WUHAN-GATES – 28. Pandemic Secrets: Consumers Association asks Arrest for WHO Italian Boss tied with Gates, vaccines Gsk & Obama

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
(for actuality’s reasons, this report anticipates WuhanGates 27 being processed on a scandal concerning the WHO investigation into the origins of the virus – subscribe to newsletter to receive the articles in real time)
«Arrest for Ranieri Guerra and extension of the investigation towards the Ministry of Health. To ask the Codacons, which today presents a new complaint to the Prosecutor of Bergamo. What emerged in the last few hours regarding the scandal of the pandemic plan requires measures against Ranieri Guerra, without excluding the possibility of precautionary measures aimed at avoiding the pollution of the evidence in the context of the proceedings opened by the Bergamo judiciary – explains Codacons – statements by the researcher Francesco Zambon who claims on the one hand that he had received Guerra’s threats, and on the other that the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza knew the content of his work at least a month before publication and subsequent censorship, impose measures against Guerra and an extension of the investigations against the same dicastery, so that the correctness of the work of Minister Speranza is ascertained. Furthermore, Codacons asks the Bergamo prosecutor to suspend Ranieri Guerra from any public office with immediate effect, pending the outcome of the ongoing investigation».
With a harsh statement released on December 14, the consumer protection association chaired by Carlo Rienzi starts as a steamroller against the vice president of the European section of the World Health Organization who in the last month (as a simple person informed on the facts and not as a suspect, is well to specify it immediately) was heard for 5 hours by the magistrates of the Bergamo Public Prosecutor who investigate for a culpable epidemic and false in relation to the alleged shortcomings in the prevention of infections from Covid-19 and in particular the absence of an updated pandemic plan as already reported in recent months since the investigation of the RAI3 television program Report. The dossier – which later disappeared – produced by the Venetian researchers led by the “mole” Zambon had also defined the Italian management of the pandemic as «improvised, chaotic and creative».

But Dr. Guerra, member of the Medical Scientific Committee of the Italian Government for the pandemic emergency, denied having forced the removal of the report made by a team of WHO researchers led by Dr. Zambon, but only “asked to postpone the publication by two days, also to inform the Ministry of Health who was unaware of the editing “, also because” it presented some inaccuracies in the mortality tables “. This was reported by the online newspaper Open, launching an anticipation that remains unanswered for now according to which “the European head of the World Health Organization, Hans Henri Klug, could revoke the powers of the current vice president of the European section of the WHO”.
Why would Ranieri Guerra, number two of the WHO, have exposed himself in the first person to silence everything? Zambon replied in an interview with Corriere del Veneto: “From 2014 to 2017 he was director general of Prevention at the Ministry of Health, the department that should have updated the national pandemic plan”.
A few hours ago the Corriere also reported that Zambon himself “showed up in Bergamo, giving up diplomatic immunity. In the prosecutor’s office he called Ranieri Guerra: the deputy director of the WHO would have come under pressure to correct the sentence on the Italian pandemic plan of 2017” wrote journalist Armando Di Landro.

“He spoke of pressures to correct certain passages of the studio and messages that sounded to him as a threat of losing his job. WHO official and researcher Francesco Zambon presented himself to the prosecutors of Bergamo to answer all their questions, without raising diplomatic immunity, as instead his organization had chosen to do in advance, preventing him from going three times in the Prosecutor’s Office. Five hours of interview, revealed yesterday by Report via Facebook, accompanied by the silence of the prosecutor Antonio Chiappani: “We do not intend to give information”. Because the affair is delicate, the minutes have been classified” adds Corriere.
The news takes on a disruptive value because it could open a breach in the rubber wall built by the World Health Organization around the precarious management of the pandemic in Italy.
Guerra, born in 1953, with a degree in Hygiene and Tropical Medicine from the Ross Institute in London which allowed him to be hired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) in the Directorate General for Development Cooperation with a mission in Somalia (1983), in 2011 he was contracted out of office by the same MAE as Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in the USA. Then he moved to the Dicastery of Health from 2013 during the government of Enrico Letta, where he burned the stages of his dazzling international career which began in 1989 at the Istituto Superiore della Sanità (until 2011) and culminated as director of the WHO Collaborative Center for training. health after having also been scientific director of the ISS Foundation for Security in Rome (2010-2011).

