Vaccines: In Rome the Summit of Global Lies! EU & Italy inside the Gates-Big Pharma’s Shady Affairs with Biden

Vaccines: In Rome the Summit of Global Lies! EU & Italy inside the Gates-Big Pharma’s Shady Affairs with Biden


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

UPDATE MAY 22, 2021

“I hope that the Rome Declaration will lead the international community to put an end to this Covid-19 pandemic in the only way possible: in a fair way”. Thus Bill Gates, president of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, in his videoconference speech at the Global Health Summit organized in Rome on the initiative of the Italian presidency of the G20. Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the richest philanthropists in the world, said he hoped that “today’s summit will help create a set of principles and actions for developing pandemic preparedness skills that will also serve as a basis for future discussions of the G7 and the G20 planned for this year “.

Gates urged high-income countries “to donate excess doses of vaccine against Covid-19 to developing countries through the Covax tool and the Gavi alliance” and recalled that “of the first billion doses, 80 per cent went to the richest and only 2 per cent to the poorest “. There are “two immediate actions” that richer countries can take for vaccine fairness: “Sharing dollars and doses,” Gates said, stressing that it is “great to see the G20’s commitment to advance the fair response to the pandemic”. The role of the IT guru in Rome seemed to be that of a philanthropist interested in the good of humanity but as we have previously highlighted this is unfortunately not the case …

ARTICLE MAY 21, 2021

At the Global Health Summit in Rome (the G-20 on the health emergency) there were two major absentees: the masks on the faces of the President of the European Commission Ursula von Der Leyen and of the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi (refractory to use it even before become prime minister as demonstrated by Gospa News with unequivocal photos) and the role of Bill Gates, who became world emperor of vaccines thanks to the US Democratic Party that has been subsidizing for decades.

DRAGHI SMARCHERATO! In auto senza DPI… Si sente già come Sordi nel Marchese del Grillo: “Io so’ io e voi non siete un… ”

Let’s start with the more superficial but indicative analysis of the threshold of respect that the powerful, who have become over-powerful thanks to the health dictatorship imposed for the Covid-19 emergency, have rules that they themselves have prescribed. While any Italian and European citizen is forced to wear a mask even outdoors (considered useless by many experts in the scientific community) to prevent the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, Ursula and Draghi can easily do without it even if they talk in a closed room at an approximate distance of minus 2 meters away.

They probably got vaccinated well! So well that it can obviate the regulations imposed by most European governments even for those who have already been vaccinated: that is, a mandatory mask even outdoors and distancing. At first glance they recall the half-gods of Olympus. They have mortal flesh but a pseudo-divine aura shines on them, reminiscent of the false self-referential Deism of Western Freemasonry

Ursula Von der Leyen and Mario Draghi at the Summit in Rome, both without masks at a short distance from each other

But there are even more shady things hinted at behind the Global Health Summit in Rome which appears to be the semantic synthesis of two other initiatives well known for at least seven years to the single and unquestionable party of world vaccination: the Global Health Security Agenda wanted in 2014 by US President Barack Obama (obviously Dem exponent like the parliamentarians who support Prime Minister Draghi in continuity after his predecessor Giuseppe Conte), who promoted the imposition of 12 compulsory school-age vaccines in Italy, and the Global Vaccination Summit, held at the European Commission of Brussels on 12 September 2019, a few weeks before the discovery of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. So in really awfully suspicious times …

Also in the light of some recent and relevant statements. In fact, in recent weeks, even the US Director of National Intelligence, the very faithful democrat Avril Haines (former CIA deputy director and enlightened prophetess of a Coronavirus epidemic in 2018), has admitted that Covid-19 may have been triggered by a chimeric virus built in the laboratory.

WUHAN-GATES – 26. SARS-2 Bio-Weapon & Gold Vaccines. From CIA-WHO Tests funded by Gates to EU Summit with Pfizer, Biden’s sponsor, before Pandemic!

