“EU Hard Lockdowns are Crimes against Humanity”. Italian Magistrate’s Complaint to Hague Court

“EU Hard Lockdowns are Crimes against Humanity”. Italian Magistrate’s Complaint to Hague Court


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«Lockdown and all-related measures – the latter if adopted for prolonged and indefinite periods of time, well beyond the health emergency phase, so as to risk distorting the very essence of societies, and this is the case – are a crime against humanity as they constitute the crimes of imprisonment, torture and are acts causing great suffering to mental and physical health (section 7 of the Rome Statute)».

This is one of the most disruptive sentences of the explosive complaint signed by the Italian magistrate Angelo Giorgianni and sent yesterday, Wednesday 24 March, to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Ms Fatou Bensouda.

«We strongly urge you to consider declaring lockdowns and all-related measures (mask mandate, social distancing, ongoing closures of schools, businesses, bars, restaurants, gyms, museums, theaters and more) a crime against humanity. The economic, human, psychological and social costs of these policies are considerably higher than their effectiveness in saving lives and reducing the spread of the virus» wrote in the complaint to the Hague Court Dr. Giorgianni, a Sicilian civil judge, as Secretary General of the World Life Organization (OMV in Italian, WLO in English).

OMV or WLO is a new international organization of cultural voluntary service born in the wake of the Italian association The Eretic, founded by the magistrate together with the Neapolitan coroner Pasquale Bacco, to counterbalance the excessive power of the World Health Organization, now firmly controlled by the tycoon Bill Gates who is the main financier in a clear conflict of interest for his clear financial speculations in Big Pharma as evidenced by 33 WuhanGates investigations published by Gospa News.

WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty

Thanks to a growing collaboration between the webmedia Gospa News, a Christian journalistic information portal, and WLO News, the information platform of the World Life Organization itself, we are the first to be able to reveal the contents of the complaint already anticipated by Gorgianni himself in some videos such as ” Nuremberg 2 “, as based on the violation of the Nuremberg codes which in the historic trial held in autumn 1946 in the German city cost the death sentence to Nazi officials accused of crimes against humanity (24 death sentences, 20 life sentences, 98 sentences from 18 months to 25 years in prison).

The complaint to the International Criminal Court is a white-paper of the tragedies caused by the pandemic from Covid-19, it is a precise statistical collection, based on authoritative and international sources, of the social horrors deriving from the impositions of national governments (link to the original pdf in English at the end of the page).

The magistrate Angelo Giorgianni, general secretary of the World Life Organization

The report analyzes with particular attention those of the Italian Government of the former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, because the studies mostly refer to statistics relating to the period of his management although the new Prime Minister Mario Draghi has continued on the same dangerous slope, in compliance with that desired continuity by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in the reconfirmation suggestion of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. But the complaint also highlights the tragic situations in the US, UK and Germany.

Interruption and renunciation of health care for serious illnesses, devastation of the family relationship network for sick elderly and disadvantaged children, mental disorders with alcohol and drug abuse, loss of jobs, increase in suicides, juvenile hardships with precocious puberty and cases of self-harm , infant malnutrition, higher morbidity and mortality risks associated with states of apathy and depression. These are just some of the consequences of lockdowns, mandatory tampons (considered unreliable by various doctors), quarantines and masks, listed in 37 pages of exhibits complete with the name and surname of the scientists and health facilities that detected them.

Pandemic Massacre in Italy: WHO Concealed Truth Inviting Physicians to Refuse Deposition before Magistrates

Among these there are also the opinions of technical components of the WHO itself that have been ignored, just as happened to the Venetian Francesco Zambon, invited by the leaders of the same Health Organization, not to reveal the contents of his dossier on the failure to update the pandemic plan of Italian emergency on which the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office is now investigating for crimes of forgery and culpable epidemic.

