Many Thrombosis after Vaccines: 3 Carabinieri Soldier dead. But AstraZeneca & Italy Business Must Go On. EMA said…

Many Thrombosis after Vaccines: 3 Carabinieri Soldier dead. But AstraZeneca & Italy Business Must Go On. EMA said…


Norwegian doctor confirms the correlations
between vaccine and severe blood disorders

In the cover photo, the teacher Stefania Maccioni and the carabiniere Emanuele Calligaris both died of thrombosis after the vaccine

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


The Italian entrepreneur who produces the adenovirus vector used by AstraZeneca for the vaccine patented by the Jenner Institute with Oxford University is a lobbyist manager in the smell of Freemasonry: until a few years ago he was the television producer of a program of the melodic singer Pupo .. .

The serum of the Anglo-Swedish multinational is produced using a safe and weakened version of an adenovirus that affects chimpanzees; another virus that can cause a common cold-like illness.

According to the official website of the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine, which instead uses a recombinant based on two different types of Adenovirus of human origin, those of monkeys have never been used while those of anthropogenic origin, on which the antidote against Covid-19 produced by Jannsen in Belgium for the Johnson & Johnson group, have been running for over 17 years.

Perhaps these two bitter findings would be enough to explain why the AstraZeneca vaccine, temporarily blocked as a precaution by 16 countries of the European Union for suspected even lethal thrombosis, recorded the highest percentage of serious adverse reactions in the EU area as demonstrated by the dossier prepared by Gospa News on the basis of EudraVigilance and updated as of February 27th.

VACCINI IMPOSTI IN ISRAELE: PRIMO ROUND A OMV DEL GIUDICE GIORGIANNI. Il Tribunale dell’Aja indaga per Violazione del Codice di Norimberga

But the mantra of the moment – in the face of a death of venous thrombosis with consequent cerebral hemorrhages which occurred in Italy, capable of affecting even Carabinieri soldiers in excellent health (otherwise they could not be on duty) and inducing the police union to justify a tide of booking cancellations – there is only one: “no correlation”. Immunization must continue at all costs. Even at the risk of ending up before the Hague Tribunal as happened to Israel for the denunciation of the World Life Organization of Judge Angelo Giorgianni in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

This is why we wrote this article even before the EMA (European Medicines Agency), today Thursday 18 March, had given the granted authorization to restore AstraZeneca administrations already anticipated in the mainstream media. This is why we can publish it in real time before 5pm, time of the official press conference of the European agency in Amsterdam on the expected green light, already suggested by the World Health Organization, in relation to the vaunted “low risks” …

The cases of thrombosis after the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine “are lower” than those occurring among the unvaccinated population, said Sabien Straus, president of the Prac (Pharmacovigilance Commission, confirming the EMA’s ok for the resumption of inoculations.

But in the meantime, just during the publication of the article, sensational news came from Norway, the first national to report 29 abnormal deaths a few weeks ago following the inoculation of Pfizer serum and to block the administration of AstraZeneca in recent days.

In Norway 13 Deaths after Pfizer’s Vaccine. Health Authority: “Normal, they were Elderly and Frail”. Investigations on Us Physician Dead

«In a huge development the Chief Norwegian Investigator and Physician Pal Andre Holme who examined the three hospitalized health workers has confirmed that it was indeed the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine which caused the rare blood clots due to unexpected immune reaction. Earlier, one of the three health workers who were admitted to Norway’s Rikshospitalet died. They have all been treated for a very rare condition: they came in with acute pain, they had blood clots in unusual places, such as the stomach and brain, in addition, they had bleeding and low platelet counts» wrote the investigative webmedia GreatGameIndia quoting Scandinavian sources.



For a true “Italian miracle” almost inexplicable in the country where the official celebration of deaths from Covid-19 is emphasized (presumed because the bodies of the coffins paraded from Bergamo to various cemeteries in the neighboring regions were all cremated …) the “official” data communicated by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) in its report of 10 March claim that since December the fatal deaths have been 40 (13 only in January) and the serious undesirable effects 6.1% although in all of Europe, according to data EudraVigilance, the EMA’s Pharmacoviglance Society, recorded 34,733 serious adverse reactions out of 95,554 reports for the three experimentally authorized vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca), including 2787 fatal cases that largely exceed the 1,637 reported deaths in the USA by the CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention).

