WUHAN-GATES – 32. Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal

WUHAN-GATES – 32. Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

William Henry Gates III, better known as Bill Gates, was crowned the world emperor of vaccines but the mainstream media and rulers pretend not to know. It took place on 30 September 2020 thanks to the pact signed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with 16 Big Pharma specialized in the production of vaccines and antiviral medicines.

LA TRIADE DEI VACCINI. Intrighi Miliardari tra GSK, PFIZER, NOVAVAX con Lobby Sioniste, Gates, Biden & BoJo

The agreement was signed by both Bill and Melinda Gates as co-chairs of the homonymous foundation together with 16 directors of various “Life Science Companies” with the aim of guaranteeing “Expanded global access for COVID-19 diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine systems “.

WUHAN-GATES – 31. SARS-2: Lies & Ties among Us-China Scientists in Gates’ Shade disclosed by Daily Mail and Die Welt

An excellent alliance, on paper, were it not for the fact that terrible mysteries and unsolved suspicions still hover about the current pandemic about the origin of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which some believe built in a laboratory as a bacteriological weapon just like supervirus experiments with viral load increase (Functional Gain) funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China (Wuhan Institute of Virology), USA (Chapel Hill, North Carolina University) and Canada (Manitoba National Microbiology Laboratory) together with the Obama administration- Biden since 2009.

Exclusive – “With Covid Vaccines Risks of Pulmonary’s Serious Injuries”. Shocking Research on Nature Journal, ignored by Scientific Community, Big Pharma and Media

But with every passing day, the unknowns on vaccines also increase, which the research of 6 scientists from two Chinese universities have considered at high risk for pulmonary immunopathology consequences over time while the parmacovigilance data recorded by EudraVigilance in Europe on behalf of the European Medicnes Agency ( Ema) and those of VAERS in North America for the CDC (Center of Disease Control) have sounded an alarm bell due to tens of thousands of serious adverse reactions after the inoculation of anti-Covid sera already approved (Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca), including several thousand with fatal outcomes.

Decimation among Covid Vaccinated. Serious Adverse Reactions Boom: 2.787 Fatal Cases in EU, 1.095 in US

But even this could be “acceptable” if the lethality of the virus had not been defined by virologists at around 0.4% at least in Italy before the alarm about the variants, much supported by the media in the face of poor scientific documentation and well-founded doubt already expressed by some medical experts about the possibility that they may be the consequence of resistance to vaccines.

Finally, this agreement would certainly be more comforting if some of the companies mentioned (GSK, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and human guinea-pigs deaths in Georgia in Gilead’s tests for example), as demonstrated in previous reports, had not been convicted of various kinds for cases of corruption, health fraud, dangerous trials, etc.

WUHAN-GATES 17. Gilead’s Billionaire Antiviral vs Covid: Gates-CIA prophecy, WHO-Soros affairs. French Parliament investigates…

Furthermore, it must be added that Gates himself, who passed from an IT tycoon known for Microsoft systems in need of continuous updates against computer viruses (to which the Apple system was practically immune) to the new role of global immunization guru, was one of the first to speculate with the purchase of shares of Big Pharma, controlled by the same notorious globalist investment funds that get rich thanks to the Lobby of Weapons.

Hence, the agreement of 30 September 2020, more than revealing itself as a humanitarian mission to save the planet from a pandemic painted in a more dramatic way than reality by media and politicians funded by multinationals (like the new American president Joseph Biden campaigning by Pfizer and others), appears as a clever move to consolidate the Big Pharma cartel into a monopoly unassailable by human rights associations and counter-information bodies such as Gospa News.

WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK

This follows the same china already inaugurated in Cambridge on February 27, 2020 when one of the largest laboratory groups in the world (Cerba HealthCare International) joined the NGO One Nucleus made up of various pharmaceutical companies such as AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson which in partnership with GSK have developed the diagnostic tests on Covid-19 in a clear conflict of interest given that any overt seriousness of the virus would have facilitated the immunization plan.

That’s promptly happened despite the very high number of asymptomatic infected, forced to lockdown and quarantines although not considered contagious by the former president of the European Society of Virology, Giorgio Palù, later appointed by the government as president of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA).

Italy-US Academic Virologist: “Stop to Pandemic’s Terrorism. Covid-19 less Lethal. Risks of False Positives detection with Swabs”


Finally, further macroscopic conflicts of interest emerged in the management of the COVAX global vaccination plan initiated by the World Health Organization, entrusted to the management of the NGOs Gavi Alliance and Cepi (both founded and piloted by Bill Gates, and administered by Aurelia Nguyen, former vaccine manager of London-based GSK (GlaxoSmithKline).

Among the companies signing the agreement, only the German BioNTech and the American Moderna are missing, both controlled by Gates himself through substantial investments made during 2020 to promote the research of vaccines now destined to become gold.