“According to Canadian medical expert Dr Ari Joffe, “the harms caused by lockdown measures are at least five to 10 times greater than the benefits, as a population plagued by economic downturn, unemployment and loneliness is at risk of early mortality, reduced lifespan and chronic disease. Over time, suicide, depression, alcohol use disorder, childhood trauma due to domestic violence, changes in marital status, and social isolation are projected to cause millions of years of life lost” reads the first lines of the complaint signed by the magistrate Giorgianni.



To understand the atomic significance of the complaint, it is sufficient to say that compared to 17 pages of the complaint, there are 20 of scientific literature and citation of published texts. Among these is the book “Massacre of State” written by Giorgianni with Dr. Bacco who, together with Alessandro Meluzzi, Giulio Tarro and many other doctors, is part of the World Life Organization (WLO) Scientific Committee.

«Dr David Nabarro, WHO special envoy for covid-19, said this of lockdowns back in October: “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus. (…)just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry…look what’s happening to small-holding farmers. (….)it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition. (…)This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe”» .

It is one of the sentences extrapolated from the complaint on which the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of The Hague was called to investigate. Just as such opinions are being ignored, governments are even bickering over vaccine stocks as part of the World Health Organization’s immunization project, although colossal business is hiding from them as WHO’s COVAX plan is run by the NGO Gavi Alliance. of Gates in obvious conflicts of interest: also because it is managed by a former manager of GSK, the pharmaceutical multinational that controls Pfizer and is owned by the founder of Microsoft.

WUHAN-GATES – 32. Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal

«The collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona. Social isolation and economic damage led to an increase in depression, anxiety, suicides, intra-family violence and child abuse. Studies have shown that the more social and emotional commitments people have, the more resistant they are to viruses. It is much more likely that isolation and quarantine have fatal consequences» we read in the complaint that reports this and other passages from the book Massacres of State by Giorgianni and Bacco.

«The infection fatality rate seems to be about the same as for influenza, but we have never introduced these drastic measures before, when we had influenza pandemics. And we cannot live with them for years to come. The World Bank has just estimated that the corona pandemic has caused an increase of about 100 million people living in extreme poverty. This is not because of COVID-19. It is because of the draconian measures we have introduced. We need a better strategy – reported also the legal action –  The brutal price of this drastic policy is all too obvious. Amid battered public finances, rising unemployment and widespread business failures, entire sectors of the economy have been devastated. Throughout this long emergency, the supposed antidote has often been more harmful than the disease itself. The reality is that Covid represents little danger to the vast majority of people under the age of 60, yet our whole society has been upended by an exaggerated response. And the scars will last for many years».

The title page and the final part of the complaint filed by magistrate Angelo Giorgianni at the International Criminal Court of The Hague – click on the image to linking to the full text in English

«We think government lockdowns cause substantial collateral health damage. Hospital admissions in the USA for emergency treatment of acute ischaemic strokes have been substantially lower in February–March, 2020, than in February–March, 2019, resulting in delayed treatment. The situation is similar for patients with cancer. In German hospitals, cancer cases decreased during the first national lockdown between March 12 and April 19, 2020: by 13·9% for breast cancer, 16·5% for bladder cancer, 18·4% for gastric cancer, 19·8% for lung cancer, 22·3% for colon cancer, and 23·1% for prostate cancer, suggesting that cancers might have been undetected and untreated during this period. Government restrictions are disrupting traditional means of support between friends and family members. Physical distancing and contact reduction are causing severe stress to many people and might increase the risk of suicide» Giorgianni and Bacchus still report in a crucial passage in the book, reported in the complaint to The Hague, in which the horizon extends to the world situation.



«Fear resulting in social isolation and unwillingness to seek healthcare will increase morbidity and mortality. 2020 saw in UK a 76% reduction in patients presenting to primary care with suspected cancer, and 5000 fewer patients presented to hospital with acute coronary syndrome. Health effects related to lockdown and lockdown induced recession are likely to outweigh the effects of deaths from covid, especially the impact on ambitious cancer targets of detecting >75% stage 1-2 cancers by 2028. The media has trivialised other causes of death by not reporting them. Leading causes of death remain dementia, cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, and cancers. Deaths seem to have been misattributed to covid-19».

