COVID-19: Piedmont Wins! Green Light in Italy for Hydroxychloroquine. How many Deaths due to WHO’s Ban??

Versione originale in Italiano
“It is a great day for the recognition of covid-19 treatments. The use of hydroxychloroquine was tested in the first pandemic wave in Piedmont (Italian north west region – ed) with very encouraging results, we could not understand why our doctors had to give it up, when even the World Health Organization had dissolved the reservations that emerged on the basis of publications revealed by the all inconsistent. Finally, we have a weapon that can be usefully used in the fight against covid-19, especially in terms of early treatment of the disease, through home care protocols, essential to avoid hospitalization of patients as much as possible “.

Thus, the regional assessor for Health of Piedmont and national coordinator of the Health Commission, Luigi Genesio Icardi, comments on the sentence with which the Council of State (national supreme administrative judicial body– ed) accepted, as a precautionary measure, the appeal of a group of general practitioners suspending the note of 22 July 2020 Aifa which prohibited the off-label prescription (ie for a use not foreseen by the leaflet) of hydroxychloroquine for the fight against Covid 19. This was announced by an official press release from the Region.
The requests of the same group of doctors had been brought to the attention of the Health Commission several times by Piedmontese councilor Icardi, with the hearing of the AIFA leaders to clarify the use of the drug.
The positive news is only overshadowed by the thought that this cure was long hindered by the international scientific community, drug agencies and the World Health Organization itself, making one of the main therapeutic supports in the fight against the virus disappear. How many people have died from these sensational and unforgivable mistakes?
In this regard, the French Parliament has also launched an investigation by listening to the deposition of the Marseille doctor Didier Raoult who was the first to try to demonstrate to the world the effectiveness of the drug against Covid-19. US President Donald Trump, among the first to argue for its effectiveness, was even mocked by eminent professors and institutions. But now the judges of the Council of State have agreed with the doctors who used it successfully.
Icardi had taken as an example the experience of the Acqui Ovada District of the ASL of Alessandria, which from 18 March to 30 April had taken charge and followed at home, early, through the “Covi a casa” protocol of Dr. Paola Varese which provided the use of hydroxychloroquine, 340 patients, with a drastic reduction in hospitalizations, in contrast with the data of the same province, one of the most affected in Piedmont.
In fact, out of 340 patients, there were 22 hospitalizations and 9 deaths, painful numbers, but clearly lower than expected according to epidemiological data. The Piedmontese data were also compared with the experiences of other doctors from Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Friuli, with an extraordinary concordance of results.
«The persistent uncertainty about the therapeutic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, admitted by Aifa itself to justify the further evaluation in randomized clinical trials – now reads the sentence of the Council of State – is not sufficient legal reason to justify the unreasonable suspension of its use on the national territory by treating doctors. The choice of whether or not to use the drug, in a situation of doubt and contrast in the scientific community, on the basis of non-univocal clinical data, regarding its efficacy only in the initial stage of the disease, must therefore be left to decision-making autonomy and responsibility of the individual doctor in science and conscience».
After the lies on the ineffectiveness of cortisone and vitamin D, here are also those on Hydroxychlorichine come to the surface as if really behind this “pandemic planned for decades”, according to the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy, there was the grim and horrible design of a premeditated failure of treatments aimed at causing as many deaths as possible to favor pandemic terrorism and the Big Pharma business on vaccines …
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano
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