In Syria ongoing War Crimes Allowed by NATO. Children Dead of Hunger and Disease. 400 Women Seized by Jihadists Turkish-backed

In Syria ongoing War Crimes Allowed by NATO. Children Dead of Hunger and Disease. 400 Women Seized by Jihadists Turkish-backed


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione in Italiano

For the hypocritical Western world, the right of an Afghan woman to play sports is worth more than the life of a Syrian child or the risk of a Kurdish girl being kidnapped and raped until the ransom is paid. If rivers of words, often far from reality, have been written on the fall of Kabul and the birth of the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, very few articles are published by the Western media on the thorny and gangrenous situation of some areas of Syria where the crimes of war are ongoing; but at the same time they are tolerated because they are carried out by the fighters of the TFSA (Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army), the mercenary army created by Turkey thanks to NATO protection.

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In Afghanistan, in fact, the West has tried to export a democracy at the very high price of 172 thousand dead in twenty years of war. Except then abandoning the nation to the Sunni Taliban extremists when the American President Joseph Biden decided that this political formation and the country’s instability would be useful in the new international geopolitical strategies, also entrusted to the counter-espionage of the Central Intelligence Agency, and above all in the renewed hostility against Russia.


Also – but not only – the same Russophobic logic, the daughter of an explicit opposition of the anti-theist Masonic progressivism of the New World Order against the resurrected Christian yearning of Moscow (in its time reset by the Bolshevik revolution driven by the hooded ones of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite) , legitimizes the diametrically opposite behavior in Syria of the reconfirmed president Bashar Al Assad where a real genocide is taking place, with the massacre of many innocent children, due to the stubborn and evil obstinacy of the Atlantic Alliance to leave full freedom to expansionist aims by Turkish president-dictator Recep Tayyp Erdogan.

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In these hours, the tensions between Russia and Turkey have reached their apogee after the attack by Ankara troops on a Moscow army helicopter that triggered reinforcement maneuvers in the North East of Syria by both the Russians and the Americans. These frictions, which will try to be clarified in an upcoming meeting between Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled for September 29 in Sochi, are fueled by the repeated bombardments of the Kremlin’s air force against the province of Idlib, a stronghold of the Sunni Islamic terrorists of Hayat Tahrir al Sham, armed by Turkey and also financed by Qatar when they are still called the Al Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, as emerged from two judicial cases brought by prisoners of jihadists pending in the US and the UK.

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But before analyzing for the umpteenth time the hypocrisies and contradictions of NATO – and therefore implicitly of the European Union – which is allowing with unanimous consent the violation of the most basic human rights and the perpetration of grim war crimes by Turkey and of its jihadist mercenaries, we take up the heartfelt appeal that comes from the foundation of pontifical right Aid to the Church in Need for Syrian children, but also from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

If ACN denounces the deaths from malnutrition and diseases of at least 62 children in prison camps where displaced families live next to ISIS cutthroats, SOHR reports the massive kidnappings of girls and women by Erdogan’s jihadist mercenaries in the battered enclave of Afrin: the fate of at least 400 of them is unknown, while others returned home only after the payment of large ransoms by family members.


«I came across a piece of news released by AsiaNews. The agency reports that since the beginning of the year at least 62 children have died in two different refugee camps in northeastern Syria. The complaint is contained in a Save the Children report that defines the conditions in the centers of Al-Hol and Roj as “unsustainable”, where tens of thousands of displaced people live, including around 40,000 children. The victims among minors are at least two per week. The causes of deaths include malnutrition, disease, poor health conditions and fires that frequently break out inside the tents. Two children have been murdered since the beginning of the year» said Alessandro Monteduro, director of ACN Italia in a statement.

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«To this must be added two other dramatic open fronts. The right to education is denied, just think that in Al-Hol only 40% of minors benefit from school education. Furthermore, Syria is grappling with a new wave of infections from Covid-19. Vaccines have so far only been administered to 2.4% of the population. “The employment figure of intensive care”, says Issam al-Amin, head of the Mouwasat University Hospital in Damascus, “has now almost reached 100%”. All this for children (and not only for them) represents a further serious threat. Unfortunately, what you have read is confirmed to us on a daily basis by our Syrian brothers with whom we maintain continuous contact. What can and must we do in the face of this distressing situation?».

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«Aid to the Church in Need, as you know, is constantly on the side of Syrian childhood. Just to give a few examples of the projects finished on my table today, we are distributing baby and infant milk to over 3,000 Christian families, every day we will provide 30,000 children with clothes for the upcoming winter, we are guaranteeing children psychological support and social services and providing private lessons for children with learning difficulties, also one of the consequences of the long war. Sister Annie Demerjian, one of our tireless collaborators in Aleppo, writes to us: “During all these years of war, the help of ACN has been a lifeline for us Christians. Do not abandon us! ”. We do not intend to do this and, with your help, we want to take care of Syrian children and adolescents. They are the future of the Christian community that we want to flourish, despite the consequences of a dramatic conflict and the ever constant threat of new persecutions» adds the statement of the Catholic foundation.