WUHAN-GATES – 26. SARS-2 Bio-Weapon & Gold Vaccines. From CIA-WHO Tests funded by Gates to EU Summit with Pfizer, Biden’s sponsor, before Pandemic!

Now it becomes easier to understand why giants like Sanofi and Merck have given up on the lucrative business of developing their own vaccine while they have reached an agreement to use their laboratories to produce those of Pfizer (Sanofi) and Johnson & Johnson (Merck) to make more doses available on the market.



The pact that establishes the birth of a Big Pharma cartel and crowns the world leader of anti-Covid-19 serums the founder of Microsoft Corporation (of which GSK CEO Emma Walmsley is non-executive director) was signed by the people we mention below .

Pascal Soriot Executive Director and CEO AstraZeneca, Stefan Oelrich Member of the Board of Management and President of Pharmaceuticals Bayer AG, Bill Gates, Co-Chair and Trustee Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Melinda Gates Co-Chair and Trustee Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Alexandre Mérieux Chairman and CEO bioMérieux, Hubertus von Baumbach Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Giovanni Caforio, Chairman and CEO Bristol Myers Squibb, Haruo Naito Representative Corporate Officer and CEO Eisai Co. Ltd., David A. Ricks Chairman and CEO Eli Lilly and Company, Daniel O’Day Chairman and CEO Gilead Sciences Inc., Emma Walmsley Chief Executive Officer GSK, Alex Gorsky Chairman of the Board and CEO Johnson & Johnson, Kenneth C. Frazier Chairman of the Board and CEO Merck & Co. Inc., Belén Garijo Vice Chair of the Executive Board and Deputy CEO Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Vas Narasimhan, M.D. Chief Executive Officer Novartis, Albert Bourla DVM Ph.D. Chairman and CEO Pfizer Inc., Dr Severin Schwan Chief Executive Officer Roche Group, Paul Hudson Chief Executive Officer Sanofi.

The full text of the agreement can be read at the bottom of this article but it is necessary to highlight some crucial passages.

«We will strive towards equitable allocation of our products and support global mechanisms like COVAX, recognizing the most effective approach to equitable access will vary across vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. We also will use our collective voice alongside other global health stakeholders to advocate for the strengthening of health systems and distribution networks so crucial innovations reach everyone who needs them» we can read in the guidelines of the document.

WUHAN-GATES – 30. WHO’s Vaccines Billionaire Plan in the Hands of Gates & Big Pharma: ex GSK manager leads COVAX with Gavi

This is followed by a request for “funding” from multinational billionaires and from Gates himself, who has a personal fortune of $ 124.5 billion to make him the fourth richest person in the world. Since the COVAX plan has an expenditure forecast for 2021 that is around $ 20 billion dollars because the speculating philanthropist does not directly put him the needs necessary for the immunization of the population of poor countries often used as “human guinea pigs” in experimentation of vaccines?

Instead, $ 4 billion dollars is the donation that the US will make in the coming months by decision of President Joseph Biden who, thus, indirectly returns (with interest) the electoral contribution received from the various Big Pharma including Pfizer, because that money will be used to buy vaccines from manufacturers.

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

«Access to interventions to fight COVID-19 on a global scale requires financial resources, assets, infrastructure, and jurisdictional support and collaboration beyond the capacity or role of the signatories to this commitment. We therefore call on governments, multilateral institutions, companies, NGOs, and others to build on our commitments and efforts already underway» Gates and the others write, then affirming a somewhat cryptic and disturbing phrase: such as to evoke the proclamation of a global health dictatorship.

«Diversify representation in critical decision-making and coordination bodies with special emphasis on voices representing low-income and lower-middle-income countries» it is in fact an objective that alludes to “political” intervention within the poorest nations. Added to this is the media strategy already overt as early as September 12, 2019, at the summit for global immunization held at the European Commission in very suspicious times, thanks to the participation of some social media managers.

Kennedy: “501 US Deaths after Covid Vaccines”. Quickly Banned by Socials’ Dictatorship. RFK jr: “Censorship hinders Vaccine’s safety”

«Advance fit-for-purpose regulatory and liability processes for all stakeholders involved, which prioritize safety while not slowing down access to critical new tools. Build and maintain public confidencein the approval mechanisms for diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines by ensuring robust safety and efficacy reviews and removing unwarranted political considerations from these discussions and the approval process» it is another of the objectives which therefore aims to eliminate any divergent voice even if scientific and founded.

