“In Wuhan to Reveal Truth in the Name of God”. Zhang Zhan’s Secret, Christian Reporter Tortured and Jailed by Communist China

“In Wuhan to Reveal Truth in the Name of God”. Zhang Zhan’s Secret, Christian Reporter Tortured and Jailed by Communist China


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

The SS Nazis used hunger bunkers to end the lives of their rebel prisoners, the Communists of China – where a totalitarian and military regime proliferates even more cruel for the number of death sentences and its long duration favored by continued economic complicity of the West even after the Tiananmen Square massacre – to save appearances before the international community, they force prisoners to survive the hunger strike by feeding them with a nasal tube.

Father Maximilian Kolbe survived the hardships of block 11 of the Aushwitz concentration camp with three other inmates, heartened by the prayers of the Franciscan friar who had volunteered for the German reprisal as an alternative to a father of a family. He was then killed with the other condemned by a lethal injection but his enterprise became an emblem of Christian heroism.


In a prison in the People’s Republic of China, former lawyer Zhang Zhan languishes in desperate conditions, 37 years old in a cell last September 2, where she was detained since May 2020 because she became a citizen journalist to report all the anomalies on the COVID-19 outbreak erupted in Wuhan ever since in the populous city of Hubei province there was talk of a “mysterious pneumonia”. On December 28, after a quick hearing, she was condemned by the Shanghai People’s Court for having “picked up quarrels and caused troubles” in the wake of reporting the initial facts of the pandemic.

The initial charge was that of having “sent false information via text and video through platforms such as WeChat, Twitter and YouTube”. But Zhang’s lawyer said prosecutors did not show any concrete evidence of the “false information”. He added that his client, in a protest gesture, barely spoke during the trial and refused to plead guilty. However, she had the clarity to answer the judge in a polemical way when asked why she refused to confirm her identity: “If you think I’m fabricating lies, then when I reply to your questions does that not count as fabricating lies too?'” .

His case tragically re-proposed the issue of human rights regularly violated and trampled on in China, already the subject of controversy in Italy when Rome signed the trade agreement with Beijing for the Silk Road, before the outbreak of the pandemic.



Today it is the Bangkok Post that reveals why she became a reporter in defense of human rights by challenging the tyrannical government of Beijing which then imprisoned her and subjected her to torture: for at least three months she was in fact chained hands and feet to the bed of her cell to 24 hours to prevent her from tearing the tube she is fed with since she went on hunger strike in June.

“I warned her about going to Wuhan when everyone else was trying to leave,” said to Thai newspaper her friend and fellow lawyer Li Dawei. “She is a staunch Christian and said it was God’s will — she had to do this and tell everyone the truth.”

His sentence caused a quiet uproar in all the newspapers of the world. But not the reactions of the Vatican, which is extremely prudent in diplomatic relations with the Beijing government, having recently renewed the “halter” agreement on the religious freedom of Christians in China which allows the appointment of bishops only acceptable to the Communist Party.

Activist Lee Cheuk-Yan during his protest in Hong Kong on December 28, 2020 in favor of detainees held for political reasons (Zhang Zhan in the poster)

The outrage, also inspired by geopolitical opportunism, came from the European Union, in view of the economic treaties with the Asian nation that the pandemic has made it the most powerful economy in the world, and from the United Kingdom embassy in Beijing noting that the case “raises serious concerns about the freedom of the media in China” because she is one of “at least 47 journalists currently detained for their coronavirus news.” It is a “poisoned” arrow with which British diplomacy tries to blow the fire of protests of Hong Kong activists, fueled not only by genuine claims of freedom but also by sordid economic interests in a project of political destabilization that highlights the hidden hand of the Central Intelligence Agency, as highlighted in previous reports.

“Restrictions on freedom of expression and access to information, intimidation and surveillance of journalists, as well as the detentions, trials and convictions of human rights defenders, lawyers and intellectuals in China, are growing and continue to be of great concern, ”said spokesman Peter Stano on behalf of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, calling for the “immediate release” of Zhang Zhan. Along with that of other convicted and imprisoned Chinese human rights lawyers and defenders: lawyer Yu Wensheng, defenders: Li Yuhan, Huang Qi, Ge Jueping, Qin Yongmin, Gao Zhisheng, Ilham Tohti, Tashichuk, Wu Gan, Wang Liu Feiyue.