«There is no doubt that the sense of proportion has been completely lost, and the consequences are and will be tragic. In addition to Covid patients, there are still millions of people struggling with important treatments and therapies: heart attacks, cancer patients, diabetics, patients with stroke outcomes and disabling diseases. In Italy 21 people die every hour due to cancer and 26 people from cardiovascular problems and these data are destined to drastically and sadly increase in the coming years» again add the magistrate and the coroner.

Neapolitan coroner Pasquale Bacco, author of the book Massacre di Stato together with the magistrate Angelo Giorgianni

«People continue to die of many pathologies but, in Italian hospitals, those not infected with Covid feel they are neglected. Since the start of the dramatic health emergency, 11 million citizens are at risk of losing their lives due to difficulties in accessing care. The pandemic has overwhelmed the national health service and today, to risk the most, it is precisely the “fragile patients” that is the oncohematological and cardiological patients. For these pathologies, in terms of mortality, we have gone back twenty years, eliminating, with a swipe of a sponge, the extraordinary progress of decades of research”. “Since the onset of the pandemic in Italy, the fear of contagion has sent about 20% of cancer patients away from hospitals, patients who should have been subjected to useful treatments. Fears are also widespread in those with heart disease: there has been a reduction of more than 50% in hospitalizations for heart attacks. And hospitalizations for heart failure, heart rhythm abnormalities and pacemaker and defibrillator dysfunction are down by about a third»


«The current government measures regarding covid are not supported by evidence-based medical research and many of these measures are harmful to individuals, families and societies in general. We call on all levels of government to immediately stop promoting lockdowns and physical distancing, the use of masks, quarantine of asymptomatic people and isolation, using RT-PCR testing on people, advocating inadequately tested gene-modifying covid-19 vaccinations, business closures or restrictions, closures of public facilities, including schools, parks and recreational facilities, misrepresentation of the covid situation in the media» the complaitn to The Hague still points out.

«Many international studies bear out that lockdowns have proven to be a complete failure as a public health measure to contain a respiratory virus. They did not succeed in their primary objective of containing spread yet have caused great harm. Lockdowns were explicitly not recommended even for severe respiratory viral outbreaks in all pandemic planning prior to 2020, including those endorsed by the WHO and the Department of Health. The reasons for ignoring existing policies and adopting unprecedented measures appear to have been panic whipped up by the media, a reluctance to do things differently to neighbouring countries and the unfaltering belief in one single mathematical model, which latterly turned out to be wildly inaccurate. In particular, frontline clinicians and experts are alerting policy makers to an impending mental health catastrophe   in   children   and   young   people. Government actions in response to the pandemic have created a ‘perfect storm’ for the  emergence and exacerbation of mental health problems in addition to creating significant barriers   to   effective   treatment».

Covid-19: State’s Vaccine or Herd Immunity: Putin’s Russia teaches Value of Choice’s Freedom

The complaint then cites other experts (at the bottom of the notes) who “have recently warned that prolonged blockades could encourage the emergence of more dangerous variants.  “There is already some evidence emerging to support this theory. The Kent variant is reported to be more transmissible and more deadly, while the South Africa variant is more likely to make people severely ill. Is it a coincidence that the prevalence of these variants emerged in countries with very strict measures in place throughout the pandemic? Is it a coincidence that the Kent variant dominated following a period of regional and national UK lockdowns? If lockdowns are the key to stopping these dangerous mutations, then where is the Swedish variant?”.

