“Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) Terrorists Funded by Qatar”. Scotland Yard Investigates. Syrian Refugees’ and American Reporter’s Lawsuits against Doha’s banks

“Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) Terrorists Funded by Qatar”. Scotland Yard Investigates. Syrian Refugees’ and American Reporter’s Lawsuits against Doha’s banks


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

“Elementary watson!” Sherlock Holmes would say, the most famous investigator in the history of literature created by writer Arthur Conand Doyle and popularized by cinema. After hundreds of journalistic inquiries on not too hidden financing originated from the Emirate of Qatar and arrived at terrorist groups affiliated with Al Qaeda such as the Al Nusra Front, two judicial processes have now begun, in London and Florida, against the main banks of the rich Persian Gulf nation: Doha Bank and the Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB).

Al Nusra was a faction of Sunni extremist jihadists that has now become Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), the strongest group within northwestern Syria, particularly in Idlib province, thanks to military and economic support from neighboring Turkey, controlled by the Sunni political-religious organization of the Muslim Brotherhood as the Qatari emirate.

The news has had great echo in some Arab media such as Middle East Monitor (MEMO) but also in the United Kingdom which is in an embarrassing situation due to the very close financial relations with Doha and the national sovereign fund, an important shareholder of the main English bank Barclays which in turn, it controls the multinational Bae Systems, the second largest military industry in the world as highlighted in our Weapon Lobby – 4 dossier.

Islamic terrorists from the Al Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliate, have now merged into HTS which still controls Syria’s Idlib province

But also, as we will explain in more detail, for the collaboration between the Al Nusra terrorists and the White Helmets, the self-styled rescuers founded and trained in Syria by a former British military intelligence agent, James Le Mesurier, in a context of very serious ambiguity and international complaints of human rights violations.

The burning lawsuit initiated before the High Court in London is focused on the loans transited by the Doha Bank and conveyed by two rich Persian Gulf entrepreneurs to the Al Nusra formation, included in the UN list of Islamic terrorist organizations, which allegedly carried out torture against the complainants Syrian refugees, initially 8 but now already 330 and mostly resident in England but remained anonymous for fear of retaliation. The plaintiffs claim to have suffered “severe physical and psychiatric injuries” at the hands of the terrorist group.

The American photographer Matthew Schrier

The trial should have been transferred from the English capital to that of Qatar for territorial jurisdiction but the hearing last Wednesday 11 November was updated in 2021 to allow Scotland Yard and the British MET (Metropolitan Police) to verify the further reports of threats and intimidation aimed at forcing the complainants to withdraw the lawsuit, as four of them actually did by moving to the Netherlands for security reasons.

While the lawsuit filed under the Anti-Terrorism Act against the Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) by the American photographer Matthew Schrier, kidnapped and tortured by Islamic terrorists for 211 days in 2012 in Syria, where he he had gone for a war report. In the complaint, the reporter claims that the Syrian terrorist groups of Al Qaeda, Jabhat Al Nusrah and Ahrar Al Sham, “used an international network of donors and charities to finance” their activities, citing the operations transited on the QIB.


«A hearing was due to be held at the court on Monday on behalf of Doha Bank’s request for the trial to be moved to Qatar. But in a last-minute twist, the claimants contacted the UK’s SO15 counter-terrorism squad on Tuesday to report claims of threats, bribery and intimidation against them by the state of Qatar. Claimants feared for their lives Four of the claimants have now withdrawn their claims in “fear of their lives”, the court heard on Wednesday» wrote Nicky Harley on The National News.

The court was told people connected with the case have had their cars bugged, been threatened in their homes and some have been offered bribes to reveal the names of the claimants, who have all been granted anonymity by the court

«There are serious allegations that purported agents and supporters of the state of Qatar carried out alleged acts of criminality, terrorism or espionage on British soil, in a concerted attempt to intimidate and coerce witnesses and claimants to prevent the British courts hearing evidence of Qatar’s funding of Al Nusra terrorism. We had no alternative but to refer this matter to the British authorities to investigate the veracity of these allegations and this tawdry state of affairs » Jason McCue, senior partner of McCue & Partners, told The National.

Scotland Yard’s headquarters in London next to the MET headquarters, the Metropolitan Police

«We can confirm that on November 9 we received allegations relating to terrorism funding, perverting the course of justice and witness intimidation» a Scotland Yard spokesman said at journalist. The words of the magistrate are even more forceful.

«These allegations are being scoped by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command with a view to determining whether there are grounds for a UK-based police investigation into these matters» Judge Rosaline Coe, QC, on Wednesday said she would take the “unusual step” of adjourning the case because of the “gravity” of the allegations.



«It is said these defendants are responsible for funding the terrorist group, which caused harm to the claimants. The claimants contend there is an ongoing serious and significant conspiracy to pervert the course of justice relating to these proceedings» Ms Coe said according to The National News.

