Covid Vaccinated, Ongoing Decimation! Meanwhile EMA Conceals Deaths’ Data. More than 10 thousand People Died after Jabs in EU and Us

Covid Vaccinated, Ongoing Decimation! Meanwhile EMA Conceals Deaths’ Data. More than 10 thousand People Died after Jabs in EU and Us


In the cover Bill Gates and Roberto Speranza, Italian Health Minister

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

Among those vaccinated with experimental anti-Covid sera continues the massacre that in the European Union, according to data updated on 11 April, would have reached the disturbing figure of 7748 deaths (3,186 in the USA). But EudraVigilance, the pharmacovigilance company commissioned by EMA (Europea Medicines Agency), continues to perpetrate a blatant attempt to conceal the deaths that occurred after the adverse reactions. At the same time, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, now a shield and lightning rod of Mario Draghi’s Italian government, even goes so far as to lie about the numbers in an official report to the Chamber of Deputies to minimize the danger of the AstraZeneca vaccine, in order not to compromise the business on the vector of Chimpanzee Adenovirus developed in Lazio by governor Nicola Zingaretti, former secretary of the PD who supports the current majority writing PRO-VAX on the skin of Italians transformed into involuntary human guinea pigs.

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International controversy has focused on cases of thrombosis resulting in fatal brain haemorrhages that some studies conducted in Germany and Norway have correlated with the Vaxzevria vaccine (previously called ChAdOx1) developed by the Jenner Institute of Oxford for the Anglo-Swedish patient. AstraZeneca which is based in Cambridge, thanks to the fundamental Italian biotechnological contribution. Austria was the first to note that causal link between the inoculation of a dose and the death of a nurse by raising the alarm in Europe just as Minister Speranza authorized its administration also to the over 65s only to then forbid it to the under 50 as other countries including Germany. In short, first Denmark and then Norway decided to suspend the use of this immunizing genomic drug, also causing the European Commission to question the purchase of the doses planned for 2022, while the governor of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, on the other hand, threw himself into the fray by announcing the negotiations to buy the Danish and Norwegian doses to the newspapers.

Vaccine Suspended in Canada and Germany too… AstraZeneca admitted Thrombosis’ Risks, so changed Serum’s name

“Since there are few people who die from COVID-19 in Norway, the risk of dying after vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine would be higher than the risk of dying from the disease, particularly for younger people,” said Geir Bukholm, Director of the Division of Infection Control and Environmental Health at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

EMA, after two quick reflections, first suspended and then authorized the use of the vaccine again, noting that thrombosis cases are very rare and thus issuing the similar verdict expressed a few days ago, it goes to the other vector serum developed by Janssen Pharmaceutica in Beerse, in Belgium, on behalf of the multinational Johnson & Johnson: the vaccine suspended in the US after a decision by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for 6 cases of thrombosis was again authorized for administration after the favorable opinion of the CDC (Center of Disease Control).

WUHAN-GATES – 32. Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal

These scientific controversies on vaccines, thanks to which the sera directly funded by Bill Gates (Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech) have acquired greater reliability among the average and population, have focused attention on the vaccinated who died of strange cerebral haemorrhages because they are more striking and easier to correlating with the administration of a dose of the antidotes against Covid-19, although Italy is one of the first countries to continue to make extensive use of them without health professionals and the judiciary having been able to ascertain the causal link already proven elsewhere and reported by AstraZeneca itself in the renewed leaflet with the change in the name of the drug. But as we will see, there are many other types of serious adverse reactions that have recorded an incidence much higher than disorders of the blood or lymphatic system …


But pharmacovigilance, in addition to detecting thrombosis also for Pfizer, as happened for the American doctor Gregory Michael who died at the age of 56, highlights a generalized alarm situation that is in fact hidden by the complexity of reading EudraVigilance data on fatal cases for three reasons. First of all, the latest EMA bulletin analyzing the reports collected on undesirable effects dates back to last January. Furthermore, on the EudraVigilance website not only does the total number of deceased vaccinated persons not appear, which can only be calculated through a laborious sum of all the groups of adverse reactions for each of the 4 authorized vaccines, but also the warning appears that “fatal cases” may correspond to multiple reports for the same individual, thus nullifying a real count on the deceased of those who had done their as in the previous dossier did Gospa News.