But this need not be said. Because Gospa News, which dared to report the statements made to the Senate by the number 1 of the 007 Americans, was for this reason put under close observation by Facebook which threatened to hide the FB page and blocked the profiles of the administrators for several days in accordance with the strategies that already belonged to Hitler, Stalin and Chinese Communist Party, who arrested and convicted the reporter of Wuhan pandemic. In the summer of 2019 all the profiles of the writer were deleted overnight and the complaint presented to the impotent Order of Journalists of Piedmont and Valle D’Aosta (to which the writer has been registered since June 1991 )

WUHAN-GATES – 36. “SARS-Cov-2 Laboratory Accident?”. Us Intelligence and MIT Review validated Manmade Virus’ Theory

How not to say that the link between the three Summits of recent years (the one in Washington which was attended by Dr. Ranieri Guerra, WHO general Assistant, today investigated in Bergamo, and those of Brussels and Rome) had a single occult director: Bill Gates, megadonor of the US Dems but above all capable of exploiting the pandemic, “planned for decades” according to the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy (son of a US attorney general and grandson of JFK, both murdered), by the same tycoon of Microsoft Corporation, in which multinational is the director (as discovered by Gospa News) the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, the London vaccine giant funded by Gates.

GSK, in turn, controls Pfizer, which produces with the German BioNTech of Comirnaty, the anti-Covid gene therapy based on messenger RNA (like Moderna), considered by some doctors to be very dangerous also because it has never been tested before in the history of humanity.

Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)

Starting from these premises, how can one believe an exponent of the most extreme globalism like Mario Draghi, who became former President of the ECB (European Central Bank) after having blown the stages of his career thanks to a tragically anti-Italian action. It was in fact Draghi, in 1996, as director of the Ministry of Economy, who accompanied the then minister Carlo Azeglio Ciampi to Brussels when the robbery against the Italian Lira was perpetrated, setting the change-halter for the Italians of 1,936.27 lire for just one Euro.

But let’s go back to current events by reporting the public statements that emerged from the Global Health Summit in Rome and the hidden plots obviously not disclosed regarding the management of vaccines in poor countries. «Fighting Covid-19 with a global and immediate vaccination campaign, and preventing the next pandemic. These two directors animated the Global Health Summit in Rome, chaired by Mario Draghi and Ursula Von der Leyen, which brought together the leaders of the G20, scientists, international organizations and civil society around a table – albeit virtual – to give concrete answers, starting from the solidarity redistribution of vaccines available to the rich West at the expense of poor countries, sharing patents, knowledge and production »writes the breviary of the mainstream, otherwise known as the Ansa Italian press agency.

NWO’s Plot against Italy (X-file 1). Four Puppeteers behind New Draghi Govt & Technical Ministers

Among the strategies hypothesized, without great conviction by the Italian premier after the same utterances of the American president Joseph Biden (arousing the suspicion that Draghi is only the megaphone in Rome). the question of the suspension of industrial patents has surfaced to allow less rich nations to produce the active ingredients immunizing against Covid-19 locally. This is a proposal publicly rejected by Bill Gates who has no secondary role in the management of the global immunization plan but a primary and de facto official one.

As revealed by Gospa News, the plan for vaccination against Covid in developing countries, in fact, is called COVAX and was launched by the World Health Organization. The WHO, financed mainly by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in recent years, so much so as to grant the IT guru the right to impose the ambiguous appointment of the director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has entrusted the management of the COVAX plan to the UN Gavi Alliance founded by Gates and agreed that the administration of the global immunization project, the most massive and costly in history, would end up in the hands of a former GSK manager, in a clear conflict of interest.

WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty

It is therefore not surprising what happened at the Rome Summit. “In the midst of the patent debate, the commitment of the three major American pharmaceutical companies at stake – Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – to make 3.5 billion doses available to poor countries for the two-year period 2021-2022 – again reports Ansa – These are not donations, but the sale at cost price to low-income states and reduced prices to middle-income ones. A public commitment, announced by the summit in Rome, with which the three companies “also put their reputation on the line, with a step that will change the landscape”, commented Draghi: many of the current controversies on the production and distribution of vaccines and on the use of licenses “will have less importance from now on”. In detail, Pfizer will make available 2 billion doses, of which 1.3 for 2021 alone, Moderna up to 995 million and J&J up to 500 million ”.

WUHAN-GATES – 30. WHO’s Vaccines Billionaire Plan in the Hands of Gates & Big Pharma: ex GSK manager leads COVAX with Gavi

But is all this really a surprise gained during the Roman convention for a sudden humanitarian yearning of the managers of Big Pharma? Absolutely not. As always highlighted – and only by Gospa News and Veterans Today – on 30 September 2020 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation signed an agreement with all the most important Big Pharma in the world in response to the pandemic, effectively consecrating Bill III, world emperor of vaccines.

In it was already established the commitment of the pharmaceutical multinationals to provide doses of vaccines as gifts, perhaps those with production problems and therefore not certified by the FDA (Food and Drug Association), as happened for AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson due to contamination in the factory at Baltimore (Maryland, US), or Pfizer batches with messenger RNA flaws. But the agreement had already written the donation of anti-Covid serums at advantageous prices, which only the manufacturer can know if they are comparable to those of the production cost.

WUHAN-GATES – 32. Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal

Therefore Ursula and Draghi do not make too much propaganda to their lies. But above all, they should avoid talking about philanthropy in the midst of these shady deals… At least have the courage to say that the health dictatorship is entering full capacity and that the only powerful on earth to dictate its rules is called Bill III, aka Gates.

By pure chance, of course, he is also a shareholder of the main Big Pharma vaccines (GSK, Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna) which, at cost price in the South of the planet, and at full cost in the North, will make the most of pandemic terrorism. artfully built by governments despite the lethality of Covid-19 has now become derisory: as claimed in October 2020 by the internationally renowned virologist Giorgio Palù, then appointed president of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) It is therefore only a coincidence if Does the EMA (European Medicines Agency) continue to hesitate to refuse authorization for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine already used in at least 60 countries around the world?

While Pfizer, despite an avalanche of adverse reactions, even serious and in thousands of fatal cases of its immunization gene therapy, including infections and deaths also from Covid after the administration of the two doses of antidote, has already advanced the request for definitive authorization before the American FDA which would facilitate its mandatory taxation on the population. Also by virtue of the effective political gamble of the American multinational, implemented with the sponsorship of the electoral campaign of the democratic candidate Joseph Biden, then a winner in the US presidential elections, who has already repaid the “debt” with interest by financing with 4 million dollars of the US government the COVAX plan with which Gates will be able to buy vaccines from the Big Pharma he controls!

UE, 428 MORTI DI COVID TRA 4.390 VACCINATI CONTAGIATI (perlopiù dopo Pfizer). Ma di 2.217 non si conosce la Sorte! Allarme anche negli USA: 77 decessi

It should not be forgotten that the Global Health Summit also assumes a small symbolic value for the place where it took place. Because precisely in the capital of Italy, on July 17, 1998, the so-called Statute of Rome was approved which established the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for crimes against humanity.

That is the international court to which the Italian magistrate Angelo Giorgianni, president of the L’Eretico association, appealed to denounce the alleged abuses of the government of Giuseppe Conte (before the arrival of Draghi premier) in the management of the pandemic emergency, degenerated to his say in a “state massacre” for the ignored, albeit effective, home therapies and the psychological torture of lockdowns.

Read more… SARS-HIV virus man-made in Wuhan’s biolab by Chinese Deep State

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano


J&J Vaccines Tainted by AstraZeneca Virus in Baltimore’s Plant (Trump Funded) Sent in EU and Canada? Big Pharma’s War-Games!

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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