Chaos Green Pass in Italy: Assault on the Union’s Headquarters by a Far-right Extremist former MI6 Agent. Police Official suspended for Protests

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
From 15 October in Italy for all public and private workers it will be mandatory to show the Green Pass in order to enter the workplace. The green certificate is at the center of many weeks of protests because it can only be obtained after the first dose of vaccine, after being cured of Covid (but it is only valid for 6 months) or after a negative swab that is valid for 48 hours but, unlike Austria, France and other European Union countries where it is free, it also has a minimum cost of 15 euros.
Many rights experts opposed this provision by Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s government, supported by a bipartisan majority led by the Democratic Party, because they considered it “unconstitutional and discriminatory”. Even the unions of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement, as explained in a previous article, considered it an “abject measure”.
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The Regions have expressed fears about the repercussions that could cause the obligation of the green certificate starting from 15 October with serious risks of disservices in public offices and companies due to the 4 million Italians who refuse vaccines considering them unsafe (Denmark and Sweden have suspended the administration of Moderna in young people due to the risk of myocarditis).
But on Saturday, October, 9, in Rome a peaceful No Green Pass demonstration degenerated due to the violent attack of a demonstrator by a plainclothes policeman (as already happened in Germany) and above all due to the assault on the headquarters of the CGIL, the historic communist trade union, by some far-right wing extremists. However, the attack did not cause serious damage (a few broken chairs and shutters, torn flags) and no injuries.
This attack is suspicious and functional to a strategy of tension above all because it was led by a “character” with a very ambiguous past: Roberto Fiore, arrested after identification with the cameras, national leader of the far-right Forza Nuova movement which in Italy relies on very few votes but it is a functional element on the left to denounce the risks of rebirth of fascist formations.
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“In 1977 he joined Lotta Studentesca (Student Fight), while the following year he was, together with Giuseppe Dimitri and Gabriele Adinolfi, one of the founders of the subversive neo-fascist movement Terza Posizione (Third Position), which remained active until 1982 and dissolved when Fiore was now abroad. In 1980 he took refuge in London to escape an arrest order issued by the Bologna Public Prosecutor’s Office relating to the investigation into the massacre of the station on 2 August. It is then that the singer-songwriter Massimo Morsello also begins to flee: both, according to the judiciary, would have belonged to the Nar, Nuclei Armati Revolutionari (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei). Both are considered unrelated to the events in Bologna: they remain in England for 20 years, with the status of political refugees »writes the online newspaper Open.

«In 1985 Fiore was convicted of the crime of subversive association and armed gang. But England says no to Labor MP Duns’ request to expel Fiore and the four other wanted men left at the time. because the sentence seems to “refer to a crime for which the extradition treaty could hardly apply” and according to English law, the extradition of a political refugee is not possible if we have doubts about the legitimacy of the trial. Some sources have reconstructed over time that Roberto Fiore would have been protected by the British secret services, as their agent. A few years later, the European Commission of Inquiry into Racism and Xenophobia confirmed its affiliation with MI6 since the early 1980s, “continues Enrico Mentana’s online newspaper, referring to the” Ford report “on extremist threats in the European Union.

Fiore is not mentioned in the paragraph concerning Italy but in the one referring to the United Kingdom (chapter 2, page 39) after the mention of black and Jewish extremists. “Their connections with Italian far right terrorist exile Roberto Fiore only did them harm when it was revealed that he had been an agent of British Intelligence Section MI6 since the early 1980s” MI6, which popularized the literary character of James Bond, is Her Majesty’s counterintelligence dealing with foreign affairs (MI5 that of internal security).
This extremely suspicious attack prompted the Draghi government to announce stricter measures and greater restrictions on No Green Pass marches and demonstrations. A decision that could exacerbate the spirits even more for the suppression of the democratic right to demonstrate peacefully.
But another case caused an uproar so much that it attracted the attention of the German newspaper Die Welt. Two weeks ago the deputy commissioner of the State Police Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò took the stage during a demonstration in Rome to challenge the Green Pass by reading the Constitution. This prompted the Roman Police Headquarters to initiate disciplinary action which has culminated in recent days with her suspension from her service despite the fact that in the meantime she was become the national manager of the Cosap police union.
The suspension, including from salary, begins today, Tuesday 12 October. “From today (Monday – ed) I have revoked my membership in the COSAP union and, in a few days, you will know all the reasons” she wrote in a post on Facebook, communicating that she was the one who gave the news to the press agencies.
“As a citizen and as a trade unionist, I call for the immediate punishment of the policemen who beat the demonstrators without any provocation,” she wrote today, calling the violence “inadmissible from anywhere. At first, out of good faith, I was deceived, but then I saw some videos showing a reprehensible behavior of some policemen – she stressed – It’s funny how I am persecuted and almost burned at the stake for having publicly demonstrated and free from service my thoughts, on the other hand, pass over in silence whoever beats a citizen. Why did no mainstream newspaper or television broadcast those scenes? Long live freedom! ”.

“I repeat for the umpteenth and last time that I had recommended the demonstration on September 25th, precisely because I knew that subjects with whom I have nothing in common would also join the event on the 9th! I had recommended to all friends and colleagues to move away at the first sign of provocation and to be very careful, because it was likely the presence of groups, which had nothing to do with the peaceful spirit that animated the demonstration “, he added, explaining the reasons why he did not participate in the demonstration last Saturday in Rome.
Policewoman Schilirò, an official of the II section of the Criminal Analysis Service of the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police, probably refers precisely to the initiative of the FAR-right wing extremist Fiore, formerly an agent of the British counter-intelligence.

“Well done, we are with you!” – The Italian people who resist the Green Pass. He titled Die Welt 25 on his online site. “Last weekend, for example, the deputy chief of police of Rome, Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò, gave a speech (apparently spontaneous) at a demonstration in Rome in which she spoke in favor of blocking the Green Pass, and the Police Headquarters has respected his rights pending a disciplinary measure against him, not to mention the over 70,000 supporting signatures received in just 48 hours, and the Carabinieri Syndicate also asked to do not use the Green Passport» wrote the German newspaper.
There are all the elements to judge “extremist” the attitude of a government that for the past year and a half has been harassing the people with an increasingly shameful Nazi-Communist dictatorship, that is the interpreter of the worst of every totalitarian system, as if Italy was destined to be a continuous laboratory of social experimentation to test people’s resistance to the excessive power of the rampant mainstream funded by Big Pharma and Lobby of Weapons, ancipital face of the same coin.