Decimation among Covid Vaccinated. Serious Adverse Reactions Boom: 2.787 Fatal Cases in EU, 1.095 in US

«The information on this website relates to suspected side effects , i.e. medical events that have been observed following the use of a medicine, but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine. Information on suspected side effects should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine or the active substance causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use. Only a detailed evaluation and scientific assessment of all available data allows for robust conclusions to be drawn on the benefits and risks of a medicine» warns the European Data Bank managed by EudraVigilance.

«The European Medicines Agency publishes these data so that its stakeholders, including the general public, can access information that European regulatory authorities use to review the safety of a medicine or active substance. Transparency is a key guiding principle of the Agency» Unfortunately, this same concept is immediately denied in a further specific premise of data interpretation. «The information available in Tab 3, Tab 4, Tab 5 and Tab 6 takes into account the suspected side effect(s) reported in an individual case; as an individual case; may refer to more than one suspected side effect, the information does NOT represent the total number of individual cases that have been reported to EudraVigilance, but the number of related side effects»

mRNA VACCINES, CANCER RISKS! WLO: “Crimes against Humanity”

Being a merely “indicative” data, we rely on the calculations published by the mathematician Antonio Corbo Esposito on Twitter which are also an update on April 11 of those already published by Dr. Stefano Scoglio in an article published on DataBase Italia (link at the bottom of the article ). After the Pfizer vaccine about 3760 died (out of 66 million doses), after the administration of the Moderna 1801 dose (out of 10 million), after the Vaxzevria of AstraZeneca 1086 (out of 28 million), while 15 would have already been fatal cases reported for Janssen of which very few doses had been inoculated on that date. A brief arithmetic calculation therefore brings the approximate total to 7748 deceased vaccinated, indicating that the highest mortality rate is recorded with Moderna’s gene drug (0.018%), then with Pfizer (0.0057%), and finally with the notorious serum of AstraZeneca (0.0038%).

The simple list on adverse reactions released by the American CDC

«Of the 3,186 deaths reported as of April 16, 26% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 41% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. In the U.S., 202.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 16. This includes 89 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 105 million doses of Pfizer and 8 million doses of the Johnson &Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine». instead reports the website The Defender of the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr, based on the periodic report of the CDC which, unlike the EMA, also publishes a simple summary table of the data collected by the American pharmacovigilance body VAERS.



From the tables updated to the first week of April, a disturbing element immediately emerges: the Johnson & Johnson Janssen serum, ready to return to the market despite the temporary suspension in the USA and the blocking of a maxi batch of millions of doses because it was packaged in a Baltimore factory without of the necessary health authorizations, recorded 405 serious adverse reactions out of 413 reports (updated to April 24).

This small but significant number for the percentage of serious cases is added to the flood of undesirable effects, including very many serious ones, referring to the other three vaccines Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca updated to the first week of April in the tables that we publish. The reports since the beginning of the administration of antidotes against Covid-19 (December and January) have reached the embarrassing figure of 321,942 which is not frightening in percentage terms if referred to about 100 million doses inoculated in the European Union but for the very high number of serious adverse reactions: 152,771 (also counting the 405 of J&J as of April 24).

The EudraVigilance lists on serious adverse reactions of Johnson and Moderna vaccines updated as of April

«A side effect is classified as ‘serious’ if it (i) results in death, (ii) is life-threatening, (iii) requires hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, (iv) results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity (as per reporter’s opinion), (v) is a congenital anomaly/birth defect, or (vi) results in some other medically important conditions. Reports where medicines or active substances are reported as a concomitant medicine are excluded». specifies the European Database.