«As violations and crimes against women in Afrin are increasing daily, the latest statistics show that the number of women forcibly arrested or kidnapped and held in prisons of the Turkish occupying forces and their armed proxy factions has exceeded 1,000, some of whom have been released after paying ransoms to the armed factions or financial fines to courts affiliated to the Turkish forces.However, the fate of 400 other women remains known, including women who appeared recently in a video footage when they were found in a prison of “Al-Hamzat Division”, after clashes between “Al-Hamzat” and local gunmen from eastern Ghouta».

Instead, this is the appeal published by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (NGO managed by a Syrian refugee from the United Kingdom) on its website and signed by various other subjects.

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«Those women, who were found in the Turkish-backed faction’s prison, were handed over to the military police, which later returned them to “Al-Hamzat Division”, despite their families’ meeting with the Turkish governor and their efforts to set them free, which were in vain. Furthermore, the families of some of these kidnapped women have paid visits to their daughters in Ma’rata prison in Afrin city, where the women spoke of their sufferings and demanded their release by whatever means, as they are abused and mistreated in such prisons. It seems that the women, kidnapped and arrested “arbitrarily”, are awaiting an unknown and terrible fate, especially since their families have been warned not to reveal the kidnappers’ identities».

This is what they denounce, in addition to the SOHR, The Kurdish Legal Organization, Al-Jazera Human Rights Organization, Kurdish Antenna Organization – Belgium, Human Rights Organization in Afrin – Syria, Kurdish Civil Society Organization in Europe, Research and Protection of Women’s Rights in Syria Centre, Rights Defence Initiative (R.D.I), Hevi Kurdish Association – Belgium, Violations Documentation Centre in northern Syria.

«We, as civil and human rights organizations, appeal to all international civil and human rights bodies, and women organizations in particular, not to remain silent and work diligently, under the power of the international and human rights laws, charters and accords, exerting pressure on Turkey to disclose the fate of the forcibly arrested and kidnapped women wherever they are, whether in prisons affiliated to Turkish forces or their proxy factions» they added.

«We also call for fair trials, bringing the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice, protection of the remaining civilians in Afrin, withdrawal of Turkish forces and their proxy armed factions, securing the return of all forcibly displaced civilians, and providing everything needed for their safety and stability».

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Last February Gospa News was one of the few media outlets to give space to the dramatic data that emerged from the Human Rights forum held in Qamishlo organized by the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria, managed by the Kurds, and by humanitarian associations and lawyers. Unfortunately, the situation in Syria has remained unchanged with the maintenance of sanctions by the European Union, despite the fact that the reconfirmed government of Assad has now been legitimized in the Middle East and is proceeding with new important agreements for energy supplies with Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.

The small enclave of Afrin, a town in northern Syria, seized by the Turkish army starting from 20 January 2018 with the invasion sarcastically called “Olive Branch”, was left in the hands of the ferocious Sunni jihadists of various factions, reinforced by ISIS and Al Qaeda commanders through meticulous work by MIT (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilâtı), Ankara’s national intelligence organization known for using Islamic black flag terrorists in the Middle East, Libya but even in Europe.

Autopsy: the Kurdish activist Hevrin Khalaf shot up at head by a barrage of bullets

Various factions of jihadists who are part of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army operate in that area and have been sanctioned for suspected war crimes, but nothing has changed.

«It is worth noting that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has confirmed that over 70 ex-ISIS leaders and members, documented by names, have joined the ranks of Ahrar al-Sharqiyah in “Peace Spring” and “Euphrates Shield” areas which are under the control of Turkish forces and their proxy factions. The United States of America has imposed sanctions on the Ahrar al-Sharqiyah which operates in north Syria over the killing of the Kurdish politician Mrs. “Hafrin Khalaf” in July 2020, while the UN Human Rights Office described the killing of “Hafrin Khalaf” as an act of potential war crime».


The Syrian question now represents another of the fronts of failure of the Arab springs strongly desired by the administration of American President Barack Obama who managed to implement a regime-change project planned by the Central Intelligence Agency since 1983, as shown in a document declassified CIA published exclusively by Gospa News, when the president was Hafiz al Assad, father of Bashar. In reality, the financing of the anti-Assad rebels began as early as 2006 during the administration of George W. Bush and was also supported by a megadonor of American Democrats such as the Hungarian-born plutarch George Soros.


Since the beginning of the Civil War in 2011, the Syrian Arab Army found itself not only confronted with the jihadist factions armed by the CIA with the deadly TOW anti-tank missiles precisely through the so-called “MOM operations room” activated in Turkey, but above all with the spread of the ISIS of the Iraqi caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi: considered an undercover secret agent of the Israeli counterintelligence MOSSAD and of the CIA itself to foment the civil war in Syria and Iraq and thus justify the military interventions of the USA which then obtained the control of various oil plants in the Deir Ezzor area from where they have been illegally exporting oil for years.