The Codacons attack does not stop at the now “vexata quaestio” of the dossier drawn up by the researchers of the WHO section of Venice, published and then withdrawn by the same international agency which highlighted the failure to adapt Italy’s pandemic emergency plan and related unfulfilled obligations such as storage of masks and antivirals. Consumer advocates also lash out on the former director of the Ministry of Health’s suspicious relations with Bill Gates, which he himself celebrated with pride on Facebook as did Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus since his first meeting in 2014 (three years before being appointed director General WHO), which in our memory reopen the cabinet of the most embarrassing skeletons for alleged conflicts of interest on vaccines.
On 24 September 2019, Dr. Guerra, whose name is Raniero but also officially calls himself Ranieri, perhaps in the hope of dodging legal actions thanks to a personal technicality, posted a photo on his FB profile with “the joint WHO – Unicef team that shares in the morning with Bill Gates”.
A few days earlier, as revealed exclusively by Gospa News, on 12 September 2019, in times that have become terribly suspicious after the outbreak of the pandemic, a summit for global vaccination was held at the European Commission in Brussels in the presence of the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus (who in October 2020 appointed Guerra as his deputy as Assistant Director-General for Strategic Initiative in Geneva), 4 Gates NGOs and a Pfizer administrator: the American multinational that would later obtain the green light for use in emergency of the antidote against Covid-19 first in the United Kingdom (2 December) and then by the Food and Drug Administration of the USA (12 December).
All this would have little to do with Guerra were it not that he was the “scientific advisor of the Embassy in Washington” in the pilot project of immunization of the Global Health Security Agenda proposed by the American President Barack Obama in harmony with Matteo Renzi and welcomed by ‘AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) which was presented in the autumn of 2014 at the White House in the presence of the American Undersecretary of Health (HHS) Bill Corr and the Italian Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin who in July 2017, after various resistance, approved the Lorenzin decree for the 12 compulsory school-age vaccines in Italy. But the intrigue is not over …

The hot issue was recalled by the blog LavoroeSalute (Work&Health) which deserves credit for having grasped the crucial issue already raised by Codacons himself on June 12, 2017, during the period of the parliamentary debate for the approval of the decree during the government of Paolo Gentiloni.
«New complaint from Codacons to Anac on the subject of vaccinations. The association has in fact asked the Anticorruption Authority whether it is lawful for the director of the Ministry of Health, Ranieri Guerra, to sign public deeds on vaccines sitting, as per curriculum, on the Board of Directors of the Glaxo Foundation, which as known produces the hexavalent vaccine sold in Italy. It would appear that Guerra has signed all the provisions on vaccines rather than abstaining as required under art. 323 of the Criminal Code. In 2014 he was even present in the front row in Washington together with Minister Beatrice Lorenzin at the time of signing the agreement that would put Italy at the helm of vaccination campaigns around the world. This while he sat as a director of the Glaxo Foundation, a leading company in the production of vaccines. Meanwhile, a great success for the Codacons petition against the Lorenzin decree, which in a few days has collected over 20 thousand signatures, and which you can join on the page» wrote the Codancons consumer protection organization on 5 October 2017 on its website.
In reality, Dr. Guerra, to be precise, was a director of the Smith Kline Foundation from 2007 to 2010, a projection of the Anglo-American company Smith Kline Beecham (involved in 1999 in the scandal of a donation of 600 million old lire to the then minister Francesco De Lorenzo before the hepatitis B vaccine became mandatory in Italy) and then incorporated by Glaxo into the Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK).
It should not be forgotten that GSK is also the contractor of the Pentagon. It was the same GlaxoSmithKline, already in 2007, to say that it had signed an agreement with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the United States Department of Defense. To those who have not read the previous reports, we remind that DTRA is one of the Pentagon agencies that has opened at least 25 biochemical engineering laboratories for research on bacteriological weapons, including biogenetic ones, i.e. calibrated on the genome of specific ethnic groups such as Chinese but in this case also Iranians and Italians.
Not only. The same multinational has also created the North Carolina GSK Foundation, one of the most important financiers of North Carolina University at Chapel Hill. By a curious coincidence, the experiments on “chimera” superviruses (ie artificial construction) of Chinese horseshoe bats were carried out during the Obama administration (2014-2015) right in the Chapel Hill laboratories in the USAID (CIA) project funded by Bill Gates and realized thanks to the plasmids of live virus infected with HIV during the researches of the Wuhan Institute of Virology funded since 2004 by the European Commission chaired by Romano Prodi, future premier of the Democratic Party.
Obviously this is just a colossal series of coincidences … Very suspicious by virtue of the studies that believe the SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory and the current pandemic planned for decades as claimed by the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy.
