WUHAN-GATES – 31. SARS-2: Lies & Ties among Us-China Scientists in Gates’ Shade disclosed by Daily Mail and Die Welt

WHO denies the virus’ laboratory origin.
Germany manipulated studies on Covid-19 risks
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
Finally! After the various investigations conducted by Gospa News in relation to the hypothesis of the SARS-Cov-2 virus built in the laboratory and the geopolitical manipulation of the pandemic, even the major European newspapers are beginning to dig into a mountain of lies built by authoritative scientists in complicity with governments and international institutions.
In recent days Die Welt, the Hamburg daily unveiled the scandal of the German Interior Minister who urged scientists in a dense correspondence to write a nightmare story on the dangers of Covid-19 not corresponding to the truth but useful to justify the severe lockdown restrictions across Germany last spring. This was fundamental to create that pandemic terrorism useful for the marketing of German-made vaccines.
In an article published today, Wednesday 10 February, however, Daily Mail, the popular London newspaper, pilloried the British zoologist Peter Daszak, now resident in New York, who after having participated in the mission of the World Health Organization in China to investigate the origins of the new Coronavirus strain, which ended without any concrete result as predicted by Gospa News two months ago, he launched a very heavy attack via Twitter on the United States of America.

«A scientist on the WHO’s controversial fact-finding mission to Wuhan has today launched an extraordinary attack on US intelligence – saying it is ‘wrong on many aspects’ about Covid. Peter Daszak, a British-American expert in pandemics, warned people not ‘to rely too much’ on information coming out of the US and instead to ‘trust’ Chinese data» wrote reporters Tim Stickings and Chris Pleasance on February 10 on MailOnline.
«He also accused President Biden of ‘trying to look tough on China’ after a State Department spokesman questioned whether Beijing had been fully open with the WHO investigation – reads further on Daily Mail – Washington voiced its skepticism after WHO scientists, including Daszak, concluded that Covid did not leak from a Wuhan lab – as US officials have suggested – while throwing their weight behind theories emanating from Beijing that it could have been imported into the country on frozen meats».
WHO mission, however, has not limited itself to refuting the possibility that the virus has come out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a hypothesis that must actually be verified, but has even gone as far as denying the possibility that SARS-Cov-2 may have an artificial origin – regardless of where it escaped – thus denying a theory also supported by virology experts, complete with published research, and former intelligence officials.
After this vehement opening, the report of the British newspaper analyzes all the macroscopic conflicts of interest of Daszak and the director of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, which in fact represent the synthesis of the WuhanGates inquiries no. 24 and 27 conducted by Gospa News and previewed in the USA by Veterans Today. At the center of the intrigues are precisely his dangerous relationships already revealed in our previous articles in which it emerged that Bill Gates is the link between WHO, Wuhan, New York, United Kingdom, the European Union and multinational vaccines.

«But Daszak’s own credibility is in question after it emerged the organisation he heads, the EcoHealth Alliance, has for a decade funnelled money into the lab at the centre of leak theories – the Wuhan Institute of Virology – and its chief researcher Dr Shi Zhengli, also known as China’s batwoman. Daszak has also been involved in efforts to downplay theories that the virus leaked from the laboratory as far back as February last year, and published an article in The Guardian in July arguing that such theories are bogus. That is despite warning himself just a few years earlier that a highly infectious disease could escape from a lab, and the fact that the origins of Covid are still unknown – which the WHO probe he worked on acknowledges» highlighted Mail.
It was unlikely that the expert group, in its politically-charged mission, would be able to pinpoint the source of the pandemic in China a year after it began. But, after visiting the Wuhan Institute of Virology, they have closed the lid on a controversial theory that coronavirus came from a lab leak or was made by scientists» added BBC instead, grasping the crux of the investigation.
After a month the 17 experts of the task force created by the WHO to respond to the resolution approved almost unanimously by the General Assembly of the UN health agency in May, did not add a comma compared to what is already known about the origins of the virus: in fact they accredited the hypothesis of Chinese scientists that the fish market may have played a role in the transmission of Covid-19 but in relation to frozen products from abroad.
But, instead, they put a firm point on the alleged groundlessness of the artificially constructed virus theory, just as claimed by the Beijing team of experts who supported the international delegation and which also included Shi Zhengli herself, known for the dangerous experiments on the virus. SARS infected with HIV (WuhanGates 9).