In the defeat of ISIS it was determined both the military intervention of Russia, to protect the naval base of Tartus and the air base of Khmeimim, but also that of the Kurds who autonomously earned the North East of Syria by snatching it from the cutthroats of the state Islamic with the air support of the US Air Forces. Another key component in the defeat of ISIS was that of the Lebanese Hezbollah para-military forces and the Iranian Pasdaran Quds Forces.

Precisely the permanence of these components on Syrian territory, in the context of a historic alliance between the Shiite Muslims of Beirut and Tehran and the Alawis of Assad’s Ba’ath party, of the same Islamic confession, is not only the “excuse” with which American President Joe Biden has resumed bombing Syria but it is in fact the ancient motive of the civil war together with the conquest of the energy resources of the Syrian underground.

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The Assad government in Syria had in fact managed to guarantee religious freedom between Shiite and Sunni Muslims but also with Maronite Christians, Catholics, Kurds and Yazidis. The USA, in order to succeed in the failed enterprise of a regime-change, leveraged the atavistic rivalries of the Sunni extremists against the Shiites, in an attempt to isolate Iran after the Islamic Revolution of 1978.

This is why, after the defeat of ISIS (downsized by the intervention of the Americans who had favored its spread), Syria was destined to resume a great rebirth in the provinces of Damascus and its surroundings where life has been resuming regularly for years, disturbed only by repeated Israeli missile attacks almost always intercepted by Russian S-400 defense systems. It should not be forgotten that the Israeli Zionists have always been an ally of the Sunnis in the lucrative arms business that officially became such after the Abrahamic Accords.

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But in the meantime the Americans have given way to the ruthless Turkish army of Erdogan, leader of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, who between 2018 and 2019 carried out repeated military interventions partly stemmed only by the trilateral agreements with Moscow and Tehran, in good diplomatic relations with Ankara by virtue of the old tensions between Qatar and the other Persian Gulf countries.


In this extremely complex geopolitical scenario, in which the variable of an escalation of military tensions on the ground between Russia and Turkey is always present (as also happened in the past for the shooting down of a Kremlin surveillance aircraft), the Turkish army has obtained NATO’s approval to maintain the occupation of a fringe in North Eastern Syria (Rojava) and also of the stronghold of the Qaedist terrorists HTS in the province of Idlib, in opposition not only to the Syrian Army of Assad and the SDF (Syrian Democratic Firces) of Kurds, who have never reached an agreement with Damascus for legitimacy of Rojava, but above all against Russia which has now become a consolidated ally of Assad, also in defense of the traditional religious and multi-ethnic values ​​of Christians and Muslims.

14 Thousand Jihadist Troops in Libya for Turkey Blitz alongside US Weapons’ Lobby, NATO’s Deep State & NWO

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad called on the United States and Turkey to withdraw their troops from the Arab republic, and warned separatists in the country’s north against seeking help from outside forces in his address to the UN General Assembly on Monday. Mekdad stressed that any foreign presence on Syrian soil without the consent of the Syrian government is illegal and is a flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter.

“[Presence of] Turkish and US forces, which continue to occupy Syrian territories under false pretexts, and their looting of the national resources of the Syrian people should end immediately and without any preconditions,” he said. Mekdad further accused Turkey of continuing to support and protect terrorist groups, including Jabhat al-Nusra*, in the Idlib province, thus violating its obligations under the agreements reached in Nur-Sultan and Sochi. These activities have turned the region, according to the minister, into an “incubator for foreign terrorists.”

But even this appeal seems destined to fall on deaf ears precisely because the jihadist incubator is functional to Erdogan’s logic of control of the MENA (Middle East North Africa) as well demonstrated by the use of 14 thousand Syrian rebels, including former commanders of Al Qaeda and Isis, in the civil war in Libya, which obtained full political legitimacy from NATO,

WEAPONS LOBBY – 4. UK and Italy in the hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder

Russian forces have brought in military reinforcement, this afternoon, from Ain Issa to the Russian base in “al-Mabaqer” area in northern Tel Tamr in al-Hasakah countryside. The reinforcement comprised covered military vehicles and armoured vehicles.This development came after the Turkish forces’ attack on a Russian helicopter in the same area.

«Yesterday, SOHR activists reported that regime forces fired several rockets on posts and positions of the Turkish forces and their proxies in al-Qasemiya and other frontlines in Tel Tamr countryside. However, no casualties were reported. According to SOHR sources, the bombardment came at Russian forces’ orders after a Russian helicopter was attacked in the region by Turkish forces a few hours ago».

In the midst of this perfectly chaos functional to the weapons lobby, children can continue to die of hunger and women can be kidnapped and raped. Turkey can! Because it is part of NATO.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization





SOHR – Civil and human rights organizations demand the release of women forcibly arrested and kidnapped by Turkish forces and their proxies in Afrin

SOHR – After targeting Russian helicopter by Turkish forces, Russian forces bring in military reinforcement to their base in Tel Tamr




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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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