WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty

WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

Version française ici

The one who imposed the pandemic on the world on 11 March 2020 now risks seeing his country torn apart by an impending civil war as a result of the decision taken by the government of Ethiopia to postpone the regional and local elections precisely because of the Covid-19 emergency.

The director of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, mysteriously declares himself an Orthodox Christian on FB but greets by saying Inshallah as if he had secretly converted to Islam and in fact is considered a Muslim by Wikipedia Italy, he remains a historic communist.

Indeed, is not only an obvious puppet in the hands of the most important private WHO sponsor, Bill Gates, in a jumble of conflicts of interest who see him as a China’s servile ally and a Us Democrats’ fan, but he was also a proud political leader of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) accused in recent days of a massacre that has not been seen in Ethiopia since the civil war.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus e Bill Gates in 2014

While the conflict between the federal government and the rebels is taking on tragic contours with thousands of displaced people, it is important to retrace the path of the man who holds the reins of the health dictatorship following the epidemic emergency of SARS-Cov-2.

The “Tigrayans” of the TPLF are a party born in the Tigrè region from which they take their name in 1967 as a guerrilla movement for the imposition of Marxism-Leninism. Until 1990 they were a far left force for the Revolutionary Democracy of Tigray Nationalism, then they mitigated Communist ideals in a more moderate left-wing expression, but only facade orientation.



Like the Khmer Rouge of the Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, they founded a party inspired by Democratic values, as many exponents of the New World Order do today, including Gates himself, the main donor of the Democratic Party together with George Soros, the dominant plutarch of the European Union and great ally of the Italian PD.

Like the Lebanese Hezbollah, in fact, the TPLF is not just a political movement but a powerful para-military organization that last August, in response to the Ethiopian federal government’s decision to postpone the elections, flexed its muscles, together with Kalashnikovs and bazookas, filling an entire stadium so as to deserve an extensive reportage in Amharic, the Ethiopian national language, on the BBC.

The Addis Standard report on the TPLF military parade and the message of support for the TPLF published by Tedros Adanhom Ghebreyesus on his Facebook profile in 2015

This movement that contemplates armed struggle and maintained control of Ethiopia for about thirty years (from 1991 to February 2018, when it was ousted from power by a wave of popular revolt), is particularly dear to the WHO director who it would have the international task of bringing health to the earth rather than displaying the veneration of political rebellion with weapons in hand.

“The TPLF has good reason to think that it can attack the Ethiopian government forces, and yet not be held accountable by the Western democracies that wield so much influence in the country” analyst Bronwyn Bruton writes in Atlantic Council.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, former Ethiopian Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012, thanks to the TPLF communist Tigrayans, in February 2015 recalled his devotion to this group with a post on Facebook.

“TEDROS IS A CRIMINAL”. Ethiopia’s Army Blames WHO Boss who denies supplying Weapons to TPLF Communist-Islamic rebels. Al Qaeda Spectre in Horn of Africa



He did so with the same emphasis with which he published multiple photos with Gates, thanking him for the grants to the WHO, and American Democratic presidents such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as well as the Italian Frederica Morgherini, when she was High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs. Among the first to meet Dr. Tedros just appointed to the top of the World Health Organization was Clinton himself, as recalled by the date, 22 September 2017, of the meeting immortalized on Facebook.

The meeting with Bill Clinton and the conference with Bill Gates: two important moments for the new director of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

These close ties were always flaunted on FB as early as 2014-2015, precisely in the years in which studies on SARS of infected bats were underway between the Bsl 4 biosecurity laboratories of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that of Chapel Hill of North Carolina University with HIV to build recombinant superviruses enhanced for “dual use” purposes, that is, for the purpose of health vaccine but also bacteriological weapon.

WUHAN-GATES – 9. THE PROOFS: HIV inserted in SARS chimeric virus in 2007. Thanks to Australian & EU Commission Funds

That research was funded by the Barack Obama administration’s PREDICT 2 project with contributions from the US government agency USAID, a financial instrument of the Central Intelligence Agency often used for regime-change around the world, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Besides, since 2004, also by the European Commission then chaired by the Italian democrat Romano Prodi.

The interconnections between that dangerous research and the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic decreed by Ghebreyesus were highlighted by multiple molecular biology researchers.

