Afghanistan, Taliban’s Repression. Chilling Video: Woman Killed with Shot at Head in the Street

Afghanistan, Taliban’s Repression. Chilling Video: Woman Killed with Shot at Head in the Street


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Italian version

Pending completion of the complex geopolitical investigations underway with which we will try to answer the countless unsolved questions about the lightning fall of Kabul into the hands of the Taliban, also in light of their continuous contacts with Centocom, the US command in the Middle East, and the role claimed by Turkey for the military stay in the territory, we publish this short update accompanied by a shock video coming from sources close to intelligence circles which could be a testimony of the beginning of the repression.

The conditional is a must because there is no confirmation on the origin of the video. Instead, news of the Taliban’s first reprisals against Afghan nationalist opponents who supported the government of President Ashraf Ghani (fled by helicopter with a large sum of US dollars), is increasing.

The Afghan woman killed in cold blood by the Taliban in a city in Afghanistan

A woman protesting against a group of Taliban was in fact forced to kneel and then killed in cold blood with a blow to the back of the head. The attackers thus exploded in the cry “Allahu akbar ” which means “God is great “.

The slogan was used during many protests by Afghans against Taliban extremists, considered a terrorist organization by Russia and other countries, but Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid replied the next day on Twitter: “It’s our slogan. It is not the slogan of the American slaves and laity “.

CIA, Mossad & Talibans in Jihadist’s New Empire to Use Afghanistan against Iran and Russia

There is no confirmation of where and when exactly the video was shot but our source that we are committed to keep anonymous, for years a consultant in the field of NATO intelligence, is the same that gave us the video of the Scandinavian girl beheaded in Morocco in December. 2018 by a group of fanatics affiliated with ISIS.


If we decide to publish the film, by virtue of the authoritativeness of the source, it is only to confirm the desperate condition in which the Afghan country risks finding itself after the abandonment of US and NATO troops after twenty years of military occupation that has not been able to export that democracy that became “false flag” for all the revolutions of the Arab Spring, especially in nationalist or Shiite Islamic countries such as Lebanon and Syria.

Turkish papers: 21 Erdogan’s jihadist militias supported by Cia, Pentagon and armed with TOW missiles

There the civil war was planned by the Central Intelligence Agency, the American counter-intelligence, since 1983 and then financed by the CIA MOM plan for the supply of TOW missiles to jihadists.

CIA Middle East chief, Soleimani Killer and Bin Laden Hunter, dead on Jet in Afghanistan. Tasnim & Mirror told after VT & Gospa News

It should be remembered that the Taliban are also suspected of having shot down the US spy aircraft believed to be of the CIA in which the director of operations in the Middle East Mike D’Andrea: the American counterintelligence officer who chased Osama bin Laden, was allegedly killed. and led the killer-drone operation for assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Forces of the Iranian Pasdaran.


Source: Vatican News

Chaos was the price to pay for the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. American President Joe Biden talks about the inevitable collapse following the exit of US troops from the country, and while on the one hand the US Congress is preparing to launch an investigation into the incident, on the other the Pentagon denies the existence of a report intelligence on the risks of a rapid collapse of the situation.

Use beyond the end of August in Afghanistan

At this point, Biden points out, the Americans could stay in the country beyond August 31 to evacuate all American citizens, an airlift that continues uninterrupted in these hours and that so far has led thousands of people fleeing to the United States and major capitals. European. Meanwhile, the G7 summit of foreign ministers will be held today.

OTTOMAN EMPIRE CAN RISE THANKS TO THE US. Turkish jihadists from Syria to Afghanistan

The blood flows and the resistance returns

The line of communication with the Taliban remains open, the Pentagon assures, but the militiamen warn: we will not be a democracy, the law is Sharia law. Former Afghan President Ghani, perhaps sheltered in the United Arab Emirates, fears a possible return to the country, but in the meantime the Taliban have begun to repress dissent in blood, so far over 30 people have been killed in Jalalabad, while the son of Commander Massoud , legendary leader of the fight against the Taliban, announces: armed resistance is born in Panjshir.

Afghanistan, Pangea onlus: protecting women from Taliban violence

They exist and ask not to disappear. The burqa will also cover their faces, but it will never hide neither the strength nor the will of these women who, challenging the obscurantist fundamentalism of the returned Taliban, demonstrate to the world that “work, education and political participation are rights of every Afghan “. A small group of them shouted it yesterday, in Kabul, under the cold gaze of the militiamen who, for now, will not hit them, as they promised in the first statements to the West, when they guaranteed that they will not prevent them from going to school and to be citizens with rights, as long as they are within the limits imposed by Sharia law, that Islamic law that can vary according to interpretations.

The chilling video (removed from YouTube) of an Afghan woman’s execution in the street – click on the image to view
The double truth of the Taliban

Revenge, however, is something else, along other tracks, and is what is feared for those who collaborated with Westerners, for those of other faiths or ethnicities, for those who worked in human rights, and for women, in defense of which the voice of the international community is raising, from the European Union to the United States which, with 18 other nations, in a joint statement express “concern for women and girls, for their right to education, work and freedom of movement”.

An appeal that, it is feared, little or nothing will be able to do, because “the Taliban carry on a double discourse, one to be accepted internationally, but then they start roundups in the territory”. This is told by Simona Lanzoni, vice president of Pangea onlus, an Italian association that, since 2003, has been working in Afghanistan in projects in favor of women and that in that country has about thirty collaborators of various ages, who now live hidden, who are unlikely to manage communicate and that, in the meantime, in a few hours, they have destroyed the documentation of their activism in recent years to avoid being crushed by fury.

Vatican News – articles by Francesca Sabatinelli

THE HISTORY OF THE AFGHAN WAR  by Asif Haroon Raja, retired Brig Gen

Fall of another Super Power in Afghanistan. Where Died in a Mysterious Crash Plane the CIA Director for Middle East


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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