Dr Peter Embarek, head of the mission, confirmed the possibility that it came from a “natural reservoir” of the virus in bats, however he considered it unlikely that this happened in Wuhan and argued that there is no evidence of a spread prior to the first official cases. discovered in December 2019 thanks to the doctor-hero, Li Wenliang, first arrested by the Beijing regime and then died of the infection from SARS-Cov-2. Despite various studies, summarized in the Daily Mail chart, have proved it.
Dr Embarek also said that a visit to the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory during the mission showed that it was “very unlikely” that anything could have escaped from there. But he also added a sentence that seems to put a tombstone on the laboratory theory “not in the hypotheses that we will suggest for future studies”.
He said they interviewed employees and examined the health audit processes when they visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology “and it’s very unlikely that anything could escape from that place”. The leader of the task force, pressed by reporters, went much further by declaring “accidents do happen … there had been no publication or research of this virus or one close to this virus, anywhere in the world.” according to The Guardian.
And it is in this statement as peremptory as it is false that Dr. Embarek denotes great scientific ignorance or blatant bad faith. In fact, there are multiple studies, published by Gospa News in the WuhanGates 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 and 12 investigations from which the dangerous research on the SARS-Cov virus of 2003 and MERS of 2012 emerges, close relatives of SARS-Cov- 2, conducted in various laboratories around the world since 2004 thanks to funding from the European Commission (Episars project launched by the Italian president Romano Prodi) first and from the American government agency USAID, controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency in initiatives abroad, together at the Daszak EHA and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, under the supervision of WHO.
Both former British MI6 counterintelligence director Richard Dearlove and Israeli military intelligence (Aman) microbiologist Dany Shoham reported of these investigations, who openly stated that all intelligence agencies in the world are aware of the artificial origin of the virus.
«It is the work of professionals, the work of molecular biologists, it is a very meticulous work. Looking at the sequences you can say a watchmaker’s job. My job is to expose the facts. I do not accuse anyone: I do not know who did this and why. The possibility is that they wanted to make an AIDS vaccine. So they took small sequences of viruses and inserted them into the largest sequence of the CoronaVirus». These are some of the phrases spoken by virologist Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize for Medicine precisely for the discovery of HIV, the immunodeficiency virus from which AIDS derives, which caused a sensation in April.
«The United States is aware but has funded part of the research done in the Wuhan laboratories and this is published. So it’s not just a Chinese affair. It was produced by a laboratory, it is what is called recombinant, this virus is produced by a Chinese laboratory or perhaps by other laboratories» added Montagnier who was not influenced by the easy rhetoric supported by former US president Donald Trump and his former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, stubborn to blame China and Wuhan although similar experiments were conducted in many other research centers.
This happened especially in the USA, such as at Fort Detrick, the complex of 4 bio-laboratories in Maryland where the USAMRIID (the Army’s research institute) was closed in the summer of 2019 due to a mysterious bacterological loss, in Chapel Hill , in those of North Carolina University where chimeric superviruses enhanced with Gain-of-Function (an increase in viral load conceptually similar to enrichment of uranium for atomic weapons) were studied during the Obama-Biden administration when she was deputy director of the CIA bio-weapons expert Avril Haines, now promoted to National Director of Intelligence by new president Joe Biden.
But similar risky research with “dual use” purposes, vaccine and bacteriological weapon, also in the National Microbiology Laboratory of Canada in Winnipeg, where the elderly virologist Frank Plummer who mysteriously died in Africa just after the outbreak of the pandemic worked, and in the Pirbright Institute of the homonymous Guildford village in the county of Surrey (United Kingdom) where the Pentagon, through the DARPA agency specializing in advanced weapons research, financed experiments on pathogens with the contribution of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Despite Daszak’s close ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, he has been invited by WHO to join its team of ten international experts investigating the outbreak and is conducting a similar investigation for The Lancet, the Daily Mail highlighted, as reported in recent weeks by Gospa News in WuhanGates 27.
«Peter Daszak has conflicts of interest that unequivocally disqualify him from being part of an investigation of the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic» Richard Ebright, a bio-security expert and professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, said at the time, according to British newspaper. «He was the contractor responsible for funding of high-risk research on Sars-related bat coronaviruses at Wuhan Institute of Virology and a collaborator on this research» Ebright added, supporting what was discovered independently by our reportages.
«Such research is controversial within the scientific community because researchers question whether the risks of studying diseases with pandemic potential outweigh the benefits. Particularly controversial is so-called ‘gain of function’ research of the kind carried out at the Wuhan Institute which can increase a virus’s ability to infect humans» journalists Tim Stickings and Chris Pleasance write in London newspaper.
Daszak, who was born in Manchester and studied at universities in the UK, has spent much of the past year trying to counter claims of a possible laboratory leak while defending Dr Zhengli from criticism.