WUHAN-GATES – 4. “Covid-19 manipulated, CHINA-US Hidden Affair”. Class-Action for Bio-Weapon in Texas

«There is enormous pressure for everything that is at the origin of the virus to be hidden. We came to the conclusion that there was indeed a manipulation on this virus. A part, I do not mean the whole. There is a model that is obviously the classic virus, a model that came mainly from the bat but to this model they have added sequences of HIV, the AIDS virus. It is not natural. In molecular biology you can currently do all the constructions of viruses you want. The United States is aware but has funded part of the research done in the Wuhan laboratories and this is published. So it’s not just a Chinese affair».

Sentenced the French virologist Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1983 precisely for having discovered the HIV virus. Before him, the American lawyer Francis Boyle, an expert in biological weapons for having written the related Convention in the USA, had also declared that the SARS-2 virus is a bio-weapon built in Wuhan in “a research laboratory designated by the Organization World Health Organization (WHO)” which therefore “knows perfectly well what is happening ”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Foreign Minister of Ethiopia in a USAID conference (2014) and in a meeting with US President Barack Obama (2015), from FB profile

Those experiments would have caused the genetically modified pathogen to escape “by mistake,” according to scientist Montagnier and former British counterintelligence director MI 6, Richard Dearlove.

Instead, according to lawyer Robert F. Kennedy, JFK’s grandson, it is the result of a “pandemic planned for decades by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci”. The latter, director of NIAID, the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases of the USA, was in fact the coordinator of many delicate studies also in the 28 American military laboratories, as demonstrated by the exclusive dossier published by Gospa News Biological Weapons Convention of 2015.

WUHAN-GATES – 21. “Pandemic Planned for Decades”. Kennedy blames Fauci & Gates. Terrible Plot in 30 Investigations’ summary. Pope against Big Pharma’s Affairs

It is therefore very interesting to see the photo of Ghebreyesus at an international USAID conference in September 2014, when he became Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (2012-2016), while at the top of the CIA was Avril Haines, the appointed lawyer. deputy director from Obama by virtue of his long collaboration with Joe Biden and the Democrats in the field of bio-weapons, who not only predicted the pandemic in a conference in 2018 but in October 2019 was the protagonist of the “simulated” exercise on the Coronavirus emergency “Event 201” financed by the Gates foundation. Haines was reconfirmed in the intelligence team of White House candidate Joseph Biden, acclaimed by many media as president-elect.

WUHAN-GATES – 22. Former CIA Pandemic’s Prophet in Biden’s Team. To manage for NWO Military Intel, AI, Big Tech and Trading in EU


Three years later, in 2017, Dr. Tedros was appointed director of the WHO, thanks to the support of his mentor Bill Gates who is in fact the real master of the international body as well explained by Milena Gabanelli in an article on Italian famous newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“The WHO is funded by 194 member countries with fixed contributions based on GDP, essentially frozen since 1987, and by voluntary contributions. The latter, which represent the largest part, also come from a multitude of private entities: we are talking about 4.6 billion dollars out of a total budget of 5.6 (list here). The first taxpayer is the United States, which pays a total of 893 million dollars” reads the historical newspape.

The ranking of the top 20 WHO financiers made by Corriere

“In second place we find Bill and Melinda Gates with over 600 million, in third the United Kingdom with almost 400, in fourth Gavi Alliance ( by Bill Gates) with 370, then the Rotary Club, the National Philanthropic Trust and China is in 14th place with 85.8 million. In fact, WHO manages 20% of its budget, because the rest are specific projects decided by individuals, and not all transparent. An organization therefore weakened by the lack of money, and staff with great experience, liquidated to hire young people on contract “.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus with Bill Gates prior to his appointment as WHO Director

Who commands and decides in the WHO is the general manager, who by statute “must not ask for or receive instructions from any foreign government or authority”. This did not prevent the former Minister of Health of Ethiopia from becoming head of the international structure despite his obvious clamorous conflicts of interest.

As Roberto Vivaldelli recalls in InsideOver, a column of the newspaper Il Giornale, “Tedros was first on the board of directors of two organizations financed by Gates: Gavi and the Global Fund, in which he held the role of chairman of the board of directors”.

In 2017, for the first time in WHO history, it is not a small group of 34 members who choose, but representatives of all 194 countries, and for the first time 186 of them vote for Ghebreyesus, self-styled Orthodox Christian but open supporter of Muslims (possibly secretly converted), making not only the “Tigrayans of Ethiopia rejoice but also the world Islamic community that celebrates his coronation with triumphal tones.

