Georgia Secretary of State Finally Admits 2020 Election Voting Irregularities in Fulton-Atlanta. Same Tally in 5 Batches of Absentee Ballots

Georgia Secretary of State Finally Admits 2020 Election Voting Irregularities in Fulton-Atlanta. Same Tally in 5 Batches of Absentee Ballots


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione in Italiano

«They abrogated statutory safeguards against fraud that responsible observers have long recommended for voting by mail, and (2) they did so in a way that predictably conferred partisan advantage on one candidate in the Presidential election. Such allegations are serious, and they warrant this Court’s review. First, the proposed Bill of Complaint alleges that non-legislative actors in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia unilaterally abolished or weakened signature-verification requirements for mailed ballots. It alleges that Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State 17 abrogated Pennsylvania’s statutory signature-verification requirement for mail-in ballots in a “friendly” settlement of a lawsuit brought by activists».

This is what 17 attorneys general of as many US states wrote in their case filed on December, 9, 2020, with the Supreme Court in relation to the alleged violations that would have occurred during the presidential elections on 3 November last in four “Swing-States” (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin) fundamental for the assignment of the Great Electors which allowed the unofficial proclamation of Joseph Biden as president-elect.

“Safeguards Stripped in Us Elections” 18 Rep States’ Attorneys General joint to Texas lawsuit for Trump

The reporting of alleged electoral fraud, repeatedly denounced by the then President Donald Trump who for this reason was repeatedly obscured by Twitter, assumes today a macroscopic importance in the light of the admission of the Secretary of State of Georgia which reveals an absolutely incredible fact.

In 5 batches of absentee ballots, Trump, his Democratic challenger Joseph Biden later proclaimed elected, and another candidate garnered the exact same number of votes. A circumstance deemed impossible by the Georgian official who announced new investigations although last November he denied the suspicion of anomalies in the presidential lectures.

The news is reported with great prominence by Sputnik International, a netowork financed by the Russian government, but is based precisely on the Tweets launched by the Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, on his official profile.

This story will in all likelihood not be enough to question Biden’s nomination as president of the United States as it has been confirmed by Congress. But it could undermine the confidence of Americans in the electoral system and also in the Supreme Court which refused to analyze the complaint of 17 state attorneys general (which later became 18) on the alleged fraud. This may help raise new controversies among Trump loyalists

by Sputnik International

Five batches in a row of absentee ballots from Georgia’s most-populous Fulton County suspiciously showed the same tally of 392 votes for Biden, 96 Trump, and 3 for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen — which state officials have admitted is a statistical impossibility.

The US state of Georgia’s top electoral official has acknowledged voting irregularities in the state capital — seven months after the presidential election. Revelations this week have prompted Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to order a new audit of tens of thousands of ballots collected from drop-boxes in Fulton County — which covers 90 percent of the state capital Atlanta and whose one million inhabitants represent a tenth of the state’s population. Joe Biden was declared the winner of the state’s 16 Electoral College votes by a wafer-thin margin of some 12,000. Donald Trump claimed that systematic ballot-rigging in six states under the cover of massively-expanded postal voting had robbed him of rightful victory.

In one of the newly-discovered incidents, more than 100 batches of absentee ballot papers — each at least 100 votes — were sent to be scanned through vote-counting machines in Fulton County, but their tracking numbers were never recorded in hand-written logs of counted batches, raising the prospect that they were not tallied. Some 25 more batches were scanned twice, while many batch control sheets do not bear a tick in the box declaring they came from a secure container — potentially meaning they could have been tampered with. Crucially, five batches counted in a row suspiciously showed the same tally of 392 votes for Biden, 96 Trump and 3 for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. State officials have admitted that tally of almost 2,500 votes is a statistical impossibility.

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Trump Trumpets Triumph

​“This is very big news. People are starting to see the light. Great for America!” Trump said in a brief statement on Thursday in response to Raffensperger’s tweets.​While Raffensperger still denies that ballot fraud swung the election for Biden, he called for Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron to be fired.”I have continued to call on the elections director to be removed from his position, and the leadership of Fulton County has continued to fail to act”, Raffensperger told Just the News on Wednesday.

Barron was previously fired by the county’s Board of Registration and Elections in February, but was reinstated the next month by county commissioners. The audit could have wider implications than undermining Biden’s legitimacy as president. The November elections also saw Democrat candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock newly-elected as the state’s two senators in a controversial run-off against the Republicans. Their election handed the Democrats 50 of the 100 Senate seats — an effective majority, as Vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaking vote.Along with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Raffensperger publicly denied Trump’s claims of ballot-rigging in the November 2020 election — gaining the approval of liberal mainstream media.

US: Biden & Deep State’s Masons Win! Supreme Court refused to investigate on alleged Electoral Frauds


On Friday, Raffensperger announced that more than 100,000 people would be removed from the electoral rolls across the state – some 18,000 of those people were deceased, while the remainder had either informed authorities they had moved out of the state or had official mail returned from their listed addresses.

“These people don’t live in Georgia any more. Then you have 18,000 people who passed”, he told Atlanta’s Channel 2. “So they are not going to be voting anymore. You need to have accurate voter rolls and proper list maintenance. It also helps your county election directors”. But civil rights organisations in the state said they feared the move was a voter purge.”We already have lawyers on standby, I am on standby, just in case we have to file litigation”, said Gerald Griggs of the Atlanta NAACP.

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“So we are going to be watching this, and we will respond if we believe voters have been disenfranchised”.The NAACP has already launched a legal challenge to the Georgia state legislature’s new law requiring voters to produce photo identification — which was passed in reaction to the perceived irregularities in last year’s elections.“The thinly-veiled attempt to roll back the progress we have made to empower Georgians — to use their voices in the democratic process — creates an arbitrary law that does not improve voter confidence, secure election integrity nor increase access to the ballot box”, leader Reverend James Woodall said in March.

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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