In Gates’ Hands even Italian Military Artificial Intelligence. Leonardo-Microsoft Deal and Dems intrigues through 007 and Pandemic

In Gates’ Hands even Italian Military Artificial Intelligence. Leonardo-Microsoft Deal and Dems intrigues through 007 and Pandemic


On the cover, the brand of the Italian military technology company Leonardo spa, the Italian president Sergio Mattarella, Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft, and the American president Joseph Biden

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

All links to Italian reports can read in English with simultaneous machine translating

When the key sectors of a nation – and consequently of a society – are locked up within long-term international agreements, the political orientation of that country becomes in fact secondary. Well, Italy sees two areas of primary importance such as health and defense now controlled by Big Pharma and Big Tech which are always headed by Bill Gates as usual.

NWO’s Plot vs Italy (X-file 2). New IT Minister among Bilderberg, McKinsey, Gates & CIA for Artificial Intelligence in Vaccines too

The agreement signed a few weeks ago (at the end of May) between the American IT guru’s Microsoft Corporation and Leonardo spa, the weapons corporation controlled by the Italian government but participated by foreign funds including the infamous Black Rock, follows the path of a political project between Rome and Washington of complete Democratic origin. Behind which transpires the callous direction of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella (former PD deputy) and the President of the United States of America Joseph Biden, in an intertwining of strong powers of the so-called Deep State that aim at the consolidation of the New World Order.



But what is worse, it appears to have been born in the shadow of the intrigues between pandemic prophecies and US intelligence because the call for greater use of Artificial Intelligence in the military field came precisely from North America in autumn 2020, before the controversial elections that ousted Republican President Donald Trump, t was launched by a dossier written by lawyer Avril Haines that readers of WuhanGates reports on the pandemic and the laboratory-built SARS-Cov-2 virus are well aware of.

Haines, Democrat since she was Joseph Biden’s assistant in Congress, in fact, not only in 2018 in a conference in Camdem prophesied a catastrophic CoronaVirus epidemic that could only be faced by a new “world order”, but she was also the protagonist of the suspected exercise on “Event 201”, held in mid-October 2019 thanks to funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum by Klaus Schan, the Great Reset theorist.

This tangle of intrigue has resulted in billion-dollar vaccine contracts from Gates-controlled Big Pharma: thanks to direct funding to Moderna and Biontech and its key role in GlaxoSmithKline-GSK which controls Pfizer’s commercial network but also through the immunization plan World Health Organization for Poor Countries called COVAX, managed by Gates’ Ngo GAVi and administered by a former GSK manager…

WUHAN-GATES – 26. SARS-2 Bio-Weapon & Gold Vaccines. From CIA-WHO Tests funded by Gates to EU Summit with Pfizer, Biden’s sponsor, before Pandemic!


All of this appears even more relevant in the Leonardo-Microsoft deal when you consider that Emma Walmsley, CEO of GSK is also a non-executive director of Microsoft Corporation. The circle of the noose destined to strangle the freedom of choice of Italians in the medical and military fields closes perfectly.

Not by chance. For a specific political will aimed at enhancing cybersecurity also in the Public Administration which will in fact share with the company controlled by Gates (in which, however, he is no longer administrator since 2014) all the access codes of public PCs as well as military Artificial Intelligence.

It should be remembered that the American President Joseph Biden, sponsored in the election campaign by Pfizer with whom he immediately repaid through donations to the Covax fund, on the day of his inauguration appointed the lawyer Haines, former vice Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and then Deputy National Security Advisor to the White House during the Obama-Biden administration, as well as a biological weapons expert for NTI (Nuclear Threat Initiative), a US NGO founded by Senator Dem Sam Nunn and financed by Warren Buffet, from 2006 to June 2021 major financier of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with 41.5 billion dollars through its Berkshire Hathaway fund.

WUHAN-GATES 39. “SARS-2 Manmade in Biolabs with Gain of Function”. Two new Scientific Researches Accused China and Fauci. But Forgot Gates-Biden Intrigues

Perhaps just by coincidence the experiments on recombinant chimeric superviruses (infected with HIV) during Avril Haines’ time at the CIA were conducted in the Chapel Hill laboratories of North Carolina University thanks to the advice of scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology?