The Big Pharma vaccine cartel formed its alliance to rule the whole world by crowning Gates emperor of all continents: except for the countries under the influence of Russia that carries on the spread of the Sputnik V vaccine and those who have chosen Sinopharm of China (such as Hungary, Saudi Arabia and others to support it with others in order to increase the doses) where, moreover, GSK opened a branch in August 2020 looking for personnel to be employed as pharmaceutical informants.

read more

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano






published on 30 September 2020
press release no. 206-709-3400 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

COVID-19’s existence anywhere poses a threat to communities everywhere. The health, social, and economic impacts can only be addressed through the collective actions of stakeholders across private, public, and philanthropic sectors in partnership with civil society.

As organizations dedicated to improving and protecting global health, with our varied skills, roles, and resources, we remain committed to doing our part in ending this pandemic worldwide. Earlier this year AstraZeneca; Bayer; bioMérieux; Boehringer Ingelheim; Bristol Myers Squibb; Eisai; Eli Lilly; Gilead; GSK; Johnson & Johnson; Merck & Co. (known as MSD outside the U.S. and Canada); Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany; Novartis; Pfizer; Roche; and Sanofi together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation each pledged ourselves to the fight against COVID-19.

Collectively, we have launched the most expansive and ambitious pandemic R&D response effort in history, with the promise of a range of interventions that can help end the pandemic. Creating these innovations is not enough, however. Through partnerships with other stakeholders we are committed to ensuring global access to diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that will help to accelerate the end of the pandemic. To accomplish this critical goal, we will:

Develop innovations for patients worldwide. We will continue advancing the research and development of COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that are suitable to meet the needs of populations around the world. To do so, we will work to expand clinical trials to account for diverse representation including lower-income settings and endeavor to address the specific product characteristics needed for use in lower-income settings even after new innovations are brought forward.

Strive for timely availability. By scaling up manufacturing at unprecedented speed and much earlier than usual, we will bring large quantities of safe and effective innovations to countries around the world for broad distribution as early as possible, no matter their income level. Mechanisms for rapidly escalating supply must be aligned with the specific context of a rapid pandemic response and tailored to each product, with options including early voluntary licensing and appropriate approaches to peer-to-peer innovator company manufacturing agreements.

Enable affordability for lower income countries. We will pursue a range of approaches to make products we are developing or supporting affordable in lower-income countries. These approaches will be independently determined by each supplier in response to the pandemic to address the significant affordability challenges, including approaches such as donations, not-for-profit supply, or equity-based tiered pricing based on countries’ needs and capabilities.

Support effective and equitable distribution of these innovations globally. We will strive towards equitable allocation of our products and support global mechanisms like COVAX, recognizing the most effective approach to equitable access will vary across vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

We also will use our collective voice alongside other global health stakeholders to advocate for the strengthening of health systems and distribution networks so crucial innovations reach everyone who needs them. In doing so, we support evidence-based prioritization so that health care workers, high-risk individuals, and other priority groups identified by WHO and other health authorities are protected for the duration of the pandemic, regardless of the country they live in. We will advocate for equitable distribution, recognizing that sovereign nations have final decision-making authority.

Maintain public confidence in our innovations. We will continue making the safety of individuals who receive products we are developing or supporting the highest priority. Adherence to the strictest scientific and ethical standards in product development and in manufacturing processes will remain the top priority over speed or politics.

Access to interventions to fight COVID-19 on a global scale requires financial resources, assets, infrastructure, and jurisdictional support and collaboration beyond the capacity or role of the signatories to this commitment. We therefore call on governments, multilateral institutions, companies, NGOs, and others to build on our commitments and efforts already underway to:

Provide sufficient, dedicated, sustainable, and timely funding for the procurement and delivery of the tools necessary to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

Diversify representation in critical decision-making and coordination bodies with special emphasis on voices representing low-income and lower-middle-income countries.

Continue quickly developing and communicating clear guidance on product needs in lower-resource settings as early as possible as our understanding of COVID-19 and the tools to combat it evolve.

Advance fit-for-purpose regulatory and liability processes for all stakeholders involved, which prioritize safety while not slowing down access to critical new tools.

Build and maintain public confidencein the approval mechanisms for diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines by ensuring robust safety and efficacy reviews and removing unwarranted political considerations from these discussions and the approval process.

Enhance country readiness and in-country delivery systems by ensuring adequate expertise and resources are in place for effective country planning, distribution, and follow-up for new diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines.

The world’s extraordinary situation requires unprecedented collaboration across every part of society. To date, we as life science and philanthropic organizations have risen to this challenge and recognize the need to push further. The commitments above will save lives only if partners across the entire development-to-deployment pathway work together to guarantee products reach the people who need them.

The ACT-Accelerator offers a forum for collaboration and action, and the global community must collectively mobilize the resources partners have identified as critical to ending this pandemic for communities everywhere. By aligning those resources with the commitments above, we believe we will not only enable a faster path out of the current COVID-19 crisis but will also lay the foundation for a strong pandemic preparedness ecosystem the next time a pandemic arises.

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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