Riots in Naples for Covid-19 Curfew and Looming Lockdown in Italy. Call to Security & Military Briefings

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
The anger against the curfew adopted by the Campania Region and against the specter of a new lockdown has exploded in Naples, a city of hot spirits with a high crime rate due to the historical presence of the Camorra, through the first episodes of urban warfare between police and demonstrators, followed by two arrests of two offenders. The protest march started peacefully by hundreds of people soon turned into a clash with the police with fires of dumpsters, launching of smoke bombs and paper bombs.
The anger had already made itself felt in recent days in Milan. In the capital of Lombardy, dozens of restaurateurs took to the streets to protest against the curfew imposed from 11 pm to 5 am and not from 12 pm as they would have considered useful for a serene evening service to the public. The curfews have already entered into force in Campania, Lazio and Lombardy but from Monday 26 October they will also be adopted by the Regions of Piedmont and Calabria.
Hundreds of people gathered in Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, in Naples, in front of the headquarters of the Eastern University to protest against the curfew and the prospect of lockdown. The demonstrators, who used social media to call for the collection, showed a banner with the words “You close us, you pay us”, attacking the Campania governor De Luca and the Conte government with protest chants. Smoke bombs were also ignited. “A health is the first thing but without money you can’t sing masses”, says another large banner.
The demonstrators marched through the streets of the center despite being prohibited by the ordinance of the Campania Region. The march against the anti-Covid restrictive measures swelled further along the way and found a barrage of law enforcement officers on the waterfront. A barrage was made with garbage bins which they then set fire to. Dozens of scooters were placed sideways on the roads to delay police intervention. Digos arrested two people with a history of drug dealing.

To put pressure on the government for another national lockdown is the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca (Democratic Party), who after having led to the collapse of public health in the last 5 years of administration with precarious management in the middle is now crying for the inability of the hospital structures to face the Covid-19 emergency. “We are one step away from the tragedy. We close everything for 30-40 days, then we’ll see »said the president of the Campania Region who will sign the ordinance over the weekend with which he will close all activities not considered indispensable.
This happened last March when the whole of Italy was the first country in the world to implement the national lockdown with the obligation to travel for authorized activities with self-certifications for work reasons or basic necessities (food, drugs, tobacco). “The new provisions for the containment of Covid-19 will cause a further reduction of approximately 5.8 billion euros in household consumption and could cause the closure of another 20 thousand businesses, bringing the business terminations expected this year from 90 to 110 thousand”.
The alarm is renewed by Customers’ association Confesercenti according to which in the hypothesis that the closures are also imposed for the first week of November, the overall reduction in household spending for 2020 could reach 95.8 billion euros even with the return to normality during the holiday season.
On the one hand, the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella spoke at the assembly of CNA artisans to try to calm the spirits of a category on the pavement like many others in small and medium-sized businesses. “A risk that we cannot run is that the inequalities between existing territories in our country are added to those deriving from the effects of the pandemic,” said Mattarella with his proverbial empty rhetoric, devoid of a minimum concrete pragmatism and aimed only at sweetening the bitter restriction pill that he does not want to discuss, unlike immigration-related issues that have repeatedly seen him intervene publicly.
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On the other hand, the president himself, as Head of the Armed Forces, called a meeting of the Supreme Defense Council for Tuesday 27 October at 5 pm at the Quirinale, to assess the “consequences of the health emergency on strategic and security balances. global, with particular reference to NATO and the European Union. Update on the main areas of instability and situation on transnational terrorism. Prospects for the use of the Armed Forces in the various operational theaters”.
A convocation that in the climate of growing social tensions in Italy brings with it the fear that there may be an imminent militirization of the country, after that in some metropolitan areas patrols of the Italian Army have already been employed to support the police in control compliance with the provisions of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in relation to the containment of the new wave of the SARS-Cov-2 epidemic, such as mandatory masks even outdoors, prohibitions of gatherings except for authorized international events, distancing and finally the recent curfews .
Last night in Naples there were “preordained attacks”, acts of violence “organized, unacceptable and to be condemned”. Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese says this, expressing “solidarity and closeness” to the police forces, the military and members of the local police who were attacked and injured in “real episodes of urban warfare” that “have nothing to do with dealing with the forms of civil dissent and with the legitimate concerns of entrepreneurs and workers linked to the difficult economic situation “underlines Lamorgese who is in constant contact with the prefect of Naples who today convened the Committee for public order and security.
“There are no excuses in the face of violence, none of this is acceptable”. In a post published on his Facebook profile, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio reacts to the events that occurred during the night in Naples.
The social clash has degenerated in a shameful way in Naples, known for being a fief of the street crime of the Camorra, the most impulsive and bloody of the Italian Mafias, but in reality it is the indicator of an open and unresolved confrontation of a political nature. health care that arises from the internal controversies within the national Scientific Community itself, where, as in other European countries, a bitter debate is taking place between the alarmist doctors, whom we have renamed terrorists of the pandemic, and their more realistic and cautious colleagues.
As reported in previous reports, these latest scientists remark that the exponential increase of Covid-19, now that we have the treatments to deal with it, does not appear to lead to extreme restrictive measures as the percentage of hospitalized in ICU is lower than 1% of the infected and the lethality index is well below this percentage, calculated in the order of 0.3% thanks to the well-established treatments available, not yet identified with killed at the outbreak of the pandemic last spring.
Unfortunately, President Mattarella (former Democratic Party’s deputy), Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Health Minister Roberto Speranza as well as Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese who today cries out at the scandal for violent reactions – but is silent when migrants attack the police. devastating the hotspots to get out of quarantine although isolated because they are positive for Sars-2 – they have not been able to find the right mediation between the social partners.
As if episodes of urban warfare are expected as yet another pretext to justify the national lockdown, militarization and political dictatorship in a country now economically agonizing after 7 years of governments supported by the Democratic Party (with the only exception for the parenthesis of the League from June 2018 to September 2019).
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – original italian version
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