The London High Court is examining the complaint filed against the Qatar Doha Bank and two wealthy brothers, Moutaz and Ramez Al Khayyat. They run Urbacon Trading and Contracting in Doha, they have been described as two “prominent Syrian / Qatari businessmen” for financing Al Nusra Front.

They were not represented at Wednesday’s hearing. A spokesman for the brothers told The National that they denied the claims. “Moutaz and Ramez Al Khayyat deny all of these bizarre and baseless, yet extremely damaging allegations,” the spokesman said.

«It is apparent that the allegations relate to a significant, prolonged and detailed attempt to identify the claimants by name, attempts to bribe and offer other inducements to people to obtain information about the case and their names, and approaches have been made to consultants with the claimants’ solicitors and interpreters. It has also become apparent that four of the claimants have indicated it is their intention not to proceed and abandon this action, on the basis that they are at risk of intimidation and because of the harassment, particularly in relation to the translator. I have reached the reluctant conclusion it must be adjourned» concluded the magistrate Rosaline Coe.

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«According to the more recent court papers, “There is a pending application before the court to add 330 additional claimants, who are resident in various parts of Europe, including a substantial number resident in the UK – read on Middle East Monitor – The papers went on to say that the refugees “are victims of terrorism perpetrated by Al Nusra Front in Syria (now HTS, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham – ed), and have been victims of a range of grave human rights violations, including torture, summary and arbitrary execution and other violations of the right to life».



«Qatar is a friendly foreign state to this country and this court has to therefore be very cautious before entertaining wild allegations about the state interfering with public justice» said the bank’s barrister, Sonia Tolaney, QC, thus leaking a diplomatic warning in relation to the accusations of intimidation of the complainants.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 4. UK and Italy in the hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder

The national sovereign fund, in fact, is an important shareholder of the main English bank Barclays which in turn controls the multinational Bae Systems, the second largest military industry in the world as highlighted in our Weapons Lobby 4 dossier. In that report we analyzed the interests in detail. transnationals that link Qatar and Turkey, powerful expressions of the political-religious organization of the Muslim Brotherhood (outlawed in Egypt) to the United Kingdom but also to Italy in the shameful business of the Arms Lobby.

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On the military strategic front it is Turkey that trains and manages the militiamen of the jihadist factions as mercenaries, from the ISIS cutthroats to the former Al Nusra now merged into Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), thanks also to the activity of MIT, the intelligence of Ankara, which has facilitated the recruitment and movement in Syria as in Libya, often employing terrorist prisoners freed with the constraint to fight on the front, according to a stratagem already used by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Yemen to reinforce the ranks of Al Qaeda, as attested by various intelligence documents.

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On the financial front, it is known that Turkey itself is supported by Qatar which therefore becomes the number one suspect in the covert financing of terrorists used by Ankara, just as happened in the recent scandal involving the Deutsche Bank in relation to the money received by Isis.

But this intertwining between the emirate of Doha and the Islamist guerrillas can bring to light a much more serious scandal for England itself. For years, in fact, it is suspected that London had an active role in fomenting and helping the Syrian rebels for a regime-change plan that the Central Intelligence Agency approved in 1983 against Damascus, against Hafiz al-Assad, father of the current president of Syria.


Bashar Al Assad is leader of the Ba’th party which is an expression of Shiite (Alawite) Muslims, seen as rivals and enemies by the Salafist Sunnis of the other Persian Gulf countries (with the exception of Iran, ruled by the Shiites and Iraq. and Lebanon where the two Islamic factions have been seeking a peaceful coexistence for years as achieved in Syria).

Among the main supporters of the FSA (Free Syrian Army), before it became TFSA (Turkish-backed) after the invasion decided by Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan on 9 October 2019 with the Peace Spring occupation of Kurdish Rojava, there is had always been the White Helmets of the Syrian Civil Defense, an organization of (paid) volunteers founded in 2014 by James Le Mesurier, a mercenary and former British military intelligence officer who died under mysterious circumstances in Istanbul on 11 November 2019.

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The White Helmets were also denounced for organ trafficking and other very serious human rights violations at the UN by Russia, which asked for their inclusion in the list of terrorist groups. This is why a trial on Al Nusra’s hidden financiers in London has little hope of responding to the reporting Syrian refugees: because it could lift the veil on the scandal of the UK’s complicity with terrorist organizations, just like the SETA dossier on TOW anti-tank missiles did provided by the CIA to jihadist extremists during the Syrian civil war.

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«The Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham have relied on the accused Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) to provide financial services to those donors and financial support to charities» court documents say relating to the lawsuit filed before a Florida court by the American photojournalist kidnapped and tortured in Syria in 2012.

He was kidnapped by Al Nusra 18 days after his arrival in the Middle East for a report on the civil war. During his imprisonment he was repeatedly tortured, starved and threatened with execution. He was then sold to his ally Ahrar Al Sham (a formation that brought together many Qaedist members and from which HTS was born) who, according to him, also mistreated him. However, he managed to escape from his captors and make his way to Turkey from where he returned to New York. (read more).



Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization




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Fabio G.C. Carisio