the tests carried out among the lowest, the average age of the infected is lower and the country that has a level of preparation that is not even comparable». Instead, he added, «keep an eye on gatherings by increasing the control and surveillance mechanisms».
Despite this, the mainstream media, aligned with the opposing positions of rulers, politicians and terrorist experts of pandemism – a perhaps even more serious degeneration of denial and conspiracy – have emphasized the alarms and continuous measures of restriction of freedom that seem to be aimed at bring towards the lockdown for Christmas. (read more).