“Due to human intervention, the course of this pandemic has been thoroughly disturbed as of the very beginning. Widespread and stringent infection prevention measures combined with mass vaccination campaigns using inadequate vaccines will undoubtedly lead to a situation where the pandemic is getting increasingly out of control”. Professor Anthony Brookes, at the Department of Genetics & Genome Biology, University of Leicester cautioned that lockdowns, mass testing, and track and trace systems together act to hinder mild or asymptomatic spread, whilst giving an unnatural relative advantage to strains that are more virulent.



The World Life Organization complaint then mentions the reasons that led a German judge to declare the COVID-19 restriction order unconstitutional. «He noted these consequences of the lockdown: increase in domestic violence against children and women; increase in depression as a result of social isolation anxiety, psychosis/anxiety disorders as a result of Covid-19 anxiety and other mental disorders/nervous overload due to family/personal/occupational problems as a result of the lockdown; increase in suicides as a result of unemployment or bankruptcy; health impairments as a result of lack of exercise; failure to undergo surgery and inpatient treatment because hospital beds being reserved for Covid-19 patients; failure to undergo surgery, inpatient treatment, doctor visits because patients feared infection with Covid-19».

«According to Stefan Swartling Peterson and Anna Mia Ekström, two of Sweden’s leading experts on global health, restrictions against the coronavirus have killed as many people as the virus itself. They have gone through data from Unicef and Unaids and found that the vast majority of people who have died of lockdown have died in poor countries and been young. The specific causes of death are malnutrition, caused by shutting down the global economy, lack of vaccination, caused by shutting down childhood vaccination programs, and treatable diseases like turbercolosis and HIV, that have been prioritized down as a result of efforts to fight covid-19».

Scandinavian Countries don’t Trust in EMA: AstraZeneca’s Vaccine still Stopped. Italy Mourns Zelia, Youngest Vaccinated Dead

«As early as April 2020, researchers at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health predicted that more than one million children under five in low- and middle-income countries would die in the next six months due to the disruption of health services; they also calculated a 39 per cent increase in maternal deaths per month for the same reason. A new United Nations report has laid bare the appalling cost of lockdowns in some of the world’s poorest countries. The report examines the effect of the unprecedented Government shutdown policies on healthcare, social services, education and the economy. It estimates that the disruption in healthcare services caused by Government responses to COVID-19 in Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (home to some 1.8 billion people) may have led to 239,000 maternal and child deaths. This compares to around 186,000 deaths “with COVID-19”, meaning the lockdowns are estimated to have killed considerably more than the virus».



As a direct consequence of forced isolation, there has been an increase in drug abuse deaths in the United States, a full-fledged drug epidemic within the covid-19 epidemic. «The same is happening in Europe: in fact the European Institute for Addiction Treatment noted an alarming increase in the consumption of antidepressants, alcohol and drugs. “Pharmacies have increased their supplies of anxiolytics and hypnotics by 35% and their supplies of antidepressants by 28.2%. We expect 300,000 new cases to be handled by mental health departments “. […] Apathy, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, but also hyperactivity, a desire to violate restrictions and rebel against closures to” feel alive” are on the rise. The coronavirus epidemic is having dramatic consequences for the entire population, but while those on physical health are limited directly to the infected, the psychological effects are not sparing anyone”, Professor Massimo Di Giannantonio, president of the Italian Society of Psychiatry, has revealed.

In an interview with “La Stampa”, he has also pointed out: “We observe an increase in the sale of antidepressants and anxiolytics. And a rise in psychiatric visits. […] In this second wave of the pandemic the trend of an increase in drugs that already emerged last spring is confirmed. According to the WHO, one of the main consequences of the emergency will be the multiplication of psychopathological problems and social distress”.

mRNA VACCINES, CANCER RISKS! WLO: “Crimes against Humanity”

According to Italian researchers, since the beginning of lockdown in March, the Endocrinology Unit of Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, has recorded a rapid increase of the outpatient consultations for suspected precocious or early puberty, due probably to the consequences of forced social isolation. Studies have established that early puberty may increase the risk for breast cancer.