«Emails released through freedom of information requests have shown Daszak recruited some of the world’s top scientists to counter claims of a possible lab leak with publication of a landmark collective letter to The Lancet early last year. He drafted their statement attacking ‘conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin’ and then persuaded 26 other prominent scientists to back it» added Daily Mail in reference to the emails also published by Gospa News two months ago.
His expertise, which includes a hand in more than 300 scientific papers, has won prominence in global scientific and public health circles. He has, however, been the target of abuse over his stance and had suspicious white powder sent to his home. Yet he is accused of bullying opponents by those that have clashed with him, who include Colin Butler, honorary professor of environmental health at the Australian National University. Butler edited a scientific journal with Daszak for three years.
«He probably sincerely believes in his work but he has built an empire around the idea that zoonoses [animal to human infections] are the most important thing in the world – said Butler – He has also worked with the Wuhan Institute in what is reportedly gain of function research».
Butler, a former WHO adviser who has worked in China, published a paper last month in the Journal Of Human Security highlighting inconsistencies in the lab’s response and ‘striking’ circumstantial evidence giving credence to the possibility that Covid-19 escaped from a lab – including the location of the outbreak in Wuhan.
In the same investigation, the Daily Mail also reports an article by security correspondent Abul Taher which focuses on the revelations, however very vague and smoky, of “one of the highest American government officials” who stated “that the most credible theory ‘on the origin of the coronavirus is that he escaped from a laboratory in China”.
Matthew Pottinger, who is President Donald Trump’s respected Deputy National Security Adviser, said that the latest intelligence points to the virus leaking from the top-secret Wuhan Institute of Virology, 11 miles from the market, saying: «There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus».
A hypothesis also supported by the young virologist from Hong Kong Li-Meng Yan who fled to the US and placed under protection by the FBI, who has still drawn up a scientific “paper” on the origin of laboratory SARS-Cov-2. In light of all this, one wonders why the WHO investigative team again wanted to cancel any hypothesis and future study on the theory of the artificial virus in the face of such an important number of authorities in the scientific and intelligence fields who believe it to be the more likely. The answer is simple: conflict of interest.
The Daily Mail dedicates a long study to the close relations, including financial ones, between WHO director Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus and China, which we have summarized in detail in the WuhanGates 24 report.
«It was also revealed that Dr Tedros received support from Beijing while in the running to become WHO chief, and that China has often donated large sums of money to governments or organisations that he has been a part of. During his press conference, Dr Embarek also backed assertions from Beijing that there is no evidence of transmission ‘in Wuhan or elsewhere’ in China before December 2019 – despite multiple studies suggesting the virus was circulating globally months earlier than that» added Daily Mail.
In the WuhanGates 27 investigation we analyzed Daszak’s conflicts of interest but if we carefully analyze the curricula of the other members of the task force sent to Wuhan, further curious elements emerge, which also connect with the recent scandal uncovered in Germany on the studies on Covid-19 piloted by the German government to justify severe lockdowns.
The Russian representative Vladimir Dedkov, in fact, who was among the first to rule out the possibility that the virus has escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in an interview with Sputnik News, is a researcher at the Pasteur Institute of St. Petersburg) founded in 1888 on emulation of that of Paris with which it has maintained relations culminating in the international consortium of the PTR program (Programs Transversaux de Recherche).
The PTR program funded by the Institut Pasteur (Paris) provides funding to support collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects related to the strategic research areas of the Institut Pasteur, to promote innovative technological approaches and aim to catalyze discoveries concerning human health. This PTR grant program addresses the challenges associated with the 4 strategic priority areas: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial and Antimicrobial Resistance, Brain Connectivity Diseases and Neurodegeneration, Technology and Methodological Development.
Well it should not be forgotten that the first research project on SARS viruses, also infected with HIV, was conducted starting from 2004 in the research centers of Beijing and Wuhan thanks to the EPISARS project funded by the European Commission under the supervision of the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
British WHO team member John Watson has been appointed Deputy Medical Director of the Department of Health. He had previously been Head of Respiratory Diseases at the UK Public Health Center for Infectious Disease Control and Surveillance. He is undoubtedly an expert doctor in the field since he is an Honorary Professor in the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Visiting Professor in the Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences at University College London.
His main interests include tuberculosis and acute respiratory infections (particularly influenza, legionnaires disease and SARS). His work has focussed on the surveillance, prevention and control of these diseases at the local, national and international levels as well as related research. He is Chairman of the International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV).
