WUHAN-GATES – 29. Pandemic Great Business: In Gates’ Talons Italian Vaccine Too! As the other ones owned by GSK

WUHAN-GATES – 29. Pandemic Great Business: In Gates’ Talons Italian Vaccine Too! As the other ones owned by GSK


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

If any Italian or foreign politician wanted to take advantage of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, a virus created in the laboratory according to authoritative virologists and intelligence experts including a 007 microbiologist from the Israeli army, they would have had to speculate on the Italian vaccine by ReiThera.

Among all it is the last in the list for an approval of the drug agencies but it guarantees a perfectly anonymous business since the Lazio company that developed it, a simple Italian Limited Liability Company, is actually controlled by a Swiss limited company. in which members can remain hidden by virtue of Swiss private law.

The case was reported by Gospa News in unsuspecting times: on 8 July 2020. We are honored to know that on 16 November 2020 this company was also involved in the famous investigative program Report of the national television broadcaster RAI3 conducted by Sigfrido Ranucci adding elements test on the connections between the Roman hinterland company and the infamous GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the vaccine multinational based in London but actually controlled by most of the American investment funds of the Weapons Lobby.

SARS-2: “China, US, NATO & Five Eyes Intelligences conceal Manmade Virus’ origin”. Shocking claims by Israeli IDF officer Bio-Weapons expert

You write GSK but you read Bill Gates since the IT tycoon not only funded the research for the development of an antidote against Covid-19 to this corporation, but he invested several times in the same enough to get to reward GSK CEO Emma Natasha Walmsley with the role of non-executive director of Microsoft Corporation.

So far the intrigue between the self-styled health philanthropist and the well-known Big Pharma is now known to those who follow Gospa News. Less well known is the role of Bill & Melinda Gates in supporting the research of the ReiThera vaccine, funded by the Lazio Region governed by Nicola Zingaretti, secretary of the Democratic Party who in 2017 had the Lorenzin Decree approved by the Italian Parliament for the 12 compulsory vaccines in age schoolchild that allowed GlaxoSmithKline to make a conspicuous increase in worldwide turnover thanks to the expanded laboratories in Tuscany, in the region which has always been a red fief of the PD where Prime Minister Matteo Renzi gained his political experience.

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

Gates was among the main donors of the US Democratic Party of the Obama-Biden administration during which not only the very dangerous bacteriological experiments on the SARS virus infected with HIV took place (as the virologist Luc Montagnier and others believe SARS-Cov-2) but it financed the immunization pilot project in Italy, favored by the then Italian scientific ambassador to the USA Raniero Guerra, now assistant to the WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus appointed to this position thanks to the “push” of Gates.

Why be surprised, then, if the number one of the Italian PD Zingaretti finances research on the ReiThera vaccine with several million euros, of which GSK, as we will see later, holds the patent on the biological vectors adenovirus since 2018?

WUHAN-GATES – 28. Pandemic Secrets: Consumers Association asks Arrest for WHO Italian Boss tied with Gates, vaccines Gsk & Obama


Let’s write this summary, before going into detail, for the benefit of the fastest readers but above all of the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza who if they decided to do some investigation on the subject would find a flood of conflicts of interest, minimally also revealed by the Report of RAI3. Unfortunately, the information cannot be more in-depth because there is an international and national taboo on the vaccine business and therefore any possible imprecision of ours must be attributed to the rulers who do not release the indispensable data on a primary issue such as public health.



“Reithera indirectly controlled by Maurizio Cortese and Stefano Colloca together with Jamila Louahed and Emmanuel Hanon vice presidents of GSK vaccines, has developed its weapon against the coronavirus, created in collaboration with the Spallanzani Institute and the support of the Lazio Region and the Ministry of University and research – writes the newspaper Il Mattino – The Lazio product was developed using the viral vector technology, but unlike others with which it shares the method, such as the AstraZeneca product, the Italian doses were made starting from gorilla adenovirus. The Tuscan project that uses monoclonal antibodies is a product halfway between a cure and a vaccine and also makes use of the contribution of Rino Rappuoli, a Sienese researcher, considered one of the leading experts in the world of vaccines”.

First connection: Rappuoli is an Italian microbiologist, Gold Medal of Merit for Public Health in 2005. He is currently the scientific director and the head of external research and development at GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines in Siena.


