Military & Police Unions Protest against Italian Green Pass. “Abject Measure to Force Vaccination”

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
All Italian links in this article can be read in English with simultaneous machine translating
“Given that we are firmly convinced of the freedom of choice regarding the vaccination of citizens, the policemen and the soldiers, we do not consider the Green Pass measure useful, because it is an abject, mortifying and discriminating measure towards which we have bitterly recorded the fact that the President of the Republic has been careful not to stop its advent. Furthermore, as is now sadly known, it is a surreptitious measure that has the declared objective of forcing vaccination by leveraging the right to work and the inviolable freedoms of man “.

Thus began the brief but peremptory press release signed by the trade union representatives of some law enforcement agencies and the references of similar military associations. Sergio Scalzo (COSAP – Union Coordination for Police Members), Domenico Mastrulli (Union Federation Co.SP Penitentiary Union Coordination), Luca Marco Comellini (Military Union), Giuseppe De Finis (Federation of Military Workers), Pasquale Valente (Democratic workers of Finanza Union) have signed a joint note to express their dissent against the application of the mandatory Green Pass for. state and public workers decided by Mario Draghi’s government starting from 15 October 2021.
As is now known in Italy, any worker who does not show up at the workplace with a Green Pass will be left at home temporarily, which can only be obtained by certifying the anti-Covid vaccination with at least one dose or by showing the result of a swab ( molecular or salivary negative). The vibrant protest of many Italians derives from the fact that while in France and Austria (for example) tampons are free, in Italy they remain paid.
But before an answer came from the Quirinale (Republic President’s Head office), the Council of Ministers accelerated the time for the mandatory Green Pass everywhere, making a new position inevitable that this time comes from the National Secretariat of the Federation of Military Workers, or the representation of all the Armed Forces. (Army, Navy, Air Force, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza) and the Italian Military Auxiliary Corps (Red Cross Volunteers, Voluntary Nurses, Order of Malta, Military Ordinariate).
On September 21, President Mattarella signed the Green Pass decree containing “Urgent measures to ensure that activities in the safety of the public and private work by extending within the scope of green certification COVID-19 and the strengthening of the screening system.” Therefore it will be published in the next few hours in the Official Journal.
In the meantime, it has been learned that there are as many as 21,000 State Police officers who have not yet vaccinated themselves, causing disturbing concern in the Ministry of the Interior, led by Luciana Lamorgese, which may face drastic staff shortages as soon as the Green Pass will become mandatory.
A situation similar to that of many American soldiers who are even resorting to the exemption for religious reasons in order to avoid the anti-Covid vaccinations imposed by the Pentagon on the orders of US President Joseph Biden.
But the trade union representatives of the State Police, Penitentiary Police, Finanza and Military go beyond the censorship of the imposition of the green certificate and say they are ready for concrete actions of democratic dissent.
“For these reasons we adhere without delay to the referendum against the Green Pass, we share the reasons and we hope for its success. It is a battle of civilization to which we adhere because we are aware of our role as representatives of the rights of military workers and of the police forces and this, in addition to the precise duty to safeguard the Constitution and the free democratic institutions of which the referendum is the highest. expression, requires us to fight by making use of every legal instrument capable of making the right and rights of our members prevail “in fact, we read in the communiqué of the police and military trade unions.
“While waiting for just justice to erase the unacceptable constraint to which the government of the best has already subjected millions of citizens, we believe that administrations must bear the costs associated with the administration of tampons in order to safeguard the health of their staff and to guarantee the healthiness of the workplace as expressly established by article 15 of legislative decree 81/2008, on the subject of health and safety in the workplace “.
This is the resolute conclusion of the note signed by Sergio Scalzo (COSAP – Union Coordination for Police Members), Domenico Mastrulli (Union Federation Co.SP Penitentiary Union Coordination), Luca Marco Comellini (Military Union), Giuseppe De Finis (Federation of Military Workers), Pasquale Valente (Democratic workers of Finanza Union).
The mandatory Green Pass was launched by the Council of Ministers unanimously and therefore also with the consent of the Northern League which, through the mouth of the national secretary Matteo Salvini, initially opposed the extension of the mandatory green certificate to state and public workers.
This triggered the first political reactions. The MEP, Francesca Donato, announced in a note the farewell to the League. “After a very long and in-depth reflection, I came to the painful decision to leave the party in which I was elected”. “My choice – she explained – matured after months in which the values in which I firmly believe, those of equality, of individual freedom and human dignity, have been increasingly trampled by the measures taken by the national government, of which the League is a part. Despite the assurances and internal battles of our leader, liberticidal and discriminatory decrees have passed which, in my opinion, are incompatible with the fundamental principles of our legal system ”
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Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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