But now readers should be reminded who are the leading men of Leonardo spa. The managing director is Alessandro Profumo, former manager of the multinational management company McKinsey, financed for years by Gates and engaged in the restructuring of US intelligence executives: from the CIA to the NSA).

Leonardo’s CEO Alessandro Profumo

Profumo, former president of Unicredit and MPS, was also involved in a bad legal matter. On 28 April 2018, the GUP (judge for preliminary hearing) of Milan indicted Profumo and the manager Fabrizio Viola with the accusations of manipulation and false accounting for the accounting in the consolidated financial statements of the derivatives Santorini contract with Deutsche Bank, and of Alexandria with the Japanese Bank Nomura, despite the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office requesting the acquittal of both on 6 April 2018, as already in September 2016. On 15 October 2020 the Milan court sentenced Profumo and Viola in first instance to six years of imprisonment and payment a fine of 2.5 million euros each (source Wikipedia).

WUHAN-GATES – 28. Pandemic Secrets: Consumers Association asks Arrest for WHO Italian Boss tied with Gates, vaccines Gsk & Obama

His appointment was proposed by the Italian Ministry of the Treasury, the majority shareholder, during the government of Paolo Gentiloni, also known for having passed the Lorenzin Decree to impose the 12 compulsory school-age vaccines according to a global immunization plan promoted by President Barack Obama and by his megadonor Gates, which allowed GSK to do a great business.

More mysterious, for the layman, is the president of Leonardo: Luciano Carta. As former director of AISE, the Italian counter-espionage, he also became famous to the general public for his latest operation from 007: the liberation of the Milanese aid worker Silvia Romano, kidnapped in Kenya in 2018 by some wingmen of the terrorist group Al Shabaab, rib of Al Qaeda in Somalia.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 4. UK and Italy in the hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder

The liberation, which took place on May 9, 2020, was completed by Italian intelligence thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Turkish colleagues of MIT (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilâtı), the powerful secret services of Ankara, as proof of an axis of excellent collaboration between the Italian governments of the Democratic Party and the Muslim Brotherhood, built thanks to the business between Italy and Turkey through Leonardo spa.

The esteemed retired general Carta, also known for the extradition of the terrorist Cesare Battisti captured in Bolivia in 2019, can well be considered a trusted man of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella who played a key role during the Libyan civil war by visiting to the Emir of Qatar, suspected of financing the Jihadists sent to Tripoli from Turkey with the unofficial approval of NATO.

L’ex generale Luciano Carta, già direttore del controspionaggio italiano AISE ed ora presidente della Leonardo spa

«Born in Carbonia in 1957, classical studies, multi-degree and” very Sardinian “, as those who know him well say, greets the Aise, the foreign secret services with the rescue of Silvia Romano to take a role that with the intelligence and international relations still has a lot to do, for example on the subject of armaments – he wrote on 11 May 2020 Open – A long paper was the public face of the Finance Police, head of the press office for a substantial period, about 7 years, from 1995 to 2002. Until then, his career had first been in his beloved Sardinia, then in Genoa and Livorno. And, above all, in Milan: in the years of Tangentopoli, Luciano Carta was the head of operations of the Tax Police Unit of the Yellow Flames and therefore plays a decisive role».

14 Thousand Jihadist Troops in Libya for Turkey Blitz alongside US Weapons’ Lobby, NATO’s Deep State & NWO

«Then (Carta) he is called to Rome by a commander general, Rolando Mosca Moschini who – according to some – is also one of the keys to explain the closeness with President Sergio Mattarella (Mosca Moschini is secretary of the Supreme Defense Council and is military adviser to the Quirinale)» adds Open.


But the “dangerous relationships” that lurk behind the future of Italian cyber security do not end here. “The Minister for Innovation and Digital Transition Vittorio Colao has, on behalf of the government of Mario Draghi, established the operational and strategic priorities of the new security architecture, considered fundamental to increase Italy’s sovereignty over the data generated in the national territory, protecting the privacy and security of citizens and including Rome in the matches for continental strategic autonomy» reported InsideOver, the pro-NATO online geopolitics space of Il Giornale, on 6 July.