The celebration of the new WHO director of Muslim media

Tigrè are an ethnic group residing between Eritrea (where they make up about 30% of the population) and Sudan, with immigrant communities in Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries, Ethiopia, the Middle East, Australia and the United States. They mainly inhabit the north-central area of ​​Eritrea. Many were forced to move to Sudan by the repressions carried out by the Ethiopian regime during the Eritrean War of Independence.

TPLF communist activists are predominantly Sunni Muslims (of the same Islamic confession as the terrorist fundamentalists of Al Qaeda and ISIS) and therefore used to the concept of jihad as a struggle, even armed, for power. Among the Tigrayan ethnic group there is also a percentage of Orthodox Christians (6% of the population).

The political card of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and a TPLF militiaman

“Dr. Tedros, born in Asmara (Eritrea), graduated in biology in 1986 at the University of Asmara; in 1992 he obtained a Master of Science (MSc), Immunology of Infectious Diseases, issued by the University of London and in 2000 a Ph.D. in Philosophy, on Community Health, at the University of Nottingham” is specified in one of his official CVs.

While Wikipedia and multiple other sources highlight his long militancy in the Tigray People’s Liberation Front thanks to the government of which he was a minister in Ethiopia from 2005 to 2016. In these days the para-military force of the Tigrayans has ended up in the crosshairs of Amnesty International for a massacre that seems to be artfully built to ignite the conflict in the nation and to resume a long-standing civil war.



«After analyzing photographs, videos and images from the satellite and speaking with eyewitnesses, Amnesty International is able to confirm that the night between 9 and 10 November there was a frightening massacre of civilians in the city of Mai-Kadra, in the state of Tigrè.

Numerous dozens, but probably hundreds of civilians, especially day workers, were stabbed or stabbed to death in the context of the military offensive launched on November 4 by the Addis Ababa government against the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray (Tplf)” reported AI inspiring various newspaper articles.

The exact size of the massacre is still uncertain due to the total blocking of communications. The Amhara state government news agency reported about 500 dead. A local source who is working with Amnesty International to ascertain the identity of the victims said most had Ahmara identity documents.

“Amnesty International is not yet able to confirm who the perpetrators of the massacre are but has spoken with eyewitnesses who have called into question forces loyal to the TPLF, including the Tigray Special Police, who allegedly attacked the population of Mai-Kadra after being defeated by the federal armed forces” writes the humanitarian organization.

TPLF Militiamen with bazooka

“According to what was reconstructed by the human rights organization, on November 9 the federal armed forces and the Amhara Special Force launched an offensive against the Tigray Special Police, after which they camped out overnight outside Mai-Kadra . In the morning they entered the city again and discovered the massacre”.

“On November 4, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, ordered the federal armed forces to launch a military offensive against the Special Police and local militias allied to the Tplf, in response to attacks by the latter against the Northern Command base. located in Mekelle and other military facilities in Tigrè. The federal air force has carried out numerous attacks on military targets of the Tplf. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 7,000 civilians had fled to neighboring Sudan by 11 November “.

According to the premier, Nobel Peace Prize winner, it would have been a retaliation for the regional elections in October defined as “illegal” by Addis Ababa, which had postponed the planned national elections to 2021 due to Covid, a choice in turn defined as unconstitutional by Tigray ready to fight despite the ongoing Covid-19 emergency.


The image of Ghebreyesus, however, is not only overshadowed by his embarrassing political path but above all by his role in the face of the global health alarm.

The first admission to Wuhan hospital of a Covid-19 patient was on December 8, 2019, but Chinese officials report to the WHO offices in Beijing of the existence of atypical cases of pneumonia on December 31 (already with Sars, China had withheld data). Even the first doctor to notice, Li Wenliang, is first arrested for his public revelations, then dies of the infection.

CoronaVirus – 1. “IT’S BIO-WEAPON”. Us Expert blames China but forgets 25 Pentagon’s Secret Labs for “Ethnic Attacks”

The WHO, from Geneva, informs the world with a tweet on January 4, and only on January 30, when the official infections are already 7,836 and 18 countries involved, the director general declares Pheic, “an international health emergency”. And in the same press conference he feels compelled to praise China. “The speed with which it detected the epidemic, isolated the virus, sequenced the genome and shared with the WHO and the world is very impressive and beyond words. China is setting a new standard for outbreak response. It is not an exaggeration “.