“2021 could be the year of the first Italian vaccine against the Sars-cov2 virus. The results of the first experimental phase of GRAdCoV2 were presented on Monday 4 January at the Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute in Rome. “Let’s try to achieve some independence also in the supply of vaccines,” said the special commissioner Domenico Arcuri during the presentation press conference, confirming the government’s intention to enter the share capital of the Italian company. Furthermore, today Il Messaggero writes that the government is considering allocating resources from the Recovery Fund for further research by the company” adds StartMag.

“On November 16, the Rai Tre program” Report “dedicated an entire episode to the Italian vaccine. ReiThera is a biotech that owns the patent of the adnoviral vector, the means to convey the particle to immunize from Covid. Report has reconstructed the entire history of the working group that led to the founding of ReiThera – adds the counter-information media – In 2002 in the laboratories of the IRBM in Pomezia, then controlled by the multinational Merck, a very ambitious research group was formed which had the goal of using primate adenoviruses for human vaccines. Leading the research that led to the discovery of 23 adenoviruses are three Italian scientists: Stefano Colloca, Alfredo Nicosia and Riccardo Cortese. The researchers understand that their research could have excellent developments also in terms of production, they manage to obtain the patent rights from Merck and create a spin off to continue the research. In 2005, the three researchers specialized on adenovirus founded Okairos, an Italian srl but since 2007 the property has been in Basel, Switzerland. To continue the research Okairos relies on the laboratories of the IRBM which in 2010 was acquired by Pietro Di Lorenzo. The three researchers together with Di Lorenzo set up a new company, 50%, named Advent, whose headquarters are in the laboratories of Pomezia”.



For the sake of precision it must be said that today ReiThera is 100% controlled by Keires AG, a Swiss limited company based in Basel which, precisely by virtue of this corporate qualification prohibited in Italy since 1942, can keep the names of its shareholders secret. The shareholders, in fact, are not identifiable, neither from public registers, nor from a deed of incorporation. Therefore it is legitimate to believe that it is still controlled by the same GSK that bought it in 2013, as there has been no more news about a sale to Keires. Confirmations of the collaboration between ReiThera and GSK actually come from patents on the use of adenovisurs, from vaccine experiments and from international research agreements.

WUHAN-GATES – 15. EU-Italy Covid Vaccine’ Business in Gates-Big Pharma’s Dirty Hands

“The Belgian site of Novasep in Seneffe will produce, for Europe, the active ingredient of the future vaccine against the coronavirus of the pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca, currently under development at the University of Oxford. This vaccine is among the candidate vaccines whose development is already very advanced. European leader in the production of viral vectors, the Novasep company inaugurated in 2018 a new production unit at its Seneffe site” writes the Belgian site Essenscia confirming other intrigues that emerged from the Gospa News research on tampons and vaccines that identify Belgium as one of the favorite nations of Big Pharma.

“In the Niel Science Park in Antwerp, the biotechnology company eTheRNA, a spin-off of the VUB, has been working since March on a vaccine against the coronavirus with an international consortium of North American, European and possibly future partners. also be Chinese. The young company, founded in 2013, specializes in immunotherapy for the treatment of tumors and infectious diseases. The cells of the immune system are activated to detect and attack malignant cells. This promising technology could also be effective in the fight against viruses”.

WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK


But doubts about the relationship between international vaccine research and self-styled philanthropist-speculator Gates are quickly dispelled. «Walloon biotech Univercells, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as investor, has entered into a strategic partnership with its counterpart in the Italian sector ReiThera and the German Leukocare. Within this European consortium, they aim to jointly develop and manufacture a large-scale Covid-19 vaccine using the latest vaccine manufacturing technology recently developed by Univercells. They aim to start clinical trials this summer and start production soon after. ”


“As is known, the coronavirus is a very insidious enemy and we have said that the vaccine is the only real remedy. We are talking about the most promising vaccine (from Astra Zeneca), there is no absolute certainty. The vaccine was born in the laboratories of London, at the University of Oxford. The news that is relevant to us is that in this vaccine production and distribution game Italy is the protagonist not only because we are signatories of the first contract in this part of the world but also because there is an impact on Pomezia, on Irbm which is a Italian reality. In researching the vaccine, Italy takes the lead “.

Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza explained this in mid-June when he spoke to the States General where he announced the agreement with AstraZeneca for 400 million doses in the EU, according to Italian press agency Ansa.

However, the minister took great care not to explain the rapid development of the IRBM research center in Pomezia Terme, encouraged over the years by funding from the governor of Lazio, leader of the Democratic Party which supported all the emergency plans of the Conte government. And even more, the “Italian” vaccine aid operation was kept quietly, which is actually controlled by a Swiss company in turn created by GSK of London which is participated by Bill Gates in various articulated ways, just like Pfizer.

Pfizer Vaccine as Russian Roulette: Inefficacy, Facial Palsy and Anaphylaxis’ Risks. Italians Physicians’ Uprising. German Vaccinated Nurses’ Overdose

“The money from the Recovery Fund to finance Italian vaccines and create a safety belt on overall needs and on the risk of a reduction in supply, as reported by the regions, due to delays. In the folds of the Italian plan connected with the EU, there is the use of resources related to medical research where the government invests directly. In particular, it is a question of financing Reithera, the biotech company that owns the patent of the adnoviral vector, the means to convey the particle to immunize from Covid, based in Castel Romano” wrote the Italian newspaper Messaggero.

“Reithera is wholly owned by the Swiss company Keires AG based in Basel. Keires’ partners – revealed the broadcast conducted by Sigfrido Ranucci – are Maurizio Cortese, son of Riccardo who died in 2017, and Stefano Colloca, together with Jamila Louahed and Emmanuel Hanon, vice presidents of GSK vaccines. From the documents presented by ReiThera to the Italian institutions it emerges that the vaccine is based on two patented technologies, one is the Grad23 adenovirus, the other is a method based on Hek293 cells but there is no trace of it in the database under the name of Reithera. From the contract stipulated between ReiThera and the Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute it emerges that any intellectual property right of a party will remain in the full ownership of the same. In the contract ReiThera only undertakes to agree with subsequent acts methods to guarantee access to the vaccine that can satisfy national needs. The patent for the vaccine is and will remain with the same company. The checks on ReiThera were carried out by Invitalia by the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri. Report states that in ReiThera there are people linked to the multinational Glaxo, but the company’s scientists deny it”.


The project on the ReiThera vaccine, as explained by the Corriere, began on Monday 24 August, when the first dose was injected to the first volunteer. “Kicks off the initial phase of testing the anti-Covid vaccine candidate, Antonella Folgori, CEO of Reithera, developed by the company and the Spallanzani institute, funding from the Lazio Region (5 million) and the Ministry of Research (3 million )” wrote the Italian newspaper describing the contributions made by the Zingaretti government and the CNR.

“It was designed, built and produced by an Italian company, Reithera, located in the Castel Romano technopole. Our center stands out in that it brings together research, development process laboratories and manufacturing workshop. Our story begins in 2005 with a young team. Initially we were in Okairos, a biotechnology company with laboratories at the CEINGE in Naples, which he founded with IRBM (the institute of Pomezia that is developing the vaccine studied at the Jenner institute in Oxford, ed) the join venture, Advent dedicated to vaccine manufacturing based on adenoviruses. Then we broke away and reinvented a new institute” declared the ReiThera administrator, however, forgetting to mention all the “binding” patents created with GSK.

“A next generation vaccine against human rabies based on a single dose of a chimpanzee adenovirus vector serotype C” is one of the studies published by ReiThera researchers thanks to the contribution of GSK scientists (Benjamin Wizel) as explained by the same research.

‘The work included in this publication was funded by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA under a research collaboration agreement between GSK and Keires, the parent company of Reithera. GSK had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis or preparation of the manuscript” reads the study which makes explicit its authorship.

The Investments of Bill Gates in Germany: very conspicuous in GSK in recent years

But the research on gorilla adenoviruses, crucial to developing the ReiThera vaccine, does not end there. The publication number 11202003058U of 29.04.2020 concerns a pharmaceutical patent on “Replica Adenoviral Competent Vectors” – registered all over the world – by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals Sa (Rixensart, Belgium) thanks to the contribution of the researchers Virginia Ammendola, Stefano Colloca and Alessandra Vitelli dellla Lazio company ReiThera. Even a layman like the writer understands that this is the fundamental “basis” – and therefore the lucrative patent – on which the anti-Covid-19 vaccine was developed, which not surprisingly needed the support of another multinational.