Stano also added that “according to credible sources, Ms. Zhang was subjected to torture and ill-treatment during her detention and her health conditions have seriously deteriorated.” In fact, she had to be accompanied in a wheelchair to the hearing before the Shanghai Pudong People’s Court, which was denied access to British journalists and diplomats.

She was described by her lawyer Ren Quanniu as very weak: “In addition to headaches, dizziness and stomach pain, there was also pain in the mouth and throat. She said it could be inflammation due to the insertion of a gastric tube “.



The most spoken words against the Chinese regime came from the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who was already the protagonist of a polemical warning to the Holy See on the dangers of renewing the agreement with Beijing on the very limited freedoms of Christians in China, which already existed before the pandemic and exacerbated with the excuse of containing contagions as well highlighted by an investigation by the weekly Times.

«The United States strongly condemns the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) sham prosecution and conviction of citizen journalist Zhang Zhan on December 28. We call on the PRC government to release her immediately and unconditionally. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has shown once again it will do whatever it takes to silence those who question the Party’s official line, even regarding crucial public health information» wrote Pompeo.

WUHAN-GATES – 4. “Covid-19 manipulated, CHINA-US Hidden Affair”. Class-Action for Bio-Weapon in Texas

«Lying is a feature, not a bug of authoritarian regimes. The CCP restricted and manipulated information about the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan from the start and brutally silenced other brave truth-tellers, such as Dr. Li Wenliang, Chen Qiushi, and Fang Bin. Because of the CCP’s gross malfeasance, the rest of the world relied heavily on uncensored reports from citizen journalists like Zhang to understand the true situation in Wuhan after the CCP-imposed strict media controls were enforced and a controllable outbreak turned into a deadly global pandemic. Her hasty trial, to which foreign observers were denied access, shows how fearful the CCP is of Chinese citizens who speak the truth» reads the official note of the US Secretary of State.

«The PRC government’s fear of transparency and its ongoing repression of fundamental freedoms are a sign of weakness, not strength, and a threat to all of us. The United States will always support the right of Chinese citizens to express themselves freely and peacefully» concluded the statement released by Washington.



Pompeo’s statement omits all those intrigues, disclosed in multiple reports by Gospa News, between Chinese Communists and American Democrats in the context of which it would have been built in a laboratory (of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, of the Microbiology Laboratory of Canada in Winnipeg or of the North Carolina University in Chapel Hill) the SARS-Cov-2 virus, for a “deal between China and the USA” as claimed by the famous French virologist Luc Montagnier and also highlighted by some revelations of the Israeli microbiologist and former IDF army intelligence officer of Tel Aviv, Dany Shoham, retired lieutenant colonel expert in bio-weapons. Shoam, in an explosive article published by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, notes the cover-ups committed by intelligence agencies around the world (by the Five Eyes, the counter-intelligence of the five Anglo-Saxon countries of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand , up to NATO) but especially those of the Beijing government.

SARS-2: “China, US, NATO & Five Eyes Intelligences conceal Manmade Virus’ origin”. Shocking claims by Israeli IDF officer Bio-Weapons expert

A «critical issue concerns significant mismatches and errors that occurred at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and collateral Chinese institutions both in Wuhan and elsewhere in China during the decade preceding the onset of the pandemic, as well as thereafter. A question arising from that inquiry is whether those mismatches and errors were cases of negligence or deliberate obfuscation. The latter unfortunately appears to be predominant» wrote the former Israeli official thanks to his specialization in microbiology.

«The list of anomalies is long. It includes: scientific papers with incoherent data/findings, unexplained gaps, inconsistencies, and contradictions, meaningless and twisted chronologies, illegitimate non-transparency, elimination and distortion of records and databases, obscuring and possible destruction of existing viruses (including the index virus) and genomic material, pressure put on disobedient scientists, physicians, and officials, disappearance of key persons, expedient interchangeability between military/defense and civilian institutions (and other entities). All this misconduct was allegedly meant to serve one principal purpose: to hamper the tracing of the roots of the index virus. These deliberate obfuscations collectively form a powerful argument in support of the unnatural contagion concept».