It was in 2014 that the GSK boom began. «Those were the times when GlaxoSmithKline Spa decided to invest heavily in Italy, apparently at least 1 billion euros in four years, which coincidentally coincide with those of the ‘vaccine plan’ launched by Lorenzin and Guerra. It should be noted that the world vaccine market totaled 35 billion dollars and that Big Pharma was for years in the first place in the hit of the financiers in the American presidential elections, in a perfectly transversal way» recalls the site LavoroeSalute which reconstructs the scenario by omitting only a significant and tempting detail.
The Lorenzin Decree was approved a few weeks after the sensational visit to Palazzo Chigi of the plutarch George Soros, as Gates grand donors of the Obama Democratic Party, to meet the Prime Minister Gentiloni (PD secretary), who was then destined to become European Commissioner in 2019 thanks to the votes of the EU Parliament: where Open Society, the New York foundation of the US-Hungarian magnate, has “filed” dozens of friendly MEPs, causing a major media scandal denounced by the journalist Marcello Foa and analyzed by Gospa News.
WUHAN-GATES – 15. EU-Italy Covid Vaccine’ Business in Gates-Big Pharma’s Dirty Hands
Not only. GSK’s main investments were concentrated in Siena and nearby Rosia, in Tuscany, the historic fiefdom of the left-wing and the PD as well as the homeòand of Renzi who, as soon as he was elected premier on 22 February 2014, was immediately acclaimed by President Obama with a flash visit to Italy.
But what does all this have to do with Gates? Very simple: the GSK of London, controlled by the same American investment funds that speculate on the Weapons Lobby, in addition to having received in 2020 energetic contributions from the IT tycoon (through the NGO CEPI) for research on the anti-Covid vaccine -19 (now bankrupt at the University of Queensland but alive in scientific partnership with Sanofi and commercial one with AstraZeneca through the Italian subsidiary ReiThera) is managed by CEO Emma Walmsley who is also non-executive director of Microsoft Corporation.
Walmsley was also the manager who piloted a large increase in GSK stakes in the subsidiary in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (from 49 to 75%) after this nation had supported Obama’s GHSA globalization plan supported by Dr. Guerra in Washington and materialized. in the pilot project on vaccines in Italy. In practice, Glaxo, thanks to the profits accrued in the Italian peninsula, thus allowed the Riyadh government, through its subsidiary Banaja KSA Holding partner of Glaxo Saudi Arabia, to recover (it is not known to what extent) the international financing to the Global Health Security Agenda…
«The Codacons reports on the Rai3 program“ Report ”some images that appeared on Facebook which portray Ranieri Guerra (WHO) in the company of the billionaire Bill Gates. The photos were taken in September 2019, and one wonders what Guerra was doing in the company of the Microsoft founder, and if they talked about health, vaccines or money. An image that the association reports to Report, also asking the Minister of Health Speranza to suspend Ranieri Guerra from any public office with immediate effect» reads the association’s official website.
It should also not be forgotten that since 2019 GSK has started a joint-venture in the context of Consumers Health on drugs with the American Pfizer, another of the vaccine giants, in which in fact it has become the leader, not being able to incorporate it for the AntiTrust laws which have allowed the unification of a segment bound by certain conditions. In fact, therefore, Glaxo will also indirectly benefit from the revenues deriving from the Pfizer anti-Covid-19 vaccine, already approved under an emergency regime in the United Kingdom and in the USA and ready to obtain the ok also from the EMA, the European Agency del Drug, created by the New York multinational together with the German BioNtech (controlled by Turkish scientists) in which Gates himself had made a substantial investment of 55 million dollars.
The protectors of consumers who know well the skeletons in the closet because they were the first to report them to the National Anti-Corruption Authority have even advanced the request for precautionary measures against the European Vice President of the WHO. In order for someone to say a peremptory “rien ne va plus” to these shady intertwining of obvious and enormous conflicts of interest.
It is really to be hoped, in deference to honesty, transparency and truth, that their reports find more fertile ground for rigorous investigations in the Bergamo judiciary where the prosecutor Antonio Chiappani and the assistant prosecutor Maria Cristina Rota proceed at a fast pace in the investigations with the ” support from the Guardia di Finanza (financial investigative police): although some WHO officials called to testify have made use of international diplomatic immunity as indicated by the organization.
Among the knots to be solved there is precisely the yellow on the outdated pandemic emergency plan: elaborated in 2006, it would have been copied as it is in 2010 when in Lombardy it proved to be a sieve to deal with the most modest avian epidemic. Only with the outbreak of the SARS-Cov-2 virus infection did the government try to run for cover but then immediately set aside the intervention project commissioned because it was considered alarming and impracticable.