“ArcticZymes AS, a subsidiary of ArcticZymes Technologies ASA, announces that it has entered into a supply agreement with vaccine specialist ReiThera Srl (Rome, Italy) for the supply of Salt Active Nuclease (SAN-HQ) to be used in the development and production of the new candidate vaccine of ReiThera against COVID-19. The vaccine candidate, which is based on ReiThera’s viral vector technology, is expected to enter clinical trials shortly” the Norwegian partner company wrote on 2 July.


In the report released by some German media, the colossal investment made by Bill Gates in the multinational GSK emerges, sponsored in the research of vaccines thanks to the parallel projects of Gavi and Cepi, two NGOs created by the tycoon IT. But as we highlighted in the previous WuhanGates 26 survey, which highlights the funding supported by the Obama-Biden administration for the construction of a SARS supervirus infected with HIV and therefore similar to the current SARS-Cov-2 according to many virologists, GSK di fact also controls the commercial business of the American PFIZER which with the German BioNTech financed by Gates has developed the first anti-covid vaccine approved worldwide, as prophesied in a European Commission summit on 12 September 2019.

WUHAN-GATES – 26. SARS-2 Bio-Weapon & Gold Vaccines. From CIA-WHO Tests funded by Gates to EU Summit with Pfizer, Biden’s sponsor, before Pandemic!

Not only. The Moderna vaccine just authorized in the US, the UK and the European Union, including Italy, was financed with a billion dollars by Gates and produced by this multinational of the Zakcs group which also controls the Israeli company which was entrusted with the task of promoting research on blood products in relation to therapy. of the hyper-immune plasma developed by Professor Giuseppe De Donno and mysteriously vanished into thin air due to political interventions by members of the Democratic Party.

It should also not be forgotten that GlaxoSmithKline, connected to the Italian Smith Kline foundation, of which Dr. Raniero Guerra, current assistant to the WHO director general, was causally advisor, and known for having incorporated the multinational SmithKline which ended up in the scandal of the tagneti to the Minister of Health Francesco De Lorenzo in 1999 is also developing his own vaccine together with Sanofi, an important contractor of the Pentagon, the US Department of Defense.

Finally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), through CEPI and GAVI, has funded $ 750 million for the production and distribution of 300 million doses of AstraZeneca-Oxford’s AZD1222 candidate coronavirus vaccine. The expected global supply was 2 billion doses, thanks to the fact that it is much cheaper than Pfizer and Moderna.

Plasma-Therapy for SARS-2 in Bill Gates’ Claws through Italian & Israeli Big Pharma

AstraZeneca’s serum has not yet been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) while it has already been approved by the UK health system where the same multinational is based and has developed a cartel with other Big Pharma in a perfect conflict of interests between vaccine giants, clinical trial companies and swab manufacturers for virus research.

“Thanks to new funds, the supply of planned doses of one of the most promising candidate vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, responsible for the infection called COVID-19, has been increased to 2 billion. The preparation involved is the “AZD1222″, developed by scientists from the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford in close collaboration with colleagues from the Italian company Advent-Irbm of Pomezia (province of Rome)” Fanpage wrote months ago.

WUHAN-GATES 19 – SARS-2 Bio-Weapon to Vaccinate All against AIDS. Bill Gates supports Vaccines & Gay Pride. Military Tests on HIV-Coronavirus

ReiThera in the meantime began its research and experimentation (thanks to the support of GSK as we have seen) but Oxford burned it over time, agreeing with AstraZeneca which then entrusted Advent Srl, a company set up by ReiThera of GSK, for distribution in Italy. intertwined with Gates as we have already said, and IRBM of the manager Di Lorenzo supported by the Lazio Region during two Dem governments.

It should not be forgotten that in 2017 the immunization pilot project was approved in Italy which made the 12 vaccines (obviously produced by GSK) compulsory in school age in perfect harmony with the wishes of Gates, among the megadonors of the US Democratic Party, Obama, Renzi, Gentiloni who also became the same as Zingaretti and the Conte government after the pandemic.

What is the Guardia di Finanza waiting for to start serious investigations? Gospa News has already done its duty with these countless inquiries collected in the book WuhanGates.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano








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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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