But unfortunately there is a comparison problem: those accounted for by the company on behalf of the EMA refer to pathologies (therefore more fatal outcomes could be referred to the same individual) and the REAL number of deceased therefore remains an arcane, which only reports summaries of the national drug agencies can reveal in a generalist way arguing that among the serious events, for example for Pfizer’s Comirnaty (more used because it was authorized in January) in Italy there are 1,700.

«The most frequent reactions coincide with the distribution of all reactions and are mainly represented by high fever, intense headache, widespread muscle / joint pain and asthenia. Less frequently are also reported allergic-type reactions, lymphadenopathy, paraesthesia, tachycardia and hypertensive crisis and facial paralysis» reported AIFA.

The adverse reactions of the Astrazeneca vaccine differentiated between serious and not in the EudraVigilance table – link to the complete Gospa News dossier from the image

Although Italy is the country to have recorded more reports of undesirable effects (mild and serious) than all of Europe 30,015 out of 4,118,277 vaccinated (EudraVigilance data reports 27,917 because it is less updated), it is the one that recorded only 6,1% of total serious reactions while the average in Europe is 29% for Pfizer serum (78,305 reports to EudraVigilance including 23,082 for serious side effects), 49.6% for Moderna (1,621 serious reactions out of 3,266 ), and 78.2% for AstraZeneca’s recombinant antidote (10,930 serious effects out of 13,983 reports) made with the Italian-made adenovirus vector… We are waiting for an expert doctor to write us a report on these strangely divergent percentages.

But in a few days a death from venous thrombosis with consequent cerebral haemorrhages was recorded in Italy and also targeted people of healthy and robust constitution such as the soldiers of the Carabinieri Benemerita Army.

Cortisone Defeated Covid-19: Oxford confirmed Italian Neurologist’s Therapy Negleted. How many Deaths for WHO Faults?

Although the first results of the autopsies ordered by the judiciary excluded a proven link of direct causality and correlation with the vaccine, it is good to remember that thrombi, with massive embolisms, were one of the inflammatory acute conditions that often became lethal among those infected with Covid- 19 symptomatic, hence the use of heparin in association with those anti-inflammatories that initially the scientific community (international and Italian) had banned with a colossal therapeutic error costing thousands and thousands of human lives (such as cortisone and hydroxychlorichine).


«Emanuele Calligaris, the 46-year-old carabiniere who worked in Udine and was hospitalized in serious condition at the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital, died due to the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage. The news of the death was communicated by the management of Asufc. He was in intensive care and was on a reserved prognosis after feeling ill in the night between Monday and Tuesday, when he was transported to the emergency room – RaiNews writes of March 17 – The man was in good health and with a sporty body. For five days he had been having fever and vomiting, tell people close to him. About ten days ago he had been vaccinated with Astrazeneca. According to reports from the vice president of the region Riccardo Riccardi, the carabiniere had not been vaccinated with the batch seized by the prosecutor of Biella a few days ago. Calligaris leaves his wife and an eight-year-old son». A 63-year-old teacher had died in Biella right after vaccination with the suspect batch.

The teacher Stefania Maccioni and the carabiniere Emanuele Calligaris both died of thrombosis after the vaccine

«The 50-year-old Mantuan Carabinieri Marshal did not make it. Two days ago he was hospitalized in an emergency for a cerebral thrombosis and yesterday underwent a desperate surgery which, however, was unable to do anything to save his life. His conditions, in intensive care, have in fact always remained very serious until brain death followed by death with the diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis – reports the webmedia MantovaUno – The soldier had undergone vaccination with AstraZeneca serum 11 days before admission, which is why a series of investigations were carried out by Asst Mantova. His medical record has already been sent to the Higher Institute of Health. The first days after the vaccine it seems that the carabiniere was fine, then on the sixth day after the immunization he began to suffer from severe headaches which did not prevent him from working. Until two days ago when his condition suddenly worsened. The CT scan to which he was immediately subjected after his entry to the emergency room ascertained that it was a cerebral thrombosis».



Stefania Maccioni, a literature teacher at the Salvo D’Acquista middle school in Cerveteri, was inoculated with a vaccine from the ABV5811 batch of Astrazeneca, the first to be withdrawn from stock by AIFA. The injection on February 25 in Santa Severa, then the problems began. Romana, 51-year-old literature teacher at the Cerveteri middle school. (read more).




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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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