WUHAN-GATES – 21. “Pandemic Planned for Decades”. Kennedy blames Fauci & Gates. Terrible Plot in 30 Investigations’ summary. Pope against Big Pharma’s Affairs

In this thick blanket of fog the reconstruction of the truth by the Chinese Communist Party was mystified which, in a very early phase, had claimed that the Covid-19 virus was a bacteriological weapon built by the Americans with specific bio-genetic constructions but then take refuge in the thesis of animal origin as supported by the World Health Organization (partner of the Chinese, American and Canadian laboratories where the experiments on SARS-MERS superviruses infected with HIV were carried out as claimed by Montanier and bio-engineer Pierre Bricage, NATO consultant). A hypothesis highly contested by the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr. who believes that the “pandemic has been planned for decades”.



In this context, Zhang had the courage to start reporting from Wuhan in February, questioning the closure of the city, access to antivirus tests and the hospital’s capacity. One of his 122 videos also captured the Chinese authorities’ assault in front of a woman filming on her smartphone. In one of his videos, he mentioned he was under close surveillance. Her videos and social media posts – many on Twitter and YouTube, platforms blocked in China – abruptly ended when she was arrested by authorities in May.

Shortly before his detention, he had tried to campaign for the grieving relatives of the victims of the virus, demanding compensation, a sensitive subject for Chinese authorities. “Zhang Zhan wanted to help the ordinary people of Wuhan. He wanted to understand their suffering and let the rest of the world know,” said his lawyer Zhang Keke, also from Wuhan.

An image of reporter lawyer Zhang Zhan before his detention and hunger strike: since then only his lawyers have seen his face

Before her, the hero doctor Li Weinlang, the ophthalmologist from Wuhan who first revealed the existence of the “mysterious pneumonia” in a chat, was arrested in December. Dr. Weinlang had died in early February of COVID-19, according to local authorities. A few days later, the same fate befell the director of the Wuhan hospital, Li Zhiming and 4 other doctors, confirming an evident lack of the health tools needed to combat the disease.

After her, other city reporters Chen Qiushi, Fang Bin and Li Zehua were also arrested. «Chen Qiushi was detained in January and only reappeared in September. It is currently under constant government surveillance in Qingdao, Shandong. Li Zehua, who had traveled to Wuhan to track down Chen after his disappearance, was arrested in February and released in April. On the other hand, nothing is known about Fang Bin» writes the Italian magazine Tempi.

Already in February the Chinese authorities had even closed the accounts of a Chinese student from Wuhan who, finding herself in Italy to follow the Architecture course, was relaunching the dramatic testimonies of her family members on WeChat and Sina Weboi for the shortcomings of public health care.

CoronaVirus SOS by Wuhan’s Student Girl in Italy: «My Family’s Tragedy Banned on Socials»

“Under the guise of fighting the novel coronavirus, authorities in China have escalated suppression online by blocking independent reporting, information sharing, and critical comments on government responses,” Chinese Human Rights Defenders, a Hong Kong-based group, said in a report earlier this year, according to CNN.

China is the biggest jailer of journalists in the world, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and tightly controls the press at home while blocking most foreign media outlets via the Great Firewall, its vast online censorship and surveillance apparatus.

In March, China expelled journalists from the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, in an unprecedented move against the foreign press. Beijing said the move — which came amid a wave of critical reporting about China’s initial response to the coronavirus — was aresponse for recent restrictions by Washington on how Chinese state media operates in the US.



«In Wuhan, the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic, there may have been many more cases of Covid than those detected by the authorities. This was reported by a serological survey conducted in April by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which released the data on Monday 28 December. According to what was reported, the number of positives would be 10 times higher than the official one».