To secure the system of the nearly 11,000 “machine rooms” of the PA, guaranteeing cost savings of between 40 and 50% per year, the NRR has allocated almost one billion euros; according to rumors reported by Il Messaggero, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will obtain 51% of the shares in the company that will have to manage the Italian cloud. Partners of the public bank in Via Goito will instead be Tim and Leonardo, who will share the remaining amount of the shares.

«The partners involved in the project alongside Cdp are guarantors of an Atlantic orientation. Leonardo, reinvigorated by the self-defense of Alessandro Profumo on the board of directors and despite some questionable attacks on his business from the stars and stripes printing sectors, leads the Euro-Atlantic defense consortiums, independently develops projects on the cloud, AI, supercomputer , cutting-edge technologies; Tim, on the other hand, was in the last session of the board of directors that ended in February, the scene of the axis between the CDP and US finance, embodied by the Elliott fund, and boasts non-secondary relationships with the stars and stripes players» writes the economic analyst Andrea Muratore.

Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)

Elliott himself recently made a huge investment in Big Pharma Pfizer, adding to Black Rock and accentuating the Zionist connotation of speculators who profit from vaccine revenues: the founders of both investment funds, Paul Singer and Larry Fink, in fact, they are known to support the political positions of the Zionist Movement in the States.

«Relying on US technologies on the cloud, right now, may not be the preferred choice for Italian operators. But it appears inevitable, given the starting conditions. Only from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic until today have US projects in Italy intensified. Microsoft in May 2020 announced a 1.5 billion euro plan for cloud, AI, digitalization in Italy and is a partner for Leonardo’s strategy», concludes the reporter.

Before looking at the agreement between Leonardo and Microsoft in detail, it should be remembered that Italian minister Colao, a member of the Bilderberg committee, comes from McKinsey herself (today heavily influenced by Gates’ investments) and was also the director of Vodafone when the company telephone born from the Italian success of Omnitel (founded by Carlo De Benedetti, card no. 1 of Democratic Party in Italy) signed a sponsorship agreement with GAVI of Gates on global immunization (the NGO that today manages the COVAX antiCovid plan).

McKinsey was also entrusted with the task of preparing the EU NEXT Generation Plan, better known as the Recovery Plan, for the management of the country’s relaunch funds allocated by the European Union for the pandemic emergency.

Meanwhile, last August 3, the Senate Chamber definitively approved the Cybersecurity Law Decree already approved by the Chamber with 204 yes, 3 no and 23 abstentions. The provision defines, in particular, the national cybersecurity architecture and establishes the National Cybersecurity Agency, amending, among other things, the 2019 decree law which defined the national cyber security perimeter.



«A collaboration is underway to guarantee the cyber protection of data and services for the country’s strategic assets linked to the future National Strategic Pole (PSN). Leonardo is a candidate for the role of System Integrator and Cyber ​​Security manager for the digital transformation and consolidation of Public Administration data centers. Microsoft will provide advanced productivity, security, cloud and process automation technologies and services to enable digital acceleration of public administration and Italian companies. ” Thus begins the press release published by Microsoft on its official website on May 26, 2021.

“Leonardo and Microsoft join forces and skills to contribute to the digital development of the country in the name of cyber security and technological innovation – the two corporations write again in a joint note – Cooperation, based on a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two parts that will evolve according to agreements aimed at specific initiatives, provides for the design and implementation of the elements necessary for the creation of the National Strategic Pole (PSN) which will manage the technological assets capable of enabling the most sensitive services in the country. On the basis of future governmental requirements, the joint initiative will therefore be able to extend to all Italian ‘critical’ infrastructures. Ultimately, on the one hand, Leonardo’s many years of experience as a national champion for Cyber ​​Security and partner of the Public Administration will be shared. and, on the other hand, the great skills and the wide diffusion of advanced technologies and solutions in the cloud in the public and private sectors that characterize the offer of Microsoft products and services».

The collaboration also includes activities both in “HPC on cloud” solutions and in application or architectural solutions «and is particularly oriented towards the digital transformation program of national healthcare». A phrase that recalls not only the Immune App proposed by the then commissioner for the relaunch Vittorio Colao (now minister) but also the Green Pass, the microchip to detect Covid being tested at the Pentagon and finally the one for financial exchanges with cryptocurrencies patented by Microsoft.

