Scandinavian Countries don’t Trust in EMA: AstraZeneca’s Vaccine still Stopped. Italy Mourns Zelia, Youngest Vaccinated Dead

Scandinavian Countries don’t Trust in EMA: AstraZeneca’s Vaccine still Stopped. Italy Mourns Zelia, Youngest Vaccinated Dead


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

«Despite Ema’s reassurances, the front of the Scandinavian countries is waiting for more data. The suspension will continue for at least a week Despite the assurances of EMA (European Medicines Agency – ed) on AstraZeneca, according to which there are no risks. a group of European governments has decided to maintain the stop on the Anglo-Swedish drug. Four Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden) have preferred a line of caution and will continue the vaccination campaign by drawing on other sources. They are partially joined by France which, adapting to Ema’s indications, has decided to use AstraZeneca only for the over 55 population».

This is what a mainstream newspaper such as Italian Corriere della Sera reported, resigning itself to the fact that in Northern Europe they doubt “their” same serum. AstraZeneca, in fact, is now a multinational company with headquarters in Cambridge, United Kingdom, but it was born from the merger of two large European companies in the pharmaceutical sector: the British Zeneca Group and Astra AB, founded in 1913 with headquarters in Södertälje, in Sweden.

WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK

Since then, many medicines have been baked from their factories that have attracted financial speculators from all over the world (BlackRock, Vanguard etc.) the same ones who in different percentages control the other Big Pharmas of vaccines such as GSK in London, Moderna based in Cambridge (but in Massachusetts, USA), and Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA), but also all the most important defense corporations as we revealed in our investigations WuhanGates 16 and Weapons Lobby 1.


AstraZeneca is also a partner of two Big Pharma cartels that highlight obvious conflicts of interest: that of the NGO One Nucleus in Cambridge, of which it is mainsponsor alongside swabs analysis laboratories and J&J, among others, and the one just established from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation among the vaccine giants around the world.

«The Helsinki government has decided to maintain the stop after two cases of cerebral thrombosis occurred among its vaccinated population. The suspension will continue “until there is no more information and it will not be possible to assess a possible causality” the Finnish health authorities say.

WUHAN-GATES – 32. Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal

Finland is the latest to join the Scandinavian “no AstraZeneca” front. Previously the same move was made by Norway: “Due to the numerous serious cases, we want to examine the situation thoroughly before drawing a conclusion,” said Geir Bokholm director of the Oslo Institute of Public Health. “This will take some time and we will provide an update at the end of next week.” A week off is the time span that Sweden and Denmark also gave each other.

This mistrust of the serum based on the chimpanzee adenovirus vector developed by the Jenner Institute in the Oxford University science park was also caused by the revelations of the Norwegian doctor responsible for investigating serious adverse reactions, who confirmed a causal link between the vaccine and the blood clots so severe that they also triggered fatal cerebral thrombosis.

Many Thrombosis after Vaccines: 3 Carabinieri Soldier dead. But AstraZeneca & Italy Business Must Go On. EMA said…

In Italy, on the other hand, the same AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) had denied the existence of a correlation even before the EMA dissolved its reservations, considering the risks greater than the benefits despite the death of soldiers, policemen and carabinieri, people in good health for obvious reasons of service.

The Italian Government, Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and also regional governors such as the President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio, immediately went out of their way to enthusiastically announce the resumption of the AstraZeneca anti-Covid-19 doses.

On the other hand, as we explained in the previous article, the possible flop of the Oxford vaccine would in fact also be a resounding failure of the IRBM Park Science of Pomezia (Rome) which through Advent srl has developed perhaps the most important part of the serum itself: that is the adenovirus vector of animal origin, used for the first time in the pharmaceutical history of vaccine medicines.

Zelia Guzzo, the 37-year-old Sicilian teacher died of a cerebral hemorrhage after the AstraZeneca vaccine

«Her condition was already very serious since last Friday and she did not react to the drugs. The doctors had tried to stop her edema but only a miracle could have saved her. For several days the teacher had been breathing artificially. We will have to wait for the next few hours to disconnect the machine that keeps it alive only mechanically – adds Ragusa News – The prosecutor of Gela has opened an investigation to ascertain the possible causality with the vaccine that she had received on March 1st. Pain and anger among family members and in many colleagues who knew her».

They Were Healthy and Strong… After Covid’s Vaccines Died! Alert on Blood Disorders in EU and US

Yet,  only the day before,  on March 17,  the youngest victim among those vaccinated with AstraZeneca had been registered: As reported by Ragusa News,  the brain death of Zelia Guzzo,  the 37-year-old teacher from Gela in very serious conditions because she was hit by a cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after the serum inoculation,  as unfortunately happened to many other Italians undergoing immunization.

The alarm on serious adverse reactions,  even fatal,  reported by healthcare personnel to the various pharmacovigilance bodies was launched in unsuspected times from a Gospa News dossier based on data collected by EudraVigilance,  the official EMA platform on undesirable effects from vaccines and drugs in general. AstraZeneca,  in fact,  had recorded 78% of serious adverse reactions out of 13, 983 vaccine sequelae reported in all 27 countries of the European Union.

But now it also comes from a German study published in preview by Database Italia,  a geopolitical information and analysis portal directed by Davide Donateo,  and very attentive to scientific studies on Covid-19,  the SARS-Cov-2 virus and therapies. German scientists have discovered that the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine could potentially produce antibodies which in turn would stimulate the formation of blood clots in “rare” cases even if the WHO does not see this link as “causal”.

Decimation among Covid Vaccinated. Serious Adverse Reactions Boom: 2.787 Fatal Cases in EU, 1.095 in US

“A research group from the German University Hospital of Greifswald has discovered a mechanism that could lead to the development of sinus or cerebral venous thrombosis in patients who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine” writes Database Italia, The team received six blood samples from people who suffered from thrombosis after taking the vaccine. The samples were provided by the Paul Ehrlich Institute,  the body responsible for the approval and monitoring of all vaccines in Germany.

Following the analysis,  the Greifswald researchers found that an immune response to the vaccine could result in the formation of antibodies that normally form only when an organism needs to heal a wound through blood clotting,  the German broadcaster reported. Ed., These antibodies then “activate” the platelets and may stimulate the formation of blood clots,  particularly in the venous sinuses of the brain.,

The team’s conclusions,  which have not yet been published in any scientific journal,  were then shared by the German Research Association for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (GTH),  which published a new guideline for patients who will receive the vaccine.

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Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano




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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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