According to the Report RAI3 TV journalists, there would have been a precise political responsibility in managing the emergency. Stefano Merler of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, hypothesized the deaths of 35,000 to 70,000 deaths from Covid-19 as early as February but his “national emergency plan” was downgraded to a “possible scenario” and was placed in a drawer with a seal of confidentiality. Just as the hearing on the subject of Health Minister Roberto Speranza before Copasir, the Parliamentary Committee for the security of the Republic, and the interrogation of Guerra before the prosecutors of Bergamo were “classified”.
To find that relationship was the communications manager of the committee of the relatives of the victims We Denounce, Robert Lingard, who told the newspaper Il Giornale: «The news of that relationship disappeared tormented me for two weeks. Towards two o’clock one night at the end of August I had an intuition: of what is published on the internet, a trace always remains. Even if I read and reread that document for the next three hours, I knew from the very first pages that I had evidence of an unprecedented health scandal in my hands«.
Before depositing it at the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office, which investigates for culpable epidemic, the Noi Denunceremo committee presented the study in front of the entire national press on 10 September, flanked by retired general Pier Paolo Lunelli, former Commander of the military school of emergencies NBCR (Nuclear Bacteriological Chemistry Radiology) author of a report that attributed at least 10 thousand of the 37 thousand Italian victims of coronavirus precisely to the lack of pandemic plans.
Now it will be up to the judiciary to verify whether there have been enormous bureaucratic inexperiences, serious criminal negligence or, worse still, premeditated criminal actions: in fact, it is investigating for a colose epidemic but also for the willful crime of forgery.
But above all the prosecutors and judges will then have to examine individual responsibilities under the sword of Damocles that the investigation ends up in a soap bubble like that for the scandal of false data in milk quotas (such as to alter billionaire business and bring millions of fines to poor people breeders). in that case, the Rome Tribunal ruled that since the question of forgery was long-standing and known at all levels in the Ministry of Health, it became impossible to identify the specific individual political or managerial criminal responsibilities.
However, these are not the only dark sides in the management of the pandemic that should be shed light on, even if it does not yet appear that they have been addressed by the judicial investigation.
In fact, in recent months, numerous medical experiments and researches have attested to the effectiveness of those anti-Covid-19 therapies that were initially rejected by the WHO and various government agencies such as cortisone, vitamin D and hydroxychlorichine. These drugs were excluded or prescribed only in serious cases even in the latest protocol of the Ministry of Health released at the beginning of December and referred to home care which should have been a guide for general physicians. Instead it aroused the concern of 61 white coats signatories of an appeal in favor of vitamin D deemed useless by the Dicastery and of an administrative appeal (won) to the Council of State for the use of hydroxychlorichine filed by their other colleagues.
No one has yet made a precise calculation on the number of deaths, and of patients who ended up in resuscitation with permanent injuries to the lungs caused by the inflammatory shocks of the infection, precisely because of a delay in therapies against this new strain of coronavirus that illustrious researchers believe so. virulent and potentially lethal – if not treated well and in time – due to the inserting of some sequences of the HIV virus.
And coincidentally, the Australian health authorities have decided to stop testing the coronavirus vaccine after several people who underwent the tests tested false positive for HIV. The Australian vaccine, which researchers believe would be ready by mid-2021, was still in Phase 1 of the trial jointly developed by the University of Queensland and Australian biotech company CSL, in a project supported by GSK and CEPI ( Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) by Gates.
Instead, the WHO, partner of the extremely dangerous bacteriological tests conducted by the Wuhan Institute of Virology and North Carolina University thanks to the Obama-Biden administration’s PREDICT-USAID project, also financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has launched an international investigation for the research of the “animal” origin of the virus (sensational news in the WuhanGates 27 report being processed) but it is being careful not to start investigations on the theory of SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory as claimed by virologists, statesmen and international experts intelligence.
Among them there is also an Israeli officer and biologist who has highlighted the alleged cover-ups perpetrated by the secret services of China, the USA, NATO and Five Eyes (the counter-espionage of the Anglo-Saxon countries). There are indeed many missing pieces of the mosaic in the investigations of the institutions that have instead been revealed in great detail in the Gospa News reportages and summarized in the book-dossier WuhanGates I: the plot of the New World Order, at the moment in Italian only, which in the coming months will likely also be translated into English.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano
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