But Watson himself is also a member of the advisory group in the “Global action plan for influenza vaccines” inside World Health Organization which recently entrusted the COVAX plan for vaccination against Covid-19 to the NGOs of Bill Gates, funder of the experiments in Wuhan, in yet another conflict of interest alongside the IT guru and his “puppet” Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, director of the UN health agency.
The presence of the German veterinary doctor Fabian Lendertz also becomes embarrassing in light of the scandal that has struck the Robert Koch-Institute, where he works, and the German Ministry of the Interior for the alleged manipulation of scientific research.
«A document commissioned on behalf of the German Interior Ministry, and signed by a group of authoritative experts, would have served to justify the restrictive measures decided by Germany to limit the spread of Sars-CoV-2. Too bad that the report, which remained top secret, contained inflated numbers and dramatic prophecies that never came true. The report spoke of one million dead and seven out of ten Germans infected with the virus. Nothing to do with the reality of the facts, given that today, one year after the outbreak of the pandemic, Germany has almost 63 thousand dead and 2.29 million infected» writes Federico Giuliani on InsideOve, the geopolitics site of the newspaper Il Giornale . «In essence, the gloomy predictions of the scientists, brought together in the aforementioned document requested by the Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, would have been used by Berlin as a justification. For what? Simple: to explain to citizens the iron closures imposed from above. But that’s not all, because it seems that everything would have been deliberately dramatized at the behest of Seehofer». The scandal broke out after a tip received by journalists from the Hamburg newspaper Die Welt who forced the authorities to make public «a dense internal correspondence, between the political and science worlds, aimed at dramatizing the threats brought by the coronavirus. The only goal would have been to persuade public opinion to accept the strict containment measures». The story dates back to last spring when the German government had to decide which line to implement in the face of the first outbreaks of Covid-19 in Germany. The hard line prevailed with the «closure of schools and shops, in addition to the limitation of most of the individual freedoms of citizens and the elevation of so-called social distancing to an essential dogma». «In any case, in those days Seehofer would have met the virologist Christian Dorsen and Lothar Wieler, the latter at the head of the Robert Koch Institute, the organization responsible for the control and prevention of infectious diseases in Germany. The meeting convinced the minister to keep everything closed until after Easter» adds InsideOver.
But according to what Die Welt revealed, politics did not limit itself to talking to scientists but actually dictated the criteria with which to elaborate relations. On 19 March Markus Kerber, Undersecretary of the Interior and shadow of Minister Seehofer, would have written a message to his interlocutors, explaining that the Ministry would have wanted to create “an ad hoc research platform” with various institutes in order to “plan the situation” and plan the next moves. That is: choosing which “preventive and repressive measures” to adopt.
«The Ministry would have dictated the line for the scientists to follow and meticulously followed their work. In short, the meaning of such a move would have been evident: instilling a bit of healthy fear so as to justify the hard punch» concludes Federico Giuliani.
But what is the purpose of implementing these heavy restrictions on the population if not to justify a pandemic terrorism useful to promote the vaccine business launched by the German BioNTech in partnership with PFzier, both financed with lucrative speculative investments by Bill Gates?
The issue brings to mind the scandal of the pandemic emergency plan never updated in Italy and therefore concealed, as revealed by a WHO official in Venice who recently testified before the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office investigating for a culpable and false epidemic. The researcher Francesco Zambon had reported to the media about a burning dossier that disappeared on the recommendation of Dr. Raniero Guerra, assistant to the WHO director general in Geneva, from which it emerged that the Ministry of Health (of which Guerra himself had been director) had not prepared all those precautions required by law to deal with a pandemic.
In this circumstance, Dr. Zambon violated the WHO provision which had imposed on his collaborators to make use of diplomatic immunity in front of the magistrates, raising a crawl of controversy over the transparency of the activities of the UN health agency. Also for this reason, as well as for Dr. Guerra’s embarrassing relations with the multinational vaccine company GSK, financed and controlled by Gates, the conclusions of the farce investigation by the WHO task force in Wuhan appear biased and too conditioned by the team of scientists selected by the Communist Party. Chinese who in January had the doctor who revealed the pandemic arrested, in February hypothesized an American bacteriological weapon as the cause, and from March onwards the denial rhetoric began, culminating in the arrest, torture and conviction of the lawyer and reporter Zhang Zhan.
The latest developments, therefore, are the inevitable continuation of a false script written to cover up a “pandemic planned for decades by Bill Gates” as claimed by human rights lawyer Robert F. Kennedy, aimed at creating a health dictatorship to dictate a New World Order also through vaccine speculation initiated by Gates himself through BioNTech, Moderna and Pfizer-GSK.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano
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