Stefano Vicari, Head of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry at the above mentioned hospital, warned that “from October to today we have noticed a significant increase in access to the emergency room with psychiatric disorder, 90% of them are young people between 12 and 18 who have tried to take their own lives [ …] I had all the beds occupied by suicide attempts for weeks and it had never happened to me. In the emergency room there is one hospitalization per day for ‘self-injurious activities […] We are witnessing two phenomena: on the one hand, we have adolescents who, in order to assert themselves, become aggressive, hurt others, hurt their parents, cut themselves, become intractable . On the other hand, we have young people who close up like a hedgehog, take refuge in their world and in their room and we don’t know if they will want to get out of this shell, once the storm has passed “.

«In parallel, the national referral statistics for eating disorders in England show a doubling in the number of urgent referrals during 2020 and CDC Director Robert Redfield remarked that “there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID”. Experts in Great Britain have called for urgent action to protect children and teens from the harm of lockdown, saying youngsters are being used in “an unethical mass experiment”» added the complaint.



«We must point out that the health risk linked to the spread of sars-cov-2 is in itself too insignificant to justify such totalitarian measures. At a global level, the current lethality of covid-19 places this pandemic in the same category as previous pandemics, thus denying its alleged exceptional character. According to Ioannidis, “many early deaths may have been due to suboptimal management, malfunctional health systems, sending COVID‐19 patients to nursing homes, and nosocomial infections; such deaths are partially avoidable moving forward. Global infection fatality rate is 0.15‐0.20% (0.03‐0.04% in those <70 years)”».

The complaint does nothing but re-propose a thesis already supported by the famous virologist Giorgio Palù last October, subsequently appointed president of the AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) precisely because of his authority.

“The lethality of SARS-Cov-2 fluctuates between 0.3 and 0.6% while for SARS (2003 ed) it was 10% and MERS of 36%, two Coronaviruses that became extinct within a year. This should reassure us a little this Infodemic, that is, this information that has become pandemic, this fear of contagion, fear of death: this has become virulent and contagious. Common sense, reasonableness, critical ability to evaluate data for what they are has been lost. We are in the autumn of reason, “Palù declared on TV and to Gospa News.

Italy-US Academic Virologist: “Stop to Pandemic’s Terrorism. Covid-19 less Lethal. Risks of False Positives detection with Swabs”

«A study published in Canadian Medical Association Journal found that risk of death from covid-19 is 3.5 time higher than from flu but it considers only the first wave period (November-June), while it is reported that the fatality rate from covid-19 has declined in all age groups during the second phase of the pandemic. According to Dr Scott W. Atlas, five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown, and one of these is covid-19 IFR: “The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19. The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies”».

“In New York City, an epicenter of the pandemic with more than one-third of all U.S. deaths, the rate of death for people 18 to 45 years old is 0.01 percent, or 10 per 100,000 in the population. On the other hand, people aged 75 and over have a death rate 80 times that. For people under 18 years old, the rate of death is zero per 100,000. (…)If you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age. And young adults and children in normal health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19. (…)In this virus, we know that medical care is not even necessary for the vast majority of people who are infected“ concluded Atlas.



«The entire lockdown architecture seems therefore to rest on two “pillars”: the number of positives identified by PCR and antigen tests and asymptomatic transmission of the virus. The studies we have produced show that neither swabs can be considered reliable diagnostic tools nor asymptomatic people transmit the virus (or transmit it very rarely as to have virtually no impact in the grand scheme). A massive covid testing campaign is underway not only in Italy, but worldwide, costing countries billions of dollars. But more and more experts are claiming that the misuse of PCR testing is resulting in a vast number of false positives». It is the crude revelation contained in the statement of the World Organization for Life.

Many are denouncing the testing as illogical and fraudulent, stating that it shouldn’t be considered diagnostic. Yet these are the very tests that are used to report daily numbers around the country justifying the policies to depress economy and society. The late Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, explicitly stated in an interview that these tests should not be used for diagnostic purposes.

WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK

On January 20, 2021, WHO issued an advisory for labs processing PCR tests, asserting that “careful interpretation of weak positives result is needed”, a positive PCR test result not automatically constituting a case of covid-19. According to German attorney Reiner Fuellmich, “a number of hightly respected scientists have concluded there has never been a coronavirus pandemic but only a PCR test pandemic. If someone tests positive it does not mean they are infected with anything. Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests, or intentional misrepresentation, that can only be assessed as fraud”.

Too bad that on February 27, 2020 one of the most important research laboratories of the European Union and the world, Cerba Healthcare International, had joined the NGO One Nucleus to collaborate with AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline and other Big Pharma of vaccines, as discovered by Gospa News is unveiled in the WuhanGates 23 report, in a clear conflict of interest between those who have to analyze the tests and who can make money on the antidotes against Covid-19.

«As for the question of asymptomatic positives, i.e. the majority of people who have come into contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus, we must say that the second phase of the pandemic was managed by starting from the assumption that the “asymptomatic positives” were contagious – – OMV’s accusation again points out – However, on June 8, epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO anti-Covid-19 technical team, described asymptomatic transmission as “very rare”. Although harshly criticized, this statement has been confirmed by several studies, among which we cite the one published on November 20, 2020 by the journal “Nature”, which reports the results of a screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection conducted in the post-lockdown in the city of Wuhan (between May 14 and June 1, 2020), which was attended by 9,899,828 people».

«Science agrees that, in general, although an asymptomatic person can transmit a microbe, they do not transmit the disease, that is, people who are weakly positive cannot infect others, because their viral load is too low to spread the virus. In the same reports of the Italian CTS (scientific technical committee) it is stated that: “The identification of viral RNA does not necessarily imply infectivity”. In a study conducted in June on 133 researchers of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research and 298 employees of Brembo, in which 40 positive cases were found, “the positivity of these swabs emerged only with very high amplification cycles, including 34 and 38 cycles, which correspond to 35,000-38,000 copies of viral RNA. They are cases of positivity with a very low viral load, not contagious. We call them contagions, but they are only swab-positive people”».

«Starting from these assumptions, how is it possible to justify the imposition of quarantine and generalized lockdowns» asks the Sicilian magistrate who, however, points out the contradictory attitude of the government.



«The overall excess mortality recorded this year in Italy concerns mainly the months of March and April (“first wave”) and includes not only the deaths directly attributable to covid-19 but also those resulting from the disruption of the healthcare system and from serious initial errors in the management of the emergency» the complaint reporst.

«With regard to this last point, it is necessary to open a parenthesis, referring, for a more detailed analysis, to the attached essay “State massacre”. Although the Ministry of Health had already been informed in January (as evidenced by a note dated January 22) that the mild form caused by the virus could progress to a severe form in people with an already compromised clinical condition and in the elderly, no precautionary measure to protect these categories of population had been taken at the beginning» Giorgianni recalls, noting a contradiction made even more evident by the so-called “Cortisone scandal” denounced by Gospa News.

Cortisone Defeated Covid-19: Oxford confirmed Italian Neurologist’s Therapy Negleted. How many Deaths for WHO Faults?

In fact, it was the neurologist Roberta Ricciardi, on April 24, 2020, who wrote to the Ministry of Health along with 33 other physicians to report the providential use of cortisone drugs, banned by the WHO and European governments in the previous March and “rehabilitated” by a study of Oxford University only in June. But her letter about effective therapy went unanswered. Not only. Again in December, Minister Roberto Speranza, comforted by the technical consultants and AIFA, prescribed the simple treatment with “paracetamol and watchful waiting”, even refuting the efficacy of vitamin D. This remained valid until March when the TAR of Lazio agreed with the Home Care Committee by freeing all general practitioners from the obligation to follow the national protocol. But let’s go back to the ODV statement. (read more…)



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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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