Us-Italian Mother’s Cry: “My Daughter in Psychiatric Home is NOT a Human guinea-pig for Covid vaccine”

Us-Italian Mother’s Cry: “My Daughter in Psychiatric Home is NOT a Human guinea-pig for Covid vaccine”


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

The doses for the anti-Covid-19 vaccine are delayed due to production problems of the multinationals Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca but while many cry out in scandal for the delays in waiting for the coveted immunization there are those who do not want it but risks being forced to undergo it.

The alarm comes from Florence where a mother has warned the authorities against their intention to impose the vaccine, considered dangerous because approved in emergency and so not adequately tested by various medical experts, to her 30-year-old daughter who is in a state of interdiction for psychological problems and is entrusted to a psychiatric nursing home, kept at a distance even by his closest relatives.

“My daughter is not a human guinea pig” is the unequivocal statement with which the warning email sent by Jeanette Fraga, an American citizen who has lived in Italy for many years, to the guardian of her daughter Yaska Ghods and the National Guarantor for the rights of Prisoners, Dr. Mauro Palma, who is responsible for the surveillance of persons deprived of their liberty such as the sick “detained” in psychiatric therapeutic communities.

Jeanette Fraga, la combattiva mamma di Yaska

The story is already known to the readers of Gospa News because it was narrated in a previous article in which the mother had launched a dramatic appeal not only for the interdiction with which the daughter had been deprived of the most banal democratic and civil rights but also for the massive drug treatments to which the young woman was subjected, although allergic to many medicines.

This is why the lady’s concern is now higher than ever for all the adverse reactions already recorded among vaccinated people, as evidenced in a disturbing report by attorney Robert Kennedy jr, and as admitted by Pfizer herself in her leaflet on the side effects of the anti-Covid Comirnaty serum, comparable, according to authoritative virologists, to gene therapy.

Against the interdiction sentence, the family appealed to the Civil Court, deeming the provision unfounded since the girl, despite having occasionally manifested moments of crisis, is defined by them perfectly lucid and capable of understanding and willing but despite this she has been imprisoned for over a year, after being forced to a psychiatric abortion: a forced termination of pregnancy resulting from relations with her boyfriend of over ten years.

For this matter, Mrs. Fraga presented a complaint to the Public Prosecutor’s Office through the NAS of Florence, the outcome of which is not yet known, hypothesizing the crimes of manslaughter or voluntary homicide as the family was denied the right to file a CTP , a Party Technical consultation proving Yaska’s ability to carry the pregnancy to term, as highlighted in the previous article.

Among the reasons for the abortion there was also the intake of clozapine, a very powerful and dangerous antipsychotic administered to the girl despite the fact that she is allergic to this and many others, as confirmed by the same health documents published in the previous report.

“On 12/11/2019, the undersigned sent a further letter, this time a warning, to the treating psychiatrist so that he does not continue to repeat his harmful behavior towards my daughter by administering her intolerant drugs with the request for further information necessary before a any further new drug administration “but none of this would have been done according to what the Italian-American woman claims.

“In the letter of 12/12/2020, the undersigned also quoted an article” In the midst of the sars-cov-2 pandemic, attention is needed with commonly used drugs that increase the risk of pneumonia “by Joan-Ramon Laporte, M.D. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Pharmacoepidemiology “adds the mother, quoting in full the contents of the research that should have alarmed all the structures that use antipsychotics, sometimes even administered to children as in the case of little Ylenia, tremendous and dramatic but ignored even by the President of the Italian Republic.

“In the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic situation, it is imperative to avoid pneumonia and related risk factors as much as possible. Consumption of various commonly used drugs increases the risk and complications of pneumonia. Medicines can increase the risk of pneumonia. risk of pneumonia by depressing immunity and other protected mechanisms … by causing sedation, which may increase the risk of aspiration, by depressing pulmonary ventilation and by promoting the onset of atelectasis or by a combination of these mechanisms. The association between exposure to certain drugs and infection or pneumonia depends on the prevalence of use of the drug in question, the magnitude of the relative risk and the underlying incidence of the condition. Antipsychotic drugs are associated with a risk of hospitalization from 1.7 to 3 times for pneumonia and mortality from pneumonia” reports Mrs. Fraga in her warning based on vaccine’s side effects emerged in Us too, as denounced by RFK jr.

Not only. Mrs. Fraga recalls a very suspicious episode in the clinical picture of her daughter. «On 16/06/2012 in Yaska’s hospitalization report from the Careggi hospital, S.O.D. Infectious and Tropical Diseases (I attach document) the discharge diagnosis is “Probable virosis complicated by pulmonary thickening”, the reason for hospitalization “onset of fever and headache with maculo-papular rash”. The blood tests show an increase in transaminases, the chest X-ray shows a “doubtful left basal thickening” … Her therapy is changed and advice is given, a new doctor is suggested to the family for Yaska, which clearly indicates that her illness was caused by an intolerant therapy».

These scientific arguments raised the alarm when the girl, in her daily phone calls from the community where she is imprisoned, informed her mother of her imminent vaccination. “Tonight (Friday 22 January-ed) Yaska informed me that her guardian – between persuasive and intimidating words – would have informed her about her decision to have her vaccinated for Covid 19, explaining to her that her role as she let him. In any case, it seems that in the “plans” of the guardian, Yaska never gets involved» says mother Jeanette, who has thus sent her peremptory warning.

«Given the fact that the Covid19 vaccine is authorized only for emergencies as it is still on an experimental basis, I DIFFID you to administer it. Know that any adverse reaction – mild or serious – on the part of my daughter, after a possible administration, will be the subject of a criminal complaint and / or civil case» wrote Mrs. Fraga citing the rigorously scientific doubts of the medical experts already mentioned by Gospa News in relation to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, whose clinical trials contemplated an observation period of only 48 days but highlighted the high risk (1 in a thousand) of temporary facial paresis, which actually occurred in at least 13 vaccinated in Israel and in hundreds people in EU and US.

“Yesterday in the community they started vaccinations but Yaska hid in bed to avoid being called” the mother reports again confirming for the umpteenth time how much she is capable of understanding and wanting the shrewd girl in spite of her state of interdiction on which a court will have to rule after the family appeal. His alarm seems destined to raise the drama of all those inmates in psychiatric structures at risk of compulsory vaccination because they do not have parents so attentive and pugnacious as to oppose the protracted political logic that is in fact promoting the vaccine business in a maelstrom of conflicts of interests, as revealed by the investigations in the WuhanGates dossier.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano




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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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