9/11: FBI Declassified Memo on Saudi Complicity in the Plot. But doesn’t Unveil Mysteries on Israel and CIA Covering

9/11: FBI Declassified Memo on Saudi Complicity in the Plot. But doesn’t Unveil Mysteries on Israel and CIA Covering


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione in Italiano

First published on September, 11, 2021

A few weeks ago we published an investigation which not only reiterated the alleged role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, as claimed for some years by Senior Editor of Veterans Today Gordon Duff in his reportage “The Secret History of 9/11”, but also a probable connection with the murder of the Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

Today the US confirms that the Saudi track is absolutely founded. To bring new clues to this thesis is a document declassified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the orders of President Joseph Biden as promised to the families of the 2996 victims killed in the collapse of the Twin Towers (whole FBI memo below).

And it is they who reiterate that at this point any doubts about the involvement of Saudi intelligence are eliminated. So even the hypothesis that Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul because he knew too much about 9/11 directors is further credited.

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All of this certainly contributes to shedding some light on the truth but leaves open other questions as big as the chasm of Ground Zero.

If it took 20 years to confirm the hypothetical involvement of the Saudis in the 2001 air strikes, how long will it take for the involvement of the Israelis to come to light as well, again highlighted by the Gordon Duff investigation?


How long will it take for the thesis of killer planes to be flanked by that of explosive devices, nuclear according to the Veterans Today investigation, placed at the bases of the towers and of the World Trade Center Building 7, the one that mysteriously collapsed with imaginative reasons that make you laugh, for don’t cry, engineers and architects?

But that is not all. The FBI document, as well explained by the Russia Today article below, refers to the Saudis’ relations with the two hijackers of America Airlines Flight 777, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar.

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We wrote about them in our investigation that revealed the information hidden by the Central Intelligence Agency from the FBI anti-terrorism agents led by the expert John O’Neill, who died in the attack on the towers because it became a few days before the attack responsible for the security of the WTC.

At this point another doubt is legitimate: blaming the Saudis, with probably insufficient evidence for legal action before any court in the world, is not a clever intelligence maneuver to exonerate once and for all the CIA that has kept the movements of the two hijackers at the FBI in the weeks before the attacks?

9/11 – The Avoidable Massacre Allowed by CIA. Helped Al Qaeda in Balkans, Obstructed FBI Investigations. Tribute to John O’Neill Killed in the Towers

If the theory of controlled demolitions of the WTC were true, as it seems credible, those planes were fundamental to cover the true nature of an explosion aimed at triggering a new season of strategy of terror and wars in the Middle East, for American geopolitical dominance, the theft of oil and the enrichment of the ruthless Weapons Lobby that speculates on bombs as its own shareholders profit from Big Pharma vaccines in a pandemic caused by a laboratory-built SARS-Cov-2 virus. An engineered pathogen just like the WTC demolitions.


by Russia Today

The FBI has declassified a long-sought memo detailing its investigation into the support the 9/11 hijackers received. Families of the victims of the attacks believe it’s enough to draw conclusions about Saudi involvement.

The document released on Saturday is from 2016, when the now-closed FBI investigation into Saudi links to the terror attacks was still active. Families of 9/11 victims have asked multiple administrations for its release, expecting it to provide proof implicating the Saudi government or Saudi officials. Riyadh denied any connection to the plot.

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The heavily redacted 16-page document outlines ties between Saudi associates, some of the 9/11 hijackers and various people sympathetic to the Al-Qaeda cause. It didn’t provide the smoking gun that some critics of the Saudi government hoped for, but offered more details about the connections.

One of the persons of interest in the investigation was Omar al-Bayoumi, whom the FBI long suspected to be a Saudi intelligence operative. Bayoumi provided support to Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, two of the hijackers, after they arrived in the US in January 2000.

First Page of FBI Memo – click on the image to read whole dossier

According to the memo, a source told the FBI that Bayoumi held a “very high status” in the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles. He was regarded “higher than many of the Saudi persons in charge” of the diplomatic mission, the memo said, which was strange considering his overt position as a mere student.

One of the people he was in “almost daily contact” with during the hijackers’ stay in Los Angeles and San Diego was Osama Bassnan, a Saudi national and a suspected agent.

According to the memo, Bassnan expressed open support for terrorism. In 1992, he hosted a party at his home in Washington for the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, ‘Blind Sheik’ Omar Abdel-Rahman. He also “expressed enthusiastic support” for Osama bin Laden and approved of suicide bombings in the name of Islam.

In April 2001, the wives of Bassnan and Bayoumi were arrested together in San Diego for shoplifting from a jewelry store.

Another Saudi national mentioned in the memo on multiple occasions is Fahad al-Thumairy, an official at the consulate, who too provided logistical assistance to the two hijackers. Sources told the FBI that the Saudi officials held “extremist beliefs.”

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Thumairy was linked through communications to various people with Al-Qaeda sympathies. One such link, which the memo described as “concerning,” led FBI investigators to Ahmed Ressam, who was convicted for the 2000 Al-Qaeda plot to bomb the Los Angeles International Airport.

The group 9/11 Families United, which seeks to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for its alleged role in the terrorist plot, welcomed the declassification of the memo, saying it “puts to bed any doubts about Saudi complicity in the attacks.”

It added that the release was “the first step by the Biden Administration, in the wake of the President’s recent Executive Order, towards declassifying and releasing government documents” related to the attacks.

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden ordered the Justice Department to review and possibly release the documents by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. A wider effort to declassify similar papers is underway. Previous administrations declined calls to publish such materials, citing national security.

The 2001 attacks killed over 3,000 people, becoming the deadliest terrorist plot in the country’s history and triggering a world-altering change in US foreign policy, resulting in the so-called Global War on Terror. Most of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals.


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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