WUHAN-GATES – 6. Too Many Influenza’s Cases at Military Games in China. COVID-19’s Suspicions by Italian and French Athletes

The Italian webmedia QuiFinanza highlights the study’s data. It emerged that of the 34,000 subjects examined and subjected to serological tests, about 4.4% of them had specific antibodies capable of fighting the pathogen that causes Coronavirus. This indicates, in fact, that they may have been infected in the past. The revelation also brings up the suspicion that the first outbreaks developed in China well before December.

This was reported by various athletes, including the Italian spadista Matteo Tagliariol, who had been the victim of a powerful and mysterious flu syndrome, corroborating the thesis, supported by some Chinese authorities, that the infections were spread by American athletes during the Games. Military World Cup held in Wuhan in mid-October 2019.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 7. NWO-CIA-DEM Top Secret Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan, Modena

«The same report suggests that in Wuhan, where a total of 11 million people live, about 500,000 residents contracted the virus during the first pandemic phase. A number that is 10 times higher than the 50 thousand cases of Coronavirus confirmed by the local health authorities in mid-April – writes the webmedia – The results of this serological investigation come following the incessant requests for clarification from the United States, intending to see us. clear on the traceability of the infections by the Chinese government, just in the week in which Zhang Zhan, a Chinese blogger, was sentenced to 4 years in prison for having first reported the epidemic from Wuhan».



The conviction of Zhang Zhan therefore assumes strategic relevance also in light of the imminent mission of the World Health Organization Task Force to China. «Wuhan residents on Saturday (January 2) welcomed an upcoming visit from the World Health Organization to investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, more than a year after the first identified cluster of the infection was linked to a fish market in the Chinese city» reports Reuters.

«An international team of researchers should travel to China in January to examine the evidence collected by Chinese researchers and to build their initial studies – adds the international agency – Beijing has strongly opposed requests for an international investigation into the origins of the coronavirus but said she was open to a WHO-led investigation».

WUHAN-GATES – 27. Scandal in SARS-Cov-2 Inquiry! Inside WHO Task-Force a Gates’ Partner who funded in Wuhan & US Chimera Viruses Tests

As we have seen in a previous reportage among the experts of the Task Force there will also be the British zoologist Peter Daszak – a link between the institutions, the international academic world and the Big Pharma – who as president of the EcoHealthAlliance of New York, supported from Chinese, Saudi and American universities but also from the vaccine giant Johnson & Johnson convicted of various health crimes, he financed the PREDICT project wanted by the Barack Obama administration for research on coronavirus strains of Chinese bats.

These researches were mainly conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with contributions from the European Commission, the government agency USAID, often a financial instrument in the orbit of the CIA, and the Melinda & Gates Foundation.

WUHAN-GATES – 20. “Covid-19 Built in Wuhan Lab”. Chinese Virologist Protected by FBI said. But Forgets US Risky Experiments…

The WHO Task Force, urged by the assembly and appointed several months late by the director general Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, considered a puppet of Gates as much as of China with whom he shares the communist ideals as a political exponent of the TPLF of Ethiopia, will have the task of investigating only the zoonotic origins and therefore will have no reason to approach the laboratories of Wuhan from where, according to the Hong Kong researcher Li-Meng Yan, who took refuge in the USA and protected as a whisleblower by the FBI, the SARS pandemic virus would have escaped -Cov-2.

The Anglo-American Daszak in addition to financing with EHA the experiments on chimeric superviruses built in the laboratory with SARS infected with HIV is also leader of the commission set up by The Lancet magazine for the research of animal origins on the pathogen of COVID-19. And he was the one who invited researchers from the international community to support the theory of the natural virus by stifling that of an genetic modified organism.

Pandemic Massacre in Italy: WHO Concealed Truth Inviting Physicians to Refuse Deposition before Magistrates

This is why the investigation of the WHO itself, very active in Italy in an attempt to cover up any judicial investigation into the absence of an emergency plan to deal with the pandemic, not only risks being a very expensive farce but also a shameful scandal – called WuhanGates in 28 Gospa News reportages summarized in the WuhanGates book – in which the heroic Christian reporter Zhang Zhan turned out to be the perfect sacrificial victim to try to discourage any investigative journalist. But those who really believe in the search for truth have, just in this woman, one more reason to fight.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano







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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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