In reality, the delay in communication from China was going hand in hand with the underestimation of the infections and the reduction in the scope of the alarm. Before decreeing the pandemic on 11 March, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus took his time and above all did not want to blame the great Asian country that had made colossal investments in his country when he was foreign minister.

WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

“China is Ethiopia’s largest trading partner: it finances railway infrastructure, telecommunications, highways, hydroelectric power plants. The precondition is the exclusive award of contracts to Chinese companies. In 2016 he inaugurated the gigantic industrial park of Hawassa, where his factory is located (it costs less than in Bangladesh). Also in 2016, more than 1,000 Chinese projects were registered by the Ethiopian investment commission: industry, construction, real estate. To date, investments amount to $ 24.5 billion (source Aei). China is also the first arms supplier to the Ethiopian army, “notes investigative journalist Gabanelli on Italian newspaper Corriere.



“WHO has failed dramatically to provide information on the Coronavirus pandemic, this cannot happen again. WHO must change and become more transparent, ”said US Health Minister Alex Azar who led the US delegation to the 73rd WHO assembly last May. Another 100 countries have asked to clarify the origins of the Coronavirus.

Although not openly stated, the objective of the investigation is to verify the actions of China, which has been accused several times, especially by the United States, of hiding the seriousness of the virus. The director of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, assured that the investigation will take place, but “at the right moment”.

WUHAN-GATES 19 – SARS-2 Bio-Weapon to Vaccinate All against AIDS. Bill Gates supports Vaccines & Gay Pride. Military Tests on HIV-Coronavirus

The international investigation, however, has stalled because until last October Beijing had not yet given the green light to the international mission of experts to be sent to China to investigate the origin of the coronavirus pandemic. Mike Ryan, director of the UN body’s emergency program, said on October 5 that Chinese authorities have yet to approve the list of participants, despite the WHO assembly having voted on a resolution to investigate the origin of the virus.

Many governments have accused Ghebreyesus of submitting to China’s silences and of being a puppet of Beijing. In fact, as we have pointed out, it turns out to be a Gates puppet. The Microsoft guru, in fact, after having funded the mysterious experiments on SARS superviruses infected with HIV as if to look for an AIDS vaccine, according to the bio-engineer Pierre Bricage, former NATO lecturer, is investing in vaccines with huge financial speculations, as we will see in the next report.

There is a legitimate suspicion that the IT tycoon is replicating on the skin of humanity the “flaws” in the Windows platform that made continuous “updates” mandatory for the removal of computer viruses.

Cortisone Defeated Covid-19: Oxford confirmed Italian Neurologist’s Therapy Negleted. How many Deaths for WHO Faults?

Among the many errors committed by the WHO, those hindering the therapies of two of the cheapest and simplest anti-inflammatory drugs against Covid-19 should not be underestimated: hydroxychlorichine, at the center of an investigation by the French parliament for alleged international sabotage, and cortisone drugs (such as dexamethasone), which on March 16, 5 days after the declaration of the pandemic, the World Health Organization advised against while subsequently proved to be miraculous to avoid the formation of massive embolisms from thrombus in pneumonia caused by the SARS-Cov virus -2.

In fact, a largely avoidable massacre took place. Certainly a mortality proved to be providential to promote the very expensive anti-inflammatory Remdesivir on the market, produced by Gilead, a partner of USAID. CIA and DTRA, the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency, in which George Soros, donor of American Dems like Gates, invested.

WUHAN-GATES 17. Gilead’s Billionaire Antiviral vs Covid: Gates-CIA prophecy, WHO-Soros affairs. French Parliament investigates…

The first in the world to apply for the Remdesivir patent was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, also accused by a researcher from Hong Kong (now in the US under FBI protection) of having built the supervirus considered a bio-weapon by many experts including the ‘American Francis Boyle, expert in bacteriological instruments of war.

In consideration of Dr. Tedros’ long affiliation with the political and para-military force of the TPLF, made up of pro-Chinese and Islamist communist extremists, it becomes easy to suspect that “the end justifies the means”: from the laboratory virus to the health and financial dictatorship of vaccines to fulfill Bill Gates’ dream of the New World Order. As we see in the next report.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano










WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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