EU GREEN PASS, UNDER SKIN MICROCHIP AND GATES’ 666 MARK OF THE BEAST. Transhumanist Plot by Klaus Schwab (Great Reset) & NWO against Christianity

«Leonardo, through its Be Tomorrow 2030 Strategic Plan, has identified presiding over the frontier of digital innovation as one of the main growth assets over the next ten years, according to a vision of sustainable development, with the aim of generating new technologies and applications . At the forefront of the company’s assets is davinci-1, a High Performance Computer equipped with an architecture that integrates the flexibility of the cloud with supercomputing capabilities to enhance the advanced Big Data and Artificial Intelligence solutions for strategic sectors of the Village».

So here is the reference to AI in the field of military technology. In future projection this may mean that the day will come when computers and algorithms will decide when and who to shoot. A disturbing eventuality in consideration of the fact that Leonardo (already overwhelmed by various judicial investigations to the point of abandoning the old name Finmeccanica), according to the ICAN 2019 report, is engaged in nuclear weapons through the MBDA joint venture, the main European consortium builder of missiles and defense technologies.

«Microsoft launched a five-year investment plan for Italy in May 2020, confirming its commitment to support innovation and growth in the country, with the launch of the first Microsoft Region Data Center in Italy, in Milan. The new “Ambition Italy #DigitalRestart” plan creates new opportunities to grow people and organizations and support economic development, through access to local cloud services, digital training programs and support for smart working. The initiative promotes the development and adoption of Artificial Intelligence solutions by companies with the “AI Hub” project and supports the issues of digital transition with an Alliance for Sustainability which aims to create an ecosystem of open innovation on green themes» concludes the press release.


As mentioned at the beginning, the first to foresee the need for an enhancement of Artificial Intelligence in the military field was the lawyer Avril Haines, who later became the first woman to lead the entire US Intelligence Community by the will of Biden.

The former CIA deputy director, in fact, is part of WestExec Advisors, a think-tank of the Dem area that includes important national security personalities such as the two founders, Blinken himself and Michèle Flournoy, former Undersecretary of Defense for politics with Obama. from 2009 to 2012.

WUHAN-GATES – 22. Former CIA Pandemic’s Prophet in Biden’s Team. To manage for NWO Military Intel, AI, Big Tech and Trading in EU

After announcing in June his intention to suspend his activity for WestExec Advisors during the election campaign for Biden, in reality Haines has maintained solid ties that have materialized with the publication of a dossier on AI, developed together with Flournoy, which he seemed to indicate to the Pentagon the strategies to be pursued by the Democratic candidate for the White House.

«This moment is taking place in the context of a technological revolution that exacerbates the challenges we face while simultaneously offering potential solutions, providing breakthroughs in climate, medicine, communications, transportation, intelligence, and many other fields. Many of these breakthroughs will come through the exploitation of artificial intelligence (AI) and its related technologies—chief among them machine learning (ML). These advances will likely shape the economic and military balance of power among nations and the future of work, wealth, and inequality within them» the two authors write in the introduction of the study called “Building Trust through Testing. Adapting DOD’s Test & Evaluation, Validation & Verification (TEVV) Enterprise for Machine Learning Systems, including Deep Learning Systems».

The dossier made by Avril Haines on AI for WestExec Advisors

«Innovations in ML have the potential to transform fundamentally how the U.S. military fights, and how the Department of Defense (DOD) operates. Machine learning applications can increase the speed and quality of human decision-making on the battlefield, enable human-machine teaming to maximize performance and minimize the risk to soldiers, and greatly improve the accuracy and speed of analysis that relies on very large data sets. ML can also strengthen the United States’ ability to defend its networks against cyberattacks at machine speeds and has the power to automate critical components of labor-intensive enterprise functions, such as predictive maintenance and personnel management…».

WUHAN-GATES – 25. At Us Intelligence’s Top the Prophetess of Pandemic & NWO. Biden rewards ex CIA Haines: led Gates’ Drill Event 201

Haines also wrote that, now, from the control room of Direction of National Intelligence, the most powerful  in the world, he can really configure scenarios far worse than those narrated in 1984 by George Orwell. Also thanks to the strategic complicity of Microsoft of his “friend” Gates and Leonardo, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange and since 2010 in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), which in 2020 was confirmed as Industry leader in the Aerospace & Defense sector for second consecutive year.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization











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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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