A quick analysis of the tables shows the relationship between total reports and serious reactions with reference to each vaccine. If the Jannsen serum leads the ranking of the percentage of serious effects with an alarming 98%, immediately after comes that of AstraZeneca with a little tranquilizing 59.2%, or 100,348 serious cases out of 169,386 total undesirable effects. The Moderna vaccine is not far behind with a percentage of 50.7%, equal to 7,221 serious effects on 14,235 reports collected. While the best of all, in this statistical correlation, Pfizer’s Comirnaty appears, settling on 32.3% of serious adverse reactions (44.797) out of the total of 136.321. But at the same time it recorded 3,760 fatal cases, equal to 2.7% of all reports, which is nothing compared to 12.6% of the 1801 fatal cases with Moderna which represents a parameter twenty times higher than that of AstraZeneca. equal to 0.64%.

LEudraVigilance lists on serious adverse reactions of Pfizer-Biontech and AstraZeneca vaccines updated in April

As anticipated at the beginning, however, concerns about thrombosis represent only one of the spies on the serious side effects of vaccines. Suffice it to say that AstraZeneca recorded 3,167 serious reactions for blood disorders (in whose group there are thrombotic events) at a European level, while it detected 73,441 of a general nature (i.e. not better identified), 63,348 to the nervous system, 38,906 all ‘musculoskeletal system, 33,673 in the gastrointestinal system and 10,740 in the respiratory system, in addition to 4,791 cardiac and 6,790 psychiatric disorders.

Also for Pfizer, among the most serious side effects, the 20,864 to the nervous system, 11,270 to the gastrointestinal system, 7,783 to the respiratory system and 4,320 to the cardiac system deserve attention. The situation is similar for Moderna where 3,230 disorders of the nervous system, 1,638 of the respiratory system and 1,541 of the respiratory system are distinguished.



If we take for granted the data published in the third AIFA report on pharmacovigilance in relation to Italy, as we are forced to do until proven otherwise, the thorny question of serious adverse reactions turns into a cryptic arcane of such magnitude as to feed many suspicions about numbers and percentages. In fact, among the European Union countries monitored by the EudraVigilance and EMA database, the average of very serious side effects is equal to 47.5% of the total (152,771 out of 321,942 reports). Furthermore, Italy remains at the top of the unflattering on reports of problems recorded after the administration of vaccines: it is in first place for Pfizer serum (39,479) and third for AstraZeneca (10,560) and Moderna (1,343). But despite this, according to the latest dossier of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), it is the country that has an almost irrelevant average of serious adverse reactions.

Reports of undesirable effects after vaccines in relation to European Union countries (EudraVigilance data)

«The reports relating to this period of the vaccination campaign are mainly referred to non-serious events (92.7%), with a reporting rate equal to 473 / 100,000 doses administered. The value is similar to the cumulative rate for all events precisely because non-serious reports represent most of them. Non-serious event reporting rates for individual vaccines are 500 (Comirnaty), 204 (Moderna), 426 (Vaxzevria) for every 100,000 doses administered. Serious reports correspond to 7.1% of the total, with a rate of 36 serious events per 100,000 doses administered, regardless of the type of vaccine, the dose administered (1st or 2nd dose) and the possible causal role of vaccination. Serious event reporting rates for individual vaccines are 33 (Comirnaty), 22 (Moderna), 50 (Vaxzevria) for every 100,000 doses administered. The temporal distance between the administration of the vaccine and the onset of serious adverse events follows a trend similar to that reported for all reports received (see table 2)».

This is, in a nutshell, the AIFA report that will lead the reader to a Hamletic doubt: either the Italians, thanks to pasta, pizza and good wine, have shown an amazingly better resistance to vaccines than that of other Europeans who in 47.5% of reported cases they experienced serious adverse reactions, that is 40.4% more of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean peninsula, or the pharmacovigilance system in Italy was set up to report as serious only the most devastating undesirable effects. (read more)






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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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